已发表: 2018-04-15“假装它,直到你成功为止。” 这就是他们有时所说的关于商业成功的说法。 但是,在您的小企业中拥抱小企业是有道理的。
在本期 Shopify Masters 中,您将向一位企业家(他重新设计了整个圣经图书馆以提供现代阅读体验)了解他是如何通过一家小型企业获得成功的。
亚当·格林 (Adam Greene) 是 Bibliotheca 的创建者:圣经图书馆分卷,纯粹是为了享受阅读而设计的。
我不一定认为缩小客户群是一件坏事。 您真的希望客户了解您在做什么并欣赏您在做什么。
- 如何通过视频讲故事
- 为什么您实际上不想要太多类型的客户
- 在产品视频中回答什么样的问题
听下面的 Shopify Masters…


- 商店:图书馆
- 社交资料: Facebook、Twitter、Instagram
- 推荐:弹窗、Shipwire
Felix:今天我和来自 Bibliotheca 的 Adam Green 会面。 Bibliotheca 是整个圣经图书馆,分为专为阅读而设计的卷册,于 2014 年启动,总部位于北卡罗来纳州。 欢迎,亚当。
亚当:嗨,菲利克斯。 感谢您的款待。
菲利克斯:是的。 很高兴有你参加。 关于我已经提到的产品的一些细节,但你能告诉我们更多关于它的信息吗? 原始产品背后的想法来自哪里?
亚当:简而言之,我认为这个想法来自我对圣经的个人经历,即我在一个相当僵化的原教旨主义环境中长大,圣经是一切的核心关于那种环境下的生活。 然而,它并没有真正作为文学作品受到赞赏或享受。 所以直到很久以后,我才开始挖掘我年轻时信仰的根源,并试图更好地理解事物,我发现了一些圣经学者的真正伟大的作品,特别是,罗伯特·阿尔特(Robert Alter),他在揭示圣经作为人类文学的价值方面做得非常好。
以这种方式与它互动对我来说真的很令人惊讶和引人入胜。 而且我认为有一种格式会很好,这种文学的物理表达可以强调内容的这一方面,所以这就是我开始对 Bibliotheca 做的事情。
菲利克斯:明白了。 现在,你心目中的典型买家是谁,因为你暗示的是圣经长期以来一直是这样的。 你来了,介绍了新的消费方式,新的外观设计。 您认为谁会购买或拥有您的一种产品?
亚当:嗯,我必须分两部分回答这个问题。 首先,实际上,体验这种文学并不是一种新的方式。 文学,尤其是旧约或希伯来圣经来自口头传统。 因此,人们将这些故事流传了数十万年,直到有人最终以我们今天拥有的形式将它们写下来。 但是当他们写下来时,它们并没有立刻被收集起来并呈现出来,“哦,这是旧约,这是一卷 40 多卷的书,供您阅读。”
它们被写成单独的卷轴,所以你会得到撒母耳记的第一本书作为一个卷轴,撒母耳记第二本书作为一个卷轴,创世记作为一个卷轴,或者稍后你会得到前五本书摩西作为一卷书。 但这个想法本质上是这些书作为个别的书名被传播为个别文学作品。 所以我的项目实际上并不是想出一种新的方式,而是恢复到旧的方式,原始方式或 [听不清 00:04:19] 遇到这些文本的原始方式。
甚至新约文本在它们合并之前作为单独的文本传播了数百年,而这在很久以前......我的意思是,当它们被写成时,它们并不被称为新约。 事实上,它们甚至不被认为是圣经的一部分。 这也是后来的发展。 我认为这很有趣,而且很多人,尤其是在我的背景下,对圣经的制定一无所知。 我没有; 我知道这一点,而且我知道我圈子里的很多人对圣经的演变并不太了解,以及这些文本是如何慢慢积累和决定的。
事实上,即使是我们看到的合并成一卷的最早版本的圣经文献,也与我们今天的版本不一致。 换句话说,我们今天不再收录的那些大型汇编中包含的作品。 我们确实收录了一些未包含在一些最早的圣经文献汇编中的作品。 所以换句话说,我们所说的圣经……我的意思是,圣经这个词有点适用于一本书,但实际上它是许多不同作者在很长一段时间内写的许多书。 而且,是的,那是一条很长的兔子足迹。 很抱歉解释问题的一个方面。
菲利克斯:不用担心。 是的。
亚当:但我认为这是整个项目的重要组成部分。 很多人认为,“哦,圣经以前从来没有这样写过。” 但事实上,其他一些人也有点像我一样,嗅到了圣经文学的根源和发展,几个世纪以来也做过类似的项目。 在过去的 150 年中,可能还有六七个其他类似的项目。 所以这只是我对这一点的重申,说,“嘿,让我们重新考虑一下。 让我们再次谈论作为文学的圣经。 并尝试享受它。”
无论如何,该答案的第二部分是我认为它会吸引谁。 我诚实的回答是,我真的不确定它会吸引谁。 我想也许我会得到一些藏书家,一些藏书家,也许还有一些,我不知道,神学院的学生或圣经研究的书呆子,或者什么的。 但我们在现实中发现……我们最初是通过 Kickstarter 资助的,我们发现我们的客户群非常多样化。 我们有来自不同背景的人,这真的很令人高兴。 我很高兴看到它吸引了许多不同类型的人,许多不同年龄段的人,他们有很多不同的信仰,或者没有信仰。
当然,我们的大多数客户,我会说,是基督徒,但我也很高兴看到……我们有很多犹太客户,很多无神论者,天主教徒和东正教徒,这是一个我们拥有的客户种类繁多。 我认为那是因为……这让我们在营销策略上更进了一步,尽管当我想到它时,我并没有在脑海中想到营销策略这个词。
当我发起 Kickstarter 活动时,我决心不与任何特定的宗教或教派结盟。 我只是想把这些文本作为基础的、具有不可估量的影响力的文本来呈现,它们也非常漂亮。 这就是我之前提到的罗伯特·阿尔特(Robert Alter)很好地证明的事情。 这些文本是精心制作的,其中很多,无论您是否订阅其中任何一种宗教,它们都值得一读。
菲利克斯:明白了。 现在,因为有不同类型的潜在消费者、购买者、产品客户。 您浏览了一整套完全不同的潜在买家。 我相信他们也有购买的理由。 如果他们购买您的产品的原因不同,您如何看待向他们进行营销?
亚当:嗯,对我来说,我认为营销对我来说一直很困难。 我不是推销员。 我讨厌营销术语。 我不能让自己跳上那个……我不知道的潮流。 我发现……首先我会有点愤世嫉俗,然后我会尝试变得更加积极。 我发现我所看到的是,我们当中有很多人正在努力让我们自己的项目起步,或者努力发挥创造力。 所以我们所做的,我所看到的一种趋势,是我们创建这些网站,我们创建这种营销,复制所有这些行话,你在公司网站上看到的同一种行话,一家大公司。 我们试图给人一种我们已经建立起来的印象,并且我们拥有一支庞大的团队。
当我们没有建立起来时,我们没有一个大团队,实际上我们是有创造力的人,试图让项目起步,并试图基本上跳过中间人。 我认为这就是很多 Shopify 店主正在做的事情,Kickstarters 也是如此。 这就是我资助我的项目的方式。 我们正试图跳过中间人。 我们不想回答风险投资家或任何类型的投资者。 所以我认为这种透明度非常重要。 我认为,与其试图让我们与那些拥有 150 名员工的非常成熟的公司一样,不如说我们是一样的。 我认为只是一个想做某事的人,这会引起某种客户的共鸣,因为他们可以与之相关,他们理解它,这是事实。 而且我认为人们可以感知到真相。
所以我不认为营销……我没有在我的商业模式中实施任何正式的营销策略。 到目前为止,我所做的只是认真对待它是什么。 所以当你问我如何在没有特定人群的情况下进行营销时,我想你做什么,或者我做什么,无论如何,我只是把它转回到自己身上,我说,“让我只是告诉人们我关心什么,向他们展示我在做什么,而那些会回应它的人也会回应它。”
我想,至少对我来说,我是千禧一代,我知道大多数广告都是针对我的。 我能感觉到这一点,我认为这是通过的,有时我还是会去做。 但有时它会让我失望,我想,“我知道你只是想让我买你的东西。我知道你并不真正关心你的东西。我知道你并不真正关心制造你东西的人,或者它来自哪里,或者材料的来源,你只是想用它在我的客厅里看起来多么漂亮,或者其他什么东西让我眼花缭乱。
而且,是的,另一个兔子足迹,但我认为我想要我的客户......我想要看到我在做什么,理解它并欣赏它的人。 这就是我想要得到谁的注意。 而且我没有任何特殊的方法可以缩小范围。 但我会说,就像我之前说的,我确实试图将宗教排除在营销之外。 我认为这是我的产品与处理相同文献的其他产品非常不同的一件事。 显然,大多数出版圣经的人都是圣经出版商,而且大多数圣经出版商都是由宗教组织经营的,他们在某种程度上向他们所在宗教圈子内的人口推销。
Felix:为什么采取这种方法对你来说很重要? 或者,凭直觉,为什么将宗教排除在营销之外,或者你展示它的方式,你正在创造什么对你来说很重要?
亚当:嗯,我认为首先是因为你必须真正问自己这些文本属于谁。 很多人声称自己拥有它们。 它是否属于主流新教徒,是否属于天主教徒,是否属于东正教基督徒,是否属于犹太教,以及……或者我的意思是,它真正属于什么信仰。 我的意思是,答案是没有人和所有人同时。 在我看来,它当然属于每个人。 我认为它是由人类编写的,它是为人类编写的。 像荷马这样的人类文学就是人类文学。 我们应该可以接触到它,我认为当你将宗教语言置于其之上,并通过……我的成长经历进行营销时,当你开始用你所在宗教圈子的语言交谈时,我们称它为“基督教”,你立即疏远了它之外的每个人。
例如,如果你是圣经出版商……事实上,我知道圣经出版商会这样做,而我没有这样做的部分原因是,因为我试图避免这种情况,但圣经出版商会排序以某种方式推销他们的文本。 他们将其称为上帝的话语,并且对于这对他们特别意味着什么以及对他们的客户应该特别意味着什么,会有一种非常清晰的暗示。 我认为这很有趣,因为我不认为圣经只对那些相信圣经是超自然文本的人有价值。 所以这样谈论它有点,可能......这是一个无意的事情,我认为圣经出版商正在这样做,但他们肯定会说,“好吧,如果你不同意我们在这里的宣传,那真的不是为你。” 或者他们只是想让那些已经同意他们的人购买他们的产品。
而且我不想为任何人规定他们应该或不应该相信什么,来到产品。 我认为说“看,说实话”对我来说真的很重要......甚至我对这些文本的想法都非常不确定。 这个想法源于我的一次探索,当时我真的试图弄清楚它对我意味着什么,直到那时我一直是我整个生活的中心文本。 我真的在重新评估为什么会这样,是否会在未来,以及如何看待它在我的成年生活中向前发展。
因此,这种重新评估、翻转石头等等催生了制作图书馆的创造性行为。 营销也是如此,它也启发了我不要将文本归类到……我不想给人留下我知道它有什么好处的印象,除了我知道它很重要。 我知道它有很大的分量,它有很大的影响力……它告诉我们很多关于我们自己的事情,无论我们是在回应它,还是拒绝它,或者在它的基础上,它都是一种文本西方文学经典要与之抗衡。
菲利克斯:是的。 我不确定您是否喜欢这样想,但您确实采用了大部分已经存在的产品,对吧? 当然,已经有圣经文本了。 你把它带到了一个以前可能被疏远的服务不足的市场,我想。 当有圣经出版商专门为特定类型的人提供营销和产品时,你就完美地说明了这一点,这会自动疏远其他所有人。 你认识到,也许,直接地或者通过创建你的产品的过程,有一群人可能对圣经感兴趣,他们不适合那种营销或来自这些人的信息圣经出版商。
现在,当谈到你的方法时,听起来你只是在传达对你来说重要的事情,变得非常透明,你希望他们能吸引志同道合的人,或者对相同或有相同兴趣的人像你一样的激情。 你如何每天做到这一点? 你到底在做什么来让你的信念、你的热情和这种透明度向世界传播?
亚当:嗯,我会说它是从 Kickstarter 活动开始的。 而且我认为与...一起工作真的很重要……对不起,我在这里有点磕磕绊绊。 但我有一些非常好的朋友,他们擅长用视频讲故事,我认为那是 Kickstarter 活动中最强大的部分。 那是传播最多的东西。 人们谈论了很多。 后来它出现在列表中,这就是你制作 Kickstarter 视频的方式。 它经过了某种检查,并被分解为某种 Kickstarter 视频模型。 我不能对此表示赞赏。 那是我的朋友 Danny Williams 和 Joseph McMahon 拍摄和导演的。
而且我认为在视频环境中讲述这个故事,人们可以看到我的脸,他们可以看到我在制作产品,他们可以看到我,以及我们推出时生活中的一些人广告系列与原型互动,只是听到我在没有脚本的情况下谈论它真的很重要,只是讲述故事。 我需要它,因为如果我只是坐在镜头前,给电梯推销,正如你已经知道的那样,我会像无人机一样继续前进并沿着兔子小径前进,这并不好。 但是这些人真的很擅长指导我,他们不允许我读剧本。 他们问我一些他们希望我回答的问题。 然后他们剪辑了这段非常漂亮的 7 分 46 秒视频。 这比 Kickstarters 上推荐的长度要长得多。 实际上,7分46秒有点荒谬。
但是,这又是竞选活动中最强大的部分之一。 如此快进,现在我们距离该活动启动大约三年半了。 实际上,去年秋天我们制作了一个新视频来取代 Kickstarter 视频,因为很明显,Kickstarter 视频引用了 Kickstarter 和筹款。 而且我认为我们永远都在看到它,但这有点令人困惑,而且我们已经拿出了真正的书。 我们不再需要拍摄原型,所以我们只想创造一些新的东西。
所以我们实际上在 2017 年花了很多时间来制作这个新视频。 几个不同的拍摄环节和录音环节,我们给它评分,以及所有这些东西。 而且我认为这种类型的工具非常重要,一种讲故事的工具,你可以说,“在这里,就是这样。 这就是产品。” 然后,如果人们在观看了此类视频后参与其中,那么他们就可以去挖掘,寻找更具体的信息。 但这个想法是……所以,是的。
我的意思是,真的要回答你的问题。 我现在每天都在做的是……嗯,现在我只是在做客户服务。 我正在与那些喜欢他们的追踪号码不起作用的客户打交道,或者他们的产品在运输中损坏了,这类事情。 这就是日常,少开发新项目,以及所有类似的事情。 但在 2017 年,我有点……我们在 2014 年推出了 Kickstarter。经过多次延迟,我们终于在 2016 年底出版并交付了书籍。所以去年,嗯,我们有点赶上我们的在完成书籍的这个真正激烈的冲刺之后呼吸。 我们正在重新评估,“好的。 现在,我们需要什么内容来真正解释这是什么,这样当人们访问我们的网站时,他们就能理解它,并且可以在某种程度上决定他们是否感兴趣。”
而且它也不是便宜的产品。 这确实需要一些思考。 Shopify 很棒,因为您可以在某种程度上看到人们在购买之前对商店进行了多少次访问。 而且我看到有很多人在实际购买之前已经多次访问商店,因为这不是一笔小买卖。 但这本书是用非常好的材料制成的,而且材料来自善待员工的公司,而且它是由善待员工并支付高薪的公司制造的。 所以你付出的代价是值得的。
亚当:对。 没有多少人愿意花 199 美元买书。 书籍不再是过去那种珍贵的物品,你知道吗?
菲利克斯:对。 这就说得通了。 所以我确实想谈谈 Kickstarter 活动,因为很多成功,很多业务的起源都来自 Kickstarter 活动。 您发起了两项活动,共筹集了超过 150 万美元。 听起来很多都归结为这个视频,你提到它超过七分钟。 我确实看过视频,整个视频。 就像您说的那样,就您的视频应该多长时间而言,它比“推荐”的“最高转换”要长。 为什么你认为它对你有用? 为什么你认为 7 分钟的视频对 Kickstarter 活动有效?
亚当:嗯,我想……好吧。 所以当我发起我的活动时,我现在记得,参与其中的人帮助我建立了这个活动,给我发了一个指向这篇文章的链接。 就像如何筹集 100K,或者如何在 Kickstarter 上进行 100,000 美元的活动,或者类似的事情。 它一步一步地完成了所有这些你应该在你的活动中实施以确保其成功的策略,它正在创建模板以发送给博主、出版物、杂志或任何你想展示你的产品的人。 在你发布之前有很多关于建立追随者的事情,关于视频应该多长以及视频应该涉及的事情有各种各样的事情。
这很有说服力,我想,“好吧,如果我不做这些事情,这个活动就不会成功。” 我把那封电子邮件和那个链接放在一边,心想,“好吧。 好吧,我会在发布后实施。” 我会经历,然后我会做所有事情。 第一天,我会向博主发送电子邮件。 第二天,我会尝试更加活跃。 当我发起竞选活动时,我什至没有 Instagram 或 Twitter 帐户。
所以我并没有真正遵守规则,因此我害怕失败,因为我认为要想成功,人们必须知道你是谁,你必须有某种追随者。 否则,没有人会听到它。 但是我们在制作视频和编写产品描述时所采用的方法非常重要,让我们只是告诉人们我们认为重要的是什么。 如果这最终超过两三分钟,那就这样吧。 所以我们认为,也许五分钟会很长,但实际上最终是 00:07:46。 我说,“好吧,老实说,我不想少说这件事,我也不想让它感到匆忙,所以让我们把它保持在 00:07:46 看看如何确实如此。”
所以我们做到了,而且进展非常顺利。 我认为这只是因为我认为存在一个奇怪的悖论,“是的,如果我遵守本文为我制定的所有规则,我想,是的,它会成功,甚至可能比它是。” 但我认为有趣的是,特别是关于我们今天的世界,我们真的完全被营销和广告所饱和。 就像我说的,我们有一种非常敏感的……千禧一代对此非常敏感,因为我们一生都被广告宣传,只是不断地被广告淹没,所以我们感觉到了。
而且,我认为,我的竞选活动的有趣之处不在于,是的,我在那里发布了一些东西,并且我要求人们做出贡献以使其成为现实,其中没有营销。 里面没有广告。 这只是一个……我没有做任何 Facebook 广告。 我没有发布任何 Instagram 帖子。 我什么都没做……我只是真的,真的想把这件事做好。 我在 Kickstarter 上的目标是 37,000,我们最终在那 30 天的活动中赚了 140 万美元,远远超出了我们的预期。 而且,我认为,部分原因是当人们观看视频时,他们不会觉得,“哦,这家伙只是……他想骗我的钱。” 我认为他们所看到的,事实上,我非常想制作这个东西。 我迫切希望看到它成为现实,因为我想要它为我自己,我想拥有和使用自己的东西,而且我真的认为其他人可以从中受益。
而且我认为在这个时代,在我们生活的这个时代,遇到对一个想法感到兴奋的人并不常见,不是因为他们关心它,而是因为他们认为它会产生资本。 他们认为也许五年后有人会从他们那里购买它。 而且我不想讨论这是否是……道德规范。 我真的不在乎,但我认为这就是很多人很容易出错的地方,你想出的产品是……它的重要性可以忽略不计,也许,一些你可以用于当前 iPhone 型号的小饰品,但是当下一个 iPhone 型号问世时,你将不得不把它扔掉。 但它会被大肆宣传,营销会在你面前如此,有点……卖家试图告诉你,你的生活中只需要这个东西。 你可以告诉。 你可以感觉到对这个产品没有真正的热情。 显然,谁会那么在意某些 iPhone 小工具呢? 它不会改变生活。
但是,我认为,当你找到项目时,这些类型的项目遍布 Kickstarter。 Kickstarter 是许多不同类型项目的混合体,但我已经看到了很多项目,在这些项目中,我看到创作者真正渴望看到他们关心的东西。 Kickstarter 确实是唯一有意义的平台,因为没有一个头脑正常的投资者会为他们的小热情项目捐款。 我认为这就是发生的事情。 我只是想对我想做的事情说实话,结果有点爆炸,让我措手不及。 这也带来了自己的问题,对竞选活动的规模毫无准备,但显然这是一个很好的问题。
菲利克斯:对。 是的。 我认为较长的视频格式可以让你有时间更透明,让人们看到激情,真实性。 而且我认为当你确实有一个较短的视频时,可能是 1 分钟,或者在某些情况下可能是 30 秒,你有点被迫变得更加推销和宣传,因为你必须把所有的东西都拿出来。 所以我认为当你有机会更多地谈论意图时,这是可能的,你发起这个活动背后的原因,创造这个产品。 当你有空间,跑道,用更长的视频来做这件事时,你可以做一点。
亚当:嗯,我确实想补充一下我刚才所说的内容。 我仍然认为在视频的早期给出项目的要点很重要,这样你就可以说,“简而言之,这就是项目,就在那里。 如果您现在只想停止观看视频,基本上可以。 但如果你仍然感兴趣,还有更多。” 这就是我们在视频中追求的那种氛围,因为我们知道没有多少人……可能不到一半的观看次数……可能远不到我们拥有的观看次数的一半。你可以在 Vimeo 上衡量,有多少人们实际上是否完成了视频。 看完视频的人肯定不到一半。
即使是最初的 Kickstarter 视频,情况也一直如此。 那是我们成功的关键,那个视频。 没有多少人完成它。 所以我仍然认为在前两分钟说出你需要说的话很重要,但我也觉得用更多的东西来吸引人们,是的,营销术语很重要。 你不能只是给人们一个电梯推销,但是,当然,这取决于产品的性质。 就像我之前关于 iPhone 小工具所说的那样,iPhone 小工具可能是我 iPhone 的一些花哨的外壳,可以帮助我利用 iPhone 的潜力。 这对我很有用,但我不希望你以它会改变我生活的事实来推销我。 我只是想让你告诉我它是什么,它可能会很好,它会改善我的生活。 它必须更随意。 我认为你必须权衡产品和营销,它们必须匹配。
Felix:我认为在这种情况下,一个超长的视频是一个非常清晰的产品,一个非常明确的理由,而你把它做得太长可能甚至不合适,对,可能行不通,因为我可能会想,“为什么要我需要一个 7 分钟的视频来解释 iPhone 外壳。”
亚当:对。 正确的。 所以,是的,您必须为您要交付的内容找到合适的工具。 这一直是我在思考的事情。 而且我觉得我们制作视频的方式,以及我们制作图像和语言的方式都适合我个人对文本的看法,那就是它非常重要,而且读起来很有价值,读起来很愉快。 而现代的物理对象是……重要的是要考虑它们是如何制造的,以及它们是如何到达我们身边的,因此它具有这种重要性。
有时,老实说,我什至觉得我们自己的视频有点过于戏剧化,但这只是有时,因为我只有在担心别人会怎么想时才会有这种感觉。 老实说,我确信我们已经失去了一些客户,因为他们认为,“哦,我的天哪。 这些人只是把自己看得太认真了。” 这家伙很可笑或其他什么,但没关系,我想,因为我觉得在一天结束时我是真诚的,我能够真正传达我想要传达的东西。
而且我不一定认为缩小客户群是一件坏事。 你真的希望客户了解你在做什么,并且欣赏你在做什么。 如果你只是想让尽可能多的人购买你的东西,那么你将遇到更多难对付的客户。 而且,是的,你不想那样,所以。 我会说,我们有非常棒的客户。
菲利克斯:明白了。 现在,您提到了帮助您制作此视频的两个朋友。 他们通过在视频中向您提出具体问题来帮助您回答。 你还记得其他 Kickstarter 活动创建者、任何正在创建视频的人在讲述他们的产品、他们的公司的故事时会提出哪些更普遍的问题吗? 他们应该尝试在这些视频中回答什么样的问题?
亚当:嗯,我认为非常重要的,尤其是对我的项目来说,是为什么的问题。 你为什么这么做? 为什么你认为这很重要? 这是一个很难问的问题,所以很容易给出一种肤浅的答案并继续前进,或者根本不回答,直接转向什么。 这是什么? 它是什么? 我认为这是你真正想要真正关注的事情,就是思考为什么。 我什至不知道我们最初的 Kickstarter 视频是否很好地回答了这个问题,但我记得这对我来说真的很难回答,而且我知道他们使用了我的一些答案来制作视频。
And so that I think is what will set a product apart is if you have a creator, or a team of creators who are really passionate about this thing, this product that they're making. You want to know why. You want to know why they're so passionate about it. Why do they care so much? And if they just jump right in to what it is, I think it's easy for potential customers to kind of get lost. Traditional marketing strategies is here's why you want this, basically. Here's why you need this in your life. But, I think, a lot of people in our generation, like I said, much more sensitive to that. And I think often times what we're looking for, more than why I need it in my life, is why does it exist in the first place. Does it have a purpose? And who are the people behind it? 它从哪里来的? That's what I want to know as a consumer. And I think that's what a lot of other people want to know, so that's the type of thing I try to communicate when I'm talking about my projects.
Felix: Now, you mentioned that this video, the latest one, was you also had got the video scored. Were you a part of that process as well?
Adam: Yes. It was a long and painstaking process. It's hard because I'm not a particularly musical person. I certainly don't know anything about music theory, but I worked with someone to create an original score. And it was, yeah, and so I'm giving him all these descriptions like it needs to be a little bit more neutral here, maybe a little bit darker there, or maybe a little bit lighter there. Of course, he just kind of has to take stab at it when he goes back to the recording studio. But it was a lot of fun, and I'm really glad we did it.
I think it is really well suited to the new video. It's really somber, very atmospheric, and it's all cello. So it feels very organic and, yeah, I enjoyed it. But it was a challenge for me, because I am probably the most difficult possible client to have when it comes to that sort of thing, because I'm so opinionated, and I'm so particular. But I didn't really have the tools so I felt bad for, Chris was his name, Chris Joye, JOYE, but he was incredibly patient with me, and spent a lot of time really trying to understand what was I was going for, the emotion I was going for. And I think he nailed it.
菲利克斯:太棒了。 Yeah, just watching the video, the second one, I mean, certainly the sound is very immersive. It does pull you in. What made you decide to go down this route instead of just finding, maybe, paying … I'm not sure how much it cost to purchase some kind of soundtrack, I guess, for your video. But why not go down that route, and just kind of be done with it? What made you decide that you wanted to create something original?
Adam: It was actually the directors. The same two guys who did the original video on Kickstarter, they did this newer video that we have up on our website. And Daniel and Joseph were … they didn't force me into it, but they did twist my arm a little bit. And sort of say, “You really … this footage is really good.” We worked with one of their really good friends, Eric, to shoot the footage. And we rented these really nice Cooke lenses, and the footage was just looking so beautiful. And they were thinking, “We might as well just go all the way, and get an original score done for this.” And so I said, “OK. Well, who do we work with.” And they gave me a recommendation.

And there were a few points where I thought, “Man, this is a lot of work. This is a lot more money than I would have to spend.” In fact, the first video, the Kickstarter video, we used an artist whose name is Chris Zabriskie, and he makes all of his music available for free. You don't even have to pay him a royalty. You just have to give him a credit, which I think is really cool. He's got all this music up on Spotify, and SoundCloud, and all sorts of different venues where you can access his music, listen to it for free, download it for free, and even use it in your videos for free as long as you credit him.
And we had used him for several videos, because we did a couple update videos as well throughout the Kickstarter process. We did another video for a Kickstarter gold campaign that we did last year. And then we were actually planning on using him for this video until they sort of cut the footage together, and said we should get an original score done. But that was appealing to me, the idea. The video from start to finish would kind of be from scratch that everything that we used in the video would have been really made exclusively for the video. We didn't use any stock footage, and we didn't use any music that was recorded for another purpose. We commissioned our own composer to make a song. He commissioned his own musicians to record it, and that just kind of made it feel a little bit more special to me. And we wanted this newer video to function for a long time, and we want it to be the introduction of Bibliotheca to the next five years of people who come and visit our website.
Felix: So for anyone else out there that wants to invest in creating their own video first of all, and then also getting an original score for it. Do you have an idea of how much time or how much budget you need? You don't give us these [inaudible 00:45:44] by your particular set up, but if they are to get started down this route. How much are we talking about in terms of time commitment, or how much would it cost?
Adam: Well, videos are a lot of work. But I think they are the most important tool, especially for Kickstarter campaign, to being successful, at least and that's been my experience. And I don't really know, I mean, it's hard to give a ballpark, because it just really depend on what your needs are, and where you're shooting, and if you need actors or not, and et cetera, et cetera. But I will say for the original Kickstarter campaign, I worked with really good friends. And they knew that I didn't have any money [inaudible 00:46:31]. But I insisted on paying them, and then they very kindly quoted me a low price. But, obviously, the success of the campaign enabled me to go back to them afterwards, and say, “OK. Really, guys, how much is this worth.”
But they were willing, had I failed or had I just barely met my goal. They were willing to work for less than probably what their time was worth, definitely less than what their time was worth, because [inaudible 00:47:04] friends. But videos aren't cheap. 那是另一回事。 The last video that we made, I really want everyone whose involved to feel like they're being compensated well, because I want them to be invested in the project. There were a few times where I thought, “Man, how can I stay within my budget here, and should I be doing this original score, or not. 我不知道。” But, yeah, it's a huge time investment if you want to be involved in the decision making. And I am very much one of those founders who, probably, to a fault wants to be really involved with everything that is out there, and available to the public to see about our company and our product.
And, yeah, I mean, we're definitely for the most recent video, we invested a lot of money, thousands of dollars. Probably over $10,000 into that video. But I'm just doing the math in my head really quick, because I haven't looked at … I'm not looking at our monthly statements or anything right now, but it was a huge investment. But I think over the five year to ten years span of time that we hope that video will work for us, I think, it will definitely pay for itself. But the original video for the Kickstarter campaign, that was just some friends working together. I asked friends to be in it. We didn't pay actors for that. We just went over to a friend's house, and shot a bunch a friends, and asked some people to come out to the coffee shop, or the bookstore, and film them there.
And I think that's important. It's interesting that, in a way, that the low budget video that we created was the more successful video. Obviously, I haven't even announced this new video. We haven't done a campaign with it. It just sort of appeared on our website one day. But it's working for us now on a daily basis. People come and they visit the website, and that's one of the first things they see. But it's interesting to think about how the first video that we really just kind of threw together on a low budget, and there were a lot of things that went wrong with it. One of the scenes we were supposed to shoot at, they had to cancel on us at the last second, so we had to find a different place to shoot. And we didn't have any money [inaudible 00:49:55] time.
But it was the heart of the project, I think, carried that video through and made it successful. We were working with really standard equipment, just everybody's purse. We didn't rent any fancy things. It was just very straightforward, and that, I think, it says a lot for what you can do with what's available to you.
菲利克斯:是的。 I think you hit it on the head where it is a big time and capital investment, but it's not something that can you just create once then use it once. It can be extended for a very long time. You're projecting 5, 10 years, and it could probably exist on multiple different platforms for you as well.
Successful on Kickstarter; successful on your website. Are there any other places that you try to get your video out to, or do you try to cut it up in any way to fit into other mediums?
Adam: Sure. 是的。 We haven't done any … It's kind of a weird thing with me where we haven't done any paid advertising yet, but we're getting to the point now where we probably should, but I'm having a hard time with the fact that I'll have to stop saying that we've never done any paid advertising. But we have, actually, already created some really short Instagram videos from the footage that we took for the newest video by even just cutting out portions of that video, or taking footage that we weren't able to use in the video, and using it in different ways. And so we kind of just have a backstock of things that we can use in different environments whether it's on Instagram, or Facebook, or Twitter, which really are the only places I really imagine us doing any paid advertising in the future.
But we still haven't really figured out the specifics of that or how we're going to approach that, but yeah, it was definitely a worthwhile investment. We have way more footage than we put in the video that we can continue to use, and draw from. We're actually already in the process of developing another video out of the footage that we made, and all it'll take is basically for me to record new voiceover. We want to make a video specifically about the translation that we used. And so I just need to record some new voiceover, and then they can use the footage they weren't able to use for the video we have up on our site now. It was definitely a great investment. And I feel really good about it.
But, yeah, and Facebook, and Twitter, and Instagram … I have been surprised [inaudible 00:53:02] think, again, Shopify sort of lets you know where your traffic is coming from. A lot of it comes from Twitter, and it's been very organic, because I don't get on Twitter, promote my product, or anything like that. People will post a photo of their books, or they'll say something nice about it, and direct people to our site. It's been sort of surprising. Twitter is sort of the last place I thought would be where we would get customers, but we get a lot of traffic coming form Twitter.
菲利克斯:是的。 It's really not one of the number one social media platforms as much lately, but that's impressive that a lot is coming from Twitter. So when you are creating these videos specifically for ads, how do you approach it differently? How do you decide what … because, obviously, you can't be seven minutes long, time, when it's on Instagram or Facebook video ads. How do you decide what should into that shorter time frame?
亚当:是的。 这是一个艰难的。 We struggle with that a little bit, and had a little bit of back and forth with my video guys where we're sort of trying to figure that out, because we want to bring the same kind of slow, and relaxed feeling to the Instagram ads, except it can't really be slow, because people are literally scrolling down to their feet, and they're just going to pass over it if you don't get to the point. But what we have found is actually that when people just look at the product, they respond.
We found historically that it kind of captures peoples attention. So our strategy for those shorter videos has been: All right, let's put the product in front of people right away. And the product sort of … It begs the question: What is this thing? It looks like something I'd be interested in touching, or pulling out, and opening, and seeing what's inside. 告诉我更多关于它。 That's kind of the reaction that we've gotten from people when they don't know anything about it, and they see it. And so that's sort of been our approach for the Instagram thing is let's just put the product there, up front, and then they can read more about it.
Felix: So it's more product focused this time?
Adam: Yes. It's definitely more product focused. There's less of a roundabout kind of explanation. It's more like here's this thing; it's almost like a surprise. We did a giveaway on Instagram, and it was just we posted a picture of the product, and it said giveaway on the post, and then it basically said, “Win this Bible.” And then, yes, it's a Bible. And that's sort of the surprising thing for people when they see it, and they think, “What. That's not a Bible. I've never seen a Bible that looks like that before.” And so that sort of pieces is like the intriguing-
Felix: Curiosity.
亚当:是的。 “That's the trick we play” to get people's attention.
Felix: I like it. 惊人的。 So thank you so much for your time, Adam. So bibliotheca.co that's bibliotheca.co is the website. Where do you want to see this go this year? What do you want to take that the products that you're creating that the company that you're creating … Where do you want to see it go this year?
Adam: Well, Bibliotheca, it's kind of become its own thing. And it still requires some attention and a lot of customer service, because we have a lot of customers, and it's kind of a heavy product, and there's shipping issues, and things like that. So it has a life of its own, and we're maintaining it, but really what I want is to create something new this year, or several new things this year. And another goal that I have, eventually, for Bibliotheca is, I think, all the funding that we got on Kickstarter allowed us to create a really, really nice product. And we were able to deliver that to all of our Kickstarter backers for the $75 contribution they made, or the $85 preorders after the campaign, et cetera.
But the backstock that we ordered kind of … Because we made everything super premium, we used all the nicest materials, all the inventory that we have we kind of have to sell for a higher price to keep things moving to kind of pay for overhead, and to make it worthwhile. So my goal also is to create a more affordable version of Bibliotheca sometime in the near future whether it's this year, and the next three or four years. And we're talking to, actually, some publishers who want to help us do that. So they kind of have the infrastructure to do that. But otherwise, yeah, I'm ready to publish some other texts in a really nice format. And I'm excited to a launch a few new projects, hopefully, in 2018.
菲利克斯:太棒了。 Thank you again so much for your time, Adam.
亚当:是的。 谢谢你,菲利克斯。 感谢您的款待。
Felix:这是下一集 Shopify Masters 的预告片。
演讲者 3:直接从 Kickstarter 转到 Indiegogo。 所以有人看到了一个旧的 Facebook 帖子。 即使 Kickstarter 结束,他们仍然可以购买产品。
Felix:感谢收听 Shopify Masters,这是面向雄心勃勃的企业家的电子商务营销播客。 要立即开始您的商店,请访问 shopify.com/masters 申请延长 30 天免费试用期。 此外,对于本集的节目说明,请前往 shopify.com/blog。