Pride Designz 如何使用 Facebook 粉丝页面实现每月平均 3 万美元的销售额
已发表: 2016-04-28将您关心的事物转变为业务会给您带来独特的优势:深入了解您的受众以及吸引他们的事物。
在本期 Shopify Masters 中,您将向 Rizala Carrington 学习,她是 LGBT 珠宝和服装商店 Pride Designz 的所有者,她追随自己的热情,创建了一个 Facebook 粉丝页面,吸引了她的大部分流量。
- 您如何判断您是否只是感兴趣,或者您是否真的对某个利基市场充满热情。
- 如何从建立受众过渡到通过受众获利。
- 在您的 Facebook 粉丝页面上发布以获得最大参与度的内容类型(以实际示例为特色)。
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- 商店: Pride Designz
- 社交资料: Facebook、Instagram
- 推荐: Playbuzz、Hextom(Shopify 应用开发者)、Retargetapp、
Felix :今天我加入了来自 的 Rizala Carrington,这就是 PRIDEDESIGNZ dot com。 Pride Designz 诞生于两个主要的 Facebook 社区,Lesbian Pride 和 I Support Equal Rights,并销售许多东西,包括手镯、狗牌、珠宝、杯子、项链、戒指和 T 恤。 它始于 2015 年,总部位于加利福尼亚州洛杉矶。 欢迎里扎拉。
菲利克斯:太棒了。 告诉我们更多关于你的故事。 显然,我列出了你们销售的一堆产品。 什么是最受欢迎的?
Rizala :现在实际上是在戒指和手镯之间来回切换。 项链也做得很好,但现在戒指很热。
菲利克斯:很好。 凉爽的。 当我参加 Shopify Unite 会议时,你和我在旧金山相遇。 碰到你很有趣,你告诉我你的故事,我想,是的,肯定想让你参加播客,因为你有趣的背景和你是如何开始的。 我认为对于很多企业家来说,这并不是一个非常相似的故事,但是这种尝试某事然后没有工作然后几乎以一堆方式失败而走向第一次成功的感觉。 告诉我们一些关于你的背景,你是如何开始的。 不一定是电子商务,但您的在线业务背景是什么?
里扎拉:当然。 我开始从事在线创业,我们就这么说吧,早在 2012 年底,我就开始了一家网络营销公司。 这是一个病毒式的博客系统。 有些人可能只是这么说就知道那是什么。 我这样做了将近两年。 我真的试图让那件事发挥作用。 我什至无法告诉你我为了让它发挥作用而付出了多少鲜血、汗水和泪水。 我几乎收支平衡。 我决定我不想放弃离开公司喧嚣和靠薪水过日子的梦想,但我想休息一下。
我决定不做与博客完全不同的事情,我开始建立粉丝页面。 我正在对它是如何发生的做一个很长的故事,但几乎每个人都在谈论 Facebook 粉丝页面,我就像“让我继续尝试一下”。 当时我正在努力减肥之类的,所以我想,“让我试着做一个减肥粉丝页面。” 很多人都知道,减肥行业竞争非常激烈。 获得喜欢是非常荒谬的,非常昂贵。 我想,“哦,我的天哪,我还没有得到这个。” 我的一位导师是这样的,“你知道吗,做一些你热爱的事情。做一些很容易进入的事情来生成内容。”
我试图弄清楚我想做什么,我想做什么? 接下来你知道,我照镜子,我想,“我为什么不就我自己和我的生活方式做这件事,并成为 LGBT 社区的一部分”,那是我第一次开始的时候我支持平等权利,然后我开始了 Lesbian Pride,只是因为我注意到我支持平等权利的女性有多少活动,它是如此活跃。 我想,“让我看看如果我只为主要是女性、LGBT 女性创建一个页面会发生什么。” 那一个简直炸毁了。 我喜欢告诉人们这一点,因为它非常重要,但我真的每天只有 5 美元可以花在建立这个粉丝页面上。 原因是我们刚从德国回到美国。 我的妻子无法工作,因为我们还在等待她的绿卡。
我在工作,我们住在加利福尼亚。 加州很贵。 我们靠我的薪水和信用卡为生,我真的就像,“我不应该在这上面花钱。” 我每天花 5 美元,在不到 6 个月的时间里是 150 美元,我抬头一看,什么也没卖。 我一抬头,就有超过十万的粉丝,非常活跃的社区。 那时我收到了数百条评论和数百甚至数千个赞。 这太疯狂了。 然后我开始在 Teespring 上卖 T 恤,每个月赚几千美元,这太棒了。
接下来你知道,我赚的钱和我的工作一样多。 你开始有点筋疲力尽了,因为那时我几乎没有睡觉。 我每天大概睡四、五、六个小时,这可不好。 我的妻子就像,“好吧,你必须放弃一些东西”,她建议我放弃我的工作,因为我的梦想是为自己工作并拥有自己的事业。 我放弃了我的工作,我不知道你是否还记得这个 Felix,但你还记得 Facebook 什么时候将他们的算法从“先见”改为他们自己的算法,就像基于参与度的算法吗?
菲利克斯:是的,当然。 我认为任何开始使用 Facebook 的人,尤其是当时,肯定也有这种感觉。
里扎拉:哦,伙计。 我觉得那太糟糕了。 它确实发生在我辞掉工作和订婚之后,疯狂的是我投入的钱,因为我在粉丝页面上的参与度很高,我不得不投入广告费,字面意思是每 1 美元投入我可能会赚到 5 美元,这是因为我得到了所有的有机参与。 Facebook 真的只是让我的帖子传播得很远。 当 Facebook 做出这种转变时,我真的没有为此做好准备,我的影响力下降了。 我从只能用 10 万页接触到数百万人,变成了勉强接触到 2、300 人。 我的广告费用上涨了。
我花了一美元,我赚了 1.10 美元,所以我赚了 0.10 美元。 投资回报率仍然是投资回报率,但几乎什么都不是。 我还没有真正准备好。 从那时起,几乎是上下起伏。 只是发起运动,这是一场斗争。 甚至在某个时候,我实际上不得不回去在小学找到一份工作并担任助教。 那时,我是一名助教,突然间我开始改变我的思维方式。 我刚刚开始生成更多内容,而且我才开始真正参与其中。 我几乎回到了基础,只是再次与我的粉丝互动。 接下来你知道,我正在接触更多的人。 我的广告费用在下降。
Facebook 只是让我的帖子被看到。 然后它一直在继续。 我在做 Teespring 我也进入了 Represent,它类似于 Teespring,最后我硬着头皮说,“这是什么 Shopify 大家都在谈论”,我终于进入了 Shopify。 8 月,我在 7 月的最后两三天开始使用 Shopify,八月是我的第一个月,我赚了 10,000 美元。 这太疯狂了。 从那以后,它一直很好。 早在 2 月份,就销售收入而言,我今年的第一个 30,000 美元。 使用 Shopify 并且仅使用我的粉丝页面作为杠杆,这真是太棒了。 当人们问我该怎么做时,我总是说选择你真正热爱的东西,因为它更容易找到内容,更容易吸引人,而且不会厌倦运行社区,因为这很重要建立一个社区,参与并对该社区充满热情。
它不仅对人们看到您关心的人有很大帮助,而且对您的广告费用也有很大帮助。 它下降了很多,因为您获得了如此多的有机覆盖面。 我不在乎别人怎么说,如果你要给我免费的有机接触,我会接受的。 我喜欢谈论粉丝页面以及创建可以引以为豪的东西以及创建可以建立生活方式的东西的重要性。
菲利克斯:嗯,这就是播客的人。 我只是在开玩笑。 我认为这是一个很好的概述,我想基本上分解并深入探讨你刚才所说的每件事,因为我认为这真的很重要。 我想在这结束时,我们在播客之前讨论,你想把所有这些成功和失败的视觉时间表放在一起,我认为这会很酷,我们会讨论在一秒钟内或在此结束时链接到该链接。
让我们从头开始。 你说你正在从事网络营销。 告诉我们更多关于这一点的信息。 对于那些不熟悉这个的人来说,什么是网络营销?
Rizala :网络营销有时被称为直销或传销,多层次营销。 差不多吧,即使你说这不是金字塔计划,但当你看它时,它就是一种金字塔。 你有一个赞助商,他们赞助你,你赞助其他人,你几乎可以从你积累的人数以及你从销售产品中销售的产品数量中赚钱,无论是向购买它的人,谁你招募了。 如果您可以说,这只是推荐营销的一种方式。 您向某人推荐产品,他们购买它,然后您说,嘿,我有这个绝佳的机会。
我进入它只是因为我喜欢它在线的想法。 我喜欢这样一个事实,即您也可以从其他人正在做的工作中赚钱。 我认为这将是引用/取消引用“简单”。 我对它完全陌生,社区很棒。 这是一个了不起的社区,非常活跃,非常热情。 关于网络营销,传销,我不得不说一件事,他们的心态很重要。 这很重要,因为我实际上只是在钻,试图,我想你可以说,几乎洗脑了自己,从清理我大脑所有消极情绪的意义上说,这种想法是不可能的,只是开始相信自己并相信相信有可能过上你梦想的生活方式。
这就是网络营销为我所做的,但就我而言,我不知道该怎么说。 从某种意义上说,这是一个在线赚钱的机会,这有点难以解释。
里扎拉:这就是我要说的。 这很重要,因为老实说,当我现在谈论我的生意时,我会说,“哟,这是我的生意。我不在乎。我喜欢我所做的事情。当我在网络营销中,我就像,“我不知道。”
菲利克斯:我听说过这个建议,当你开始创业时,你应该开始一个你会自豪地站在舞台上谈论它的企业。 只是这样想,我认为会有很大的不同,因为有些事情,你会告诉你妈妈你的生意,还是你可以和别人谈论你的生意。 我认为在决定你想做什么时,这是一个很好的练习。 网络营销,你做的这件事,你以为网上赚钱很容易。 也许你可以回答这个问题。 有没有一种简单的在线赚钱方式,如果你看到了一个在线赚钱的简单方法的机会,你会调查它还是逃跑?
Rizala :这取决于他们如何营销它,因为我对营销以及人们如何营销非常感兴趣。 我不打算加入它。 我喜欢我现在正在做的事情,但我喜欢有人引起我的注意。 就像,“哦,你是怎么引起我的注意的?” 我会向您展示兴趣,但不一定是对产品或机会,而是因为您引起了我的注意。
菲利克斯:我喜欢这种态度,因为我最近收到了一封关于这件事的电子邮件,我认为最成功的企业家是那些试图从任何事物中寻找机会学习的人,即使你不这样做。不一定同意产品或同意他们做事的方式。 我觉得总有一个教训要吸取,你拿出你需要的东西,然后把它应用到你的业务中,而不是这么快做出判断。 我认为这听起来像你的态度,我认为这是一个很好的态度。
Rizala :我有 ADD,所以我想,“哇,你引起了我的注意?你打扰了我?让我看看。”
Felix :那么你是一个很好的石蕊试纸 [听不清 00:14:09]。 你在做这个网络营销的事情,为了了解时间,你说这是 2012 年?
Rizala :2012 年底一直到差不多 2014 年。
Felix :你说大约两年,你是从什么时候开始创建你的第一个 Facebook 粉丝页面的?
Rizala :我从九月份开始创作它。 有一些重叠。 我只想说肯定有一些重叠。 我在 9 月开始创建它。 那是我的减肥计划,我并不真正热衷于此。 我开始创建它,然后在 9 月开始创建我的第一个 I Support Equal Rights and Lesbian Pride。
Felix :这是一个有趣的话题,因为你说你不感兴趣或者你对减肥 Facebook 粉丝页面没有热情,但你之前确实说过你正在寻找减肥的方法。 你在...
Felix :……我猜是态度,不一定是态度,但你当时的心态是我感兴趣的话题。你说的还有一个层次。 我认为不一定是陷阱,而是其他企业家可能会遇到的潜在陷阱,他们开始合理化并说:“是的,我可能对此充满热情。我对此很感兴趣。我会变得充满热情它。” 我猜这几乎是你进入的方向,因为你对这个话题感兴趣,但你对它没有热情。 您如何区分您是否真的对特定业务或特定行业充满热情与仅仅对它感兴趣?
Rizala :这实际上是一个很好的问题,因为有时对我来说,这是一个非常好的问题。 因为减肥是因为这是我必须做的事情。 这是我对如何减肥感兴趣的事情,我想,让我把它货币化。 有了女同性恋的骄傲,这对我来说是很自然的。 它甚至没有成为一个想法,因为它是如此自然。 我一直在阅读文章,参与其他粉丝页面,喜欢视频,观看视频,这似乎是一种娱乐形式。 我就像,“等等,这可能是一个我可以参与的利基市场。” 例如,很多人观看拳击、UFC 或 MMA,他们对此非常热情。 他们喜欢它。 他们认识所有的战士,他们谈论事情。 他们不一定会参与其中,但他们对此充满热情,但他们不会认为这是他们可以加入的利基市场,因为他们认为,“哦,我必须成为一名战士。”
不,不。 只是作为一个被利基娱乐的人,它可以用作你的利基来获利。 它应该是自然的。 在我开始之前,我写下了我的一切以及我完成的一切。 我写下了我是妻子,我是推销员,我是女同性恋,我就是这个,我就是那个。 我曾经这样做,我曾经这样做过。 我写下了我能想到的一切,我做过的一切,我最喜欢的电视节目。 我就是这样想的,好吧,就是这些。 让我试着弄清楚我能做什么,然后当我找到它时,我就像是,“哦,我是一个女同性恋者。我也对 LGBT 问题感兴趣。让我研究这个利基市场。” 然后我向你保证,几乎每个利基市场都有某种购买力。
LGBT利基市场拥有巨大的购买力。 MMA 利基市场具有巨大的购买力。 你必须充满热情,然后你会说,“哇哦,我可以做点什么。我可以从中获得一些收入。” 我想这就是我第一次决定时所做的,好吧,让我开始吧。
他们可能更有可能说,“她对 LGBT 问题感兴趣。” 如果你出去问亲近的人,“描述一下我是谁”,这是一个很好的方式来弄清楚你对什么充满热情。 因为就像你说的那样,你所热爱的事情是自然而然的,无论你是否想让它变得明显,它们都会让你从你身上升起。 接受你热情的人将是最接近你的人,他们可以接受这些事情。 我认为这很好,我想不一定是想法,但是一个很好的练习就是自己一定要经历它,然后还要让最亲近的人向你描述它。
里扎拉:那太好了。 我也喜欢这个主意。
菲利克斯:虽然当你去找某人说“嘿,你能描述一下我是谁”时,这很尴尬,因为他们显然不想以某种方式对你进行分类。 如果你能让他们说出来,我认为这是一件很棒的事情。 凉爽的。 让我们在这里完成这个时间表。 你创建了第一个粉丝页面,你说是在 2012 年 9 月?
里扎拉:2013 年。
菲利克斯:2013 年,好吧。 您从事网络营销业务大约一年?
里扎拉:是的。 你知道吗,我当时犯了一个错误。 我完全忘记了。 我想我是在 2011 年底加入网络营销的。
Felix :你做了将近两年,然后开始了第一个粉丝页面。 我猜当时 Facebook 是否已经为他们的新闻提要实施了全新的算法?
菲利克斯:还没有,好吧。 你可以开始这个粉丝页面,你说你每个月有 5 美元可以花,你在买广告? 你是如何在早期获得牵引力的?
里扎拉:我一天只有 5 美元,相当于一个月 150 美元。 你说每天5美元,一个月。
菲利克斯:好的,抱歉,每天 5 美元。
里扎拉:是的,以防万一。 以防万一人们会说,“什么?真的吗?”
菲利克斯:是的,你不能用每月 5 美元做很多事情。 所以每天5美元。 你做了什么来获得这种吸引力?
Rizala :我在做类似广告的页面,我知道这种争议,人们会说,“那行不通。” 我正在做类似广告的页面,但我没有得到......我认为我最便宜的喜欢大约是 0.2 美元到 0.3 美元,但大概花了三周时间才把它放在那里。 我会做,因为我每天只有 5 美元,我会做三四个广告。 我想我实际上开始了,我做什么? 我想我做了三个广告,我会做一美元五十美分或一美元之类的。 我刚分了。 这是一美元,我把它保持得非常简单。 我会做的是寻找图像是我只会谷歌 LGBT 自豪感,无论谷歌上出现什么图像,我都会使用该图像。
现在更容易了,因为 Facebook 有一种方法可以让你使用他们的图片,通过 Shutterstock,我不知道是否有人知道,但你可以输入 LGBT、Gay 或其他任何内容,或者如果你喜欢打高尔夫球,只需输入在高尔夫或其他任何事情上,他们实际上会为您提供来自 Shutterstock 的图像,这要好得多。 我只会使用这些图片,然后我会投放广告大约五天,看看 Facebook 花了多长时间来优化它,如果它不起作用,我会关闭它。 如果它确实有效,我会让它继续运行。 这几乎就是我所做的一切。 根本没有花很长时间。
菲利克斯:酷。 当我们通过这个时间表时,我想了解你今天所做的事情,因为显然事情有点不同。
菲利克斯:在我们到达那里之前,你开始了这个 Facebook 粉丝页面,获得了关注。 您是否立即开始通过这些观众获利,或者您等了多久才开始销售您所说的 T 恤是第一件事?
Rizala :是的,Teespring。 花了不到六个月的时间。 我记得我很不愿意这样做,因为它就像我的孩子一样。 就像,“我必须通过我的孩子赚钱。” 仅仅因为我想让社区真正参与进来,花了不到六个月的时间。 我当时也非常专注于我的工作。 我在那份工作上工作了很多,以至于我需要专注于它,而我只是没有时间真正什么都不做。 我真正能做的只是制作广告,这可能只花了不到 20 分钟,这就是我所拥有的。
菲利克斯:我认为你提到了一个非常重要的点,我认为有很多商业建议,我也完全同意这一点,即在开始销售任何东西之前,你首先要建立受众。 他们接下来没有谈论的是您遇到的问题,因为您首先要建立受众,而我认为这样做的最佳方式就是创建内容。 内容是免费的,所以你提供了一堆价值,一堆价值都是免费的,现在你想开始要求你的观众为你付钱,你以前从来没有和他们有过这种关系,因为他们'一直希望你能得到免费的东西。 你有没有这个我猜想担心现在不得不要求人们付钱给我以前从未做过的事情,你对此有实际问题吗?
Rizala :我认为我的问题是我害怕不喜欢的人和人,是的。 这几乎是在失去人。 我现在已经结束了。 我绝对害怕只是问,我就像,“哦,我不想失去我的粉丝。” 正如他们与我建立了关系一样,我与他们建立了关系。 他们是我回复我页面上的每条评论的人。 我会做的就是在我的工作停工时休息,我会跳上我的手机,然后我会去我的粉丝页面并回复评论。 喜欢评论或回复它。 我建立了这种关系,但我不习惯。
我介绍货币化的方式是我创建了我的第一件 T 恤,我没有放链接或任何东西,我只是写了,“嘿,如果我们开始销售,你们会买这个吗?” 他们给我的回应量足以让我开始销售。 我当时想,“哦,好吧。”
Felix :我喜欢这样,因为基本上你,而且我也听说这项工作做得很好,但我猜不是为了这个特别的目的,但你很早就让他们参与进来,真的很早。 几乎就像你们作为一个群体集体决定让我们出售这些东西而不是“嘿,我做了这件事”,不一定是在背后,而是在一边,就在这里。 现在你想买吗? 你很早就得到了他们的反馈。 我认为这是一项很棒的技术。 即使您采取了这些步骤,一旦发布它,您是否有任何强烈反对?
里扎拉:是的,我做到了。 我不明白了。 至少我不再看到它了,因为我仍然希望每隔一段时间在我的页面上浏览一下。 是的,我得到了大约两百条“是”的评论。 没有。 “我不敢相信你在卖东西。无论如何,”有些人真的只是说一些负面的,但这就像两百分之一。 我绝对没有在这方面磨练。 感觉不错的一件事是删除和阻止人员。 就像,“哦,我只是要删除并阻止你。” 那感觉很好。 如果有人说一些非常荒谬的话,我会这样做。
里扎拉:是的。 菲利克斯:你说现在不打扰你了。 是因为你能够做一些事情,比如阻止别人,还是你经历了一种心理转变? 和我们谈谈为什么现在不打扰你?
Rizala :完全是一种精神转变。 我刚刚意识到,好吧,这是我的事,这是我的生活或其他什么之间有一条细线。 是相互纠缠的。 我建造了这个。 我全心全意投入其中,但你也必须记住它只是一个 Facebook 粉丝页面。 就像不是每个人都喜欢你喜欢的东西一样可以接受。 同样,当某人真的很刻薄时,删除和阻止某人感觉真的很好。 就像,“你知道,我会这样做,因为他们在对抗中茁壮成长。”
我想我可能遇到过一次或两次,然后我意识到这比他们更困扰我。 老实说,我不知道这是否让他们感到困扰,但它困扰着我。 我就像,“你知道吗,只要删除和屏蔽这个非常粗鲁的人,我就会感觉好多了。” 如果有人说不,我不会删除和阻止某人,但如果有人非常粗鲁或只是刻薄,就像,好吧,我不想在我的生活中出现这样的消极情绪,在我使用我的粉丝页面上建立的自己的钱。 我不会允许的。
Felix :是的,它甚至不仅仅是对你的攻击,但如果你让它传播,它也会摧毁整个社区。
菲利克斯:我也想谈一谈你是否会遇到这些事情,但我之前听到的一句很棒的话我认为是,“如果电子游戏教会了我什么,如果你遇到敌人并遇到仇恨者,那么你就走对了,”我认为这是因为你没有采取这些步骤,把东西放在那里,把脖子放在那里,得到爱或恨,那么你并没有真正做到有时什么。 因为如果你不是真的代表某事或对某事做出某种明确的立场,那么你永远不会有仇恨者,这意味着你永远不会拥有它的另一面,即那些爱你正在做的事。
我认为这不一定是一个问题,但我认为拥有 Facebook 粉丝页面的人也经常会遇到这种情况,即如何控制消极情绪。 你的方向只是为了阻止他们,还是你试图用你自己的评论或类似的东西来回应消极情绪?
Rizala :不,这只是浪费时间。 他们是巨魔。 人们只是巨魔。 我告诉我的 VA,不要屈服于它。 因为我的 VA,她差不多,我很确定我们稍后会讨论我什么时候得到 VA 之类的东西,但有时我不得不退后几步,而不是仅仅关注粉丝页面。 我告诉她,“听着,如果有人刻薄或其他什么,你继续删除并阻止他们。我相信你的判断。” 因为它会造成太大的压力,只是让某人毁了你甚至不知道的一天。 我会说我给人们的最好建议是打开亵渎过滤器,因为它会自动隐藏评论。 它不一定会阻止此人,但它会隐藏您的其他人看到的评论。
你加上块词,所以人们会说,总是人们说,“你可以在亚马逊或易趣上找到这个,或者这个那个,”或者其他什么。 这件事很糟糕或丑陋。 你可以打开它,然后说,“好吧,我不要这些词,任何出现这样的词,立即隐藏它。” 那大大减少了。 只有百分之九十的人会看到这些评论,这真的很好。 我就是做这个的。 它节省了我很多时间。 它为我的 VA 节省了很多时间。 它可以减轻很多压力,而且不会控制我们的生活。
菲利克斯:太棒了。 让我们真正进入 Facebook 粉丝页面策略,因为我认为这是您拥有大量专业知识的地方。 在早期,您说您是在购买广告。 除了购买广告以获得吸引力之外,您还做了其他事情吗? 让我问你一个问题。 除了购买广告来让人们喜欢该页面之外,您是否还在做任何其他事情?
Rizala :不。我听到很多人,我听说如果你有更多时间,一些人可以做的一种策略是在 Facebook 群组中发帖,说“嘿,伙计们”或这样做 [听不清 00:30:10] . 只是说,“嘿,伙计们,”首先也许也可以问管理员,然后说,“嘿伙计们,我有这个很棒的粉丝页面。如果你能向我展示一些爱,我会很高兴”或其他什么。 有些人会这样做。 我没有那样做。 我没有时间,但我听说效果很好。 我真的只是买了 Facebook 的赞,这就是我所做的一切。
菲利克斯:一旦你达到一定的点赞数,广告的投资回报率会提高吗? 拥有一千个赞有什么能让下一个更容易获得下一千个赞的原因?
Rizala :我猜你会说广告本身已经成熟。 它会从一个赞 0.4 美元下降到一个赞 0.2 美元。 还有一些我觉得很酷的东西。 我注意到喜欢我页面的人也邀请了很多喜欢我页面的其他人。 这就是为什么我得到这么多。 如果你要算一下,你会说,好吧,我有这么多赞,我花了这么多钱,我每个赞的花费可能不到一分钱。 如果你说,好吧,如果我把我支付的所有点赞数或我目前拥有的所有点赞数加起来,再除以我花费的金额,那还不到一分钱,因为有这么多人喜欢、分享和评论我的帖子,并邀请人们喜欢我的页面,它让社区真正快速成长。
我现在推荐的策略仍然是,如果您仍然是 Facebook 的新手并且您从未投放过广告,我仍然强烈建议您从 Facebook 之类的广告开始,因为它更容易。 它可以让你建立信心,因为我没有骗你,我非常有信心,以至于在为 Teespring 做广告的时候,我已经知道我在做什么。 我已经知道这是一个成功的社区,这些都是成功的目标关键词。 我已经知道我所要做的就是转会,只是在这里和那里进行一些调整,然后繁荣,我能够赚到一定数量的钱。 我仍然建议将其作为起点。
关键字,对于刚开始使用 Facebook 广告的人的起点。
菲利克斯:太棒了。 我想你可能已经看到了,所有在听的人都看到了新闻,关于购买 Facebook 广告如何让你获得大量虚假喜欢的文章。 你对此有何看法? 你有那个问题吗?
里扎拉:不,从来没有。 我确实读过一篇文章。 老实说,当我看到它并且人们说,“哦,喜欢很糟糕”,我完全忽略它,因为我知道它有效。 就像,好吧,这就是有人玩得不好的地方。 那是他们的问题,但对我来说它有效。 另一件事是这取决于你的目标是谁。 如果您的目标国家是,如果您想获得喜欢只是为了拥有一个社区或只是为了拥有一个充满喜欢的页面,您可以这样做。 这很容易。 你只是针对像印度这样的国家,有时他们会很快喜欢上一些东西。
参与度有时没有那么高。 如果我在一个女同性恋自豪粉丝页面上针对男性,我向你保证,我的点赞会不到一分钱。 这就是你的目标。 这不是假喜欢,只是那些没有真正参与您的页面的人。 人们总是说它是假的,但只是那些没有参与您的页面的人。
菲利克斯:有道理。 I think this is a really important point about the engagement fact because I think Facebook takes as a consideration and we've all seen those Facebook fan pages where, I think someone actually asked this question in my Facebook group where they said some communities have thirty thousand fans and only two to three likes. Is that the result of you think these quote/unquote "fake likes" or you just think that they're not providing the right kind of content that gets the engagements?
Rizala : It could be. To be honest with you, I do know people who have built their ... There was a method a while ago where people would buy fake likes and what would happen was Facebook had it set. This is before I joined. Someone told me about this strategy. People buy a ton of fake likes, and what would happen was Facebook would immediately move that page higher up on the suggested pages. That strategy was long gone before I joined, started doing this. Now I think if that's the case, that might be the case for some pages, but now I think that's a case for a lot of the pages, they're not providing the content that the person originally liked the page for.
If the person liked the page for MMA, because it had an MMA video on it, but yet all they talk about is eating healthy or whatever, the person just probably really wants to see more MMA content, not necessarily about eating healthy. Even though they're kind of related, the person just is more interested in MMA, if that makes any sense.
Felix : That does. Does that mean when you are creating these Facebook fan page, because obviously you guys are selling a lot of different products but you're not creating a fan page about a specific product, you're creating a fan page about something I guess larger than that, and maybe someone out there wanted to create a fan page they would create about a particular lifestyle that their customer I guess, or ideal customer, was living. When you are creating a fan page, how targeted should the core topic be?
Rizala : As targeted as the person wants it to be, to be honest with you. I know people who have a fan page on a specific dog breed, and they do amazing, especially in Shopify. They sell amazing stuff and they're doing great. I know people who just have it on just regular dogs and they're doing great as well, because it really matters on what you want because you can always do something with it. I think just to veer off the subject real quick, a lot of times people think you have these people who aren't ever going to buy everything, but here's the cool thing. If I send them to my blog, I have AdSense on my blog. If I send them here, I have this and that, I have affiliate stuff on my blog and stuff.
Sure, they don't buy anything from me from Shopify, but I still have a way to monetize. That's something that's really important that a lot of people don't realize, that you can still utilize the audience that you got for something. As far as targeted niche goes, it really doesn't matter. It just matters on how much content that person who creates the fan page is willing to provide for it.
Felix : Makes a lot of sense. Let's talk about the content then. What kind of content are you posting? Maybe walk us through your process for figuring out what to post on your fan page.
Rizala : Honestly, right now this is something that, I'll be honest with you, this is crazy cool, but I use a lot of Instagram content. It's great because it's kind of cool because a lot of people, they don't, I don't want to say a lot of people don't use Instagram on Facebook, but a lot of the super active people on Facebook aren't super active on Instagram. It's easier to take that content from Instagram. I lead the love on. I let people keep their usernames because people like to tag the pictures. I keep that on, that's cool, and I just post it on my Facebook.
The amount of engagement is crazy. Because they're like, "Whoa, cool, a new picture." As far as articles go, what I do is I just go to YouTube and just take off a picture, a YouTube video and I just pop it on my blog and maybe I'll put a banner up for my Pride Designz products, and I just put that up there as well. I keep it super simple.
Felix : I like this about re-purposing content because I don't think there's an issue at all being a curator, because I think a lot of times we think about I have a fan page, I got a blog, and I got to create everything from scratch. It has to come from my mind only, and I'm not looking anywhere else. You take the steps to curate the content to a certain degree, and I think with your blog you at least put your own kind of spin or tweak on it, but I don't think there's anything wrong at all with curating because curation is valuable in itself.
You go to a museum and all of that is curated and there's still value in being a central hub for content. Is it all the content you put out are there pretty much images? 您对此有何看法? I think there's a lot of conversations about text posts don't work as well as images and video is the next big thing. What are your thoughts on the different types of content for your fan page?
Rizala : I'd say everything works. Nothing doesn't, honestly. Videos are hot right now, that's true, but a lot of people like to take videos from other people and stuff, and from YouTube and then download it, they do all this funky stuff. I don't like to do that, unless someone comes to me and says, "Hey, I want you to do that." Then I'll do it. I just use YouTube and post that. I know videos for a fact work really well. Just linking out to websites still works as well. If Facebook notices people are clicking out, because Facebook doesn't necessarily take the person out and open up a new web browser. If you're on mobile, of course. It actually just opens it up in Facebook.
If you're in the app, you click on a website article, it doesn't necessarily open the article out into Safari or Google Chrome. It just opens it into Facebook. You're reading the articles technically still inside the app. I still get really good traction with links. I have one link that is just going crazy. It's a quiz, and I get like two to three thousand visitors a day. I spent a dollar on it. It's absolutely insane.
菲利克斯:哇。 Give us an idea of the kind of scale. Your two Facebook fan page, how many likes are on there, and then tell us how many comments and likes you usually I guess on average will get for something you post.
Rizala : I Support Equal Rights has a little less than a hundred thousand. That is kind of sort of active. I have took a break from that a little bit, just because Lesbian Pride's doing so well. I get maybe a hundred, two hundred likes, maybe two or three comments or maybe ten at the most. Lesbian Pride on the other hand will get up to three thousand likes on average and maybe a hundred to a thousand comments. If I ask somebody to drop a selfie, I promise you, if you refresh the page in a minute there will be at least a hundred selfies. Sometimes I'll just do drop a selfie hour, and people will just drop a selfie.
What it does is it really just boosts engagement. It really depends on what I'm doing and what I'm asking, but it definitely can get up to a thousand. Shares are average five hundred to a thousand shares for Lesbian Pride. I will say, I'm at three hundred thousand fans, so it's not huge.
Felix : That's great. I'm not sure, I can't do the math in my head, but with three hundred thousand you're talking about thousands of likes, hundreds of comments. I think that's, I've never seen that kind of engagement anywhere else. Is there a strategy to getting this interaction, because I like this idea of asking you to post a selfie, because everyone loves sharing their selfie if they're taking one? It seems like you hit on something. You hit on almost like a call and response technique on the Facebook fan pages that works really well for you with this selfie thing. Are there any other strategies or kinds of interaction posts that work well for you?
Rizala : Yeah. There's several actually. I'll just list as much I have on the top of my head. One is voting. You post two different pictures of two different pictures, you say, "Vote. Who's hotter?" Or maybe two different shows sometimes. Orange Is the New Black versus The L Word, which is your favorite.
Felix : Just real quick, these are voting on two things, right? You're not asking them to pick from like ten different things?
Rizala : No, just two things.
Felix : I think that's important. I saw this really interesting thing too, just a study about how the more I guess options you have on these kind of polls, less people want to vote. I think sticking with two sounds like a good idea. 继续。 对不起。
Rizala : No, no, no, you're right. It's either a little or a lot. I know that sounds crazy, but it's either two things or twenty-one things. Everything in the middle, they're kind of like, "Eh." What I'll do is I'll post quizzes as well, and that's where I come into the, okay, I put a fifteen to twenty-one question quiz, instead I'll post, "Oh what did you get? Comment below. What did you get?" People will take the quiz and they'll come back on the page just to comment and say what they got. That gets crazy. When you think about it, it's kind of crazy how well they will actually go through, finish the quiz. I use a tool called Play Buzz, and you can go in and create a quiz and stuff like that.
You can see how long people stay on the page. Whenever I post a quiz on my blog, I can see people stay on my page for at least three minutes to finish the quiz, to come back, to comment on my fan page, to say, "I got this."
Felix : Is this the kind of quiz where it's like which city should you live in, that kind of idea?
Rizala : Yeah, but it's more geared towards my community where it's like what type of lesbian are you or how gay are you or how well do you know your LGBT trivia.
Felix : I think this is a really great psychological hack because it plays on two different things. One thing is that people love, love, love, love learning more things about themselves. Everyone's favorite topic is themselves. If you give them a way to learn more about themselves, that kicks them into wanting to participate. Second thing is they love to talk about themselves, but they don't want to come off as bragging. The best way to do that is to get someone else to talk about them. If it's the results of a quiz, they're not saying, "Hey look, I'm this type of person," this quiz determined that. 我认为这真的很棒。 I've seen it work really well for a lot of different I guess Facebook fan pages and groups is the idea of posting these quizzes.
You said asking for a selfie, voting for two different things, quizzes. Anything else that you recommend listeners try to do if they want to increase engagement?
Rizala : Just to go off really quick on the selfie thing, one selfie that really blows up is saying, I do a selfie challenge. Drop a selfie and add anyone who likes it. That actually goes, the results are ten times that, just a side note. If anyone wants to try that and then switch it up a little bit.
Felix : I'm sorry, what was that? You said add someone that likes it.
Rizala : It's called a selfie challenge. You drop a selfie, and then add anyone who likes your selfie. What will happen, and that causes crazy engagement because everyone is going through all the comments, liking peoples pictures, commenting on peoples pictures, so I'm not even doing anything to create engagement. They're all going through comments, liking pictures, commenting and it creates some crazy engagement. One selfie one time had over three thousand likes on it. 这太疯狂了。 More likes than the picture, and I was like, "Wow."
Felix : Sorry, I'm a little dense on this. I just want to make sure I understand. Someone posts their selfie, and then the idea is to add them as a friend, is that what you're saying?
Rizala : Yeah, the goal is, there's two steps. Step one is you post a selfie. Step two is you go through all the comments and you like selfies of other people. If someone likes my selfie, I have to add the person who liked my selfie.
Felix : Okay. 这就说得通了。
Rizala : If that makes any sense. It creates crazy engagement. What I usually do is I usually put a free gift as a link in the post so that way people, "Oh, there's a free gift," or a chance to sign up for an email list, and then I grab some emails and stuff like that or I'll grab a couple hundred emails for free. 没钱。
Felix : Cool. I think the most important question out of this, and I've heard this asked a couple of times when I was asking my community what they want me to ask, was about how do you turn those likes into actual buyers? How do you go from likes to purchases? When you're posting this content, is there a call to action? How do you actually drive people? It's great there's all this activity, but how do you actually get them to buy things from you?
Rizala : That's a great question. I actually like when someone asks that question because a lot of times and a lot of marketers say, "Like doesn't equal money," and that's one hundred percent true. Likes do not equal money, but what likes does is it can allow you to equal more engagement because you have a person who's already somewhat warmed up to you. To me this is the formula, likes equal engagement equal clicks equal email equals money to me. That's where I get. I have the opportunity to communicate with you through your email.
To break it all down, I get a like. It's a very high chance that someone is probably going to see my post. They see my post and they like it, and then they engage in it. When they engage in it, they either engage in it by commenting, sharing or even clicking on the link I have in my post, which is usually several different things. It can be sign up for a newsletter, sign up for a giveaway, sign up for my social site as well. It's several different things. Someone can sign up for one of those email lists. If they don't, no worries because they already engaged in it, which allows other people to see it because when you're engaged in it, Facebook allows the post to travel more into other peoples news feed.
Once that happens, I get something from that person. Then if I get an email, then when I'm in their inbox, that's when I communicate with them in a sense. I'm, "Okay, you're on my email list." Let's just say they get on my email list for the giveaway. I say, "Okay, we announce a giveaway once every week. In the meantime, here's a discount to one of my products," and they get a discount, and from there they can decide to either purchase something or they can just hang out until they're ready to buy something, or they'll join another email list from there. 它继续前进。 I create a circle. You're doing something with me. I don't know what you're doing, but you're doing something.
Felix : I like that. 我喜欢那个。 Two things that you said about that, first I like the funnel that you have set, because you have likes, which means that they're going to be seeing your content. You're posting things, they're engaging in them. They're really, really familiar with you and have you top of mind. Then there's going to be certain posts that you have. I guess not every single post, but certain posts that events that drive them to some place either through a giveaway or I'm not sure if you mentioned anything else, but the basic idea is to drive them to some other landing page that collects the email. 那正确吗?
Rizala : Mm-hmm (affirmative).
Felix : Okay, collects the email and then you have some kind of auto responder set up?
Rizala : I do.
Felix : How do you get them to buy from there?
Rizala : I have an auto responder set up as well as I have scheduled broadcasts. I try to do too much auto responder stuff. Because sometimes the same person will join the same email list twice or something. I just keep it fresh. I have two email auto responders set up, and then I just do broadcasts. They're either joining another email list that qualifies them more into being a buyer, or it gets them to try to buy something, or it gets them to interact. I sometimes send them back to a quiz. I say, "Oh okay, you just joined my email list. Check out this quiz." Keep them in a circle. I try to get to know them, keep them entertained, keep them used to opening my emails, clicking my links, commenting, sharing. I want them to just engage with me. I don't care what you're doing. Just engage.
Felix : I like this attitude. This was the second thing I liked about what you're saying is that sometimes we stress so much about how do we get the funnel, how do we get them from point A to point B, but sometimes there is no direct path. The idea I think what you're getting as is that they're going to be doing something with you to go and expose you somehow. There's no direct path from going from likes to buyers. You just keep them involved, immersed into your brand's universe and pull them deeper and deeper and deeper into it by getting them more and more and more engaged. It's almost like this huge spiderweb that you set up.
Eventually they will hit one of the opportunities where they want to buy from you. I think that's an important point because sometimes we stress too much about, "Oh my conversion rates are dropping here and dropping there," and sometimes it's not a straight path. Sometimes it's really getting them as engaged as possible. I think that's a great point. Can you give us an idea of how large the email list is? Let's say you have three hundred thousand likes on the Lesbian Pride group; how many emails can that I guess equate to for your situation?
Rizala : I'll be honest with you, I'm still kicking myself in the butt for this, but it took me forever to finally design an email list. I would say I'm at about fifty thousand, and I should be at a lot more. I'll be honest, I didn't start until October.
Felix : That's amazing though. Fifty thousand from just three hundred thousand likes and just starting in October. I guess right now that's about six months ago. I think that's a great growth.
Rizala : Thanks.
Felix : I don't think that's anything to be ashamed of at all.
Rizala : I keep telling people just build an email list. 不要像我一样。 Build an email list.
Felix : Are you able to see the conversions? Do you ever just come out and pitch a product on the Facebook page or is it all done through the emails?
Rizala : I do and I don't. I don't really go really hard on pitching. I post the product on my Facebook page, so it still gets a lot of organic reach. I'll go, one day I'll post three products and then I won't post anything for a week, and that's because I'm driving traffic to those three products or traffic from another funnel is coming back to those products or one traffic is going to those products. If you were to look at my posts, it either has no link or it has a link to something like a giveaway or something. The goal is to try and get people on the email list. I even try to send them to Instagram. 那是另一回事。
I'm like, "Okay, check out Instagram," because that's another place where I can communicate with somebody. I don't go very hard with posting too much product. I don't have a daily or twice a day I post a product. 我不那样做。
Felix : Was it because you weren't getting the same kind of conversions as email? What'd you change your I guess direction?
Rizala : I never really did. If I were to post a product, it would be just because I'm creating an ad and I would just publish it on the page. It wasn't because I had a schedule. To me, yeah I just don't. 我只是不知道。
Felix : Okay. I think that's a good idea too is just, I've said this plenty of times too and people might be tired of hearing about it, but always drive the followers that you have, the likes, whatever, to an email list because that is the only platform that you have true control over. Email never goes away. The way that I've always thought about these kind of new social media platforms popping up is that think of it as almost an eBay or an Etsy because these social media platforms, they spend a lot of time marketing, spend a lot of time, have full teams building a marketplace of eyeballs at these different locations. A bunch of prospective customers for you.
The problem with being on an Etsy or an eBay is that you don't actually own that customer. At the end of the day, they still own it, so they can shut it down any time and change things and all of a sudden it's gone. I feel like for any entrepreneur out there that wants to go around on social, your only goal is to get all those people, all those eyeballs, all those prospective customers from those platforms onto your platform, because it's going to go away some day and you'll always have your own platform.
Rizala : Totally.
Felix : Facebook is going to go away some day. Facebook fan page is going to go away some day.
Rizala : Yes.
Felix : Because you have an email list ...
Rizala : Say it ain't so.
Felix : Because you have such a huge email list, you don't depend on it. Not just that, but if another popular social media platform pops up, you can drive all fifty thousand or however many you have at that time to there. All of a sudden you're like the big shot on the new platform and you'll get a lot more organic growth from there because a lot of platforms care about who's the most active on there. I think you're doing the right thing, and I think your message is the right thing too, which is to get started with emails as soon as possible.
We're almost running out of time here. I want to ask you one more I guess big thing about Facebook fan pages, which is not about Facebook fan pages, it's about Facebook groups. I think everyone out there who might be listening is saying, "Why haven't you started a Facebook group," because everyone saying the things that you've heard plenty of times, which is fan pages are not getting as much organic reach as before. Groups is the new big thing. What are your thoughts on that? What are your thoughts on groups versus pages?
Rizala : I'll be honest with you, I just started a group from the fan page, but what I did was I made it a reward. I said, "If you do this, you'll get a reward of being able to join this group." Groups are pretty good. I would say there's a ton of ... I have maybe two thousand people and I would say I get about a hundred new posts every single day. It's crazy engagement in groups. I would say yeah, groups are cool and all, but at the same time, it's a lot of work because you're monitoring things a lot more. Even though you're an admin, unless you want to restrict people from posting, which isn't very fun for them, it's like I feel like more of a babysitter in a group and I feel like I have less control, being okay with having less control.
It's good for training purposes. It's good for community learning purposes, but for what I do in the sense of I'm trying to drive people to certain things, I don't know. To be honest with you, I don't know. I like it in the sense of engagement, but I don't like it in a sense of the lack of control.
Felix : I think you hit the nail on the head there because with Facebook fan pages, you control the topics. Because people can't create their own topics, they have to respond or reply to your posts. You control the main topic everyone should be talking about. Facebook groups, everyone can create their own topic so it's almost like a free for all kind of forum. Literally it's a forum.
Rizala : It's crazy. Oh my gosh, I'm doing this picturing.
Felix : No, I think that makes sense. I guess moving on from there, I want to talk a little bit, close this out, talk a little bit about your actual store itself. I think just real quick, I guess what's your day to day like? How much involved are you with the Facebook fan page versus running your actual Shopify store?
Rizala : I would say my day consists of in the morning after I get situated with exercise and stuff, I sit down and I check my ads first thing. Maybe take me an hour to an hour and a half. The store I will probably add maybe an item or two to the store from whatever, a vendor or something, or supplier or even custom content that I created. You know what, this is the best advice I can give people starting a Shopify store. Just spend one or two days just adding a bunch of items to your store. 只需添加它。 只需添加它。 Especially if you're starting off with direct shipping, find a supplier and just start adding products because if you just spend a couple days, and you only have eight items, I'm just going to add an item a day, that's not going to get you anywhere.
At least have forty items in your store and then just start going from there and just promoting each item, and maybe spend one week promoting one item and see if that can be a winner. I'll be honest with you Felix, that's kind of a problem that I had is that I had to create less time for myself because I'm less productive when I have too much time. 这对你有意义吗?
Felix : I think that's, yeah. It's almost like the more time you have you just learn to fill that time with things that aren't as important.
Rizala : I had to make it so that I only had four hours to spend on my business a day, four to five hours. I had to, okay, I'm going to go work out, I'm going to go do this, I'm going to spend time with my wife, I'm going to try to make dinner or we're going to go out to eat. I'm just going to chill for an hour or two a day because that's what I want to do. I try to spend only four to five hours a day, not consecutively. I spend maybe three hours and maybe two to three hours on my store. Just doing random stuff. I'll be honest with you, I'm literally just the first two hours I spend just with ads and the next couple hours I'm spending just doing random stuff, things store owners do. 我不知道。
Felix : I think that makes a lot of sense. I like the idea of limiting your time. I've heard of this. I think John Lee Dumas, I'm not sure if you listened to him or anyone else does, he runs Entrepreneur on Fire Podcast. He talks a lot about this baby affect, which is that a lot of entrepreneurs kick things into higher gear once they have less time or more things, either less time or more at stake because once you have a baby all of a sudden you don't have any time at all to do anything, so you really learn how to prioritize and focus on what's actually important because more time doesn't necessarily mean you can devote it towards the right things. You could be totally distracted and then all of a sudden be doing things that are detrimental to your business. I think that's a really great advice.
When we were talking, I actually remember one thing I do want to ask about Facebook fan pages, which is you were saying you were using ads before to build the likes. Is that still the strategy that you use today where what's working for you today at the scale that you're at with a hundred thousand likes one page, three hundred thousand likes on your main most profitable page? What are you doing now to drive more and more likes to those pages?
Rizala : I do not Facebook page like ads anymore just because the amount of ads and the amount of ad money I'm spending on regular ads. I actually get a ton of page likes without having to do a page like.
Felix : It's just organic sharing?
Rizala : Yeah, organic, or just when you run ads people will like your page from those ads. 这很疯狂。 When you run an ad for, let's say, website clicks, you're trying to get more website clicks, if you click on like I want to see how many people like my page from this ad, it's kind of crazy. There are people who like the page. I guess not only did they click, but they liked it.
Felix : Is it because your Facebook fan page is the one that I guess owns the ad, or are they looking it up afterwards? How are they going from seeing your ad to a product to then finding your Facebook fan page?
Rizala : What I have noticed, this is something, because I actually asked my wife and I ask a lot of people their behaviors when they see ads on Facebook and my own personal. What I usually do is I'll click on the ad. I'll click on the ad, it'll take me to the page, and then I'm like, "Oh, I'm interested," "I'm not interested," and I'll click back. I did like the offer, and I'm interested in the page, so I'll go click on the link for the page. It'll take me to the page, and I'll look on the page and see what they got going. "Oh this is an interesting page." I'm going to go ahead and like the page.
I ask my wife, and I always ask people, "What do you do?" They tell me, "This is what I do." 我也这样做。 They'll do two or three things. They'll click the thing. People who don't buy doesn't mean they didn't give you something. They might have given you also a like too. 我不知道。 That's my behavior and the behavior I've asked from other people, is I'll click on the ad, and I'll either go back and say I'm interested in the page, so I'll get the page and I'll like the page.
Felix : That makes sense. 凉爽的。 In terms of running this entire operation you have going on here, are there any particular tools or apps, either through the Shopify app store or just outside of it, that you really depend on to keep things running?
Rizala : Oh yeah. I'm going to give a huge shout out to my guys at Hextom, HEXTOM dot com. Those guys have amazing apps. The banner apps, the countdown timer banner app has definitely increased my conversions. I don't like pop-ups. My people don't like pop-ups, and I still want to provide them with scarcity. I think people need a little pressure. The countdown timer app from Hextom is amazing. It allows you to even just, if you want to just show the countdown timer on just a cart page, it really helps you to increase conversion. Say, "Hey, in less than an hour we're going to shut down the free shipping." That's an app that I definitely recommend.
Another app that I use is Retarget app. People who don't really understand too much about Facebook advertising and they don't like the whole new Facebook pixels, the new thing everyone's asking questions about. Definitely install Retarget app. It takes so much pressure off of you. It's dynamic retargeting, which means after someone visits a certain product, not only will it retarget that person on that product but also relatable products to that person as well. That's really important because retargeting is huge. If you're driving traffic, you need to be retargeting people, so please download that Retarget app. I think those are the only two apps that I really use consistently all the time. No, those are the only two apps I really use all the time.
菲利克斯:太棒了。 凉爽的。 Thanks so much Rizala. I think you dropped a lot of knowledge here about Facebook fan pages, a lot of things I think people can get started on immediately or they have a fan page already, things they can implement immediately as well., PRIDEDESIGNZ dot com., which is RIZALA dot com is your personal site. Anywhere else you recommend the listeners go check out if they want to follow along with what you're up to?
Rizala : No. I would just be inside our Facebook group answering questions. If anyone has any questions, they can just refer to your Facebook group, Traffic and Sales, and I'll be in there answering questions. Just if I can give one advice, just be patient and be consistent. Those are the two things that I want to say. Be patient and be consistent, and if you can get those two down and just keep doing what you're doing, it's going to happen. It's bound to happen.
菲利克斯:是的。 I love [inaudible 01:06:19]. I think that's great advice. You don't even have to be great, if you can just be good or good enough and be consistent, it'll get you really, really far.
Rizala : I promise you.
Felix : I think it's a game of attrition, who can stay in it the longest. It's not necessarily who's best but who's left. Who can stick around and just be consistent. I think that's great advice.
Rizala : Awesome.
菲利克斯:太棒了。 非常感谢。 Again,,, and we'll link all that in the show notes. Thanks again for coming on.
Rizala : Thank you again for having me. I really appreciate you having me on the show. I really like giving back to the community that's given me so much.
Felix : Yeah, you definitely have. 惊人的。 非常感谢。
Rizala : Thanks Felix.
Felix : Thanks for listening to Shopify Masters, the e-commerce marketing podcast for ambitious entrepreneurs. To start your store today, visit for a free fourteen day trial.

菲利克斯:太棒了。 告诉我们更多关于你的故事。 显然,我列出了你们销售的一堆产品。 什么是最受欢迎的?
Rizala :现在实际上是在戒指和手镯之间来回切换。 项链也做得很好,但现在戒指很热。
菲利克斯:很好。 凉爽的。 当我参加 Shopify Unite 会议时,你和我在旧金山相遇。 碰到你很有趣,你告诉我你的故事,我想,是的,肯定想让你参加播客,因为你有趣的背景和你是如何开始的。 我认为对于很多企业家来说,这并不是一个非常相似的故事,但是这种尝试某事然后没有工作然后几乎以一堆方式失败而走向第一次成功的感觉。 告诉我们一些关于你的背景,你是如何开始的。 不一定是电子商务,但您的在线业务背景是什么?
里扎拉:当然。 我开始从事在线创业,我们就这么说吧,早在 2012 年底,我就开始了一家网络营销公司。 这是一个病毒式的博客系统。 有些人可能只是这么说就知道那是什么。 我这样做了将近两年。 我真的试图让那件事发挥作用。 我什至无法告诉你我为了让它发挥作用而付出了多少鲜血、汗水和泪水。 我几乎收支平衡。 我决定我不想放弃离开公司喧嚣和靠薪水过日子的梦想,但我想休息一下。
我决定不做与博客完全不同的事情,我开始建立粉丝页面。 我正在对它是如何发生的做一个很长的故事,但几乎每个人都在谈论 Facebook 粉丝页面,我就像“让我继续尝试一下”。 当时我正在努力减肥之类的,所以我想,“让我试着做一个减肥粉丝页面。” 很多人都知道,减肥行业竞争非常激烈。 获得喜欢是非常荒谬的,非常昂贵。 我想,“哦,我的天哪,我还没有得到这个。” 我的一位导师是这样的,“你知道吗,做一些你热爱的事情。做一些很容易进入的事情来生成内容。”
我试图弄清楚我想做什么,我想做什么? 接下来你知道,我照镜子,我想,“我为什么不就我自己和我的生活方式做这件事,并成为 LGBT 社区的一部分”,那是我第一次开始的时候我支持平等权利,然后我开始了 Lesbian Pride,只是因为我注意到我支持平等权利的女性有多少活动,它是如此活跃。 我想,“让我看看如果我只为主要是女性、LGBT 女性创建一个页面会发生什么。” 那一个简直炸毁了。 我喜欢告诉人们这一点,因为它非常重要,但我真的每天只有 5 美元可以花在建立这个粉丝页面上。 原因是我们刚从德国回到美国。 我的妻子无法工作,因为我们还在等待她的绿卡。
我在工作,我们住在加利福尼亚。 加州很贵。 我们靠我的薪水和信用卡为生,我真的就像,“我不应该在这上面花钱。” 我每天花 5 美元,在不到 6 个月的时间里是 150 美元,我抬头一看,什么也没卖。 我一抬头,就有超过十万的粉丝,非常活跃的社区。 那时我收到了数百条评论和数百甚至数千个赞。 这太疯狂了。 然后我开始在 Teespring 上卖 T 恤,每个月赚几千美元,这太棒了。
接下来你知道,我赚的钱和我的工作一样多。 你开始有点筋疲力尽了,因为那时我几乎没有睡觉。 我每天大概睡四、五、六个小时,这可不好。 我的妻子就像,“好吧,你必须放弃一些东西”,她建议我放弃我的工作,因为我的梦想是为自己工作并拥有自己的事业。 我放弃了我的工作,我不知道你是否还记得这个 Felix,但你还记得 Facebook 什么时候将他们的算法从“先见”改为他们自己的算法,就像基于参与度的算法吗?
菲利克斯:是的,当然。 我认为任何开始使用 Facebook 的人,尤其是当时,肯定也有这种感觉。
里扎拉:哦,伙计。 我觉得那太糟糕了。 它确实发生在我辞掉工作和订婚之后,疯狂的是我投入的钱,因为我在粉丝页面上的参与度很高,我不得不投入广告费,字面意思是每 1 美元投入我可能会赚到 5 美元,这是因为我得到了所有的有机参与。 Facebook 真的只是让我的帖子传播得很远。 当 Facebook 做出这种转变时,我真的没有为此做好准备,我的影响力下降了。 我从只能用 10 万页接触到数百万人,变成了勉强接触到 2、300 人。 我的广告费用上涨了。
我花了一美元,我赚了 1.10 美元,所以我赚了 0.10 美元。 投资回报率仍然是投资回报率,但几乎什么都不是。 我还没有真正准备好。 从那时起,几乎是上下起伏。 只是发起运动,这是一场斗争。 甚至在某个时候,我实际上不得不回去在小学找到一份工作并担任助教。 那时,我是一名助教,突然间我开始改变我的思维方式。 我刚刚开始生成更多内容,而且我才开始真正参与其中。 我几乎回到了基础,只是再次与我的粉丝互动。 接下来你知道,我正在接触更多的人。 我的广告费用在下降。
Facebook 只是让我的帖子被看到。 然后它一直在继续。 我在做 Teespring 我也进入了 Represent,它类似于 Teespring,最后我硬着头皮说,“这是什么 Shopify 大家都在谈论”,我终于进入了 Shopify。 8 月,我在 7 月的最后两三天开始使用 Shopify,八月是我的第一个月,我赚了 10,000 美元。 这太疯狂了。 从那以后,它一直很好。 早在 2 月份,就销售收入而言,我今年的第一个 30,000 美元。 使用 Shopify 并且仅使用我的粉丝页面作为杠杆,这真是太棒了。 当人们问我该怎么做时,我总是说选择你真正热爱的东西,因为它更容易找到内容,更容易吸引人,而且不会厌倦运行社区,因为这很重要建立一个社区,参与并对该社区充满热情。
它不仅对人们看到您关心的人有很大帮助,而且对您的广告费用也有很大帮助。 它下降了很多,因为您获得了如此多的有机覆盖面。 我不在乎别人怎么说,如果你要给我免费的有机接触,我会接受的。 我喜欢谈论粉丝页面以及创建可以引以为豪的东西以及创建可以建立生活方式的东西的重要性。
菲利克斯:嗯,这就是播客的人。 我只是在开玩笑。 我认为这是一个很好的概述,我想基本上分解并深入探讨你刚才所说的每件事,因为我认为这真的很重要。 我想在这结束时,我们在播客之前讨论,你想把所有这些成功和失败的视觉时间表放在一起,我认为这会很酷,我们会讨论在一秒钟内或在此结束时链接到该链接。
让我们从头开始。 你说你正在从事网络营销。 告诉我们更多关于这一点的信息。 对于那些不熟悉这个的人来说,什么是网络营销?
Rizala :网络营销有时被称为直销或传销,多层次营销。 差不多吧,即使你说这不是金字塔计划,但当你看它时,它就是一种金字塔。 你有一个赞助商,他们赞助你,你赞助其他人,你几乎可以从你积累的人数以及你从销售产品中销售的产品数量中赚钱,无论是向购买它的人,谁你招募了。 如果您可以说,这只是推荐营销的一种方式。 您向某人推荐产品,他们购买它,然后您说,嘿,我有这个绝佳的机会。
我进入它只是因为我喜欢它在线的想法。 我喜欢这样一个事实,即您也可以从其他人正在做的工作中赚钱。 我认为这将是引用/取消引用“简单”。 我对它完全陌生,社区很棒。 这是一个了不起的社区,非常活跃,非常热情。 关于网络营销,传销,我不得不说一件事,他们的心态很重要。 这很重要,因为我实际上只是在钻,试图,我想你可以说,几乎洗脑了自己,从清理我大脑所有消极情绪的意义上说,这种想法是不可能的,只是开始相信自己并相信相信有可能过上你梦想的生活方式。
这就是网络营销为我所做的,但就我而言,我不知道该怎么说。 从某种意义上说,这是一个在线赚钱的机会,这有点难以解释。
里扎拉:这就是我要说的。 这很重要,因为老实说,当我现在谈论我的生意时,我会说,“哟,这是我的生意。我不在乎。我喜欢我所做的事情。当我在网络营销中,我就像,“我不知道。”
菲利克斯:我听说过这个建议,当你开始创业时,你应该开始一个你会自豪地站在舞台上谈论它的企业。 只是这样想,我认为会有很大的不同,因为有些事情,你会告诉你妈妈你的生意,还是你可以和别人谈论你的生意。 我认为在决定你想做什么时,这是一个很好的练习。 网络营销,你做的这件事,你以为网上赚钱很容易。 也许你可以回答这个问题。 有没有一种简单的在线赚钱方式,如果你看到了一个在线赚钱的简单方法的机会,你会调查它还是逃跑?
Rizala :这取决于他们如何营销它,因为我对营销以及人们如何营销非常感兴趣。 我不打算加入它。 我喜欢我现在正在做的事情,但我喜欢有人引起我的注意。 就像,“哦,你是怎么引起我的注意的?” 我会向您展示兴趣,但不一定是对产品或机会,而是因为您引起了我的注意。
菲利克斯:我喜欢这种态度,因为我最近收到了一封关于这件事的电子邮件,我认为最成功的企业家是那些试图从任何事物中寻找机会学习的人,即使你不这样做。不一定同意产品或同意他们做事的方式。 我觉得总有一个教训要吸取,你拿出你需要的东西,然后把它应用到你的业务中,而不是这么快做出判断。 我认为这听起来像你的态度,我认为这是一个很好的态度。
Rizala :我有 ADD,所以我想,“哇,你引起了我的注意?你打扰了我?让我看看。”
Felix :那么你是一个很好的石蕊试纸 [听不清 00:14:09]。 你在做这个网络营销的事情,为了了解时间,你说这是 2012 年?
Rizala :2012 年底一直到差不多 2014 年。
Felix :你说大约两年,你是从什么时候开始创建你的第一个 Facebook 粉丝页面的?
Rizala :我从九月份开始创作它。 有一些重叠。 我只想说肯定有一些重叠。 我在 9 月开始创建它。 那是我的减肥计划,我并不真正热衷于此。 我开始创建它,然后在 9 月开始创建我的第一个 I Support Equal Rights and Lesbian Pride。
Felix :这是一个有趣的话题,因为你说你不感兴趣或者你对减肥 Facebook 粉丝页面没有热情,但你之前确实说过你正在寻找减肥的方法。 你在...
Felix :……我猜是态度,不一定是态度,但你当时的心态是我感兴趣的话题。你说的还有一个层次。 我认为不一定是陷阱,而是其他企业家可能会遇到的潜在陷阱,他们开始合理化并说:“是的,我可能对此充满热情。我对此很感兴趣。我会变得充满热情它。” 我猜这几乎是你进入的方向,因为你对这个话题感兴趣,但你对它没有热情。 您如何区分您是否真的对特定业务或特定行业充满热情与仅仅对它感兴趣?
Rizala :这实际上是一个很好的问题,因为有时对我来说,这是一个非常好的问题。 因为减肥是因为这是我必须做的事情。 这是我对如何减肥感兴趣的事情,我想,让我把它货币化。 有了女同性恋的骄傲,这对我来说是很自然的。 它甚至没有成为一个想法,因为它是如此自然。 我一直在阅读文章,参与其他粉丝页面,喜欢视频,观看视频,这似乎是一种娱乐形式。 我就像,“等等,这可能是一个我可以参与的利基市场。” 例如,很多人观看拳击、UFC 或 MMA,他们对此非常热情。 他们喜欢它。 他们认识所有的战士,他们谈论事情。 他们不一定会参与其中,但他们对此充满热情,但他们不会认为这是他们可以加入的利基市场,因为他们认为,“哦,我必须成为一名战士。”
不,不。 只是作为一个被利基娱乐的人,它可以用作你的利基来获利。 它应该是自然的。 在我开始之前,我写下了我的一切以及我完成的一切。 我写下了我是妻子,我是推销员,我是女同性恋,我就是这个,我就是那个。 我曾经这样做,我曾经这样做过。 我写下了我能想到的一切,我做过的一切,我最喜欢的电视节目。 我就是这样想的,好吧,就是这些。 让我试着弄清楚我能做什么,然后当我找到它时,我就像是,“哦,我是一个女同性恋者。我也对 LGBT 问题感兴趣。让我研究这个利基市场。” 然后我向你保证,几乎每个利基市场都有某种购买力。
LGBT利基市场拥有巨大的购买力。 MMA 利基市场具有巨大的购买力。 你必须充满热情,然后你会说,“哇哦,我可以做点什么。我可以从中获得一些收入。” 我想这就是我第一次决定时所做的,好吧,让我开始吧。
他们可能更有可能说,“她对 LGBT 问题感兴趣。” 如果你出去问亲近的人,“描述一下我是谁”,这是一个很好的方式来弄清楚你对什么充满热情。 因为就像你说的那样,你所热爱的事情是自然而然的,无论你是否想让它变得明显,它们都会让你从你身上升起。 接受你热情的人将是最接近你的人,他们可以接受这些事情。 我认为这很好,我想不一定是想法,但是一个很好的练习就是自己一定要经历它,然后还要让最亲近的人向你描述它。
里扎拉:那太好了。 我也喜欢这个主意。
菲利克斯:虽然当你去找某人说“嘿,你能描述一下我是谁”时,这很尴尬,因为他们显然不想以某种方式对你进行分类。 如果你能让他们说出来,我认为这是一件很棒的事情。 凉爽的。 让我们在这里完成这个时间表。 你创建了第一个粉丝页面,你说是在 2012 年 9 月?
里扎拉:2013 年。
菲利克斯:2013 年,好吧。 您从事网络营销业务大约一年?
里扎拉:是的。 你知道吗,我当时犯了一个错误。 我完全忘记了。 我想我是在 2011 年底加入网络营销的。
Felix :你做了将近两年,然后开始了第一个粉丝页面。 我猜当时 Facebook 是否已经为他们的新闻提要实施了全新的算法?
菲利克斯:还没有,好吧。 你可以开始这个粉丝页面,你说你每个月有 5 美元可以花,你在买广告? 你是如何在早期获得牵引力的?
里扎拉:我一天只有 5 美元,相当于一个月 150 美元。 你说每天5美元,一个月。
菲利克斯:好的,抱歉,每天 5 美元。
里扎拉:是的,以防万一。 以防万一人们会说,“什么?真的吗?”
菲利克斯:是的,你不能用每月 5 美元做很多事情。 所以每天5美元。 你做了什么来获得这种吸引力?
Rizala :我在做类似广告的页面,我知道这种争议,人们会说,“那行不通。” 我正在做类似广告的页面,但我没有得到......我认为我最便宜的喜欢大约是 0.2 美元到 0.3 美元,但大概花了三周时间才把它放在那里。 我会做,因为我每天只有 5 美元,我会做三四个广告。 我想我实际上开始了,我做什么? 我想我做了三个广告,我会做一美元五十美分或一美元之类的。 我刚分了。 这是一美元,我把它保持得非常简单。 我会做的是寻找图像是我只会谷歌 LGBT 自豪感,无论谷歌上出现什么图像,我都会使用该图像。
现在更容易了,因为 Facebook 有一种方法可以让你使用他们的图片,通过 Shutterstock,我不知道是否有人知道,但你可以输入 LGBT、Gay 或其他任何内容,或者如果你喜欢打高尔夫球,只需输入在高尔夫或其他任何事情上,他们实际上会为您提供来自 Shutterstock 的图像,这要好得多。 我只会使用这些图片,然后我会投放广告大约五天,看看 Facebook 花了多长时间来优化它,如果它不起作用,我会关闭它。 如果它确实有效,我会让它继续运行。 这几乎就是我所做的一切。 根本没有花很长时间。
菲利克斯:酷。 当我们通过这个时间表时,我想了解你今天所做的事情,因为显然事情有点不同。
菲利克斯:在我们到达那里之前,你开始了这个 Facebook 粉丝页面,获得了关注。 您是否立即开始通过这些观众获利,或者您等了多久才开始销售您所说的 T 恤是第一件事?
Rizala :是的,Teespring。 花了不到六个月的时间。 我记得我很不愿意这样做,因为它就像我的孩子一样。 就像,“我必须通过我的孩子赚钱。” 仅仅因为我想让社区真正参与进来,花了不到六个月的时间。 我当时也非常专注于我的工作。 我在那份工作上工作了很多,以至于我需要专注于它,而我只是没有时间真正什么都不做。 我真正能做的只是制作广告,这可能只花了不到 20 分钟,这就是我所拥有的。
菲利克斯:我认为你提到了一个非常重要的点,我认为有很多商业建议,我也完全同意这一点,即在开始销售任何东西之前,你首先要建立受众。 他们接下来没有谈论的是您遇到的问题,因为您首先要建立受众,而我认为这样做的最佳方式就是创建内容。 内容是免费的,所以你提供了一堆价值,一堆价值都是免费的,现在你想开始要求你的观众为你付钱,你以前从来没有和他们有过这种关系,因为他们'一直希望你能得到免费的东西。 你有没有这个我猜想担心现在不得不要求人们付钱给我以前从未做过的事情,你对此有实际问题吗?
Rizala :我认为我的问题是我害怕不喜欢的人和人,是的。 这几乎是在失去人。 我现在已经结束了。 我绝对害怕只是问,我就像,“哦,我不想失去我的粉丝。” 正如他们与我建立了关系一样,我与他们建立了关系。 他们是我回复我页面上的每条评论的人。 我会做的就是在我的工作停工时休息,我会跳上我的手机,然后我会去我的粉丝页面并回复评论。 喜欢评论或回复它。 我建立了这种关系,但我不习惯。
我介绍货币化的方式是我创建了我的第一件 T 恤,我没有放链接或任何东西,我只是写了,“嘿,如果我们开始销售,你们会买这个吗?” 他们给我的回应量足以让我开始销售。 我当时想,“哦,好吧。”
Felix :我喜欢这样,因为基本上你,而且我也听说这项工作做得很好,但我猜不是为了这个特别的目的,但你很早就让他们参与进来,真的很早。 几乎就像你们作为一个群体集体决定让我们出售这些东西而不是“嘿,我做了这件事”,不一定是在背后,而是在一边,就在这里。 现在你想买吗? 你很早就得到了他们的反馈。 我认为这是一项很棒的技术。 即使您采取了这些步骤,一旦发布它,您是否有任何强烈反对?
里扎拉:是的,我做到了。 我不明白了。 至少我不再看到它了,因为我仍然希望每隔一段时间在我的页面上浏览一下。 是的,我得到了大约两百条“是”的评论。 没有。 “我不敢相信你在卖东西。无论如何,”有些人真的只是说一些负面的,但这就像两百分之一。 我绝对没有在这方面磨练。 感觉不错的一件事是删除和阻止人员。 就像,“哦,我只是要删除并阻止你。” 那感觉很好。 如果有人说一些非常荒谬的话,我会这样做。
里扎拉:是的。 菲利克斯:你说现在不打扰你了。 是因为你能够做一些事情,比如阻止别人,还是你经历了一种心理转变? 和我们谈谈为什么现在不打扰你?
Rizala :完全是一种精神转变。 我刚刚意识到,好吧,这是我的事,这是我的生活或其他什么之间有一条细线。 是相互纠缠的。 我建造了这个。 我全心全意投入其中,但你也必须记住它只是一个 Facebook 粉丝页面。 就像不是每个人都喜欢你喜欢的东西一样可以接受。 同样,当某人真的很刻薄时,删除和阻止某人感觉真的很好。 就像,“你知道,我会这样做,因为他们在对抗中茁壮成长。”
我想我可能遇到过一次或两次,然后我意识到这比他们更困扰我。 老实说,我不知道这是否让他们感到困扰,但它困扰着我。 我就像,“你知道吗,只要删除和屏蔽这个非常粗鲁的人,我就会感觉好多了。” 如果有人说不,我不会删除和阻止某人,但如果有人非常粗鲁或只是刻薄,就像,好吧,我不想在我的生活中出现这样的消极情绪,在我使用我的粉丝页面上建立的自己的钱。 我不会允许的。
Felix :是的,它甚至不仅仅是对你的攻击,但如果你让它传播,它也会摧毁整个社区。
菲利克斯:我也想谈一谈你是否会遇到这些事情,但我之前听到的一句很棒的话我认为是,“如果电子游戏教会了我什么,如果你遇到敌人并遇到仇恨者,那么你就走对了,”我认为这是因为你没有采取这些步骤,把东西放在那里,把脖子放在那里,得到爱或恨,那么你并没有真正做到有时什么。 因为如果你不是真的代表某事或对某事做出某种明确的立场,那么你永远不会有仇恨者,这意味着你永远不会拥有它的另一面,即那些爱你正在做的事。
我认为这不一定是一个问题,但我认为拥有 Facebook 粉丝页面的人也经常会遇到这种情况,即如何控制消极情绪。 你的方向只是为了阻止他们,还是你试图用你自己的评论或类似的东西来回应消极情绪?
Rizala :不,这只是浪费时间。 他们是巨魔。 人们只是巨魔。 我告诉我的 VA,不要屈服于它。 因为我的 VA,她差不多,我很确定我们稍后会讨论我什么时候得到 VA 之类的东西,但有时我不得不退后几步,而不是仅仅关注粉丝页面。 我告诉她,“听着,如果有人刻薄或其他什么,你继续删除并阻止他们。我相信你的判断。” 因为它会造成太大的压力,只是让某人毁了你甚至不知道的一天。 我会说我给人们的最好建议是打开亵渎过滤器,因为它会自动隐藏评论。 它不一定会阻止此人,但它会隐藏您的其他人看到的评论。
你加上块词,所以人们会说,总是人们说,“你可以在亚马逊或易趣上找到这个,或者这个那个,”或者其他什么。 这件事很糟糕或丑陋。 你可以打开它,然后说,“好吧,我不要这些词,任何出现这样的词,立即隐藏它。” 那大大减少了。 只有百分之九十的人会看到这些评论,这真的很好。 我就是做这个的。 它节省了我很多时间。 它为我的 VA 节省了很多时间。 它可以减轻很多压力,而且不会控制我们的生活。
菲利克斯:太棒了。 让我们真正进入 Facebook 粉丝页面策略,因为我认为这是您拥有大量专业知识的地方。 在早期,您说您是在购买广告。 除了购买广告以获得吸引力之外,您还做了其他事情吗? 让我问你一个问题。 除了购买广告来让人们喜欢该页面之外,您是否还在做任何其他事情?
Rizala :不。我听到很多人,我听说如果你有更多时间,一些人可以做的一种策略是在 Facebook 群组中发帖,说“嘿,伙计们”或这样做 [听不清 00:30:10] . 只是说,“嘿,伙计们,”首先也许也可以问管理员,然后说,“嘿伙计们,我有这个很棒的粉丝页面。如果你能向我展示一些爱,我会很高兴”或其他什么。 有些人会这样做。 我没有那样做。 我没有时间,但我听说效果很好。 我真的只是买了 Facebook 的赞,这就是我所做的一切。
菲利克斯:一旦你达到一定的点赞数,广告的投资回报率会提高吗? 拥有一千个赞有什么能让下一个更容易获得下一千个赞的原因?
Rizala :我猜你会说广告本身已经成熟。 它会从一个赞 0.4 美元下降到一个赞 0.2 美元。 还有一些我觉得很酷的东西。 我注意到喜欢我页面的人也邀请了很多喜欢我页面的其他人。 这就是为什么我得到这么多。 如果你要算一下,你会说,好吧,我有这么多赞,我花了这么多钱,我每个赞的花费可能不到一分钱。 如果你说,好吧,如果我把我支付的所有点赞数或我目前拥有的所有点赞数加起来,再除以我花费的金额,那还不到一分钱,因为有这么多人喜欢、分享和评论我的帖子,并邀请人们喜欢我的页面,它让社区真正快速成长。
我现在推荐的策略仍然是,如果您仍然是 Facebook 的新手并且您从未投放过广告,我仍然强烈建议您从 Facebook 之类的广告开始,因为它更容易。 它可以让你建立信心,因为我没有骗你,我非常有信心,以至于在为 Teespring 做广告的时候,我已经知道我在做什么。 我已经知道这是一个成功的社区,这些都是成功的目标关键词。 我已经知道我所要做的就是转会,只是在这里和那里进行一些调整,然后繁荣,我能够赚到一定数量的钱。 我仍然建议将其作为起点。
关键字,对于刚开始使用 Facebook 广告的人的起点。
菲利克斯:太棒了。 我想你可能已经看到了,所有在听的人都看到了新闻,关于购买 Facebook 广告如何让你获得大量虚假喜欢的文章。 你对此有何看法? 你有那个问题吗?
里扎拉:不,从来没有。 我确实读过一篇文章。 老实说,当我看到它并且人们说,“哦,喜欢很糟糕”,我完全忽略它,因为我知道它有效。 就像,好吧,这就是有人玩得不好的地方。 那是他们的问题,但对我来说它有效。 另一件事是这取决于你的目标是谁。 如果您的目标国家是,如果您想获得喜欢只是为了拥有一个社区或只是为了拥有一个充满喜欢的页面,您可以这样做。 这很容易。 你只是针对像印度这样的国家,有时他们会很快喜欢上一些东西。
参与度有时没有那么高。 如果我在一个女同性恋自豪粉丝页面上针对男性,我向你保证,我的点赞会不到一分钱。 这就是你的目标。 这不是假喜欢,只是那些没有真正参与您的页面的人。 人们总是说它是假的,但只是那些没有参与您的页面的人。
菲利克斯:有道理。 I think this is a really important point about the engagement fact because I think Facebook takes as a consideration and we've all seen those Facebook fan pages where, I think someone actually asked this question in my Facebook group where they said some communities have thirty thousand fans and only two to three likes. Is that the result of you think these quote/unquote "fake likes" or you just think that they're not providing the right kind of content that gets the engagements?
Rizala : It could be. To be honest with you, I do know people who have built their ... There was a method a while ago where people would buy fake likes and what would happen was Facebook had it set. This is before I joined. Someone told me about this strategy. People buy a ton of fake likes, and what would happen was Facebook would immediately move that page higher up on the suggested pages. That strategy was long gone before I joined, started doing this. Now I think if that's the case, that might be the case for some pages, but now I think that's a case for a lot of the pages, they're not providing the content that the person originally liked the page for.
If the person liked the page for MMA, because it had an MMA video on it, but yet all they talk about is eating healthy or whatever, the person just probably really wants to see more MMA content, not necessarily about eating healthy. Even though they're kind of related, the person just is more interested in MMA, if that makes any sense.
Felix : That does. Does that mean when you are creating these Facebook fan page, because obviously you guys are selling a lot of different products but you're not creating a fan page about a specific product, you're creating a fan page about something I guess larger than that, and maybe someone out there wanted to create a fan page they would create about a particular lifestyle that their customer I guess, or ideal customer, was living. When you are creating a fan page, how targeted should the core topic be?
Rizala : As targeted as the person wants it to be, to be honest with you. I know people who have a fan page on a specific dog breed, and they do amazing, especially in Shopify. They sell amazing stuff and they're doing great. I know people who just have it on just regular dogs and they're doing great as well, because it really matters on what you want because you can always do something with it. I think just to veer off the subject real quick, a lot of times people think you have these people who aren't ever going to buy everything, but here's the cool thing. If I send them to my blog, I have AdSense on my blog. If I send them here, I have this and that, I have affiliate stuff on my blog and stuff.
Sure, they don't buy anything from me from Shopify, but I still have a way to monetize. That's something that's really important that a lot of people don't realize, that you can still utilize the audience that you got for something. As far as targeted niche goes, it really doesn't matter. It just matters on how much content that person who creates the fan page is willing to provide for it.
Felix : Makes a lot of sense. Let's talk about the content then. What kind of content are you posting? Maybe walk us through your process for figuring out what to post on your fan page.
Rizala : Honestly, right now this is something that, I'll be honest with you, this is crazy cool, but I use a lot of Instagram content. It's great because it's kind of cool because a lot of people, they don't, I don't want to say a lot of people don't use Instagram on Facebook, but a lot of the super active people on Facebook aren't super active on Instagram. It's easier to take that content from Instagram. I lead the love on. I let people keep their usernames because people like to tag the pictures. I keep that on, that's cool, and I just post it on my Facebook.
The amount of engagement is crazy. Because they're like, "Whoa, cool, a new picture." As far as articles go, what I do is I just go to YouTube and just take off a picture, a YouTube video and I just pop it on my blog and maybe I'll put a banner up for my Pride Designz products, and I just put that up there as well. I keep it super simple.
Felix : I like this about re-purposing content because I don't think there's an issue at all being a curator, because I think a lot of times we think about I have a fan page, I got a blog, and I got to create everything from scratch. It has to come from my mind only, and I'm not looking anywhere else. You take the steps to curate the content to a certain degree, and I think with your blog you at least put your own kind of spin or tweak on it, but I don't think there's anything wrong at all with curating because curation is valuable in itself.
You go to a museum and all of that is curated and there's still value in being a central hub for content. Is it all the content you put out are there pretty much images? 您对此有何看法? I think there's a lot of conversations about text posts don't work as well as images and video is the next big thing. What are your thoughts on the different types of content for your fan page?
Rizala : I'd say everything works. Nothing doesn't, honestly. Videos are hot right now, that's true, but a lot of people like to take videos from other people and stuff, and from YouTube and then download it, they do all this funky stuff. I don't like to do that, unless someone comes to me and says, "Hey, I want you to do that." Then I'll do it. I just use YouTube and post that. I know videos for a fact work really well. Just linking out to websites still works as well. If Facebook notices people are clicking out, because Facebook doesn't necessarily take the person out and open up a new web browser. If you're on mobile, of course. It actually just opens it up in Facebook.
If you're in the app, you click on a website article, it doesn't necessarily open the article out into Safari or Google Chrome. It just opens it into Facebook. You're reading the articles technically still inside the app. I still get really good traction with links. I have one link that is just going crazy. It's a quiz, and I get like two to three thousand visitors a day. I spent a dollar on it. It's absolutely insane.
菲利克斯:哇。 Give us an idea of the kind of scale. Your two Facebook fan page, how many likes are on there, and then tell us how many comments and likes you usually I guess on average will get for something you post.
Rizala : I Support Equal Rights has a little less than a hundred thousand. That is kind of sort of active. I have took a break from that a little bit, just because Lesbian Pride's doing so well. I get maybe a hundred, two hundred likes, maybe two or three comments or maybe ten at the most. Lesbian Pride on the other hand will get up to three thousand likes on average and maybe a hundred to a thousand comments. If I ask somebody to drop a selfie, I promise you, if you refresh the page in a minute there will be at least a hundred selfies. Sometimes I'll just do drop a selfie hour, and people will just drop a selfie.
What it does is it really just boosts engagement. It really depends on what I'm doing and what I'm asking, but it definitely can get up to a thousand. Shares are average five hundred to a thousand shares for Lesbian Pride. I will say, I'm at three hundred thousand fans, so it's not huge.
Felix : That's great. I'm not sure, I can't do the math in my head, but with three hundred thousand you're talking about thousands of likes, hundreds of comments. I think that's, I've never seen that kind of engagement anywhere else. Is there a strategy to getting this interaction, because I like this idea of asking you to post a selfie, because everyone loves sharing their selfie if they're taking one? It seems like you hit on something. You hit on almost like a call and response technique on the Facebook fan pages that works really well for you with this selfie thing. Are there any other strategies or kinds of interaction posts that work well for you?
Rizala : Yeah. There's several actually. I'll just list as much I have on the top of my head. One is voting. You post two different pictures of two different pictures, you say, "Vote. Who's hotter?" Or maybe two different shows sometimes. Orange Is the New Black versus The L Word, which is your favorite.
Felix : Just real quick, these are voting on two things, right? You're not asking them to pick from like ten different things?
Rizala : No, just two things.
Felix : I think that's important. I saw this really interesting thing too, just a study about how the more I guess options you have on these kind of polls, less people want to vote. I think sticking with two sounds like a good idea. 继续。 对不起。
Rizala : No, no, no, you're right. It's either a little or a lot. I know that sounds crazy, but it's either two things or twenty-one things. Everything in the middle, they're kind of like, "Eh." What I'll do is I'll post quizzes as well, and that's where I come into the, okay, I put a fifteen to twenty-one question quiz, instead I'll post, "Oh what did you get? Comment below. What did you get?" People will take the quiz and they'll come back on the page just to comment and say what they got. That gets crazy. When you think about it, it's kind of crazy how well they will actually go through, finish the quiz. I use a tool called Play Buzz, and you can go in and create a quiz and stuff like that.
You can see how long people stay on the page. Whenever I post a quiz on my blog, I can see people stay on my page for at least three minutes to finish the quiz, to come back, to comment on my fan page, to say, "I got this."
Felix : Is this the kind of quiz where it's like which city should you live in, that kind of idea?
Rizala : Yeah, but it's more geared towards my community where it's like what type of lesbian are you or how gay are you or how well do you know your LGBT trivia.
Felix : I think this is a really great psychological hack because it plays on two different things. One thing is that people love, love, love, love learning more things about themselves. Everyone's favorite topic is themselves. If you give them a way to learn more about themselves, that kicks them into wanting to participate. Second thing is they love to talk about themselves, but they don't want to come off as bragging. The best way to do that is to get someone else to talk about them. If it's the results of a quiz, they're not saying, "Hey look, I'm this type of person," this quiz determined that. 我认为这真的很棒。 I've seen it work really well for a lot of different I guess Facebook fan pages and groups is the idea of posting these quizzes.
You said asking for a selfie, voting for two different things, quizzes. Anything else that you recommend listeners try to do if they want to increase engagement?
Rizala : Just to go off really quick on the selfie thing, one selfie that really blows up is saying, I do a selfie challenge. Drop a selfie and add anyone who likes it. That actually goes, the results are ten times that, just a side note. If anyone wants to try that and then switch it up a little bit.
Felix : I'm sorry, what was that? You said add someone that likes it.
Rizala : It's called a selfie challenge. You drop a selfie, and then add anyone who likes your selfie. What will happen, and that causes crazy engagement because everyone is going through all the comments, liking peoples pictures, commenting on peoples pictures, so I'm not even doing anything to create engagement. They're all going through comments, liking pictures, commenting and it creates some crazy engagement. One selfie one time had over three thousand likes on it. 这太疯狂了。 More likes than the picture, and I was like, "Wow."
Felix : Sorry, I'm a little dense on this. I just want to make sure I understand. Someone posts their selfie, and then the idea is to add them as a friend, is that what you're saying?
Rizala : Yeah, the goal is, there's two steps. Step one is you post a selfie. Step two is you go through all the comments and you like selfies of other people. If someone likes my selfie, I have to add the person who liked my selfie.
Felix : Okay. 这就说得通了。
Rizala : If that makes any sense. It creates crazy engagement. What I usually do is I usually put a free gift as a link in the post so that way people, "Oh, there's a free gift," or a chance to sign up for an email list, and then I grab some emails and stuff like that or I'll grab a couple hundred emails for free. 没钱。
Felix : Cool. I think the most important question out of this, and I've heard this asked a couple of times when I was asking my community what they want me to ask, was about how do you turn those likes into actual buyers? How do you go from likes to purchases? When you're posting this content, is there a call to action? How do you actually drive people? It's great there's all this activity, but how do you actually get them to buy things from you?
Rizala : That's a great question. I actually like when someone asks that question because a lot of times and a lot of marketers say, "Like doesn't equal money," and that's one hundred percent true. Likes do not equal money, but what likes does is it can allow you to equal more engagement because you have a person who's already somewhat warmed up to you. To me this is the formula, likes equal engagement equal clicks equal email equals money to me. That's where I get. I have the opportunity to communicate with you through your email.
To break it all down, I get a like. It's a very high chance that someone is probably going to see my post. They see my post and they like it, and then they engage in it. When they engage in it, they either engage in it by commenting, sharing or even clicking on the link I have in my post, which is usually several different things. It can be sign up for a newsletter, sign up for a giveaway, sign up for my social site as well. It's several different things. Someone can sign up for one of those email lists. If they don't, no worries because they already engaged in it, which allows other people to see it because when you're engaged in it, Facebook allows the post to travel more into other peoples news feed.
Once that happens, I get something from that person. Then if I get an email, then when I'm in their inbox, that's when I communicate with them in a sense. I'm, "Okay, you're on my email list." Let's just say they get on my email list for the giveaway. I say, "Okay, we announce a giveaway once every week. In the meantime, here's a discount to one of my products," and they get a discount, and from there they can decide to either purchase something or they can just hang out until they're ready to buy something, or they'll join another email list from there. 它继续前进。 I create a circle. You're doing something with me. I don't know what you're doing, but you're doing something.
Felix : I like that. 我喜欢那个。 Two things that you said about that, first I like the funnel that you have set, because you have likes, which means that they're going to be seeing your content. You're posting things, they're engaging in them. They're really, really familiar with you and have you top of mind. Then there's going to be certain posts that you have. I guess not every single post, but certain posts that events that drive them to some place either through a giveaway or I'm not sure if you mentioned anything else, but the basic idea is to drive them to some other landing page that collects the email. 那正确吗?
Rizala : Mm-hmm (affirmative).
Felix : Okay, collects the email and then you have some kind of auto responder set up?
Rizala : I do.
Felix : How do you get them to buy from there?
Rizala : I have an auto responder set up as well as I have scheduled broadcasts. I try to do too much auto responder stuff. Because sometimes the same person will join the same email list twice or something. I just keep it fresh. I have two email auto responders set up, and then I just do broadcasts. They're either joining another email list that qualifies them more into being a buyer, or it gets them to try to buy something, or it gets them to interact. I sometimes send them back to a quiz. I say, "Oh okay, you just joined my email list. Check out this quiz." Keep them in a circle. I try to get to know them, keep them entertained, keep them used to opening my emails, clicking my links, commenting, sharing. I want them to just engage with me. I don't care what you're doing. Just engage.
Felix : I like this attitude. This was the second thing I liked about what you're saying is that sometimes we stress so much about how do we get the funnel, how do we get them from point A to point B, but sometimes there is no direct path. The idea I think what you're getting as is that they're going to be doing something with you to go and expose you somehow. There's no direct path from going from likes to buyers. You just keep them involved, immersed into your brand's universe and pull them deeper and deeper and deeper into it by getting them more and more and more engaged. It's almost like this huge spiderweb that you set up.
Eventually they will hit one of the opportunities where they want to buy from you. I think that's an important point because sometimes we stress too much about, "Oh my conversion rates are dropping here and dropping there," and sometimes it's not a straight path. Sometimes it's really getting them as engaged as possible. I think that's a great point. Can you give us an idea of how large the email list is? Let's say you have three hundred thousand likes on the Lesbian Pride group; how many emails can that I guess equate to for your situation?
Rizala : I'll be honest with you, I'm still kicking myself in the butt for this, but it took me forever to finally design an email list. I would say I'm at about fifty thousand, and I should be at a lot more. I'll be honest, I didn't start until October.
Felix : That's amazing though. Fifty thousand from just three hundred thousand likes and just starting in October. I guess right now that's about six months ago. I think that's a great growth.
Rizala : Thanks.
Felix : I don't think that's anything to be ashamed of at all.
Rizala : I keep telling people just build an email list. 不要像我一样。 Build an email list.
Felix : Are you able to see the conversions? Do you ever just come out and pitch a product on the Facebook page or is it all done through the emails?
Rizala : I do and I don't. I don't really go really hard on pitching. I post the product on my Facebook page, so it still gets a lot of organic reach. I'll go, one day I'll post three products and then I won't post anything for a week, and that's because I'm driving traffic to those three products or traffic from another funnel is coming back to those products or one traffic is going to those products. If you were to look at my posts, it either has no link or it has a link to something like a giveaway or something. The goal is to try and get people on the email list. I even try to send them to Instagram. 那是另一回事。
I'm like, "Okay, check out Instagram," because that's another place where I can communicate with somebody. I don't go very hard with posting too much product. I don't have a daily or twice a day I post a product. 我不那样做。
Felix : Was it because you weren't getting the same kind of conversions as email? What'd you change your I guess direction?
Rizala : I never really did. If I were to post a product, it would be just because I'm creating an ad and I would just publish it on the page. It wasn't because I had a schedule. To me, yeah I just don't. 我只是不知道。
Felix : Okay. I think that's a good idea too is just, I've said this plenty of times too and people might be tired of hearing about it, but always drive the followers that you have, the likes, whatever, to an email list because that is the only platform that you have true control over. Email never goes away. The way that I've always thought about these kind of new social media platforms popping up is that think of it as almost an eBay or an Etsy because these social media platforms, they spend a lot of time marketing, spend a lot of time, have full teams building a marketplace of eyeballs at these different locations. A bunch of prospective customers for you.
The problem with being on an Etsy or an eBay is that you don't actually own that customer. At the end of the day, they still own it, so they can shut it down any time and change things and all of a sudden it's gone. I feel like for any entrepreneur out there that wants to go around on social, your only goal is to get all those people, all those eyeballs, all those prospective customers from those platforms onto your platform, because it's going to go away some day and you'll always have your own platform.
Rizala : Totally.
Felix : Facebook is going to go away some day. Facebook fan page is going to go away some day.
Rizala : Yes.
Felix : Because you have an email list ...
Rizala : Say it ain't so.
Felix : Because you have such a huge email list, you don't depend on it. Not just that, but if another popular social media platform pops up, you can drive all fifty thousand or however many you have at that time to there. All of a sudden you're like the big shot on the new platform and you'll get a lot more organic growth from there because a lot of platforms care about who's the most active on there. I think you're doing the right thing, and I think your message is the right thing too, which is to get started with emails as soon as possible.
We're almost running out of time here. I want to ask you one more I guess big thing about Facebook fan pages, which is not about Facebook fan pages, it's about Facebook groups. I think everyone out there who might be listening is saying, "Why haven't you started a Facebook group," because everyone saying the things that you've heard plenty of times, which is fan pages are not getting as much organic reach as before. Groups is the new big thing. What are your thoughts on that? What are your thoughts on groups versus pages?
Rizala : I'll be honest with you, I just started a group from the fan page, but what I did was I made it a reward. I said, "If you do this, you'll get a reward of being able to join this group." Groups are pretty good. I would say there's a ton of ... I have maybe two thousand people and I would say I get about a hundred new posts every single day. It's crazy engagement in groups. I would say yeah, groups are cool and all, but at the same time, it's a lot of work because you're monitoring things a lot more. Even though you're an admin, unless you want to restrict people from posting, which isn't very fun for them, it's like I feel like more of a babysitter in a group and I feel like I have less control, being okay with having less control.
It's good for training purposes. It's good for community learning purposes, but for what I do in the sense of I'm trying to drive people to certain things, I don't know. To be honest with you, I don't know. I like it in the sense of engagement, but I don't like it in a sense of the lack of control.
Felix : I think you hit the nail on the head there because with Facebook fan pages, you control the topics. Because people can't create their own topics, they have to respond or reply to your posts. You control the main topic everyone should be talking about. Facebook groups, everyone can create their own topic so it's almost like a free for all kind of forum. Literally it's a forum.
Rizala : It's crazy. Oh my gosh, I'm doing this picturing.
Felix : No, I think that makes sense. I guess moving on from there, I want to talk a little bit, close this out, talk a little bit about your actual store itself. I think just real quick, I guess what's your day to day like? How much involved are you with the Facebook fan page versus running your actual Shopify store?
Rizala : I would say my day consists of in the morning after I get situated with exercise and stuff, I sit down and I check my ads first thing. Maybe take me an hour to an hour and a half. The store I will probably add maybe an item or two to the store from whatever, a vendor or something, or supplier or even custom content that I created. You know what, this is the best advice I can give people starting a Shopify store. Just spend one or two days just adding a bunch of items to your store. 只需添加它。 只需添加它。 Especially if you're starting off with direct shipping, find a supplier and just start adding products because if you just spend a couple days, and you only have eight items, I'm just going to add an item a day, that's not going to get you anywhere.
At least have forty items in your store and then just start going from there and just promoting each item, and maybe spend one week promoting one item and see if that can be a winner. I'll be honest with you Felix, that's kind of a problem that I had is that I had to create less time for myself because I'm less productive when I have too much time. 这对你有意义吗?
Felix : I think that's, yeah. It's almost like the more time you have you just learn to fill that time with things that aren't as important.
Rizala : I had to make it so that I only had four hours to spend on my business a day, four to five hours. I had to, okay, I'm going to go work out, I'm going to go do this, I'm going to spend time with my wife, I'm going to try to make dinner or we're going to go out to eat. I'm just going to chill for an hour or two a day because that's what I want to do. I try to spend only four to five hours a day, not consecutively. I spend maybe three hours and maybe two to three hours on my store. Just doing random stuff. I'll be honest with you, I'm literally just the first two hours I spend just with ads and the next couple hours I'm spending just doing random stuff, things store owners do. 我不知道。
Felix : I think that makes a lot of sense. I like the idea of limiting your time. I've heard of this. I think John Lee Dumas, I'm not sure if you listened to him or anyone else does, he runs Entrepreneur on Fire Podcast. He talks a lot about this baby affect, which is that a lot of entrepreneurs kick things into higher gear once they have less time or more things, either less time or more at stake because once you have a baby all of a sudden you don't have any time at all to do anything, so you really learn how to prioritize and focus on what's actually important because more time doesn't necessarily mean you can devote it towards the right things. You could be totally distracted and then all of a sudden be doing things that are detrimental to your business. I think that's a really great advice.
When we were talking, I actually remember one thing I do want to ask about Facebook fan pages, which is you were saying you were using ads before to build the likes. Is that still the strategy that you use today where what's working for you today at the scale that you're at with a hundred thousand likes one page, three hundred thousand likes on your main most profitable page? What are you doing now to drive more and more likes to those pages?
Rizala : I do not Facebook page like ads anymore just because the amount of ads and the amount of ad money I'm spending on regular ads. I actually get a ton of page likes without having to do a page like.
Felix : It's just organic sharing?
Rizala : Yeah, organic, or just when you run ads people will like your page from those ads. 这很疯狂。 When you run an ad for, let's say, website clicks, you're trying to get more website clicks, if you click on like I want to see how many people like my page from this ad, it's kind of crazy. There are people who like the page. I guess not only did they click, but they liked it.
Felix : Is it because your Facebook fan page is the one that I guess owns the ad, or are they looking it up afterwards? How are they going from seeing your ad to a product to then finding your Facebook fan page?
Rizala : What I have noticed, this is something, because I actually asked my wife and I ask a lot of people their behaviors when they see ads on Facebook and my own personal. What I usually do is I'll click on the ad. I'll click on the ad, it'll take me to the page, and then I'm like, "Oh, I'm interested," "I'm not interested," and I'll click back. I did like the offer, and I'm interested in the page, so I'll go click on the link for the page. It'll take me to the page, and I'll look on the page and see what they got going. "Oh this is an interesting page." I'm going to go ahead and like the page.
I ask my wife, and I always ask people, "What do you do?" They tell me, "This is what I do." 我也这样做。 They'll do two or three things. They'll click the thing. People who don't buy doesn't mean they didn't give you something. They might have given you also a like too. 我不知道。 That's my behavior and the behavior I've asked from other people, is I'll click on the ad, and I'll either go back and say I'm interested in the page, so I'll get the page and I'll like the page.
Felix : That makes sense. 凉爽的。 In terms of running this entire operation you have going on here, are there any particular tools or apps, either through the Shopify app store or just outside of it, that you really depend on to keep things running?
Rizala : Oh yeah. I'm going to give a huge shout out to my guys at Hextom, HEXTOM dot com. Those guys have amazing apps. The banner apps, the countdown timer banner app has definitely increased my conversions. I don't like pop-ups. My people don't like pop-ups, and I still want to provide them with scarcity. I think people need a little pressure. The countdown timer app from Hextom is amazing. It allows you to even just, if you want to just show the countdown timer on just a cart page, it really helps you to increase conversion. Say, "Hey, in less than an hour we're going to shut down the free shipping." That's an app that I definitely recommend.
Another app that I use is Retarget app. People who don't really understand too much about Facebook advertising and they don't like the whole new Facebook pixels, the new thing everyone's asking questions about. Definitely install Retarget app. It takes so much pressure off of you. It's dynamic retargeting, which means after someone visits a certain product, not only will it retarget that person on that product but also relatable products to that person as well. That's really important because retargeting is huge. If you're driving traffic, you need to be retargeting people, so please download that Retarget app. I think those are the only two apps that I really use consistently all the time. No, those are the only two apps I really use all the time.
菲利克斯:太棒了。 凉爽的。 Thanks so much Rizala. I think you dropped a lot of knowledge here about Facebook fan pages, a lot of things I think people can get started on immediately or they have a fan page already, things they can implement immediately as well., PRIDEDESIGNZ dot com., which is RIZALA dot com is your personal site. Anywhere else you recommend the listeners go check out if they want to follow along with what you're up to?
Rizala : No. I would just be inside our Facebook group answering questions. If anyone has any questions, they can just refer to your Facebook group, Traffic and Sales, and I'll be in there answering questions. Just if I can give one advice, just be patient and be consistent. Those are the two things that I want to say. Be patient and be consistent, and if you can get those two down and just keep doing what you're doing, it's going to happen. It's bound to happen.
菲利克斯:是的。 I love [inaudible 01:06:19]. I think that's great advice. You don't even have to be great, if you can just be good or good enough and be consistent, it'll get you really, really far.
Rizala : I promise you.
Felix : I think it's a game of attrition, who can stay in it the longest. It's not necessarily who's best but who's left. Who can stick around and just be consistent. I think that's great advice.
Rizala : Awesome.
菲利克斯:太棒了。 非常感谢。 Again,,, and we'll link all that in the show notes. Thanks again for coming on.
Rizala : Thank you again for having me. I really appreciate you having me on the show. I really like giving back to the community that's given me so much.
Felix : Yeah, you definitely have. 惊人的。 非常感谢。
Rizala : Thanks Felix.
Felix : Thanks for listening to Shopify Masters, the e-commerce marketing podcast for ambitious entrepreneurs. To start your store today, visit for a free fourteen day trial.
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