已发表: 2016-09-29测验不仅仅是一个有趣的小活动,你可以用它来吸引你的观众。
在本期 Shopify Masters 中,向新娘出租新娘配饰的奢侈品电子商务网站 Happily Ever Borrowed 的 Brittany Haas 分享了她如何使用风格测验来转化客户并收集非常有用的客户数据
- 如何开展租赁业务。
- 如何创建测验以转换客户。
- 如何找到并与高质量的实习生一起工作。
听下面的 Shopify Masters…
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- 商店: Happy Ever Borrowed
- 社交资料: Facebook | Instagram | 推特
- 推荐:Typeform,Internships.com
Felix:今天,来自 Happilyeverborrowed.com 的 Brittany Hass 加入了我的行列。 Happily Ever Borrowed 是一家向新娘出租新娘配饰的奢侈品电子商务网站,成立于 2011 年,总部位于纽约市。 欢迎,布列塔尼。
菲利克斯:很高兴有你参加,在我们开始讨论这是我第一个租用产品的客人之前,我很快就和你讨论了,所以我认为这会很有趣。 告诉我们更多关于您的商店及其运作方式的信息。
布列塔尼:当然。 正如您所提到的,Happily Ever Borrowed 始于 2011 年。我们在婚礼当天向新娘出租新娘配饰。 从面纱到头饰再到头饰,基本上除了裙子之外的一切。 我们的运作方式是直接从整个销售设计师那里购买,就像任何其他实体店一样,除了不将产品卖给新娘,我们将产品出租给新娘。 我们提供四天或八天的租金,我们通过节省金钱和减少所有新娘的开支来为新娘的婚礼做好准备 [侵犯 00:02:16]。
菲利克斯:是的,有道理。 实际上,我现在正在筹划婚礼。 我的婚礼是在 11 月,所以绝对了解……
菲利克斯:是的,谢谢。 绝对了解关注成本的必要性,因此我认为仅从潜在客户与您交谈的角度来看,您肯定处于一个好位置。 你是怎么想出这个主意的? 你是如何认识到需要这样的东西的?
布列塔尼:我在上大学,实际上是 [Equinox 00:02:46] 大学的时装设计专业。 当我在那里的时候,我的姐妹们开始订婚了,我是四个女孩中最小的一个,有很多姐妹,很多婚礼。 当我和他们一起逛街时,基本意识到新娘礼服的低质量和高价格。 当我看到这些礼服有多贵时,我姐妹们的价格是 2,000 到 3,000 美元,如果你幸运的话,你可以穿上 5 到 6 个小时。
在那之后,他们需要面纱、珠宝和腰带,所有这些额外的东西都会在他们婚礼当天的服装总成本上增加一千美元或更多。 我把它放在我的脑后,这真的没有意义。 当我毕业的时候,正好是纽约科技泡沫时期,Rent The Runway 和 Birchbox,所有这些女企业家报道的 HBC 初创企业都在发生,我刚刚开始思考这个过程,并决定从网上配饰开始,在这里五年后的今天。
菲利克斯:是的。 您是否一直有出租的意图,或者您是否开始销售产品,或者您从一开始就知道您想要出租?
布列塔尼:我们肯定是从出租的想法开始的。 否则我的职业生涯一直在奢侈品时尚行业,我可以理解购买非常昂贵的钱包或鞋子之类的东西的概念,并且您可以降低每次磨损的成本,因为您觉得您要购买的就是这件衣服你要穿一辈子。 当新娘到来的时候,我真的很震惊,女性们花了这么多钱买一件她们一生只能穿几个小时的东西。 租赁绝对是一个概念,但我们确实从在实体店做新娘礼服并以这种方式租赁的想法开始。
实际上,我在大学时和我的一位非常好的朋友开始了这项业务,她的名字叫海莉佩奇。 如今,她实际上是一位大新娘设计师。 她和我一起构思,因为我们在大学一起设计,并认为我们可以租用礼服,因为我们知道如何设计礼服,我们知道如何合身,改变图案,挑选出容易的东西租金和大小。 然后当我们考虑启动成本时,就像我说的那样,就在这个科技泡沫开始的时候,我们认为电子商务是要走的路,我们决定选择不那么大的面纱选项和配件。
费利克斯:有道理。 每当您创业时,您最不想做的事情就是拥有大量库存,然后尝试匆忙卸载它,或者在您的情况下开始出租它们。 你是怎么开始的? 一开始您是否有大量库存、大型目录? 告诉我们更多关于,我猜,创建一个供人们租用的目录的开始阶段。
布列塔尼:是的。 最初的想法开始了,我们真的不得不与新娘设计师自己交谈,并了解他们是否真的对这件事感兴趣。我们向我们不认识的设计师发送了很多冷电子邮件,只是问他们讨论这个概念,令人震惊的是,如此多的设计师愿意与我们交谈,比如 Reem Acra 和 Angel Sanchez 以及所有这些伟大的新娘设计师。 我们刚进去,开始谈论我们的不同想法。 每个人都同意新娘已经过时并且需要改变的想法。
我认为我们开始的方式更传统,因为我们预先购买库存,将其存放在我们的公寓中,并真正挑选我们认为新娘会喜欢和喜欢的东西。 随着时间的推移,我已经将我的购买方式转变为在我们真正购买产品之前真正测试市场。 我们的大多数新娘在婚礼前几天都没有租用他们的产品,大多数时候是两到三周。 我们会在网站上放置很多我们没有实际拥有的产品图片,然后一旦我们收到它的租金,我们就会从设计师那里购买产品。 我们以这种方式节省了自己一点,而不是实际购买库存。
菲利克斯:那很酷。 当您开始构建此目录时,您说您一开始并没有对其进行测试。 你背后的过程是什么? 您是否只是根据自己的直觉购买您认为市场想要的任何东西,或者那是什么过程?
布列塔尼:是的,我认为新娘是很棒的,因为它不像时装业那样每六个月就会改变一次。 新娘潮流,它们会随着时间而改变,但显然菲利克斯也许这不是你的强项,但如果你想想过去十年的新娘风格,比如无肩带连衣裙,在凯特王妃结婚之前的时间最长,然后所有突然袖子又回来了。这种风格花了十年时间才真正改变。 从某种意义上说,我们很幸运,婚纱行业的发展比时尚行业的发展要慢一些。 我们努力保持领先趋势。
我们最近做的事情是我们已经实施了一个我们创建的风格测验,我们基本上只是制作了一个类型表格,让新娘挑选图片,他们喜欢或不喜欢的事物的不同图像来评估他们的新娘风格是。 无论是更经典的还是波西米亚风的,还是沙滩的还是迷人的。 根据我们得到的回复,我们可以真正了解新娘的真实趋势。 然后通过这种方式,我们可以更好地关注我们正在购买的作品,甚至是我们在网站上发布的图像。 我们甚至在网站上对其进行了分类,以便根据您在测验中获得的回答,您可以根据自己的风格购物。 我们真的在努力让我们的购买方式变得更聪明,并且实际上基本上在我们购买产品之前就吸引了我们的客户。
菲利克斯:是的,肯定想谈谈你的风格测验。 当您告诉我这件事时,我认为这是一种非常聪明的方式,不仅可以从您的客户那里获取数据,还可以同时帮助他们。 我们稍后会深入探讨。
不过,我想谈谈如何获得您的第一批客户。 一旦你建立了这个库存,早期的营销计划是什么? 你是如何开始真正获得一些收入的,一些销售?
布列塔尼:我认为,正如我之前提到的,新娘在技术方面有点落后于时代,而且随着时间的推移,它的速度也有所加快,甚至在五年前也是如此。 基本上,当你订婚时,你做的第一件事就是跑到报摊,尽可能买下所有的新娘杂志,因为那是你第一次真正被允许在没有订婚的情况下不为购买新娘杂志而感到羞耻。
令人震惊的是,婚纱杂志上的一页是十个,一对,几十个。 我们必须在宣传的方式上更有创意。 我们做了很多推送给我们能找到的每一位新娘编辑。 我们做了很多研究,只是把这个概念推到了那里,我们真的很幸运,因为我们早期接触过的很多设计师都非常有助于将我们与新娘杂志和新娘博客的编辑联系起来。
即使在五年前,就在五年前,新娘博客还没有现在那么多,所以因为我们基本上是电子商务,所以我们真的试图推动博客和社论,并真正以这种方式传播消息然后。 在 Instagram 或 Pinterest 存在之前。 在科技领域很早就开始宣传了。 这是相当草根的。
菲利克斯:是的,绝对有道理。 这也是你当时正在做的事情吗? 是兼职还是全职专注于这个? 这与你当时的生活方式有什么关系?
布列塔尼:是的,那是兼职。 当时,我是萨克斯第五大道的时尚买手。 老实说,纽约发生的所有科技行业都让我感到非常兴奋。 我花了很多时间去开会,基本上是为了与人们交谈,看看他们在做什么,获得想法,学习如何进行在线营销,因为我对财务和购买流程更精通一点,但是在营销方面没有那么有创意。 我真的只需要走出去,向其他人学习如何真正做到这一点。
就在我们推出我的朋友海莉之前的那个时候,我提到了我和谁一起创业,她被提议拥有自己的产品线,这就是她现在所拥有的。 那对她来说将是全职工作,而且她已经在婚纱行业工作,这有点利益冲突。 基本上在我们推出网站的前一个月,她就走了。 它变成了我的兼职。 其实我还是月光。 Happily Ever Borrowed 在晚上和周末完成。
菲利克斯:是的,当然。 我认为那里的许多听众肯定会与月球照明他们的业务有关。 当你刚开始的时候,你说你参加这些聚会是为了了解更多关于在线营销的知识,我猜,只是一般的技术场景。 您是如何开展这些社交活动的,因为我认为这也是另一个有时未被充分利用的方面,只是离线并亲自与人会面。 告诉我们更多关于你的经历以及你在这些技术聚会上与人见面的收获。
布列塔尼:是的。 我想尤其是在外面,我真的不知道会发生什么。 我知道我需要其他人的帮助和洞察力才能真正开始。 我认为对于任何了解创业的人来说,工作一整天会很累并与人交谈并获得想法。
我强迫自己每周至少参加三到四次聚会,真的只是学习和与人交谈。 老实说,我不知道创建电子商务网站意味着什么。 从所有方面,从编码和 Shopify 都非常棒,因为我不需要了解太多代码。 即使在五年前 Shopify 也有很多事情需要您自己解决。 我无法表达与人交谈是多么宝贵,因为每天晚上你都会遇到至少一个人,他给了你一些你以前不知道的东西。 即使它是你可能不会使用的东西,它至少是你知道你以后不必做的事情。 我认为这是与人交谈、向他们学习的一种非常好的方式,尤其是当你对这个行业不太熟悉的时候。
菲利克斯:是的,当你真的出去并且你试图去的时候,尤其是像你所说的那样的人,你在外面。 只是,我敢肯定你当时也这么想,要学的东西太多了,你甚至不知道你不知道的东西太多了。 您是否有某种方法来尝试学习这个全新的行业,我猜当时您还比较无能? 你是如何弄清楚你必须实际学习的内容的?
布列塔尼:我认为我经历了不同的阶段来弄清楚我需要真正知道什么。 例如,一开始,当我们还认为要开一家实体店时,我们知道我们必须筹集资金。 我参加了大会的很多聚会甚至课程,我想他们当时刚刚开始讨论如何筹集资金,如何与天使投资人交谈,如何真正驾驭整个行业。 这又是一件我显然一无所知的事情。 我想在我完成之后,它就变成了建立网站的阶段,你可以使用不同的资源。 然后过渡到在线营销以及如何阅读谷歌分析和如何做 Facebook 广告,我想我试图让自己沉浸在不同的聚会和不同的体验中,就我在整个过程中的学习而言。
Felix:我认为在那个特定阶段弄清楚你需要知道什么是非常重要的,因为有时当你不知道你正在参与什么时,你会花费大量时间来尝试学习所有信息。 你学到的很多东西不会马上适用。 我认为那些以几种方式伤害你的事情,第一,这可能是浪费时间。 二,可以让你......当你有这么多的事情在你面前看起来更令人生畏。 我喜欢你在你想出的地方采取的过程,好吧,我正处于筹款阶段,所以让我去参加一些课程,让我与可以教我更多这方面的人建立联系。 然后,当您更多地进入开发阶段时,您会更加专注于学习更多技术方面的知识。 我认为这对很多人来说真的很重要,特别是如果你没有很多时间或精力,而且你是月光下的人,那么明智地花费你的时间并弄清楚你真正需要学习什么是非常重要的以及您可以暂时推迟学习的内容。
说到月光,你一直是月光,这个生意从2011年开始,到现在已经五年了。 你好吗,我认为这需要很长时间......不是很长时间,但我认为从本质上平衡多项工作可能需要很长时间。 你如何平衡你的时间或平衡你的精力,以确保你不会精疲力尽,尤其是现在你已经进入了五年?
布列塔尼:我绝对应该比我睡得更多。 五年,正如你所说,两者兼而有之是很长的时间。 我认为随着时间的推移,在我的生活中,我真的很想卖掉公司或寻找另一位联合创始人,帮助我投入更多资金的人。 不会说谎,这很粗糙。
我认为这对我的业务性质非常有帮助,因为我们有一个繁忙的季节。 订婚季节从 11 月到 2 月,基本上是感恩节到情人节,这是人们经常订婚的重要节日时刻。 然后是新娘季节,即 4 月到 9 月,人们实际上正在结婚。 我想随着时间的推移,我已经逐渐了解那些不同的季节,并且知道什么时候我必须更加努力,什么时候我有更多的时间。
值得庆幸的是,这与我在时尚界的生活相得益彰,因为在夏天的时尚界,尤其是我为一个法国品牌工作。 他们很慢。 我有更多的时间在《Happily Ever Borrowed》上工作,而且我在夏天有很多婚礼。 而在时装周期间,现在我们正处于秋季和更衣室,更多的是关于营销,而不是订单,我的时间更少,因为我的全职工作要多一点。 我不担心按时收到包裹。
我认为能在两者之间自然流动对我来说真的很幸运。 我认为这对每个人来说都不是那么容易。
Felix:是的,我认为你确实到了考虑出售业务或试图寻找联合创始人的阶段。 那是不稳定的时期,因为一旦这种想法进入您的大脑,您就会开始思考,伙计,我的生活可能会有所不同,也许是好的,也许是坏的。 如果你把公司卖了,就找别人帮你经营。
布列塔尼:我认为订单让我回来了。我很幸运。 我认为技术变化如此之快,我认为当你拥有自己的企业时总是令人兴奋的,因为你想尝试所有这些其他事情。 当 Pinterest 开始收到广告,Instagram 开始收到广告,当我意识到 Type Form 进行风格测验时。 发生了所有这些不同的事情,让我重新投入到业务中,让我对如何推进工作感到兴奋。
菲利克斯:是的,这绝对是有道理的,一旦顾客敲你的门,就很难跑和躲起来。 人们知道您可以租用这类产品吗? [音频不清晰 00:21:11]、面纱、珠宝、头饰,您要出租吗? 对于您的客户来说,这本质上是一个已知的选择吗?或者您如何教育市场了解这个潜在的选择?
布列塔尼:我认为看到它随着时间的推移而发展真是太好了。 我想一开始我经常听到很多人说,“哦,天哪,我真希望我结婚时就知道你。 我完全愿意租。” 五年后的现在,我可以说我没有听到那么多的好话和坏话。 我认为我们已经得到了足够的消息,这是一种可能性,老实说,我们没有很多竞争对手,如果有的话。 我认为新娘现在找到我们是因为 a. 我们有更多的设计师和一些很棒的独家合作伙伴。
如果新娘觉得她要么买不起她想要的梦寐以求的配饰,或者她只是不重视一次性穿的物品,很多时候他们只是在谷歌上搜索他们想要的单品的名称,而我们'会弹出。 他们通过这种方式了解我们。 我们也有很多很棒的 [crass 00:22:22]。 我们发现,现在我们自然而然地成为了 50 种节省婚礼费用的方法之一,人们说,租用您的配饰或查看二手选项。 我们很幸运能成为我现在要说的业务的主食。
菲利克斯:我认为当你拥有这种独特的商业模式时,它确实让你更容易向媒体和你之前接触的这些编辑推销。 你能告诉我们一些关于你的方法,你成功地让他们关注并最终覆盖你的业务吗?
布列塔尼:是的。 这很有趣,因为新娘很棘手,因为您需要不断地推销自己。 即使新娘知道你,也只有这么多的寿命。 希望他们不会在一两年内再婚。 我们没有很多回头客。 这很困难,因为你必须不断地把自己放在那里,不断地为那个空间在他们面前付出代价,并知道你的存在。 即使对于编辑来说,这也很困难,因为他们可能会觉得一遍又一遍地给出相同的提示是非常重复的。
提醒一下,每年都会有一批新人订婚。 我认为从这个意义上说,这实际上对我们来说更容易一些。 我认为对于传统广告或传统社论,您会觉得一旦您出现在特定杂志中,他们可能很长时间都不会对您进行专题介绍。 而在婚礼方面,他们每三个月就有新的订阅者,他们不必觉得这是一个老故事。 它一直在变新。
Felix:你在采访前的一些问题中提到的一件事是关于验证新产品。 您提到您首先使用图像测试网站上的许多产品。 那么之后它是如何工作的呢? 在将这些图片放入库存之前,您在网站上发布的这些图片如何帮助您确定是否值得投资于特定的作品或特定的产品线?
布列塔尼:是的。 我们在网站上发布了很多与我们合作的设计师的照片,这些照片我们没有保留在我们的库存中,因为正如我们大部分时间提到的那样,我们拥有的交货时间大约是在我们之前的两三个月实际上必须履行订单。 我们真的很幸运,我们可以将这些图片放到网站上,不仅可以看到我们收到了多少订单,还可以看到我们获得了多少牵引力。
Shopify 真的很有帮助,因为他们在仪表板上实施了很多工具,可以向您展示人们查看产品的频率或该产品与其他产品相比的趋势。 我们会非常小心地查看这一点,看看人们点击或真正查看产品的频率,以决定我们是否预先购买。
Felix:是的,我想基本上你在做的是预购。 你让人们先付款,然后再交付。 即使 [list 00:25:37] 那里没有行业或没有允许他们拿钱的业务,然后客户在两三个月内也不会期待任何东西。 您仍然可以通过接受预订来复制这一点,以确定它是否真的值得您将资金投入到库存中。
你之前也提到过风格测验。 我认为这是您采用的一种非常有趣的方法。 告诉我们更多关于风格测验的信息。 它是什么样的?它对您的实际客户有什么作用?
布列塔尼:是的。 我们从一个类型表单开始。 Type Form 使用的 UX 和 UI 给我留下了深刻的印象,它是如此干净、如此简单和如此容易。 基本上我们的客户进来了,我们实际上一直在这样做,我们可以稍后再详细说明,但我们有一个 Pinterest 广告来鼓励新娘通过风格测验找到他们的新娘风格。 人们会点击,我们有一系列图片和不同的问题,根据你想要的婚礼或你认为你的新娘风格是什么,点击最能反映这一点的图片。 可能是鲜花,可能是礼服,可能是新郎的风格,可能是蛋糕,还有一大堆不同的东西,引导他们通过不同的照片和不同的想法来了解他们想要在婚礼当天感受到的感觉。 根据这一系列问题和答案,它会弹出你的新娘风格,一旦你到达最后,你点击它,它会直接带你进入页面上的集合,在那里你可以看到所有适合的不同配饰在您的新娘风格中,并允许他们在那里购物。
当他们完成测验时,他们会通过电子邮件收到订单的特定免费送货代码。 这对我们来说是很好的数据,因为我们不仅在收集电子邮件,而且还在找出最受欢迎的新娘款式,这有助于我们的购买过程以及我们应该购买哪些单品。
菲利克斯:是的。 我真的很喜欢这个漏斗,这个测验的 Pinterest 广告。 然后是图片和问题,然后当他们回答时,你免费给他们一些有价值的东西,然后引导他们到可以购买的地方。 我不确定你是否读过这本书,但我想有一本书叫 Ryan Levesque 的《Ask》,我们会把它放在节目说明中。 他在这种模式下建立了许多业务,首先在潜在客户面前获取问卷,然后根据他们的回答给他们一些有价值的东西,就他们应该从你那里购买哪些产品给出一些指导。
我认为建立电商业务的最佳方式之一是尽可能多地复制线下体验。 通过进行这个测验,您基本上几乎是亲自到现场,就像商店的代表向客户提出一堆问题,然后将他们引导到最有意义的产品上。 我认为这是一个非常有价值的渠道,一种非常有价值的方法,几乎任何企业都可以复制。
为此,您使用 Type Form,因此您实际上可以设置某种逻辑来确定根据他们的答案向他们展示什么?
布列塔尼:是的。 它需要一点点操纵。 测验的时间越长,它就越难。 实际上 Type Form 真的很棒,他们在那里有一个帖子,关于他们如何做到这一点的常见问题解答。 您必须弄清楚输出以及输出在他们所谓的“退出页面”中的含义。 设置非常简单。
Felix:一旦客户参加了测验并且他们看到了测验的结果,他们是否会被引导到一个定制的产品登陆页面? 他们退出测验后会看到什么?
布列塔尼:没错。 我们的 Shopify 网站上有一些系列,可以向您展示您是哪种类型的新娘。 一旦他们完成测验,它就会将他们直接引导到该系列页面,这样他们就可以看到适合他们新娘风格的配饰类型。
菲利克斯:当你开始讨论这个话题时,我真的很想继续讨论这个话题,当你开始做这个的时候,对于那些想第一次开始的人,我猜你需要多少结果? 你需要二十种不同的潜在结果吗? 你能从更小的东西开始吗? 你的方法是什么?
布列塔尼:是的。 我们想让它尽可能简单。 我认为你当然可以想出许多不同新娘风格的细微差别,但我认为我们有大约六个答案。 我认为即使是 Type Form 常见问题解答,我认为可能有三四个答案可以让您找到,我们将其扩展到大约六个或七个。 我不认为你需要这么多不同的选择。 我认为如果有的话,它变得越小越清晰和容易。
Brittany:我认为 Pinterest 总体上是我们最大的销售渠道。 正如我所提到的,风格测验对我们来说真的很棒,可以收集电子邮件,一旦我们这样做了,我们也有一些很棒的电子邮件营销。 看到 Pinterest 广告对我们来说有多么神奇,我们真的很震惊。 我之前从这个播客中学到了一些东西,我不记得你是哪一集了,但有人提到了广告,以及你应该如何真正教育客户并引导他们完成。 他们提到了与客户真正交谈的不同方式,其中之一就是教育。
我们的 Pinterest 广告之一就是您可以通过租用而不是购买来节省多少。 我们只有一个信息图表,如果您租用面纱而不是购买它,您可以花 500 美元购买它,也可以花 100 美元租用它。 有了这额外的 400 美元,您就可以为您的蜜月升级到头等舱,或者邀请四位额外的客人,或者在您的蛋糕上增加一层。 我们为他们制定了四百美元在您的婚礼方面真正意味着什么的预算。 这是另一个对我们来说做得非常好的广告,因为我认为 Pinterest 总体上对我们来说非常棒。
一般来说,对于新娘,甚至可能不是新娘,而是未来的新娘,有很多女性正在为他们的婚礼或未来的婚礼收集大量数据和信息。 即使他们在明年内没有结婚,或者即使他们没有订婚,现在他们的 Pinterest 板上也会有这个视觉提醒,让他们在订婚时来找我们。 我认为这对我们和整个婚礼行业来说是一个非常好的方式和一个非常好的营销工具。
Felix:是的,绝对是一个了不起的销售渠道。 我的未婚夫今天实际上只是向我展示了一个 Pinterest 板,所以我认为这对你们来说是一个很好的市场,一个发布信息的好地方。 我想谈谈你拥有的这个 Pinterest 策略。 听起来你有一个为测验运行的广告,但你所拥有的固定策略是通过信息图形教育他们。 对你们来说,这是对 Pinterest 的两管齐下的方法吗?
布列塔尼:是的,我们尝试了很多不同的东西。 我们发现,教育一和风格测验对我们来说是最成功的。 我们尝试了一个更通用的,只是说 Happily Ever Borrowed 是一个你可以用漂亮的图片以零售价 90% 的价格租用配件的地方,它做得很好,但我们发现真正的风格测验是惊人的。 人们想找到他们的新娘风格,我认为人们经常在 Pinterest 上寻找他们的整体风格。 这是一个非常自然的现象。 然后,正如我所提到的,人们一直在寻找方法的教育,尤其是在 Pinterest 上以节省婚礼费用。 这对我们来说是一个非常成功的别针。
实际上,在我上播客之前我看了看,我们印象非常深刻,因为我们确实尝试过 Instagram 广告和 Pinterest 广告。 The CPC for our Pinterest ads is twenty-one cents and the CPC for the Instagram ads was a dollar. It's such a huge difference. The reach we were getting with Instagram was 16,000 and the reach we were getting with Pinterest was 46,000. Not only are we reaching more people and getting more clicks and more saves but we're getting more for our money. We really immediately nixed Instagram ads and realized that Pinterest was the way to go for us.
Felix: Yeah, I think in general, I'm not too surprised about your results from the different types of Pinterest ads you ran because the less you make an ad look like an ad, I think the more effective it's going to be. Even though it's a quiz it's still a very much an educational angle, right? You're trying to educate, you're trying to give some free vale back to the customer, that's always the very best way to first bring them down your funnel. Tell us a little bit about the content that you create. How did you know what you should be educating your customers on? How did you know the particular topics that you cover were the topics that they wanted to learn the most about?
Brittany: I think to the point that you brought up earlier, do people know that they can even rent their bridal accessories? I think that was the angle we really needed to start with. From there also just explaining how much money they could actually save. I think a lot of people, and Felix you know this as you're planning your wedding, they don't really think about the budget, they don't really think about how much it costs until they're in it. Then they realize how much it really is a financial burden. I think that's when people frantically start Pinteresting on how to save money.
I think we really like to think of it in the big picture. It's not about renting your bridal accessory, it's not about only having it for the weekend or even being environmental, it's about, in the bigger scheme of things it's about saving money but not really saving money, it's about spending your money more wisely. Like I mentioned about you could buy this veil and own it or you could rent it and invite two to three more guests at your wedding and what does that actually mean to you? There's all these different ways that you could spend those dollars better. It just doesn't make sense to own this piece that you will never wear again. We really wanted to get that across and I think the info-graphic was the best way to do it.
Felix: Do you create most info-graphics or was this just the one that you had that demonstrated the potential ways they could spend their money?
Brittany: We created a couple but we found one that we just really loved and saw the best success with and we've kept up with that.
Felix: Was this designed in house or, the info-graphic that is, was this designed in house or did you outsource it?

Brittany: In house.
菲利克斯:好的,很酷。 I think this is a great piece of content for other people, other entrepreneurs out there that might be interested in doing something like this. Any tips or any software tools that you used specifically to create the info-graphics?
Brittany: I guess I was lucky in the sense that I went to school for design so I had a little bit of background. I use Photoshop for everything. I guess, like I mentioned, I'm a little lucky because I have some knowledge in that. Photoshop for us is just the best way. One thing I did do was do a little research and due diligence into Pinterest ads and what the best ratio was. It changes all the time but I guess longer and thinner is the better way to go. I just Googled the best ratio and made sure to fit our ad within that spectrum.
费利克斯:有道理。 When it comes to running these ads, for anyone out there that is thinking about running on Pinterest but has never gotten started, what kind of targeting is available? How did you determine, you don't have to get into specifics about it, but how do you determine how to target ads on Pinterest?
Brittany: There was a lot of different ways that they have it on there. You can now specifically look by audience. You can even import your list of customers and either exclude or include them and find like people. We are able to be a little bit more generic, people naturally think of Pinterest and think of weddings. We've been able to be really specific and not just say, targeting people who are looking for weddings, but looking for wedding accessories or wedding veils or budget brides and we've be able to really target by key word and find the best ways to reach those people.
费利克斯:有道理。 When it comes to running a business like this that's rental, a rental business, there are obviously going to be more challenges that are different than someone that's just selling a product and done with it in terms of the seller angle. These products are being used over and over again. How do you protect yourself or how do you insure that your inventory's not getting damaged or worn down faster than you'd like?
Brittany: This is definitely something we've had to learn and deal with over time. I think the biggest hurdle for us has always been shipping. It's obviously a very time sensitive business and not only USPS but UPS or Fedex can always drop the ball and packages get lost and it does happen. It's a bit of a tragedy every time it does. I have to say our brides have always been very careful with their product. I think maybe only once or twice in the five years that we've been up and running have we had a bride that really ruined something. Most of the time they were super honest, I think every time they've been super honest and have emailed us and said … We had one girl who had dyed her hair the day before the wedding and she's like, “The veil is black now.” I had a girl even last week who said, “We had a mud accident with the veil, if it doesn't come out please let me know and I will pay you for the cleaning or for the veil.” Our brides are very very honest.
The only time I would say we've had real issues is when we lend our products out for styled shoots. This is something that is maybe a little bit more specific to the wedding or retail industry. A lot of the time photographers will do these styled shoots where they'll ask a whole bunch of different vendors to collaborate. They'll do a mock wedding, if you will. Then they send those images to different blogs or magazines for editorial. We participate a lot in those because it's free advertising for us. That's where I think sometimes you run into people who aren't as careful with the pieces or aren't treated them with the respect that they need to be treated with. We do run into that sometimes. I think for the most part jewelry, headpieces, these are sterling silver pieces that are pretty sturdy. I think it's the veils that are a little more sensitive. We build that into our PNL and we're thinking about how often we need to replenish those pieces versus these pieces like jewelry or headpieces that can last a little bit longer.
费利克斯:有道理。 You mentioned, I think in the pre-interview as well, that you buy directly from the designers at whole sale prices. Typically when an e-commerce business out there, any business out there is buying whole sale there are minimum order quantities that need to be met. Do you run into these issues when it comes to your lines? Are you buying large quantities that you're able to get whole sale margins or whole sale pricing? How do you work out these rates?
Brittany: I think we've been really lucky in the sense that when we started five years ago, we created these relationships with the vendors. A lot of them did have initial orders or order minimums that we needed to meet. I think naturally over time we've created this relationship with each of our vendors where they know the nature of our business and they're not looking for us to really push for these minimum orders each month. I think they're getting that from their brick and mortar retailers. For us and what we've explained to them and how we've set ourselves up in the market is that we are reaching those brides that they otherwise wouldn't be able to reach because those brides can't afford their product anyway.
For them it's more profitable to sell to us at whole sale, they're making the same margin they are on us as they are from someone else who's selling it full price because they're just selling it at whole sale. They're getting more exposure because if the bride isn't able to purchase it because it's too expensive, she's not probably going to take out an extra loan to purchase that piece, she's just going to find something cheaper. For them they're excited because more people get to wear their product and more people know about it.
Felix: Did you have to convince them of this or I guess, pitch that angle to them because it makes sense when you talk about but I do wonder if there's some old school business logic where they don't want you even entertaining the idea of renting out their products because it might eat into their margins even though your explanation makes perfect sense?
Brittany: Yeah. Definitely even more so in the beginning there was a lot of convincing and we had a lot of vendors who wanted to start with just exclusive product only. Things that would only be online that they couldn't get in the stores as to not compete with the brick and mortar. Which for us, we found great. We love exclusive. We were trying with that. Certain vendors would say, “Okay, we'll sell you product but only stuff that's discontinued so that it doesn't compete with the brick and mortar.” I think most of the time, nine times out of ten, the vendors we're working with realized over time that it's not competing with those brides who just want to purchase the piece.
I'm in that stage of my life where everyone's getting married, all of my friends. I even have best friends who haven't rented from me and it drives me nuts because how could you not borrow? I have a whole entire place where you can borrow and they say, “I was in the store and I bought the dress and they put the veil on and I just wanted it. I wanted that specific piece in that moment and I had to have it.” There's always that feeling and that purchase is never going to go away. We're really just exposing their product to the people who don't want to spend that.
Felix: Yeah, I think that makes a lot of sense. When you purchase these products at whole sale prices, how often do you have to rent the products out before you are breaking even?
Brittany: Two times.
Felix: Okay, yeah pretty quickly then. Do you ever get in situation where, I guess most of your products are going to be profitable pretty quickly. Have there been, after five years, have there been products that you have in your inventory that just stop getting, I guess as many rentals? What do you do in those cases?
Brittany: Definitely. I think in the beginning, as I mentioned, we had to purchase a lot more product up front. At the beginning there was definitely less profitability on pieces because as much as I might love something it might not resonate with brides or it might of not photographed well. People might of not felt the same way about it. Now that we've shifted to more of these image focused purchasing patterns where we're usually getting a rental straight off the bat before even purchasing the product. There's definitely been times when things have slowed down or over time we've had unprofitable product.
We've tried a couple of different things. We've done sample sales on the site which haven't really worked that well for us. I think now what we love doing the most is we found a charity locally in New York City that will take our products from us and it's a tax write off for us but it's also a really great way for us to help brides who are in need. That's where our unprofitable pieces, as well as our gently used pieces go after they've been through the whole rental cycle.
费利克斯:有道理。 You mentioned earlier that you pretty much run this business solo. I think in the pre-interview questions you mentioned that you have had social media interns in the past. 告诉我们一些关于这个的事情。 First of all, what were they responsible for doing, these interns? How do you begin working or finding interns to help you with your business?
Brittany: Yeah, I think over time I knew that social media was one of the most important ways to get the word out. We felt like we needed a presence on Twitter and Facebook and Instagram and Pinterest and now Snapchat but I'm still not wrapping my head around that one. Especially now that Instagram has stories. We just went out there, I think there was a lot of … There's Internship.com and there's lots of different ways that you can find interns. I always work remotely but then I found, especially with social media it's so easy to schedule out and create content calendars and really encourage them to work together on a shared document to say for instance, I don't know if you know but today is National Guacamole Day.
Felix: Did not know that.
Brittany: Yeah, we had some at the office today. There are some funny silly holidays like that or more regular content like Tuesday Shoesday on Instagram where we had lots of these different little things that we can put on a calender. The intern can work on to create the content and schedule it out on all of our different platforms so that we're on the same page about what is going out there into the world.
Felix: I think when you are working with interns or just hiring in general, you also have to position yourself to be attractive for these interns. You can't just say, “Hey, I have an internship,” or “Hey, I have this new job,” and then expect the best quality candidates to apply. Any tips on how to make your internship more attractive to higher quality applicants?
Brittany: I think it goes both ways. You want to help people learn and you want them to have a good experience but at the same time it's always easier to have someone start up right away and know a little bit about what you need them to do. I always did a lot of sample testing before they became our intern. I would ask them to do a sample post or a sample Instagram or I would ask them to send me their personal social media channels so that I could check out what their voice is. I think I'm always willing to help and coach them through. I think most of the people that we've had as interns, while they're doing social media, probably had some interest in the fashion industry in general, which I have a bit of a background in. I think offering that personal mentorship and really asking them what they want to do with their career and where they want to go and how I can help is the way that you really make yourself attractive to finding good interns and wanting them to really work hard for you.
费利克斯:有道理。 你能告诉我们今天的业务有多成功吗?
Brittany: Sure. Over the past five years we've helped over five hundred brides rent their accessories. We're having a really great year this year. We're on track to do about 20k in revenue.
菲利克斯:非常酷。 What are the future plans for the business? What do you have planned for the next year of business?
布列塔尼:我认为我们一直在测试所有这些不同的广告场所,我们很高兴看到我们在这些方面的投资获得回报。 我认为我们对我们所处的库存状况以及我们能够真正收集所有这些数据信息以做出更好的购买决策这一事实感到非常兴奋。 我们只是继续宣传,并真正让新娘知道出租是一种可能性。
菲利克斯:非常酷。 非常感谢布列塔尼。 HappilyEverBorrowed.com 再次成为该网站。 您建议人们在其他任何地方查看他们是否想了解您的最新动态或查看可供出租的内容?
布列塔尼:当然。 您可以在 Instagram 上查看我们,我们是 @HappilyEverBorrowed。 您可以在 Pinterest 上的 HappilyEverBorrowed 上搜索我们。 是的,我认为这些是找到我们的最佳渠道。
Felix:感谢收听 Shopify Masters,这是面向雄心勃勃的企业家的电子商务营销播客。 要立即开始您的商店,请访问 Shopify.com/masters 以获得延长的 30 天免费试用期。