已发表: 2017-01-31Cindy Chan 是 Dotoly 的创始人,这家商店以实惠的价格出售以动物为灵感的珠宝、礼品和家居装饰品。
在 Shopify Masters 的这一集中,您将听到她的故事,我们将探索她进行的许多实验——无论大小——帮助她发展业务。
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- 关闭实体店是什么感觉。
- 在市场上销售时如何增加成功的机会。
- 如何从在市场上销售过渡到在自己的商店中销售。
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- 店铺:多托利
- 社交资料: Facebook | 推特 | Instagram
- 推荐:Artfire、Store Envy、Yotpo、LuLa Roe、Optimizely、HotJar、General Assembly(数字营销课程)
Felix:今天我加入了来自Dotoly 的Cindy Chan,该公司位于animal-jewelry.com。 Dotoly 出售价格实惠的动物首饰、礼品和家居装饰品。 他们成立于 2010 年。他们的总部设在香港。 欢迎,辛迪。
菲利克斯:很高兴有你参加。 告诉我们更多关于您销售的动物首饰的信息。 你们店里有哪些比较受欢迎的产品?
Cindy:我不得不说我们的动物戒指是用微型动物的形状制成的。 还有,耳环。 他们放在一起,所以他们造假......他们看起来像假耳规。 这两个,在我们的商店里很受欢迎。 当我们找到新的设计师和类似的东西时,我们也在扩展以包括其他产品。
Felix:很酷,我想……我自己也是狗主人,所以我关注了很多狗的 Instagram 个人资料。 可能比实际的人类还要多,所以我觉得我看过你的产品。 希望它一直都是你的,所以我肯定想更多地谈论在一个空间中与不同影响者合作背后的策略。 告诉我们你是如何开始的。 你的背景是什么? 您有制作珠宝的背景吗?
辛迪:不,实际上,我一直都在做小生意,不管有没有。 我家实际上是一家卖童装的小企业,所以我们自己生产和制造童装,从我很小很小的时候起,我就一直在店里帮忙。 后来,当我长大的时候,生产、设计和与工厂沟通。 我实际上是因为需要才接触到珠宝的。 我实际上在纽约帕森斯上学,我正在为我的朋友寻找生日礼物。 对于一个生活在纽约市的预算很少的学生来说,我真的找不到任何独特或负担得起的东西。
我实际上开始为人们制作自己的产品,反应非常非常好。 他们就像,“你为什么不卖这些?” 我开始制作更多的东西,这真的很简单。 我刚开始在 Etsy 上销售。 然后最终在易趣上,当我经常访问香港时。 每次我回来我也会采购一些产品。 当时我有一家 eBay 商店。 我真的不再在那里卖东西了。 它只是从那里起飞。 我只是在我小小的鞋盒公寓里做这件事,同时还在上学并努力完成我的论文。 这绝对是因为需要一个,为人们找到负担得起且有趣的礼物,但也为了赚更多的钱,因为我住在一个非常昂贵的城市。
菲利克斯:当然,所以你上大学了。 你在上大学,你以前在家族企业工作过。 当你开始这件事时,当时还有其他事情发生吗? 在尝试推出自己的品牌时,您是否仍然参与家族企业或当时经营的小型企业?
辛迪:我想是在大学三年级时开始的。 当我毕业时,我实际上是回到香港帮助家族企业,同时也做自己的事情。 实际上,我是从开设自己的零售店开始销售珠宝的。 从那里开始,这是一次非常有趣的经历,因为您可能知道,香港的租金是世界上最昂贵的租金之一。 从一个除了费用和类似的东西我真的没有任何租金的在线业务到不得不支付租金和所有这些额外的费用和东西,并试图维持生计,这真的是一个相当大的挑战。
然后我做了一年的生意,直到我决定回到我开始的地方,那就是电子商务。 那一年的经历令人难以置信。 我只是想通了,我必须与客户面对面交谈。 我必须真正了解买卖的过程。 我把我学到的很多小东西应用到了我在网上销售的反复试验中所获得的有限经验。 它只是从那里起飞,我仍然每天都在学习。 我认为这是一次非常有趣的经历。
菲利克斯:你似乎喜欢住在租金非常昂贵的城市里,我想这给你带来了确保一切成功的压力。 就像你说的,你搬到了香港。 你知道在任何地方开一家零售店都会很昂贵,真的,但尤其是在大都市,像这样的主要地铁城市。 如果你已经有一个在线商店,一个已经在建立的在线业务,已经出现了,那么背后的决定是什么。 想要开设零售店的原因是什么?
Cindy:我认为这只是我一直非常想做的事情,去尝试。 我的家族企业确实有几家零售店。 这就是我与小企业一起成长的方式。 当我尝试做在线销售和电子商务时,这对我来说还是很新鲜的。 我真的没有所有必要的技能和东西。 我确实了解在实体零售企业工作是什么感觉。 当时,我发现了这个很棒的位置,当时的租金并不算太高。 我拥有我设计的所有这些产品,并与亚洲的当地设计师合作,我认为如果我卖掉它会做得很好。 我想试试。 我真的很怀念与客户互动的亲身体验。 我刚决定要同时尝试两者,但这占用了我太多时间,以至于我实际上不得不停止我的电子商务业务一段时间才能运行它。
Felix:那么,让你决定“让我们回到已经成功的地方”的转折点是什么? 回到你第一次在网上创业的地方?
Cindy:我实际上有很多游客,所以我开始注意到从我这里购买的游客比当地人多得多,这与我当时的预期相反。 我认为这些产品在当地会做得很好。 很多前来参观并寻找独特礼物的游客会买很多他们认为“哦,我从没在我来自的地方看到过这个”的东西,无论是澳大利亚,还是加拿大什么的。 他们会买这么多作为礼物带回来。 他们就像,“你在网上卖吗?” 我被问了很多这个问题。 我就像,“我曾经”,他们就像,“你为什么不再那样做? 我认识很多朋友都愿意。”
我给了他们我的电子邮件和东西。 我说,“让我们取得联系。” 最终,我想,“每个人都在问我为什么不再在线销售。” 显然,我觉得电子商务是越来越多的企业正在兴起的东西。 我只是想,也许我应该再试一次,特别是因为经营零售店的成本实际上非常非常高。 我又开始了,令我惊讶的是,它真的恢复了。 实际上,我是从 ArtFire 开始的。 ArtFire.com,一个市场,当我重新开始时,然后在 Storenvy 上也是如此。
我开始在这些市场上销售,他们在那里为你做了大量的促销活动,而你所要做的就是列出产品并将它们运送出去。 这就是我开始使用 Shopify 之前的方式。 转移到 Shopify。 我只是从那里去了。 我的很多过程都是反复试验,即使是现在,今天,我仍然不断地学习新事物并尝试它,看看哪些有效,哪些无效,然后从那里开发经验。
Felix:我认为这是一个很好的方法。 通过阅读甚至收听播客,您只能学习和内化很多东西。 我认为其中很多需要只是走出去玩游戏,然后不仅要学习什么有效,还要学习什么特别适合你,因为你并不总是能够找到适合你的建议具体情况。 希望与您走在同一条道路上并考虑走同一条道路的人可以通过学习您所学的知识来节省一些时间和金钱。
让我们来谈谈它。 商店已经不存在了,对吧? 实体店? 我假设你不能只是说,“有一天,我想重新上网。 让我把店里的灯关掉,然后走出去。” 可能涉及很多成本,不仅是金钱上的,还有时间上的。 关闭实体店是什么感觉?
辛迪:这太糟糕了,因为感觉很像是未能全力以赴。 我考虑过做一份实际的工作,比如为一家公司工作,但对我来说,只是做我自己的事情和经营企业的挑战,并参与到企业的各个方面,而不仅仅是企业的某个方面或者一家公司只是真正吸引我的东西。 什么事情都做不成并不容易,所以关掉一家店,显然也不是什么好心情。 当然,我仍然希望商店继续运营并盈利,但归根结底,如果这在财务上没有意义,那么你只需要做合乎逻辑的事情。
幸运的是,就在我决定这不再奏效之前,我开始冒险重新涉足电子商务。 我想,在我决定关门大吉之前大约两个月,我又开始在网上销售了。 我很快就启动并运行了它,幸运的是,销售进来了。在我关闭公司之前,我确实有一个备用计划,这确实有很大帮助。
Cindy:会很好,但可能在香港这样的城市。 租金肯定是因素之一。 此外,我们的大多数客户实际上都位于美国和澳大利亚,因此,如果我们可以在那里开业,那肯定会很棒。
辛迪:老实说,我真的必须考虑这一点。 我花了很多时间思考电子商务,虽然如果有一个真正的商店,我们可以向客户销售产品并获得关于你的产品如何做或他们对你在做什么的看法的即时反馈,那就太好了,我认为这真的很有价值。 当您开展在线业务时,您会运送……有人买了东西,然后您将其运送给他们,无论到达目的地需要多长时间,具体取决于位置。 然后你会得到反馈,无论是来自 [听不清 00:13:54] 之类的应用程序还是其他什么,我都忘记了它叫什么。
评论进来了,如果您收到回复,则在您向客户提供某些东西和您得到回复的时间之间会有延迟。 我花了很长时间思考电子商务,我真的不知道是什么。 到目前为止,我还没有真正花太多时间思考我会为零售业做些什么不同的事情,因为电子商务有很多事情要做,而且每天都在变化,我真的没有现在是时候想得太远了。
菲利克斯:我认为,重点很重要。 你不想去想一些你实际上并没有在做的事情。 这就说得通了。 听起来您确实错过了拥有实体店的各个方面,例如您正在谈论的即时反馈。 有没有办法复制您在网上找到的实体零售店的好处? 这些评论当然很重要。 您发现有哪些方法可以就您的产品获得有价值的反馈……只是获得有关您的产品或品牌的一般反馈?
Cindy:我们确实非常努力地在社交媒体上与我们的客户交谈。 我们有很多客户,不是很多,但我们有客户......我们试图鼓励我们的客户向我们提供他们穿着产品的照片。 我们为那些选择在我们的社交媒体平台上展示的人提供商店信用。 这反过来又帮助我们更好地转化,它为客户、潜在客户提供了社会证明。
Felix:你提到你鼓励人们与你分享照片。 我真正喜欢你的商店设置方式的一件事是,立即有一个完整的购物者 Instagram 部分,其中包含所有这些照片,我假设,来自你的客户,这当然为他们提供了社会证明。 我认为很多商店错过的步骤之一是他们不会激励或要求人们在 Instagram 上发布带有主题标签的照片。 人们可能正在做的事情,可能是在 Instagram 上的某个地方收集,但这并不是完成整个循环,然后作为社会证明的形式回到你的商店。 告诉我们更多关于这一点的信息。 你是如何设置这个来激励的? 你做了什么来激励人们分享他们的客户照片,你是如何实际使用这些客户照片来提高销售的?
Cindy:您所说的 Instagram 集成,实际上是最近才包含在我们的网站中的。 我们一直在努力鼓励我们的客户为他们的产品拍照。 通常他们会和他们的宠物或其他东西合影,超级可爱,他们的朋友会分享。 实际上,这非常简单。 我们只是在我们的第一批客户拍摄的可爱小照片中加入了一个小插页,我们要求他们分享他们最近购买的照片以赢得优惠券代码并标记我们。 我们只是将它包含在我们发送的每个包裹中,它确实工作得很好。
这是让人们回来与您互动并帮助传播信息的一种非常实惠的方式。 我认为经营小型企业的挑战之一是您的预算有限。 几乎像名片一样打印一张可爱的图片和一条客户可以拥有并持有并可能分享的短消息,这也非常有用。 当然,为他们提供激励,这当然是极其重要的。
Felix:我喜欢这类客户照片的一件事是,它实际上是在野外看到产品,因为很多时候你在看产品照片时,它们都是独立于白色背景上的,这对获取所有细节,但您并不真正知道它在现实世界中会是什么样子。 当你有这么多不同的角度,这么多不同的背景让人们使用产品时,我认为,它确实有助于捕捉你可能在实体零售空间中找到的缺失部分,即人们可以感觉到、看到和触摸并环顾四周并握住产品本身。 当您有这么多人以不同的角度发布所有这些照片并以不同的方式使用它们时,我认为这有助于弥补您经常从实体零售中获得的缺失部分,而您在在线零售中却没有。
我真的很喜欢这种方法。 您之前提到您是从市场开始的,对吧? 你在 Etsy 上,你在 eBay 上。 然后你回来了,你在 ArtFire 和 Storenvy 上卖东西。 那是怎样的体验? 您是否建议很多人采用这种方法,在您开设自己的商店之前先从市场开始?
Cindy:我绝对推荐它。 通常,很多像 Storenvy 这样的市场都是免费的。 我认为即使是 ArtFire 也可以免费设置。 它一步一步教你怎么做,所以对于没有电子商务经验的人来说,我认为这很有帮助。 它教你,就像你的标题应该有多长,你应该有多少图像。 他们通常帮助在他们自己的市场上推广这些产品,因此,如果您并不真正了解如何推广您的产品并将其推向市场,那么所有这些市场背后都有一个庞大的团队为您做这件事。
我只是想补充一下,从以前开始,你在谈论 Instagram 照片。 我们最近尝试的事情是我们联系了当地的狗救援人员和狗主人。 我们实际上邀请他们出去拍照。 我们提出给他们和他们的家人以及他们的宠物拍照,以换取我们能够为他们的宠物拍照,无论是猫、豚鼠还是狗,都可以使用我们的一些产品。 我们在社交媒体策略中使用了很多这些图片。 这实际上帮助了我们很多。 我认为我们的 Facebook 参与度增加了 200%。 人们分享和评论并更喜欢我们的内容。
我们真的在努力推动这一点,试图......回到实际的零售业,我们实际上正在与当地企业和当地的狗救援人员以及拥有狗并喜欢支持小企业并寻求帮助的人联系。 这是我们几乎免费创建内容营销策略的一种方式。 免费,不花钱。 当然,我们还为他们提供了免费的产品和东西,以及所有照片的副本,每个人都想要一些他们的小狗和他们的家人和东西的超级可爱的照片。 我们采用了我们创建的所有这些内容以及它们背后的故事,我们一直在努力发送新闻通讯,向人们展示我们是一家真正的企业,我们参与了我们的社区。 这也很有趣。
Felix:您邀请这些客户、过去的客户或潜在客户参加这些照片拍摄。 为什么你认为这比仅仅雇用模特或雇用模特宠物出来并以这种方式拍照而不是专注于让客户在那里拍照更成功? 你认为有什么不同?
辛迪:首先,那很贵。 我认为对于很多小企业或刚起步的人来说,你并没有大公司那样的大预算。 我觉得你可以解决这个问题的方法之一就是发挥创造力。 我们确实在 Facebook 上找到了当地的狗主人,还联系了在当地从我们这里购买的人,询问他们是否介意,并找到了那些实际上可能他们以前为我们拍照的人。 我们有一大群人在一个月的时间里与我们见面,我们给他们拍照。
然后,当我们向他们提供免费产品时,当然,当我们联系他们时,这不是交易的一部分,因为我们确实在推动只是为小企业寻求帮助,比如试图接触人们的本地企业. 每个人都非常乐于助人,但是当我们为他们提供这些产品时,他们会为我们拍摄更多照片。 他们将其发布在自己的 Instagram 上。 他们向他们的朋友展示,它产生了如此多的口碑。 实际上,其他狗救援组织与我们取得了联系,我不确定您是否看到,但我们将一定比例的利润捐赠给当地的狗救援组织和 ASPCA。
实际上,我们每个月都会向不同的组织捐款,但最近很多当地人联系了我们。 我们能够拿这笔钱,然后购买狗床和他们非常需要的东西,以保持当地的狗救援工作。 我们实际上能够在身体上帮助他们,无论是提供他们需要的东西,还是仅仅提供捐款。 这就是我们稍后要关注的重点,向我们的客户展示从我们这里购买是……您显然会得到可爱的产品,但您也可以帮助我们为这些动物和这些组织做出改变。 我们真的很想帮助促进这一点。
菲利克斯:这绝对是美丽的,你能够在经营企业的同时回馈社会。 我认为让你的方法比仅仅雇佣模特、雇佣专业摄影师要好得多的一个方面是,与你合作的人和组织在这方面投入了很多很多,因为他们意识到你为社区做出了多少贡献,有助于促进他们。 通过推广您的产品,他们提供的帮助甚至超出了您的预期。 如果你聘请模特、摄影师,我认为他们不太可能像与这类组织合作那样努力,我想这些组织更加有机。 这些关系更加有机地建立起来。
我认为这是一个很好的方法。 我强烈建议再次做类似的事情。 您希望能够在野外代表您的产品,让实际的真实客户使用它。 我认为这是一种很好的方法,也是一种低预算的方法。 另外,回到市场问题。 同样,我们讨论过的这四个市场,您建议继续使用它们,尤其是如果您是初学者,因为它们会逐步引导您浏览列表和产品促销。 您是否发现了这些平台上成功的关键,它们与您拥有自己的商店、您自己的在线商店的成功关键不同吗?
辛迪:是的,当然。 我们实际上仍然在其中一些市场上销售。 我认为这是一个完全不同的客户群。 我们之前所做的,当我们开始使用 ArtFire 和 Storenvy 时,我想后来还有另一个叫做 [Lula.com 00:25:56],我们现在也在使用它。 它们实际上有助于吸引与我们网站上的客户不同的客户群。 当我们运送这些产品时,我们还包括那些 Instagram,我们必须要求客户照片的插入。 我们将它们发送回我们的社交媒体帐户,并告诉他们,“我们也有自己的网站,我们有更多的产品供您选择。”
我们的网站是我们真正尝试建立社区的地方。 我们提供免费送货服务,而我们在这些平台上不提供。 我们要分开,不一样。 有些客户只是在市场上购买。 他们不信任独立网站,无论它是否托管在 Shopify 上。 他们想在 eBay 之类的东西上购物,或者 Etsy 或 ArtFire。 他们希望能够从他们听说过并且信任的公司购买。 我认为,他们确实比企业、独立网站具有这种优势。
Felix:我认为拥有自己的网站比在市场上销售的主要好处之一是你可以建立这些回头客的资产,但就像你说的,这些市场上的客户群是不同的,有时他们非常不愿意离开这些市场并直接向您购买。 例如,我认为亚马逊也是如此。 有些人只是想在亚马逊上购买,而不是通过实际的品牌商店购买。
当您在这些市场上时,仅仅是为了销售吗? 我想,除了销售之外,你还能从这些市场上销售得到什么? 就像你说的,有些人不愿意离开这些平台。
Cindy:显然,它会产生销售,这是底线,但您也可以将这些网站的流量吸引到您的网站。 我认为对于一家刚刚起步的小企业来说,获得客户的信任确实让你受益匪浅,因为你得到了这家大公司的支持。 我认为其中之一......我们已经注意到了,因为我们在 Shopify 上设置了 Google Analytics,显然,所以我们确实注意到来自我们的市场商店的大量流量,所以看到那里并想要购买的人更多产品或想查看我们的完整系列然后来自这些网站并最终从我们的网站购买。 它不仅为我们带来了销售,还为我们带来了流量。
Felix:我想在这些市场上有几个关键因素。 一个是你在这些市场上获得了那种内在的信任。 我认为这也可能是另一种方式,如果有人在你的网站上,然后他们看到你在这些市场上有代表,你确实从这些更成熟的公司那里继承了一些权威和信任。 然后,与此同时,听起来你确实有一些人愿意从这些平台迁移过来直接向你购买。 也许不是第一次,但可能是以后他们意识到产品的质量并且他们喜欢它并且想要退货并再次购买时。 这不仅仅是一次性销售的事情,似乎还有其他一些好处。
你提到他们帮助允许促销。 他们可能会做所有的促销活动,特别是如果你不知道如何自己做。 您有没有办法提高这些市场上促销活动的成功率? 你能以任何有意义的方式做出贡献吗?
Cindy:对于像 Storenvy 这样的市场,他们总是有销售。 无论是黑色星期五还是母亲节,他们通常都会,如果您订阅他们的时事通讯,他们会与您联系。 你可以注册它。 它会告诉您您需要的所有要求。 您可能需要提供折扣代码,然后您就可以加入销售。 并非所有市场的市场商店都会参与。 如果你这样做了,那么你也会获得更多的曝光率。
Cindy:另外,如果你已经在那里工作了一段时间,比如在 ArtFire 上,并且如果你可以销售特定数量或者如果你有他们认为非常独特的产品,那么你会......我认为我们的一些产品实际上也出现在他们的主页上。 这确实会为您的网上商店带来流量。
Felix:你的产品的这种优质或主要展示位置,比如在主页上,可能从他们网站的任何其他部分获得最多的流量,这是怎么发生的? 仅仅是因为你在那里的成功吗? 他们希望放置什么,以比其他人更主要地推广某个品牌或某个网上商店?
Cindy:我认为每个平台的要求是不同的,但我知道 Storenvy 经常在他们的主页上为不同的业务、他们所代表的不同商店保留一个空间。 我认为这归结为拥有独特的产品和销售的产品。 最终,他们确实希望从他们的市场销售中获得佣金,或者他们想要建立流量并且他们也需要从中获得一些东西。 如果您有销售的独特产品,那么它显然会增加您与他们的支持团队联系的机会,他们可能会要求您进行简短的采访,他们会在主页上展示您。
我认为现在他们实际上还没有付费广告的选项。 我听说这将是他们可能会调查的事情。 我也知道 ArtFire,实际上你可以,我认为你可以付费将它列在搜索的顶部,有点像 Etsy。
菲利克斯:知道了,所以我想对于更有机或免费的宣传,这可能不是成功的门票,但绝对是一旦你已经有了一些东西,无论是真正的产品还是理想情况下,帮助你获得更多成功的原因也销售的独特产品。 一旦你在这些平台上取得了成功,或者一旦你在这些平台上取得了成功并继续在它们上销售,你自己的商店的过渡是什么样的? 您开始采取哪些步骤来使您自己的商店成为您品牌的焦点?
Cindy:我想要更多地控制在线商店的外观、感觉和功能,因为你在这些市场上可以做的事情是有限的。 我们已经从这些东西中获得了足够的收入,我们决定冒险创建自己的网站,经过一些研究,决定使用 Shopify。 太好了,因为您可以使用许多不同的应用程序,而且它是完全可定制的,并且它真的像 Instagram 一样为您提供了您在我们主页上谈论的我的 Instagram 轮播。 您将无法在市场商店中拥有它,因为那是他们不提供的那种功能。
拥有自己的网站有一个优势。 你可以控制你的一切……你得到更多的分析。 到时候你就知道发生了什么。 我认为这是人们一直在销售的东西,如果他们想要扩展它可能是你肯定需要的东西,拥有自己的独立网站。
Felix:这绝对是很多商店的演变,他们在这些平台上取得了成功,他们已经证明这是人们想要的产品,现在他们想要更多的控制权,显然也可能通过销售获得更高的利润它自己。 当您确实进行了过渡时,我假设您可能依赖这些市场的某些事情,现在您必须自己做。 当您开始通过自己的商店而不是通过市场进行销售时,您必须学习、准备或更多地关注哪些事情?
辛迪:可能是一切。 这是一个完全不同的过程。 找人,选择一个好的主题,因为你网站的外观真的很重要。 寻找开发人员以添加额外功能或寻找适合您的应用程序。 这又是一次反复试验。 它正在阅读应用商店的大量评论,并弄清楚哪些对人们有用,哪些没有。 参观他们的商店。 这就是为什么我认为在这些应用上留下评论如此重要,因为人们实际上会点击它们来查看它的外观。 它以这种方式推动流量。 我用这种方式买了很多东西。
从一开始,这就是很多,再一次,这对我们来说是反复试验,只是弄清楚我们想要安装哪些应用程序,我们想要什么样的功能。 当然,您添加的应用程序越多,您的页面加载时间就越长。 过多的功能也可能是一件坏事。 只是想弄清楚我们想要添加什么样的功能以及我们想要去掉什么。 我们现在还处于那种阶段。 Trying to figure out what kind of elements to add, to have on your website, to increase your conversion rate as well. It's all … On the marketplace, they decide where everything is. They decide what the buttons look like, they decide everything. I'm sure that's the result of a lot of research.
When you create your own website (using a website builder), you can basically do everything from scratch. You have to figure out, obviously, there's colors and fonts that your brand will probably have. Just to figure out where on the page to put your buttons, what to include and what not to include. There's a lot of decisions there. We've made a lot of mistakes, as well, that then has a huge effect on our conversion rates. We're constantly learning, and I think we use Optimizely to figure out how to actually try and add a little bit more analytics and numbers and figure out what to do, not based on what we think looks great but what actually works for our customers. I think that's really quite …
Felix: Definitely want to dig into this a little bit more. One thing that I noticed right from the homepage is that there are three kind of phrases that jump out to me, which is, it says, “Free shipping on orders over $25,” “30 days easy returns,” and “Shop by animals.” I'm assuming that these were the three things that maybe people have asked about the most, or maybe you can tell us. Why did you make those three features of your business, features of buying from your store, so predominant?
Cindy: The first one for free shipping. Before, we actually charged a flat rate for shipping. We got so many customer emails, like “Why don't you offer free shipping?” Nowadays people expect this, and we were reading on the Shopify blog, we were like, “Maybe we should really consider.” I think it was a podcast where, I forget, but we were like, “Maybe we should consider how to provide free shipping on over a certain amount.” Also because we wanted to increase our average order value, which we saw was pretty low to begin with. We wanted to make the most amount of money per visitor, per customer. We decided to implement that.
We noticed that a lot of people didn't … We also use Hotjar. I think it's called Hotjar, right? Hotjar? We watch a lot of the videos and we review a lot of the data that we get. We noticed that people would go to our FAQ page, or our shipping information page quite often. We figured that it wasn't obvious enough, because there's so much stuff to look at. Your attention even when you're online shopping isn't … Maybe you have five tabs open, or 12 tabs open. We just wanted to really highlight that so people know there is a free shipping option. “If we spend a little bit more, we will get this offer.”

For returns, the same reason. We kept seeing people searching for information on returns and shipping, and also for the “shop by animanls,” we actually have that on the dropdown menu as well. We noticed that, from looking at Hotjar, we noticed so many people were actually clicking on that. That page got so many hits. We just wanted to highlight that for those who didn't see it on the dropdown menu as well, because there's just something that a lot of people seem to like to do. I think a lot of animal lovers, especially, that you have a favorite animal, or you have a favorite kind of dog. You're looking for something very specific. We want to provide a way for customers to really filter through that.
Felix: I love how you guys have taken this approach, where you look at what is confusing, or what kind of questions people are asking, because a lot of times, when we are shopping, it's an emotional decision at first, but then we started backing into it logically and almost look for excuses not to buy things, a lot of times, and not to spend the money. 正确的? I think the more questions you can answer right off the bat, the less chances the customer has to make objections on buying. Things like, “Can we get free shipping?” “Is it going to be easy to return something? I'm worried that I might not like it, or it might not fit.” I think those are very common questions that if you can answer right off the bat, it highly reduces the likelihood that they, I guess, find a reason not to buy.
We're all customers, we're all consumers, we all go through this process of trying to find reasons not to buy things, not to spend the money. I think as long as you answer quickly, it improves your conversions. Obviously, those three things, those three key statements that you put out there, answers a lot of questions. Are there any other changes that you've made to the store, to the site recently that has had a big impact on your conversion rate or sales?
Cindy: Let me think about that. To add to that, since we implemented these changes and made these huge buttons that you can see on top of the fold or whatever it's called, we actually saw that we get customers staying on our website or a lot longer than they used to. I think it's on average for about two, two and a half minutes on our website, which isn't very good, but it's not too bad, either. They go through quite a lot of pages as well. We recently added a collection filter, or is it called a product filter? On our website, which is something that you might think is very obvious, as is a lot of things to do with a small business.
It's like, “You have so many products, why didn't you have a filter to begin with?” was something that I thought after I implemented it. It made a huge difference, just to be able to provide our customers with a way to filter through products some people wanted, just to look at jewelry, or some people wanted to look at specific price range. That kind of functionality that we didn't have before. We noticed people searching on our search bar for a lot of very specific things that we should be able to provide them with a way to filter through. We wanted to provide that service and that's something that we did recently. That has improved our conversion rates as well.
Felix: I like this physical retail analogy, where you're walking into a store. You don't want to just walk into a store where it has a bunch of products just scattered throughout, you want to shop by aisle. You kind of have an idea of what you want already, maybe not exactly what you want, but you want to be able to get to that aisle as quickly as possible. I think your decision to include collections makes a huge difference for that reason, because people can have a much easier process of looking for what they, kind of, know what they want and get to it a lot faster.
You mentioned A/B testing, it sounds like? You use Hotjar, which is like a heat mapping tool where you can see what people are clicking on, where their cursor is going. 告诉我们更多关于这一点的信息。 I think this is an approach that maybe I don't hear a lot of store owners taking by implementing a heat map. How long do you run these things for, what are you looking for when you have a heat map set up?
Cindy: One of the things I really do think provides a lot of value is to watch these videos. You can watch the things about people who spend only a couple seconds on your website and see what they were doing. People who spend a long time on the website, I think it's quite interesting as well, when you see someone who spends like 10 minutes on your website, why haven't they converted yet? You can kind of follow the journey and see. You can see, maybe they're not finding what they want to find.
You can learn a lot from things like these heat maps, because you see where people click more often, what people are not clicking at at all. We used to have a collection page on our homepage for featured products. We noticed that loads of these things weren't even clicked on, and people would just scroll right by it. That's why changed it to this Instagram feed where you can also shop these products. It provides an additional function on top of just the product. You can the product on someone or someone else who took a customer photo. We made a lot of changes to our website based on what we've seen.
Then we also A/B test the button colors, the text. There's a little button on our website that says, “get free stuff” right now, which is part of I think a loyalty program that we had. I forget the name of it. Sweet Tooth, yes. We actually tried to change the text on that from “rewards program” to “get free stuff” and clearly, “get free stuff” was the winner there. You can then filter it. We were trying to say “get free stuff” and “receive free stuff.” Just a tiny little change can make a huge difference. It's extremely, extremely helpful.
Felix: I think a lot of people know they need to do A/B testing, because you hear about it so often, but a lot of stores don't get started. I think a big reason for that is because it seems kind of daunting, right? There's so many things that you can change on a store. So many things you can tweak and see what works, what doesn't work. How do you decide … Maybe when you guys first started, how did you decide what you should be trying to test first?
Cindy: We actually only recently did this. Me and my partner, we took a course at General Assembly on digital marketing, and that's where we got introduced to it. Before that, we did so much of it just on trial and error. We thought that we wanted some products on the homepage for people who didn't want to look through everything, and so we did that. Then we tried changing it, but then looking at Google Analytics and seeing, just trying to guess at what was going on. We made this huge mistake of revamping the whole website without looking at the data first. That caused a huge problem for us, which we had to rollback to the old theme that we had. Luckily we made a duplicate of the theme, which is something that everybody should do. Then we rolled back, but then we had these features that we thought were super cool or made our website look very … It looked very nice, but then we learnt that you shouldn't really … Of course there's exceptions, but you shouldn't really do what you think the customer wants. You should do what the customer actually wants.
You need to look at the data, you need to look at the numbers, and you need to test things. You need to do, rather than revamp the entire website, you might want to do it in sections, and test every little thing. What looks good to you individually as a person might not look good or function the same way for a customer. To be able to go on Hotjar and see how people are reacting, and to be able to look at Google Analytics and see how your page is converting. We also make annotations on everyday, the things that we need to change and things like that. We know exactly what is going on, or what might have changed or caused these changes that we see, in terms of not just only sales but also visitors and how they stay and our bounce rate and things like that.
Felix: I think your thoughts about not making these assumptions blindly is so important, because there's this balance and give and take, between your intuition, your experience in the marketplace in general, your experience with your customers and kind of having this gut feeling, but then at the same time, you have to take this with I think what's called the beginner's mind approach, where you don't assume everything and assume you know everything. Maybe just use those assumptions as a starting point. It still needs to be backed by data. I feel like this might have something to do with, I don't want to actually bias your answer, but your brand name is called Dotoly, but the domain name is animal-jewelry.com. What made you, I guess, make that decision of not having your brand name in the domain itself?
Cindy: We actually, just to backtrack a little, when you first start and you don't have this budget to maybe get an Optimizely account or stuff like that, I think one of the most important things is to listen to your customer. Those people who actually take the time to send you an email or fill out the contact form and to provide you with insight, even if it's a complaint, it's very, very important. We actually had customers who called us and were like, they would always pronounce our store name wrong, or it would confuse them a little bit. We were just like, “Maybe we should, rather than just because we like our store name, doesn't mean that other people … It might not be as easily memorable for other people.”
We decided to actually use a different domain for our store. Listening to our customers, it was really important. While it would be nice to have our store name and I think we might … Just to have, also, it's also good for SEO I think. People who search for animal jewelry then, our store actually comes up on one of the first top three results, as well. I think that also helps some.
Felix: I think that that's a very wise approach. It does require a lot of control over the ego a bit, too, right, not to force people to know your brand name. You do something much better, which I think is speaking your customers' language, meeting them where they already are, rather than trying to force them to think like you or to be what you want them to be. I think that that's so important. I think a lot of times, when you're marketing, when you're starting a brand, there's so much forcing involved. I think a lot of it should be more about meeting them where they already are, and that I think not only makes your job easier, but then it actually will have an impact on the bottom line, which I think you guys are seeing because you recognized that people aren't necessarily looking for your brand name, but they're looking for animal jewelry. That definitely will help with SEO when you have such a domain like that.
Thanks so much for your time, Cindy. Where do you want to see the brand in the next year, over the next 12 months or so? Where do you want to be this time next year?
Cindy: We represent a lot of local designers in Asia, so we've actually lined up a lot of very interesting collections. 这叫什么? Exclusive collections with these people. Handmade items, or items made by children in villages and places that people don't usually go to. Representing them, these businesses that don't have an online presence and we're really excited to introduce that soon, so we can provide our customers with more interesting products and things that they haven't seen before.
菲利克斯:太棒了。 Looks like an exciting year coming for you guys. Again, Dotoly is the name of the brand, animal-jewelry.com is the website. Very cool products, definitely recommend you would check it out. Anywhere else you recommend the listeners check out to follow along with what you guys are up to? These new things coming 2017, or just to see how you're running the business?
Cindy: Definitely check out our Instagram page. We work really, really hard, and we try to feature a lot of the customer photos that we receive, and you can actually see how we've changed over the past couple months from featuring mostly product-heavy photos to more interesting content that are being shared more often than they used to be. You can see the process.
Felix: For sure, I think lots to learn by just following along. Thanks again so much for your time, Cindy.
Cindy: Thank you.
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