Civil Estimator 如何使用 Shopify 将其服务作为数字产品进行销售

已发表: 2016-04-05

在此播客中,您将向 B2B 企业家 Jeff Graham 学习,他通过 Shopify 销售他的服务。

Jeff 经营 Civil Estimator,它是世界各地建筑公司最知名和最受尊敬的自由职业估算提供商之一。 他通过将这些服务作为数字产品出售来做到这一点。


  • 如何使用 Shopify 作为服务提供商收取款项。
  • 为什么现金是利润和收入的王者。
  • 您应该在哪里改善业务的现金流。

听下面的 Shopify Masters…

在 iTunes 上评价和评论 Shopify Masters!


  • 商店: Civil Estimator
  • 社交资料: Facebook、Instagram
  • 推荐:数字下载(Shopify 应用)  


Felix :今天, 的 Jeff Graham 加入了我,Civil Estimator 是一家 B2B 企业,是最知名和最受尊敬的自由民事估算服务之一,于 2008 年在不列颠哥伦比亚省的巴斯夫阿伯茨福德成立。 欢迎杰夫。


费利克斯:请告诉我们更多关于您的故事,因为我认为您是第一个专门直接向企业销售的客人,而且您的整个网络都专注于向其他企业销售。 告诉我们更多关于你的商店/服务的信息,你们到底是做什么的?

Jeff :我们公司主要为挖掘公司提供自由估价服务。 可行的方法是,当一项工作进行招标时,他们需要在投标之前了解有关该工作的非常具体的信息。 他们需要知道需要清除多少表层土壤,需要多少砾石返回现场,甚至需要知道混凝土、沥青和管道等区域。

这是我们提供的一项非常小众的服务,但也是一项非常必要的服务。 我们从 2008 年开始,首先以自由职业者的身份做这件事是一件很新颖的事情。 通常情况下,挖掘公司只会有内部人员来做这种工作。 对于不止一家公司来说,这样做有点新奇,我父亲在最初的六年里一直是这项业务的主要经营者。 大约两年前我开始全职工作,当我加入这家公司时,我有点在想,这可能会对电子商务产生一些影响。

在与他合作之前,我经营过一家书店,我应该说是一家 Shopify 商店,卖的书做得很好。 我认为将从中学到的一些知识应用到这笔交易中会非常酷。 花了一段时间,有趣的是我们实际上建立了一个 Shopify 商店并且大约六个月没有做任何事情。 我们只是将它用作我们的网站,然后我们会说,“我们必须做一些事情。”

我们最终想出的是,我们将这些文件交付给我们的客户,而我们会交付一个文件,然后通常需要大约 30 天才能收到付款。 我们当时想,“如果我们可以直接交付文件并立即获得报酬,我们实际上可以在现金流上增加 30 天。” 我们开始将文件放在 Shopify 上的数字下载应用程序之类的选择后面,这基本上就像您必须先付费才能从我们这里获得产品。 我们没有交付该产品并发送发票,而是说“这是数字下载链接”,他们没有任何问题。

它在内部解决了我们在收款方面的一个巨大问题,并且您基本上可以在银行中获得额外几个月的现金,因为您无需再等三十天就可以直接收到它,而是从一周内出现条纹。 太棒了,从发票过程中消除了很多压力。

菲利克斯:太棒了。 你说了一些不同的事情,我想深入了解一下。 只是为了让我们对你们所服务的客户有更好的了解,我想我会根据你们所说的来尝试解决这个问题,你们可以纠正我可能弄错的地方。 有一项工作需要有人承担,例如挖掘项目,但要投标的公司需要更好地了解所涉及的成本,这就是你们介入的地方?

杰夫:是的,没错,我们会做体积计算。 他们会向我们发送现有场地的调查,然后是土木工程师制定的计划,并且会有差异。 它被称为填充体积,所以我们会取那里的东西,我们会取里面的东西,所以如果我们正在为停车场或学校或其他什么东西挖掘,我们会找出这两者之间的差异。

有时你需要在场地上填满,有时你需要从场地上剪下来。 这些项目通常是数百万美元的项目,如果您计算错误,您的公司可能会倒闭。 正确进行这些计算非常重要,所以一旦你有了这些计算,你就会说:“好吧,我知道 X 和 Z 的成本是多少,一千立方码的切割或一千立方码的填充。” 由于我们为他们进行的计算,我们的客户能够对该项目提交非常准确的投标。

菲利克斯:这听起来像我作为一个局外人,就像你和客户之间的大量工作一样。 它是像我想象的那样动手还是有……因为你现在销售的基本上不一定是产品,但它肯定更加产品化。 非常定制的体验是否存在问题,至少听起来与在线产品化版本相比是这样的?

杰夫:它的某些方面是,某些方面不是。 它有一定的客观性,因为你要么做对了,要么做错了。 这真的没有任何主观性。 就劳动力和设备费率而言,它们可能会出现某些因素,“我知道我的人可以更快地完成这项工作”,或者“我有一个更近一点的垃圾场, ”或“我与某个供应商结了缘。”

是的,那里会有一定程度的主观性,但根据我们的经验,很多客户互动通常发生在新关系的头几个月。 然后他们对我们产生了一些信心,这有点像在那之后的比赛。 这更像是证明我们知道我们在做什么,然后一旦他们离开,他们就不知道他们在做什么,然后这种互动会随着我们的离开而迅速减少。

Felix :我明白了,他们是从你那里购买服务,然后他们继续与你合作以获得他们需要的东西,还是他们从你那里购买数字产品,然后他们自己起飞并使用这就是他们需要你的全部吗?

杰夫:每次他们有新工作出现时,他们基本上都会联系我们,让我们进行针对该工作的计算。 我不知道这是否回答了这个问题。

Felix :他们访问您的 Shopify 网站,他们购买了列为 Shopify 产品的服务之一,然后从那里,您想给他们打电话或通过电子邮件向他们发送更多信息,例如是什么样的经验?

杰夫:是的,它的机制是什么,实际上并不完全一样。 我想也许一个典型的安排是我们现有的一个客户要么打电话给我们,要么打电话给我们说,“嘿,我想竞标这所学校。” 他们会向我们发送计划,我们将进行所有计算,然后我们会将其放入一个 zip 文件中,然后放入 Shopify 上的数字下载应用程序中。 然后我们会根据我们投入该工作的时间来设定价格,然后我们会将链接发送给他们,它只是一个数量。 然后他们只需下载文件,繁荣我们有我们的钱他们有他们的文件,我们不必担心发票。

Felix :您确实将 Shopify 用作合法的……就像单独的购物车一样。 这是您想从我们这里购买的物品,我们已经为您准备好了所有您需要做的就是现在使用 Shopify 对其进行付款,然后我们将交付产品。

Jeff : 没错,它解决的问题是你不必在交付文件后追赶某人。 我在这次采访之前就在考虑这件事,感觉有点像人质谈判。 就像,“我有你的文件,你有我的钱,我们怎么能以一种......明白我的意思了吗?

这是 B2B 中的一个大问题,在每个行业中都是如此。 这解决了一些问题。 你不必追人。 你在现金流上增加了 30 天,然后就像是,“只要付钱给我,你就会立即得到文件。” 这是一个非常优雅的解决方案,我认为这是一个相当大的问题,这适用于许多职业,会计师律师。 这本质上也是 Upwork 解决的问题,但它们比 Shopify 从您的账单中扣除的百分比要大得多。

Felix :我不确定是否有很多其他企业以这种方式使用 Shopify,但这很有意义。 它可能觉得你所说的这种人质情况很尴尬,因为它不是典型的体验,或者是一种新的方式,因为当我在亚马逊上上网时,我不希望免费获得我的物品然后他们在 30 天后向我开具发票,这样体验就已经很自然了,感觉不像是人质的情况。

杰夫:抱歉,我是说不使用 Shopify 的情况更像是这样,对吧?


杰夫:就像你已经提交了工作,然后有点像,“嘿,我已经给你了我的工作,这张发票好吗?” 而如果你已经在支付网关上设置了它,你会说,“好吧,这是你欠我的,文件已经准备好了”,就像你立即进行讨论一样。 我认为它建立了一种期望,就像“你要付钱给我,只要你付钱给我,这些文件就会交付”。 我认为这对双方来说都是一个非常公平的过程。 当我说这就像人质情况时,我的意思是从 Shopify 的角度来看,它有点像谈判工具。

菲利克斯:绝对看你在说什么。 让我们谈谈业务本身以及你们作为一个家庭是如何参与其中的,因为就像你说的那样,这是一个非常小众的业务。 这个领域有很多竞争对手吗? 你们会遇到其他竞争对手吗? 风景怎么样?

杰夫:是的,实际上美国有很多公司。 在加拿大,我们将是唯一一个我们真正知道的人。 这并不是说他们不存在,而是我们在自己的市场上没有遇到任何竞争。 就我们如何开始而言,我父亲已经估计了 358 年,大约八年前有这个想法要自己出去。 部分原因是他听说美国有几家公司,澳大利亚和英国也有一些公司这样做,但他听说基本上这种情况发生在其他市场,挖掘公司基本上会聘请估算员自由职业者的基础。

他喜欢这个想法,并找到了一位愿意给他一些工作的客户,这就像他走出去,口口相传一样。 它立竿见影,它解决了我们自己市场的巨大需求,而这种需求本质上是一家真正的大公司有能力聘请全职员工来做这件事。 一家非常小的公司不会竞标特别复杂的工作,但我们发现我们的利基是有些公司竞标复杂的工作但规模不足以雇用......支付某人150,000美元来竞标所有工作。

当他们发现这项服务时,有这样一个伟大的利基市场立即涌向我们。 我想从那时起,它一直是关于管理需求并试图使管理流程尽可能无缝,以便我们可以最大限度地利用我们的计费时间。

Felix :是否还有其他人在销售,任何竞争对手正在做你在网上做的事情,你基本上使用 Shopify 或任何其他平台作为他们的支付处理器......或者甚至只是在网上有一个存在,是你的竞争也这样做?


费利克斯:有道理。 您之前说过,典型的安排是您将交付最终产品的估算值,然后在三十天后或您拥有的任何条件下,客户将向您付款。 现在您有点翻转它并说在这里,估算完成只需付款然后通过 Shopify 数字下载应用程序您将自动获得估算。 因为客户习惯于以另一种方式这样做,所以现在他们必须立即付款,而不是一些 Net 30 或任何其他可能的付款结构?

杰夫:是的,这需要一些解释,所以有点像我在做什么? 这个想法并没有太多的阻力,但就像没有真正理解我们想要做什么一样。 对他们中的一些人进行了一些客户教育,有一些人马上就明白了,有一些人花了一点时间,还有一些人就像,“我应该喝杯咖啡,这样我就可以浏览一下这种的事情。

一旦他们了解我们在做什么,这就像一个普遍的认识,即这对每个人都是公平的。 他们也没有对我们要收取的费用感到惊讶,因为我认为不时发生的一件事是您完成工作,然后在几天内提交发票,他们正在查看这张发票上写着:“哇,这就是你要向我收取的费用?”

在这种情况下,就像当您即将进行该交易时,您又有机会谈论某件事情的成本。 我认为他们认识到这对他们也有一定的好处,而且一旦他们了解了这个东西是如何工作的,我认为他们也发现它就像一个非常系统。 就像,“我需要做的就是输入我的信息并点击购买,然后我立即得到我的文件。 在最初的客户教育之后,它很漂亮。

菲利克斯:太棒了。 您能否告诉我们您通过 Shopify 网站所做的业务有多成功?

杰夫:是的,我们通常会在网上做 13,000 到 15,000 美元一个月,而且全年都相当稳定。 我们通常在春季会有一些高峰,我们可能会超过 25,000,然后显然就像任何业务一样,你有一个下降到五个或十个的低潮。 到年底,我们的收入通常会在 200 美元左右。

菲利克斯:太棒了。 考虑到这方面的任何细节,但我想尤其是因为你销售的数字内容每月一万五千或每年二十万,其中很大一部分将是利润,因为它是一种数字产品。


Felix : 并不是说​​你们在转售 12,000 美元的东西,而只赚取 3,000 美元之类的利润。

杰夫:当然,是的。 就像我说的那样,显然有条纹费。 那是一件有点伤人的事情。 这就像你从支票上获得报酬一样,你没有这个百分比。 是的,它在某种程度上侵蚀了我们的利润,这取决于你如何看待它。 在某种程度上,我们不得不支付我们以前不需要支付的 2.9%。 现在,它的另一面是当我们看着它并说,“不过,我们可以在现金流上增加 30 天。”

这是您银行中额外的 15,000 美元,然后我们查看了前几年未支付的发票,并将其与处理费进行比较,“好的”。 我们知道,如果我们这样做并且总是得到报酬,我们将会有一定数量的破损,比如一定数量的这些东西不会得到报酬。 这很容易抵消交易成本。

Felix :是的,对于买家来说,这也有一些心理因素,因为当你得到一些东西或者你必须付钱才能得到一些东西时,好处就像坐在付款的另一边。 一旦你付了钱,你就得到它,当它以另一种方式得到时,或者你已经拥有它,然后三十天后你被期望为它付出代价时,你会感到心理上的摩擦,你不再感受到好处因为你已经拥有它了。

我认为这对你所说的事情有很大的好处。 我想他们在这种情况下无论如何都无法支付并得到它,但我认为对于购买者来说也有心理上的好处,他们正在为他们所支付的东西获得直接的好处。 我认为这是一种,我猜是你无法真正衡量的定性事物,但我认为这对客户来说确实有意义。

杰夫:我完全同意,我认为除了它之外 Shopify 是一个如此巧妙的系统。 我认为这让我们看起来好像我们知道我们在做什么,除了通常试图变得专业之外,但当你有这样的事情时,它绝对不会让你看起来像一个夜间组织设置好后你会说:“这是一个非常巧妙的系统,你只需立即付钱给我们,我们就可以参加比赛了。” 是的我同意。 我没有想到你刚才说的话,但是是的,我确信这很重要,但你看起来更专业,并且除了它之外还提供了一个非常愉快的东西。

Felix :有道理,我想谈谈现金流,因为这不是我们采访中会出现的问题,但我认为这个话题可能没有被充分提及,因为在早期,当你'刚刚开始你的商店你的第一重点是收入,我想要收入。 然后,一旦你获得收入,你就会开始意识到,“我需要盈利,所以我想专注于利润和利润。”

一旦你的现金流达到更大的规模,现金就是王道。 它不再与收入有关,不再与利润有关,现金成为其中最重要的部分。 它教会了我们一些关于现金流如何影响您的业务的知识,这是否意味着您必须等待 30 天才能获得报酬,而现在您可以立即获得报酬。 拥有良好的现金流意味着什么?

杰夫:我想背景是我在沃尔特·艾萨克森的史蒂夫·乔布斯传记中第一次接触到这个概念。 对于任何在听的人来说,这只是一本超级棒的书,我认为对于任何有创业精神的人来说都是一本。 当史蒂夫乔布斯接手苹果时,他说的其中一件事是,苹果需要将近一年的时间来交出他们的全部库存。

他在书中描述的方式就像拥有计算机和组件,所有这些东西都放在仓库里,有点像有一大箱腐烂的水果。 这些东西会随着时间的推移而退化,而且非常有害,因为你为仓储付费,你把所有的钱都绑在了这些东西上,这有点疯狂。

通用电气的前首席执行官杰克·韦尔奇在这类事情上也很重视。 整个想法是,与其把你的钱绑在东西上,你基本上会把所有的东西都带进去,然后卖掉你的东西。 这是一个简单的概念,但它非常强大。 乔布斯接手时,从花了一年多的时间将整个库存上交到六天,这实际上是……有趣的是蒂姆库克是供应链负责人,他策划了这个过程,显然他升任CEO。

我认为这说明了无论是产品还是服务,交出你的产品有多重要。 这些东西需要立即上交,因为释放的影响,基本上保持你的业务流动性是巨大的。 你只是想,与其把一千万、一亿、一亿五千万美元捆绑在基本上腐烂的东西上,你有 1.5 亿美元,这是支持你的业务的,你可以开始投资于其他积极的东西。

对我们来说,释放额外的 15,000 美元就像获得 15,000 美元的免息贷款。 这就像一个巨大的金钱来源。 然后你会说,“好吧,我们想看看用它来做广告吗?我们想做基础设施升级吗?” 其他例子是你可以还清债务吗? 当您在任何业务中增加三十天的现金流量时,当您拥有如此大的现金流量时,您可以看到这些东西。

费利克斯:也许为了把这一点带回家已自行付款,但仍在等待付款。 这对企业意味着什么……这对企业来说有多危险?

杰夫:是的,所以理论上你只是没钱了,当你没钱时,游戏就结束了。 如果你有所有欠你的钱,或者所有这些钱都被捆绑在产品上,然后突然间你无法支付你无法支付自己的账单,那么……这是一个极其危险的地方. Eric Reese 写了这本非常棒的书,名为《精益创业》。 他也经常谈论这个。

他在管理现金流方面非常擅长测试一个想法。 假设您要开始做 T 恤业务,先购买 5 件并测试设计。 看看这是否可行,然后从那里开始迭代,但真的很努力地没有访问库存,那么显然,如果你像我们这样从事服务业务,你必须确保你得到报酬。

我认为就如何获得报酬的条款进行谈判非常重要,但要回到我们是如何做到的。 这是我们在立即获得报酬方面找到的最佳解决方案。 在我看来,当您从事服务业务时,除了做这样的事情之外,几乎没有办法获得 Net 30 的报酬。 我猜 Upwork 可能是另一种选择,但他们掠夺的百分比。 我相信他们会从您的账单中抽取高达 10% 的折扣。 这不是最佳的。

Felix :这种关注现金流并对其进行优化的想法,是否应该是商店所有者、商店、公司和各种规模的企业关心的问题,或者是你应该在以后开始运营时更关注的事情?规模更大?

杰夫:我认为从一开始就是这样,绝对。 我认为有很多原因,我认为这就像,无论大小,它都会使您受益,但它是……这几乎就像一门学科。 这有点像,“我以后会戒烟。” 就像,“你现在应该戒烟了。” 我认为当你很大时,这有点像危险。 我认为当你做大时的危险在于,你实际上可能有很多收入进来,而没有意识到你有多少资金实际上被捆绑在库存中。

你可能会像苹果一样被抓住。 意识到,“我们基本上把所有这些垃圾都放在一边,现在我们遇到了麻烦。 当乔布斯接手时,那家公司正走向破产,这也是他们认为自己陷入如此严重困境的原因之一。

那时,这是一个价值数亿美元的企业,正在为此苦苦挣扎。 当您也在启动一项操作时,就像您不想以 10,000 美元开始,然后突然之间有五个人被捆绑在人们不买的杯子里。 这也是个大问题。 我认为采用这种自律的方法,“无论我做什么,我都会始终如一地将我拥有的产品或服务货币化,并将这笔钱退回银行,并保持这个过程继续下去.

费利克斯:有道理。 即使你有一个产品或一家公司,每个人都想从中获利,并且你正在创造大量收入。 也许你没有现金,也无法付钱给那些让你开灯的人。 然后就像你说的那样,游戏结束了,因为只有这样才能真正让你维持生计,即使你拥有人们想要的合法产品。 您是否认为有什么,可能来自您销售 B2C 的经验,或者绝对是您现在在 B2B 方面的经验,一家公司可以做些什么来改善他们的现金流? 因为很明显,你们从 Net 30 下降到立即,几乎立即付款,取得了巨大的进步。 店主有什么可以查看的东西,以了解他们可以改善现金流的地方吗?

Jeff : 是的,我想这真的取决于你所在的行业。从 B2C 的角度来看。 我想如果我们谈论的是一些典型的例子,比如 T 恤之类的东西。 我认为这样做会非常有帮助,查看您的库存并有点像去,“我目前的库存价值是多少?” 你可以用两种不同的方式来计算。 一个是它付出了什么,另一个是,我卖它的目的是什么? 基本上做一个统计,然后说,“好吧,我的家庭办公室里有大约 10,000 美元。 我如何立即把它变成钱?” 我认为,当您从事服务行业时,当您真正从事 Net 30 支付时,这更像是一个既定的流程。它们是两个不同的问题。

我认为 B2C,一个常见的问题是,现金流应该是捆绑在产品中的东西。 B2B 问题将与服务相关,抱歉,与稍后付款的发票相关。 对于一家 B2B 公司,这就像真正为自己谈判条款一样。 显然,一家公司可以像我们一样做一些事情,即进行数字下载并立即获得付款。

另一个人会说,“我想在两周内得到报酬,另一个人会因为超过 30 天而受到经济处罚。 如果您为其提供服务的公司在他们的发票上迟到了,那么您就向他们收取累积利率,以便至少在您获得报酬时,如果您不得不承担这些费用才能让自己继续前进,您可以还清债务. 这个概念有点道理。 我认为在 B2B 层面上,它在 B2C 层面上谈判条款,只是库存控制非常重要。

费利克斯:有道理。 让我们谈谈B2B销售。 我认为你可能对此有最好的看法,在我迄今为止遇到的所有客人中。 你的销售情况如何? 就像我们描述它一样。 让某人从与您的第一个接触点一直到付款都涉及什么? 我想你能给我们一些想法,因为我现在正在浏览你的网站,我们会谈谈你出售的现成产品。 这些不是便宜的产品,所以至少有一个,没有便宜的产品,但对于这样的估计,你能告诉我们这样的东西要花多少钱吗?



杰夫:是的,我们通常希望,每次估计通常在 1,000 美元到 2,000 美元之间,我的意思是这有点像大宗弧数。 就销售周期而言,这可能是我营销过的最简单的事情,因为它有点像你一确定,因为我们确定了一家符合我们概况的公司,这是不够大之间的最佳平衡点有一个全职的估算员,但他们足够大,他们正在做有点像复杂的项目,有点像,就像一个电话,说,“嘿,我们在这里。”

就像,“哦,太好了,好吧,我会开始给你发工作。” 我们收到文件,我们进行计算,我们把它作为我最初描述的数字下载放在我们的网站上,然后我们就开始参加比赛了。 这实际上是关于找出最适合这种情况的公司。 那就是我猜销售工作发生在哪里。 我们使用 LinkedIn 作为研究工具。 我们发现有效的另一件事是在 上寻找为民间估价员做广告的公司。

这有点像直接联系他们说,“嘿,你不一定要雇人,我们是作为自由职业者的选择来这里的。” 这有点像在关键人群中产生意识,一旦他们意识到我们在这里,事后真的很容易,因为对他们的需求是如此明显。

Felix :我想你也会得到很多回头客,因为这些人经常需要估算,对吧?

杰夫:是的,就像我们的前两到三个客户一样,我们收入的 75% 左右。 这对我们来说都是重复的,大时代。

菲利克斯:太棒了。 我的意思是你已经在这一集里提到过几次 Upwork 我想知道它是否能赚很多钱,如果你能想到其他自由职业类型的企业,那么开始销售你的服务或开始在 Shopify 上宣传或列出您的服务。

杰夫:完全可以,律师、会计师、簿记员,天哪,你可以通过景观美化、管道来做到这一点,几乎我会说它几乎适用于任何服务。 我想说最优雅的地方是当你有一个你在另一端交付的数字产品时。 让我们用一个假设的例子,比如假设你是一名专门处理遗嘱的律师,你为某人制定了定制的遗嘱,然后你把它放在你的薪酬角色后面,然后说,“好吧,你会得到你的遗嘱谎言你的习惯你付钱给我的时候会。”

同样,你可以是,你可以专门从事商业计划,或者,我认为任何与服务相关的东西,平面设计师也是另一个很好的例子。 你已经为一家公司完成了一个很好的视觉识别,你已经有了所有这些文件,你可以说,“好吧,它在我的网站上继续,一旦你付钱给我,你就会得到那些矢量文件交付给你即刻。” 我认为它的应用非常广泛。 我几乎要说问题是,这不适用于哪些行业? 我认为很少。 也许在我看来。


杰夫:就像规模如此之大,关系如此之久,以至于没有意义。 举个例子,我的岳母在哈利法克斯的欧文造船厂工作,他们正在建造这些巨大的北极巡逻舰,他们的分包商之一是洛克希德马丁公司。 来回的钱将是数亿美元,这毫无意义。 这个过程,仅凭信用卡处理费就很可观了,当然他们还涉及合同之类的事情,这是没有意义的。

Felix :我也觉得这些秤可能会让客户感到厌烦,因为您将它们设置在没有按那种比例个性化的地方。

杰夫:但另一方面,我想说的是,虽然它更像是一家小型企业,但如果你从事服务行业并且你正在交付数字产品,我只是认为这就像一个非常好的选项让我感到惊讶,我确信其他人已经想到了这一点,但我并没有真正看到这一切。 这种 Shopify 似乎被广泛用于 B2C,这很棒。 这确实是它的意思,但钱,很多钱易手 B2B。 我认为这是一个很好的选择。

Felix :我在 认识我的朋友 Jonathan,他们也做这件事,他就像是一家有五家商店的商店的代理商,他像主题树枝甚至月度计划或像电话一样销售,你在哪里想打电话和专家交谈。 他也通过 Shopify 进行销售。 基本上都是服务。 其中一些很棒,甚至没有交付结束,但它似乎对他有用。

我认识其他在销售的人,我之前采访了一个人,他经营一个网站,基本上为音乐家销售他的鼓循环,他也专门通过 Shopify 销售,因为就像你说的那样,它的末尾有一个数字下载。 它有一个可交付的结果。 我认为这对于想要销售的企业、想要在线或通过 Shopify 销售的服务来说绝对是最有意义的。

让我们谈谈您列出的两种主要产品,因为我猜是货架或他们可以购买的不需要太多定制的东西。 我认为很有趣的一款,一款售价 34.99 美元,另一款售价 2,199 美元。 人们真的会在网上买那么贵的东西吗?

杰夫:不,那是一个实验。 我实际上对此感到非常自我意识。 有了它,一个是电子表格。 你所说的电子表格是三十五美元。 实际上,我们可能已经卖出了价值约 1,000 美元的这些产品。 它有点像一个不错的小边栏。 我们通过电子邮件发送了我们在不列颠哥伦比亚省的联系人,然后说:“嘿,这里有一些数字可以用于预算估算。” 我们认真地花了大约半个小时把那东西放在一起。 你以为半小时就赚了一千块。

这很不错。 我们对此有点胆怯,因为它并不是我们真正使用的 Shopify,因为我描述的更像是一种开票结算的解决方案。 我们认为好吧,为什么我们不尝试别的东西呢? 我们放置了另一个数据库,它被称为 HCSS 数据库,从本质上讲,该数据库需要大约六个月的时间来设置您的韩元。

我们就像我们不能只卖五十美元之类的东西。 我们在上面贴了一半的价格标签,没有咬过它。 我不能说我非常惊讶,但这有点像我们测试了很多关于如何进一步将商店货币化的不同想法。

Felix :我觉得当你是一名自由职业者或服务提供商时,随着时间的推移,你将能够确定所有客户之间的共同点,比如他们特别需要的东西,然后你就可以开始发布越来越多的产品,而不是在其中。 Obviously you still keep up the service end of your business but the more products you have the more kind of less trading time for dollars you're doing. I think that we had a whole conversation earlier about free up cash flow but you can also free up you time which is just maybe more valuable that having cash.

I think that you're on the right path by trying out these different kind of products. If someone did want to come along and was talking to you through the phone or email and say they needed something like this, you can go through that same exercise or just sending them a link, “Hey, you can just buy this through here.” I think it's setting up for something at least in the future, makes sense?

I want to talk a little bit about the kind of key to sales for service providers and freelancers which is referrals. You mentioned to me before the call that asking customers for referrals is a great way of dropping a business for yourself. Tell us a little about that. What is your process like for asking for referrals from past customers and clients?

Jeff : Yeah, really simple actually. Obviously when, in almost any industry, well in every industry I'll say, I'll generalize like that, the relationship is just so key. We've got a handful of companies that over the years we've just become very tight with and they respect us. It's sort of like having that conversation of, it's great over a coffee or a meal, there's something with that by just saying, “Hey do you know anybody that you think might be interested in our service?”

It's kind of a hard question to ask because you're essentially in some ways asking them to refer us onto their competitor. The flip side to that though is that every time we've asked it's been like extremely effective. It's sort of like getting over having that slightly difficult conversation and just going like do you know anybody else who might be interested in what we're doing?

The in person thing I think there's just no substitute for it when you have a high impact opportunity I would say, always try and have a face to face conversation. The other way that we've done this that has worked really well is actually sending out an email. A couple of times we've sent out an email, we have about, between nine hundred and a thousand contacts on our email list.

We just emailed everybody and kind of said, “Do you know anybody that'd be interested in our service?” that was an awesome regeneration. Again just super simple, very blatant to the point. Do you know other people or who do you think would need what we're doing? That worked great

Felix : I think that's a great idea. Did you also get people on that were on list who remember who you were and said, “Wait a second I need the services as well,” has that happened too?

Jeff : Yes. It totally did. I think it's sort of like, I think it builds this mentality of you're, the people that you're talking to think of themselves as like an advocate for you. I think that's really important psychologically where they go, they're kind of putting themselves in our shoes and saying like, “Yeah, who do I know from my network that would benefit from what these guys are doing?”

I think that sort of like has a dual benefit of A getting referrals but then also there's thinking of about you in a very kind of positive proactive way and they might just go, “Yeah, I'm actually somebody I should refer onto them.” It absolutely works that way where you start hearing from customers that maybe you haven't heard from in a few months. I think everybody should, referrals are just so great, referrals and loyalty.

Felix : I think it's one of those tenants in the Dale Carnegie's how to influence people book where he says that if you want someone to like you ask them to do you a favor. What seems little backwards like why would someone want to like me more if I'd asked them to do something for me. But there's a whole psychology about why when you do, when someone comes to you and says, “Hey I need your help,” they feel like this person trusts me or trusts my opinion or trusts me to help them and that automatically builds more of a bond between you and that person.

I'm not sure if that's the reason that they're assuming you're getting it but I do think that you should be asking your, not necessarily asking them for help but depending on your past customers past clients to help you grow your business.

Jeff : I think there're a couple of things that happened there. When you ask somebody for a favor, I completely agree with what you've said and kind of your quote with Dale Carnegie and I think the other side to it that it shows a level of trust in the person that matters a lot because you're being very vulnerable. You're kind of saying like I'm asking for your help and that does put you in a situation where they can really kind of smack you upside the head if they want.

Like it really hurts when you ask for help and somebody turns you down and most people realize that. It's like, “Wow, this person is being vulnerable with me, they obviously trust me, I feel good about that too.”

Felix : Yeah, I'm always a big advocator of store owners, business owners to be as real as possible meaning don't sit on top of the throne and say hey this is my kingdom and enter my kingdom by myself. You really want to be on the ground and being at the same kind of level with your customers and your clients. I think you're on the right track.

To make this applicable to the B2C folks out there what is the call to action I guess when you send those email out to, no before I go down that way I just want to know, when is the right time to ask for a referral. Is it right after you delivered the goods they need or weeks after? When is the right time to ask somebody for a referral?

Jeff : I would actually say that that really kind of, it's a great opportunity to think about segmentation because I think the question is who do I see as potential advocates because I'm just reading between the lines on your comment there. It's sort of like I just bought something from you and now you're already asking me to refer you onto my friends. It's sort of like I think you can't do that a little too soon.

I think, I would say it probably boils down to instincts. My suspicion though is that most people would probably be a little bit too conservative about who they ask. They go, “I'll ask my mum and dad and cousin for a referral but I'm too afraid to ask everybody else.” I would say it's probably good to push the boundaries of who you think might be willing to help you. Maybe kind of look through your list and go I think these people would, they look like they could be advocates for me maybe taking a step further.

But then you obviously think about maybe those handful of people where it might too jarring to do it yet. Maybe wait a little while to, wait a little bit for them. I would say urgency and being bold is probably the thing that you're going to want to do.

Felix : I want to probably say you want to wait at least until they've gotten the value out of the thing that they've bought from you. If they just bought and they've never yet used it, they haven't even gotten it yet and you're asking for a referral. I don't think they would, for the B2C product that's not as expensive as the stuff that you're selling.

I don't think anybody would react negatively to it but it might not be as effective because when I've bought something and I've got it and I've loved it and then a day later someone emailed me and asked me, “How do you like your shoes that you've bought. Do you think any of your other friends would be interested?” I'd be like, “Yeah man.” Because I'm really on this high I love this product, that's the best time for you to ask me to refer other people to you.

Jeff : That's just a great point actually.

Felix : Definitely, cool maybe it's this last thing. I'm not sure that this is something you've been doing for a while but I saw in your site that you have an online community tab or a link as well which is using Slack. Tell us a little about this. What is the purpose behind this idea of creating an online community for your store?

Jeff : I'm really happy you asked me about that actually. Essentially it's about kind of nurturing relationships with existing people so there're all these really weird things that come up when you're estimating stuff. One example that I like to use. This is from a colleague of mine but he was telling me that he was doing an estimate for a prison and he was looking at the plans and in the plans there was this thing called a muffin muncher and he was like, “What the heck is a muffin muncher?”

He's looking around and finally found out that it was actually this thing that connects to a sanitary which is like poop and pee. It essentially is like this crazy gnashing thing that grinds up whatever comes through it. The reason you put this sort of thing in a prison is that you actually have stuff going through your sanitary that you wouldn't want to kind of get out into the sewerage treatment plant.

It could be things like essentially contraband. You can infer what that means but it was sort of like this super obscure thing that it took him forever to figure out. It turned out that there was somebody deep in his network that had known about this and certainly what I was thinking of was Slack because I'm going well there're all these people that kind of have these I guess obscure issues that come up wouldn't it be great to put together an online community where it's like hey I need a bit of help because it's such a niche thing.

“Hey I need a bit of help. I've run into this issue has anybody seen it before?” To me it's about kind of like being a central part of that conversation so that when you help somebody else out they might think of you down the road of like hey I think I can refer them some business or I think maybe there's a way that I can help them out. They did a favor for me I'd like to do a favor for them. It's all about kind of like nurturing that community which I think is just a great long term way of thinking about a business.

Felix : This is something that I've just come to realization too and just for anybody out there that doesn't know about Slack, it's just basically a chat program where you can, guess anybody can join and be part of like the same chat room I guess you can kind of think of it that way.

You can definitely check it out I think it has some cool feature in it. But I've just started thinking about it this way too about creating a community and I've just started my own community too because if you really want people to lash on or be really absorbed or immersed into your brand's universe there's no better way in my opinion than to have a community around it.

Because now a lot of times we, me and you and anyone else that has an email list we're talking one direction, not necessarily once direction but we've talked to one person and they might talk back to us. But all these people you're talking to have one major thing in common which is the problem that you're solving or the price that you're selling or the lifestyle that you're putting out there.

If you have something in common like why not be bring value into their lives or bringing them all together. When you bring them all together there's a ton of value with that being the person that bring them together because they appreciate that which I think what you're getting at. They appreciate the connections but then you get everybody talking about the thing that they're all tied together about and your product, your brand company all becomes much more top of mind and it becomes like a natural extension of the community.

I'm just saying all this because I think community is definitely one of the keys I think to having a sustainable business with repeat buyers because they're going to stick around for much longer than somebody that doesn't belong to a community.

Jeff : I completely agree and just to add to that too I actually find that it makes things so much more lively and enriching as well where it's like you can kind of sit behind your screen and get a little lonely and then that's sort of okay you feel a little bit more sense of purpose and you're putting a little bit of like good and light into the world.

Even if there're relationships over Slack it just kind of like, it is, if you're a relational person I think it's a great way to kind of grow your business but then also just doing it for altruism and doing it because it makes your day nicer, I think that that matters a lot too.

Felix : I've been emailing my email list for a couple of years now but I just started my own group, my own community and I've probably learned just as much as one of the last couple of weeks just by being in that community because other people in the community are going to help discussions it's not just you. When the discussions start happening you get to hear more about the pains and problems that your customers have and that kind of information is golden when you want to go back and decide what kind of product they're selling nice.

What kind of services they're selling nice, how to talk to them on your website, these are all kind of great things that come organically out of having a community. Tell us what's in store for the remainder of this year, whether, and I think you are testing a bunch of different things? What are the kind of big goals that you want to achieve for 2016?

Jeff : Honestly for us it's sort of continuing to refine the process. Basically maximizing the amount of available hours that we get in a day. That for us it's keeping the admin side of it extremely lean. Over the course of this year in terms of the goal related to the site I'm hoping to build up a little bit more organic traffic. Done a little bit with search engine optimization and we've had some, we've gotten some leads through search which is kind of like a new thing. Historically we've had to go out and find them.

I think how powerful Shopify is with SCL we've noticed that our ranking in Google has continually improved over the years. I've done a bit of blogging that seems to have improved it as well. I guess the simultaneous thing of maximizing the time that we spend, basically building out our time and then hopefully having a product or a site that indexes well and we kind of get those leads of people that we would never think to find.

Felix : Awesome. Again, is the website. Thanks for coming on Jeff. I bet no one out there is listening that actually needs your services but if they want to follow along and see what you've been doing, if anyone out there is thinking about selling services online, I think Jeff is probably one of the, definitely check out his site. I think it's set up in a great way to demonstrate that. Anywhere else that you think the listeners should check out if they want to follow along with what you're up to?

Jeff : Look I was actually just going to say is if you do have a service business and want to contact me through the contact form like I'm the one who get those emails, I'd be more than happy to give you my opinion on certain things. It doesn't matter to me obviously if you don't have an excavating company I'm sure you're right. If you're on the service industry and listening to this and would like to pick my brain a bit, go hop on this site and shoot me an email.

Felix : Awesome, thanks so much Jeff.

Jeff : Thank Felix

Felix : Thank you for listening to Shopify master the ecommerce marketing podcast for ambitious entrepreneurs. Just start your story today, visit for free fourteen day trial.


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Felix Thea 是 Shopify Masters 播客的主持人,该播客是为雄心勃勃的企业家提供的电子商务营销播客,也是TrafficAndSales.com的创始人,您可以在其中获得可操作的技巧来增加商店的流量和销售额。