全球危机期间的机构生存指南 [网络研讨会]
已发表: 2020-04-30全球健康危机已经影响到世界各地的机构,因为它们的客户——各行各业的企业——将注意力重新分配到应对经济衰退的后果上。
其中之一是 Digital Silk,这是一家帮助品牌在线发展的全球数字代理机构。
4 月 23 日星期四,DesignRush 邀请了 Digital Silk 的销售总监 Branko Stojanovic 分享他的见解,这些见解可以帮助其他机构度过危机,甚至在危机中成长。
- Vanja Novakovic,客户关系经理 @DesignRush 和
- Andrija Savic,客户关系经理@DesignRush
- Branko Stojanovic,销售总监@Digital Silk
危机期间机构的“操作方法”生存指南 - Vimeo 上的 Design Rush 的营销技巧、数字策略和新趋势。
全球健康危机期间的机构生存指南 - 网络研讨会记录
感谢您今天下午加入我们。 我想今晚对你们中的一些人来说是因为我知道我们有一些来自香港和太平洋地区的加入者,所以欢迎你们。 感谢您加入我们。
我的名字是万尼亚。 我是 DesignRush 的客户关系经理。
专业的 B2B 市场将品牌与代理商联系起来。
DesignRush 成立于 2017 年。我们现在是那些希望找到按专业领域分类的最佳专业机构的主要来源。
我们列出了来自全球各地的 7,000 多家机构,并且有数千名希望启动项目的决策者向我们咨询。
所以和我一起,我有 Andrea,他也是一名客户经理。 欢迎,安德里亚。
嗨,大家好。 下午好。 我希望你一切顺利,很高兴让你与我们通话。
是的,对此感到抱歉。 我只想说,我是 DesignRush 及其合作伙伴网站的关系经理。 就像 Vanya 现在使用 DesignRush 在这里呆了很长时间一样,希望我们能得到一些对这场危机有用的话题,这样每个人都可以利用它。 谢谢。
谢谢,安迪和我们今天有来自 Digital Silk 的 Bronco。 欢迎布兰科。 你想给我们介绍一下你自己吗?
是的。 我也是你好,很高兴见到大家,正如 Vanja 所说,我是一家名为 Digital Silk 的公司的业务发展总监。 我们是一家专注于在线发展品牌的数字机构。
优秀。 谢谢你。 所以我们将直接进入接下来的议程,然后我们将开始它,因为我知道我们有很多事情需要讨论,然后我们就会开始,因为我相信会有很多问题以及。 所以,正如我所说,今天的议程将是你刚刚听到的介绍,当前的危机概述有点像我们今天看到的,数字丝绸战略处理当前危机情况,最后我们将有一个质量保证为所有人。
好的,让我们马上开始吧。 对于那些年纪太小,不记得 2007 年全球经济衰退的人来说——你们当中有一些人——大多数机构都吸收了客户支出预算的大幅削减。 对某些人来说,这是古老的历史,但该银行对抵押贷款债券的作用使世界陷入全球金融危机和严重衰退。
今天,我们正在应对一种不同类型的潜在衰退。 这是一种微小的病毒,它关闭了中国的制造业、全球商务旅行、旅游业等等。 那么,对营销媒体和广告,尤其是对中小型机构及其自由职业者有何影响?
我们希望看到更多的人花更多的时间上网,并积极参与为他们的下一个项目寻找合作伙伴,并从 Google 开始研究。 截至目前,许多数字机构需要大量的 SEO 和广告努力来确保这些在 Google 搜索中的排名靠前,并建立知名度和声誉以及数字声誉。
话虽如此,我想跟进一个问题,布兰科。 你能告诉我你是否也在经历这些趋势吗?
对于人们来说,他们只是将自己的在线形象视为在线产生更多潜在客户和吸引力的一种方式。 他们决定改进这一点,并在他们自己的业务中利用这段停机时间来重新利用一些努力和金钱,并专注于他们的在线业务。
好的,完美。 数字丝绸的你们,你们有危机广告计划吗?我的意思是,如果你们做了这个计划,包括什么?
因此,作为世界上每一家严肃的公司,您都需要专注于危机管理。 您传达公司所代表的价值观的方式 - 这需要反映在您提供的服务、您如何提供这些服务以及您向谁提供这些服务中。
所以,我们当然,因为我们的创始人是当时与许多非常成功的初创公司密切合作的人,现在他们是成功的企业业务,早在 2008 年全球金融危机和经济衰退期间。
我们理解许多人在您知道没有获得销售额时采取的逻辑。 转换潜在客户很困难,因为人们对他们的钱非常谨慎。
他们在那里花了很多时间,最近我们采访了一家正在研究开发社交网络的公司。 游戏广告是我们选择的渠道之一,因为现在很多人都在花时间玩游戏。
所以,你知道,我们不希望这种情况永远持续下去。 我相信你知道很快就会恢复正常。
同样,我们建议我们的客户这样做,我们自己也在这样做。 因此,我们正在衡量来自我们使用的每个渠道的投资回报率,并了解我们需要在哪些方面加大投入以及在哪些方面我们需要完全停止花钱,因为它没有给我们带来任何投资回报。
所以我收到了很多人的问题,他们说你知道营销将在整体上承受巨大的支出,你知道,在 Google 广告上花费 10 千,在 Clutch 和 Manifest 等网站上花费 10,000 万,其他所有人都会必须在某些优先事项上退居二线,这就是我们不断从许多机构那里获得的信息。
当您选择在哪里做广告时,尤其是今天,价格比质量有多重要。 以及与危机前相比,您今天如何选择将广告资金分配到何处。
我认为,当您为自己或客户规划营销策略时,您确实必须拥有良好的 KPI,才能衡量花费的金额与从潜在潜在客户和未来客户那里获得的金额。
因此,这正是我们开始在不同的代理列表网站上做广告或进行社交媒体活动或专注于提高我们在 Google 上的自然排名或进行原生广告时所做的事情,因此当我们将所有这些都考虑在内时,此外,取决于您的目标人群、目标人群以及您提供的服务类型,确实没有一种解决方案适合所有人。
所以我们没有,所以我们开始在代理列表网站上投放大量广告。 就在我们推出新网站的某个时候,因为我们想以某种方式推销自己。
- 准确选择那些目录
- 根据博客和新闻稿选择内容
- 选择某些论坛来做广告,我们认为在短时间内不会赢得他们的良好潜力,而是创造牵引力,让人们可以看到你是谁,你在做什么,你如何与竞争对手进行比较您在不同平台上的声誉,您可以在其中将自己与竞争对手进行比较
所以对我们来说,这从来不是关于你获得的潜在客户数量,而是这些供应商和我自己作为领导销售部门的人总是选择与少数你认识的拥有更大客户的客户合作的价值与我们打交道,而不是管理一些小客户 只需为您与他们合作的某个项目支付数千美元,因为衡量相关故事以管理关系以及全面传播自己并成为万事通,无所不知。
好的,完美。 实际上,您触及了我想问您的一个重要问题,因为我已经有很多机构向我询问过这个问题,或者实际上在我们的来回电子邮件中对此进行了说明。
他们中的很多人,我的意思是整个危机始于 12 月,我想但是你知道我们在西方,就像西方世界直到 1 月和 2 月才真正理解这一切,我已经有很多开始重塑品牌的机构。
所以,它本来可以像更改徽标一样简单。 它可能像你知道的一样简单,只是一些小事,然后我有一对夫妇实际上增加了他们正在做的整个范围的事情,你知道,也许他们以前只是在做网站,现在他们'只是尽一切可能。
如何,你如何在设计师等平台上做广告? 如果你正在重塑品牌并成为新的、伟大的和大的东西,那么这是正确的广告方式吗,尤其是现在你会说这是真的还是假的?
如果你开始思考 TikTok 如何变得如此庞大,你知道,你有时间拥有 Instagram、WhatsApp、Facebook、Snapchat、Twitter,所以 TikTok 真的找到了它的目的地。
我认为这场危机的赢家之一肯定是 TikTok,因为我可以看到越来越多的人在 TikTok 上花钱做广告。
另外,我在最近的一份报告中读到,去年美国有更多人访问了 TikTok,然后他们访问了 Facebook 页面。 因此,我认为了解您的客户是谁、他们的需求是什么以及您将如何与他们沟通非常重要。
其实你刚刚回答了我的下一个问题。 我想,我想谈谈当今一些在 2007-2008 年危机或实际上经济衰退期间诞生的最大品牌的桥梁,例如 Instagram、优步、Pinterest 上的 WhatsApp 集团,我的意思是名单还在继续。
所以你认为,你知道今年的一些明显的赢家可能是像 TikTok 这样的平台,在这场危机之后很久,你认为除了 Zoom 和 TikTok 之外,还有其他人可以把它拿走吗?
是的。 好吧,我最近也在一份报告中读到,迪士尼 Plus 设法在很短的视频时间内将其宣传为新的流媒体平台,这是 Netflix 或亚马逊 Prime 花了几年才喜欢的东西我认为大约有 50 或 7000 万用户。
所以,迪斯尼班在这一点上有两大优势。 所以,一是一是内容。 其次。 我认为这是一个完美的时机,因为很多人都待在家里,他们需要新的内容。
我们都知道迪士尼拥有世界上最好的赞美之一,你知道的,所有的世代,新一代,千禧一代,婴儿潮一代,禅宗或 X 世代,你知道,我们都知道这一点,有不同的口味迪士尼。
加上价格非常有竞争力。 所以,你去了。
好的,完美。 实际上,我现在将麦克风交给我的同事 Andrija 来更详细地讨论您的策略和处理当前情况的一些细节,以及有关您如何做广告和您如何进行日常运营? 所以安迪,你在吗?
嘿这里。 我希望每个人都能听到我的声音。
你可以。 我把它交给你。
好的。 谢谢你交出麦克风。 感谢 Vanya 在我们谈话的第一部分。 Branko,感谢您抽出宝贵时间参加本次网络研讨会,以便我们讨论所有这些问题。
感谢您的洞察力,尤其是关于 TikTok。 我最近自己安装了它。 所以我希望能领先一步。
所以,如果你对 Banko 没问题,你已经提到你现在正在采取某种策略,但是你能告诉我们自从所有这一切开始以来你的策略是否有任何变化.
是的,所以我们选择在哪里做广告的方式是基于。 好的,所以最初您必须对现有的每个目录重新进行适当的研究,您知道,是否有适合您的目录。
如果您想购买美国的某些地区,或者只是与远东欧洲和中东地区的全球公司合作。 所以当你决定把钱放在哪里时,这是非常重要的事情。
任何也正如我所说的,了解你的背景,了解你的专业水平,知道你可以在哪里提供出色的结果,如果那是,你知道,也许是 PPC,因为案例研究,评论,你的个人资料公司,您将通过出现在这些列表中并将自己与竞争对手进行比较来开始创造的嗡嗡声,老实说,迟早会开始产生影响。
还有这些人正在寻找的项目类型,来自公司的规模。 所以,我们在决定在某些平台上花更多钱之前权衡了所有这些。
他们看到你在某些行业中排名很高,在你提供的某些服务中他们会说嘿,你知道,我可以看到他们在前五名或前十名中,因为这让你知道,有时你知道不同的类型有不同的metrix 背后的方式,他们打电话给公司。
好的,布兰科。 非常感谢你给了我里面的内容。
到目前为止,我还可以从我们的网站上看到的内容与您刚刚提到的以及当您谈到 Disney Plus 以及我们网站上的所有精彩内容和特色代理商、我们为此类提供的特色页面时所看到的完全相同作为培训机构的软件。 所以关于在线的一切。
这些天它的流量实际上增加了很多,这与您刚才所说的完全一致。 就此而言,您能否像我们一样知道您也在其他平台上。 我想我在这一点上是正确的。 我注意到你,你肯定在 DesignRush 上。 我可以看到你也在离合器上。
您刚刚谈到了处于顶部的非常详细的方式。 这是否重要,或者您想就该问题提供良好的反馈,好吗?
我说这真的取决于你知道你的策略是什么。 因为有时您只想拥有指向您网站的良好链接、反向链接。 有时候,为了名誉,你想排在第一位。
因为通过这种方式,您可以通过一个非常好的漏斗过滤并发挥您的潜力,专注于某些服务或某些事情,然后如果人们能够看到您的想法,您的想法,您在某个帖子中提供了多么深入的分析。 然后他们会来找你寻求帮助或解决方案。
谢谢布兰科。 根据你刚才所说的,一切都是关于可见的,然后你只需要为某个项目或某个区域定位自己,你想把它放在顶部,你知道在那里,是现在,展示您可以做什么,甚至考虑到这一点,我们已经对合格的潜在客户实际成本进行了一些独立研究,并且实际上是否有价格,以便您可以标记到那种精英。
到目前为止,我们已经确定的是,我不知道您是否这样做了,它基本上大约是您希望产生的项目价值的 10%。 所以,如果你能多了解一点,那也会很棒。 我认为这是一个很好的话题,在这里与大家讨论。
当然。 所以,是的,正如我所说,我们还衡量我们在某些列表或某些广告上花费的金额,我们将其作为产生潜在客户的出站策略。
因为我们当然会做其他事情,而不仅仅是让我们自己上榜。 而且,但问题是你必须对自己和你的企业非常诚实,并说,你知道如果我期待 100 万美元的交易,我实际上只花 500 美元或 1000 美元吗?
我的意思是,不久前我们开始为 DesignRush 做广告时,它是一家非常知名的汽车制造商,在这里大家都知道,但由于我们与他们签署了 NDA,我们无法透露它的名称。
但它来自谷歌搜索,因为我们将 UTM 跟踪链接放在我们列出的所有这些机构列表中,我们看到它来自 DesignRush。
这就像一个巨大的品牌,当然在这些情况下,你不会成为它的参考机构,所以你不会像一个巨大的营销,整个公司的网络重新设计。 但是您知道,它们确实是规模很大的项目,您最终甚至可以为 Google、Microsoft 和 IBM 等公司以及您可以看到的许多其他公司(例如,在我们的投资组合中)执行这些项目。
您知道,即使您知道,最初可能也会花费您 5,000 或 10,000 美元,但这取决于您最终计划赚取多少。 因为你不能用面包屑来捕鲸。 你知道,你需要更大的诱饵才能钓到鲸鱼。 所以同样的逻辑也适用于广告,因为如果你想赢得大牌,你必须花大钱。 所以,我会说我们的潜在客户价值在 500 到 2000 美元之间。
好的,谢谢布兰科。 好吧,我想问你关于潜在客户本身的问题。 你能不能让听到我们的人知道,如果你怎么能,你实际上是如何使用你的着陆页的? 例如,您如何转换您获得的流量,无论是通过目录有机流量。 我认为这对现在正在倾听我们的人非常有用。
是的,所以我们有很多策略。 因此,我们确实为我们关注的某些服务提供了专门的登录页面。 因此,我们将流量从不同的列表吸引到这些页面。 其次,您知道,您必须非常勤奋地分析进入您网站的流量。
例如,对我们来说,Hot Spot 被证明非常擅长捕捉人们在某些着陆页上的行为。 因此,您可以看到您知道某个访问者在您的网站上访问了哪个页面。
他们在您的网站上花费了多少时间。 在他们决定点击联系我们或请求提案之前用户的旅程是什么,或者您知道,无论您决定在着陆页上包含哪个 CTA。 因此,您需要做的是监控并优化优化,优化。
嗯,谢谢。 我认为这对这里的每个人来说都是一个很好的指示。 另外,我想问你 Branco 的问题,你永远不可能让我们知道。
你怎么可能最大化你通过目录做的广告和通过你现在使用的审计策略获得的价值,例如,在 DesignRush 中是否有一些特定于你的投资组合的东西?放在你的个人资料或类似的东西上。
只是,这样它就不必是 DesignRush 示例。 我这样做是因为我们来自 DesignRush。
它也可以是 Clutch 或其他任何可以向我们表明您如何最大限度地提高在线形象的东西。 所以,如果你能对此发表评论,那就太好了。 谢谢。
是的。 所以,实际上,我想是在昨天或前一天,我们与客户通了电话。 所以我们讨论了他们的数字战略,你知道,他们计划做什么,他们想如何重新定位他们的品牌等等。 因此,此上下文中的关键字将是一致性。 你必须在你所做的事情上保持一致。
所以宣扬她是你所知道的。 对不起,它的表达就像做你所宣扬的那样。 因此,如果我们宣扬我们正在在线交付成果和发展品牌,您必须通过案例研究来加强这一点,某些品牌与与您联系的人相关。
他举了一个很好的例子 告诉人们如果你想买女鞋 然后我去网站 我看到的第一件事是冰箱 你知道,当然,我会反弹,因为他们可能是其他十几个销售女鞋的网站,当我登陆时,我首先看到的是一种特殊类型的女鞋。
因此,与您建议客户这样做的方式相同,如果我们正在销售网站或数字营销策略,我们会采取相同的方法并说好的。 引导人们寻找那些服务的页面谈论表面。
好的谢谢你。 非常感谢你给我们这个洞察力以及布兰科。 我还想借此机会有什么,我不知道大家都知道,最好的方式是让你知道,你知道,基本上获得良好的品牌知名度,一切基本上都是有成功的故事。 你自己提过。 你自己提到过案例研究。
然后你还在你所有的 Digital Silk 网站、DesignRush 和其他目录中实施了它,你能不能评论一下这会如何影响让我们说你通过每个目录或渠道产生的项目的价值你正在使用。 我认为这也是一个很好的迹象。
所以,正如我所说,如果我正确理解了你的问题,案例研究是一回事。 另一件事是评论。 你必须能够在案例研究中用数字、结果、前后、你知道相关品牌、相关情况来支持你的主张,你在前几天所做的事情中表现出色。
我们能够展示,你知道之前和之后你知道,这就是我们开始与公司合作之前的网站布局。 你知道,大概十个月之内,我们还没有接触过网站,因为公司仍然没有投入预算来改变网站,但他们想做的是改善他们的营销主动性。
So, from the moment, we relaunch their website to the moment we started talking to this other company asking us for case studies, we managed to grow their business by 85% and we are able to show that, not just like me saying and taking a number and throwing that number at the client.
They want to be able to see that and also they want to talk to that person maybe. Especially if you're negotiating the big deal because especially at the time where a lot of agencies have a remote members of the team and especially during the crisis where even whether you have a brick and mortar office like we do, you know, we have offices in Miami and New York but we're not able to see anyone now.
There is no hate handshake that can reinforce a certain statement that you are making that you're able to present a lot of stuff on the spot because you have more time when you're meeting somebody physically and meeting somebody online. You have to be much more succinct when you're presenting your case.
So doing all of that to reinforce your claims to showcase your expertise is something that should be reflecting on your profiles on different directories where you're listed.
Okay, thank you Branco for giving us that insight as well. If it's okay, I would like to ask you a couple of more questions regarding, basically the DesignRush and the directories.
So far, you have all those that are generating good value for yourself.
And also I would like to ask you if you could give us a little bit more insight on how does a certain directory, you said that you're keeping track of all of it and that's good, so if you can have a little bit more specific on how are you tracking all of that do you happen to have an idea of what range of projects are you getting through these are they these directories that you're using all and all the other channels exactly.
I think this could be a very interesting topic so that we can actually understand the behavior of people that are online right now and they're looking out for the new businesses because everybody wants to be it's a tough situation for everybody I guess. But we all want to move forward.
So I think it's a good indication that could help everybody here.
是的。 So for example, if we were to compare different directories and also different categories that were listed in and the amount of money we spend versus the amount of money we gain. I think you have to be very careful about.
好的。 So we all know that Clutch is inevitably the leader in your industry. And but with a great leader comes a lot of traffic and you have to filter through that traffic a lot as well. So, that's why I said just having a huge number of inquiries does not mean that there is a good, greater let's say the potential for you to win a certain business.
And I think actually especially we measured recently because another listing, sorry directly where we listed, I don't want to use names because I think it's not good to use like okay Clutch like that, Agency Spotter is like that, DesignRush is like that, just for the sake of objectivity for you guys as well, but I can tell you that even smaller players like yourself, you know if you're able to provide good context through your blogs or through a certain niche where you're really well-positioned. Like for example, you guys did a great job with branding and we want couple of really good branding deals through your website.

And you know, if you're a skillful company, you can then upsell on your branding deal and win over a website redesign, a digital marketing campaign or just an ongoing partnership with that company. So, it really depends on you and your team and the capabilities that you have.
And also what we noticed so as I said with Clutch being the biggest player that goes without saying that there is a lot of traffic coming in but also a lot of traffic that is not good fit for us. Sometimes we do get really good businesses. But a lot of time we get like just people that are or businesses that are not the right fit for us. And there are just shopping around.
On the other hand, through certain blogs we had with DesignRush or Agency Spotter or some other agency directories that we are doing, that gave us maybe just a few leads but those ladies were damn good.
So, I think providing context on the services that you do and keeping people longer on the page, even this is not something that you sponsored as an agency like it's not about you but it's about a certain topic that the companies, the directories are providing, but you are listed there as one of the go-to solution providers that still filters to traffic and it comes to you.
And it's easier to close than the ones where you have people shopping around for a new service.
Branco thank you again. You're giving us all the good information here. I hope that everybody who is listening can use this in their own businesses.
What you just said is actually very true. We have seen the branding site, we have the partner website, we have the TopBrabdingComapnies.com. Let's actually picking up and it's all due to the blogs that we have and the quality of the content and the specific stop that we're using there.
So I think we're a good match so far Digital Silk and DesignRush. If I would like also to you for you to just give us a bit more insight on for example, we have noticed one thing that has lead so far with a good value for us and we're getting from couple of agencies. It's a good feedback from top position holders on that specific page.
Google recognized that website as a quality one due to its content because you know, we're featured on Google snippet and that's something that doesn't come along that easy, you know, and it's generated the generative value is I mean, it's you're just on the Google in that case, you know you can you can you have an ability to track this or how does it perform for you?
Because I know that you're on some of the listings that we have. So, if you have an indication on that, you know, I know that you said that you have a way to track all of this, but can you just give us an indication? I'm just talking about the specificity of a person who is typing something very specific on Google.
And you're on a snippet, one that certain person types it in it. Is it possible to give an indication on that?
是的。 Well, actually when we recently we spoke to a company they who are working with now and there is a dating app that we're doing with them.
And they have a very very specific needs to they're going after so first time when I said I was like, oh my God, this is really a niche but then when you start thinking that niche is very healthy, very well researched, very well-informed and inclined to purchase the service that these people would be providing.
So we said this is an amazing business case. So in the same way, as I said you have to do what you preach that is like communication consistency that brand consistency the service provision consistency is something that is of pivotal importance in the way you operate. So what we tell all these guys is exactly what we did.
So yes, it's great to be listed at the top of like that digital agencies, but this is really for your own reputation. Because when you are looking for a digital agency, and we do get inquiries like we're interested in your services like fantastic.
You need a new website. Do you need any help with your software development?
You need a new app. You need a new digital marketing strategy.
We don't know what you need and then in all that noise you are risking losing a potential client.
But when somebody comes to you and say hey, we need to redesign our logo and to have a brand strategy. It's a very focused inquiry and you have more potential to win that over. So this is why I said, you know, we measure very carefully where we are advertising how we are advertising the pitch that we created for each and every service that we do and how that converts into a good lead.
So, so far, actually because you guys I know we are exercising on a couple of different services that you have listed on your website. But also what proved to be very good are actually your sister sites like Top Software Company, Top Branding Company, because a brand is something that people do not change very often.
So if you are fully dependent on that, you know, it's really difficult to keep your cash flow high.
But if you have other services that you provide but brand is one of that and it's one of your forefront services, then you're able to win these people over and keep them longer with you because as long as you're showing them results, they will stay with you.
Thank you, Branko. I think it's a really good indication for all of us. And I think it's all about the volume of a keyword that you're, you know targeting basically.
You don't go you don't have like just anybody typing in fashion branding agencies from California or something like that. It's a very specific keyword and that's what people should Target at least.
That's our claim.
And we're glad that you're having good results from that.
Yeah, definitely.
Okay, guys, I got to cut you off there. We're cutting it really close here to time. I know there's a ton more questions we could talk about and ton more topics, but just a quick reminder for anybody that's watching us, if you want to post a question, please use the chat box in your control panel. Make sure that you put your question in there and we'll be glad to answer it.
I have a question actually for both of you right now. This is coming from an agency. So for both of you, Andy and Branco if you could.
So, if someone was to advertise on DesignRush, what are the key things they need to do in their profile to make sure that they stand out from the rest of the rest of the profiles out there.
What are the some of the key things they need to focus on in order to stand out? So I'll let you guys go.
I would say it's your portfolio and your reviews because you can have flashing images. But if they do not show any value, any numbers, any evidence that you did what you did.
You know, a wonderful website is a fantastic thing. But also there should be some people saying that working with you was amazing. What's your, they lost the website they had great results. You provided them amazing support and understanding so all of that plays to your advantage.
I agree with what Branko's said and, actually, I was just have I'll just build up on that is it's just having the diversity.
If you're providing the diverse services display it all on the profile. I would also like to add apart from the portfolio and reviews on DesignRush you want to use also the team bios that actually puts a face on the company that that's on there, you know and I think it generates a good value out that answers the question.
That's perfect. I have another question for Branko. So between I have an agency here who's who's thinking about listing with DesignRush much like Digital Silk. So, but their budget is very limited.
So they're thinking between you know us and DesignRush I should say and spending that money on social media. They're asking how should they split that, where would they get the most value if they had to pick one? And then if they you know, if they had money for both, how would you split those two? And what are some of the differences?
Well, it really depends who you, who you are targeting because you know, if you're relying on somebody, you know going to their Instagram or Twitter and then they see a certain ad that you might be placing about a certain pain time that you are solving for them.
Then by all means go and spend your money there. But if you're relying on people to look for a certain solution, for a certain problem or a business challenge that you are solving for them organically, you know because I have this pressuring needs and then I'm looking for a solution provider.
Then you need to be close to their eyes and their attention and you can only do that because being an agency and having just your website, it's extremely difficult and I think as far as I know there is no single agency in the world that is on the first page of Google in the US for their own website yet. There are the ones doing PPC but most of the time at the agency listing websites, so think about that.
完美的。 优秀。 So we have another question from one of our viewers. How does an agency market itself in today's digital transformation era and the Corona situation?
First of all, never be aggressive because when we did our crisis communication strategy, and actually we did the blog recently that we shared with our clients.
And I can, it's, I think like a company creed that we had, you have to give something before you can take, So that also means even advertising because you're giving away your money before you can win over certain client.
So in this way, you have to know your target audience.
You have to know what they are struggling with.
You have to know the budget cuts laying off people uncertainty of their business that they have and be very very cautious about you know, how you're pitching yourself in front of them because there are those that will blossom in this crisis, but there are those that will suffer a lot as we know so you have to be very careful what your messaging is because top-quality messaging is the king.
完美的。 谢谢。 And then the next question is I guess for both of you again. I want to get both of your opinions on this question because it is really good question.
So we're talking about smaller agencies. So, the question is just smaller agencies really see the benefit on advertising on platforms such as DesignRush compared to some of the bigger or is it just a plate field for bigger agencies?
Do the smaller guys have a chance when they when they list with us?
That's one of the questions and that's a great question. So I'll let Branko go first and then Andy after.
I think, it really depends what a small is, you know, even if you have hundred people. Are you still a small agency? For some people yes, for some people no, for some clients that you will be working with, yes, for some clients that you will be working with your way to bit. So it's really about you know, who your target audience is.
Because we always say, you know, if we're talking to start up because we do get quite a lot of inquiries coming from different directories from startups with just maybe have an idea or an issue funding, we always like to help them. We want to advise them on how to spend their money, even though we are not the right fit for them.
So if you're looking after those then you still have to be close to their heart. So, for you, it's again, how much money do you think you will win over for a potential deal this how much money you should be spending on advertising or at least what we said 10%.
Small and big if, my boss always likes to say if somebody can promise me that I will get 10 million dollars if I invest a million, then a million dollars is peanuts really. Anything goes from $400 dollars, 1,000 dollars, 10,000 dollars and so on.
Yep, I'm here. Well, I can only reflect on this by saying again. It's about what are you targeting here. And it's small agencies definitely have a chance. It's quite obvious.
They still exist and they're moving forward and it's an ongoing process and what I could suggest is definitely to consider using this way of advertising yourself rather just going on, I don't know social or depending on let's say organic traffic.
This is a good way for you to get noticed because you're, you're standing there with all the big players and it's game on at that point.
Can I just give you one example, when you go to Digital Silk website, you can see that we work with P&G, with IBM, with Microsoft, with Google and that can scare off as well as you know, but even if you're a mid-sized business doing hundred million dollars a year.
这仍然会让人们感到害怕,因为嘿,你知道,这些人与每个人都知道的财富 500 强公司或品牌合作。 但这也是为什么你必须调整你的推销以准确定位你想要与之合作的人。
也许您专门在某个细分市场构建了一个非常成功的应用程序,而这正是客户正在寻找的。 我特别了解 DesignRush,因为有了这两个,你知道自己被列入某个区块或支付,你知道,为一个博客支付一定数量的钱真的没什么。
这是永久保留在网络上的东西。 您将获得高质量的链接,并获得有关您公司的背景信息。 因此,潜在客户可能不会在第一个月或第二个月出现,但沿线人们将能够看到您的品牌与某个救济相关主题相关联。
是的,正是。 这是关于给白锅的,可能需要一些时间才能进入势头。 但是当你有动力时,那就是比赛了,我会这么说。
好吧,完美的家伙。 好吧,我得在这里打断我们。 我们已经过时了。
感谢大家今天加入我们。 我知道还有一些问题我们还没有解决,我们将通过电子邮件回答这些问题。 正如您在屏幕上看到的,我们有我们所有的名字,我们的电子邮件在底部。 因此,如果您需要联系,请立即记下这些电子邮件并直接与我们联系。
我要感谢来自 Digital Silk 的 Branko 今天加入我们。 这是一次了不起的经历。 谢谢你。 再次。
还有来自 DesignRush 的 Andy,很高兴收到您的来信和您的见解。
谢谢你。 谢谢大家。
谢谢你们。 再次感谢大家。 确保您在外面保持安全,并像布兰科和安迪所说的那样保持健康,这只是我们的第一次网络研讨会。