已发表: 2019-06-11Adrian Wood 从在他的笔记本电脑上制作音乐到为 50 Cent、Snoop Dogg 和 Eminem 等人制作音乐。
除了引人入胜的作曲和带钩子的节奏之外,他发现有许多有希望的制作人无法使用鼓组或合成器循环等数字资产来创作他们脑海中的歌曲。 自从 2013 年加入 Modern Producers 担任首席执行官以来,Adrian 的使命就是将这些数字资产交付给崭露头角的制作人,并建立了一个忠诚的月度订阅者社区,并将几乎所有的内容制作外包。
在本期 Shopify Masters 中,您将向 Modern Producers 的 Adrian 学习他如何通过订阅模式建立可持续的数字产品销售业务。
任何企业最重要的财务支柱之一是经常性收入,如果您 100% 依赖日常电子商务销售,那么规划未来可能真的很困难。
- Modern Producers 如何使用 Facebook Messenger 从 15-20% 的开放率提高到 80% 的开放率
- 为什么您应该限制客户加入您的订阅计划的时间
- 为什么他的客户几乎从不离开他的订阅计划



- 商店:现代制片人
- 社交资料: Facebook、Twitter、Instagram
- 推荐: Manychat(FB messenger)、Clickfunnels、
SendOwl(Shopify 应用程序),
促进销售、倒数计时器栏(Shopify 应用)、推荐(Shopify 应用)、微笑(Shopify 应用)
Felix:今天,Modern Producers 的 Adrian Wood 加入了我的行列。 Modern Producers 为现代音乐制作人销售高质量的制作工具,成立于 2015 年,总部位于加利福尼亚州洛杉矶,年收入为 110 万。 欢迎,阿德里安。
阿德里安:嘿,菲利克斯,谢谢你邀请我。 我很感激。
Felix:是的,所以你向我提到你在音乐行业有十五年的工作经验,并且你已经实现了自己的个人目标。 促使您开展这项业务的动力是因为您想帮助其他艺术家和制作人取得成功并成为白手起家的企业家。 告诉我们这件事。 首先告诉我们你在音乐行业的经历,以及它是如何让你在现代制作人那里取得今天的成就的。
Adrian:当然,在我开始 Modern Producers 之前,我已经进入了音乐制作行业,我实际上为 50 Cent、Snoop Dog、Rick Ross、Tech N9ne 等公司以及可口可乐、福特、耐克、 NBA,美国国家橄榄球联盟。 而且我实际上仍然是Anno Domini Nation的负责人。 我们基本上是一家独立的音乐制作公司,帮助开创了为艺术家、广告商以及电视和电影制作提供器乐在线许可的先河。
Adrian:实际上,我们很幸运多年来赢得了无数奖项和赞誉,包括一些用于专辑销售的铂金牌匾。 从本质上讲,Modern Producers 的产生方式是,我真的很想找到一些东西来回馈音乐制作社区,并在像我这样的独立制作人和大联盟行业参与者之间建立一个公平的竞争环境,通过让每个人都能以实惠的价格获得相同的高品质声音和工具。
Adrian:很明显,我在音乐行业工作了很长时间,现在已经快十五年了,并且已经实现了我的个人目标。 今天真正激励我的是帮助其他艺术家和制作人取得成功,就像你说的,创造更多的白手起家的企业家。 你知道现在音乐有如此惊人的机会,它从来没有像今天这样快速和民主化,通过互联网和电子商务以及所有这些不同的方式接触到粉丝群、艺术家和唱片公司等等。 所以在某种程度上,现代制作人,我几乎把它看作是我帮助推动音乐制作社区向前发展的遗产。 当然,任何音乐制作人背后的测试因素之一就是能否获得正确的声音。
Adrian:所以我想,音乐行业的一个大秘密是,很多热门歌曲都是基于少数精选的高质量软件预设,以及主要制作人正在使用的鼓和乐器声音。 所以我不知道你有没有听过这个,但有时当你在车里听收音机时,你会注意到很大的图表,它们听起来有点相似,对吧?
Adrian:这是因为很多大制作人实际上是非常相似的声音和预设。 所以很明显,能够获得这些声音是非常强大的,它是一种将业余制作人转变为广播就绪制作人的方式,这就是为什么基本上与现代制作人一起,我们真正寻求创造为新兴制作人提供门户的产品可以访问相同的顶级音质。
菲利克斯:明白了。 因此,当我在您的网站上时,您有大量的类别。 你在那里销售的很多产品。 我假设当你刚开始时,你没有这么广泛的目录。 你是如何决定最重要的事情,以实现帮助白手起家的音乐企业家的目标?
Adrian:是的,显然拥有音乐行业的背景有助于了解趋势是什么,需求是什么,对其他制作人有什么要求。 所以最初当我像任何优秀的企业家一样开始创业时,我只是开始思考我需要什么? 我将自己置于客户的位置,并决定作为即将到来的制作人需要什么来开始并真正帮助我前进? 所以最初的几个产品基本上只是我喜欢并且我认为有用的东西。 然后很明显,随着业务的增长,随着我们开始增加更多的供应商、更多的产品,我们可以更好地分析趋势,看看什么卖得好。 人们要求的更多。 我们从少数产品开始。 我想我们一开始可能有 20 个,其中大多数是内部创建的。 今天,我们有 70 家供应商,他们为我们创造了 2000 多种产品,并在我们的商店销售。
Felix:知道了,所以这些供应商,你现在拥有的这 70 个供应商,是什么让你决定这是你想要前进的方向,而不是仅仅在内部创建这些东西,几乎变成了一个平台这些供应商也可以出售他们的产品。 是什么让你也决定朝那个方向走?
Adrian:我想我很早就意识到,为了扩大规模,我们需要从外部引进产品。 因为,在内部创建所有东西是不可行的,因为从头开始创建产品需要大量时间、大量研发和大量资金。 从本质上讲,我意识到我的时间可以更好地用于业务运营和营销以及实际推动业务向前发展,而不是仅仅坐在电脑前几天或几周创建内容。 所以我开始研究最好的供应商和最好的声音设计师并与他们合作。 我们只是从那里成长起来的。
阿德里安:我的意思是,这对我能够投入到业务发展、接触和扩大客户群等方面的时间产生了深远的影响,因为在早期,我 90% 的时间都只是在创建内容,我认为对于任何企业家来说,您都应该尝试去一个您从事业务的地方,而不是您的业务。 我敢肯定,你一直都在听到...
阿德里安: Shopify 所有者。 但我意识到我只是在我的业务上花费了太多时间,而不是扩大和成长。 所以它肯定产生了很大的影响,而且显然它扩大了客户群,因为我们从一个非常小众的网站变成了一个只有少数产品的网站。 过去我们主要只是迎合嘻哈艺术家,因为那显然是我的背景,也是音乐制作人。 到现在基本上迎合了从 R&B 到电子音乐到室内音乐,再到摇滚的每一种类型。
菲利克斯:嗯。 如果您要从头再来一次,您会直接去找供应商,还是觉得首先在内部建造几乎是先决条件?
Adrian:我认为在内部开发一些东西绝对有价值,因为它让我了解我在质量方面寻找什么。 它也让我更好地了解事物的声音应该如何。 产品应该如何设计,但最终我认为转移到一种模式是恰当的,在这种模式下,你不会很快地在内部创建所有东西,实际上这与我在音乐制作业务中所做的事情是一样的。 因为最终,我从一个人的操作变成了有十个制作人为我工作。
阿德里安:我认为,作为一名企业家,如果你能到达一个本质上是在销售其他人的产品,并从中获利的地方,那将是非常棒的,因为它可以大量释放你的时间。 再次,它使扩展和发展变得更加容易,并真正专注于将业务推向面向未来的方向的事情。
菲利克斯:对。 我认为很多企业家都是我们转变为企业主的创造者,在这种转变中,您销售他人的产品,您将更多时间花在业务发展和建立这些关系上,而花在实际制造产品上的时间更少。被出售。 对于很多企业家和一些人来说,这是一个巨大的转变,对一些人来说可能不是正确的转变。 因为你现在站在另一边,你已经完成了这个转变,你会给那些处于十字路口的人什么样的建议,他们可以在哪里决定,如果他们继续做一个制造者还是更倾向于企业主。 你问自己什么样的问题来决定你应该走哪条路?
阿德里安:首先听听。 我绝对理解这种感觉,因为我绝对是一个非常亲力亲为的人,实际上,作为一名企业家,我个人最大的挣扎是,最终,放弃了对业务的某种控制权,诚实的。 但老实说,这是你最终成长的唯一途径,因为总会有瓶颈,而瓶颈就是你。 如果你在做营销、产品创造、业务发展,你就负责一切。 你知道一天只有这么多小时。 因此,最终要使业务真正起飞和发展,您需要开始外包。 所以我认为这对任何企业家来说都是非常有价值的一课。
阿德里安:果然,当你刚开始时,我认为作为一个人的表演肯定有很多价值,至少对业务中的每一项操作都有一个基本的了解。 但是很快你就应该寻求过渡,不一定要雇佣,但至少要外包一些工作。
菲利克斯:所以这是一个新的,我猜你已经说过你在做音乐制作业务时经历了这个过程。 你觉得你必须发展哪些新技能才能顺利过渡到这个新角色?
Adrian:嗯,成为一名优秀的内容创作者,或者就我而言,成为一名优秀的音乐制作人,然后成为一名优秀的团队经理或业务领导者,这两者之间有着天壤之别。 肯定有很多技能需要学习,就像我说的委派职责一样。 雇用合适的人,这绝对是一个过程。 我想最初我只是找到了最便宜和可用的人,但我很快意识到,老实说,如果这有意义的话,它最终只会让你花费更多的钱来节省劳动力。 因为你最终花了很多时间重新培训新人,因为其他人没有锻炼。 所以我认为最好一开始就为这份工作找到合适的人选,即使你付出了高昂的代价。
菲利克斯:对。 你的流程是什么? 您如何确定某人是否本质上值得您支付给他们的钱?
阿德里安:嗯,我们通常从短期雇用某人作为试用期开始,看看他是否能工作,我认为除了专业知识和技能之外,找到合适的人对我们来说真的很重要友好的。 谁适合我们组织的文化,因为我们都是非常开放、善良和乐于助人的人。 这就是我们所做工作的基础。 尤其是对于一个电子商务平台,显然其中很大一部分也是客户满意度和与客户打交道,所以我们肯定需要一个在这个意义上开放和乐于助人的人。
菲利克斯:明白了。 所以让我们回到开头。 自从你开始做生意到现在已经有四年了,现在你每年有百万美元的生意。 第一年是这样的吗?
阿德里安:所以我认为,在早期,我们唯一真正的困难是弄清楚我们到底想做什么以及我们想迎合谁,因此真正在市场上开拓了我们的利基市场。 当我们第一次开展这项业务时,我们注意到真正缺乏将选择、可负担性与质量相结合的音乐制作工具网站。 所以很明显市场上已经有其他参与者了,有些也做得很好。 这不像我们重新发明了轮子或类似的东西。 老实说,作为一名企业家,你不应该这样做。 你并不总是想成为第一个背着所有箭矢冲进战场的人,你知道的。 我们发现,我们的竞争对手,要么提供了大量最便宜、低质量的产品,让顾客不知所措,要么他们只能选择非常有限、非常昂贵、高质量的产品,只能满足一小部分人的需求。市场。
Adrian:所以我们真的只是开始利用这一点并做得更好。 当然,路上也有一些小插曲。 总会有的。 诸如丢失数据和丢失代码以及网站崩溃之类的事情。 你知道所有常见的东西,并且在推出我真的希望我们从一开始就实施的功能和工具方面也拖了后腿。
Felix:是的,所以你发现这种产品市场适合你已经认识到有一个几乎像中端玩家的市场,那里有很多规模,很多选择,很多产品你可以出售,您可以提供,但是当涉及到产品方面,实际上是采购所有这些产品。 那会已经存在吗? 比如当你刚开始时,建立这项业务的产品方面有多难?
阿德里安:是的,所以就像我提到的,市场上已经有一些玩家是百万美元的公司并且表现不错。 所以很明显,最初我们必须找到一种让自己与众不同的方法,我认为我们最初这样做的一种方式以及我们与观众建立联系的方式是我们像对待社区一样对待我们的客户,我们建立了很多通过举办比赛、赠品和特别优惠之类的东西来表达善意。 实际上,最初的那种品牌建设练习对我们来说是无价的。 例如,我们想出了这个 Cookup Contest Series,我们创造了一个包含独家声音和样本的特殊产品。 然后制作人下载该产品,并被要求仅使用该特定产品的声音创作作品。
Adrian:然后,当然,作品只使用特定产品的声音,然后,当然,选择作品并颁发奖品,从现金到产品等等。 事实证明,这非常受欢迎,是让人们从外部进入我们社区的一种很棒的方式,它引起了很多反响、嗡嗡声并增加了流量。 那是当时没有其他人在做的事情,所以市场上的所有其他参与者,他们只是电子商务平台,这就是一切。 所以我们真的很想把它与在音乐制作观众中创造一种社区感结合起来。
阿德里安:是的,绝对的。 所以这是我们最初获得大量流量和大量观众访问我们网站的方式之一,因此很明显,从某种意义上说,我已经通过音乐制作社区建立了联系,通过音乐制作我经营的业务,这也有助于吸引人们加入业务,然后我们真的在社交媒体和类似的东西上非常努力地宣传了比赛。 是的,实际上除了自然流量之外,我们最大的流量来源最初是社交媒体,现在仍然如此。 因此,我们总是真正尝试通过电子邮件和 Facebook Messenger 营销来识别社交媒体上的受众并与之互动,以实现有机的,有时也是付费方式。
菲利克斯:明白了。 我们稍后会谈到这一点。 所以当你坐下来决定你提到的时候,你只是想决定谁是目标受众? 你想迎合谁? 我认为最常见的错误之一是企业家出现,他们认为为什么不向所有人出售? 我希望每个人都成为我的客户,但你决定专门专注于一个,开拓市场的特定部分。 你是怎么想出来的? 你怎么知道那是你想要做的,而不是追随已经存在的脚步,在那里你有这些高端,但选择非常有限,市场类型,或者我猜你可能没有不想追求低端产品,但就像是什么让你决定远离做已经存在的事情?
Adrian:我认为每个企业家都需要学习的一件非常重要的事情是,如果你试图迎合所有人,你最终只会迎合任何人。 你真的必须深入了解你的客户头像是谁的细节。 那么谁会来你的网站购买产品呢? 他想要什么? 他的需求是什么? 还要弄清楚市场上已经迎合了什么,你可以利用哪些空白? 因为如果你试图取悦每个人,最终会发生的事情是你只是用选择压倒了他们,或者你没有专门解决某些人的需求。 所以营销和推广等真的很难。
Felix:对您而言,您的客户头像最重要的属性是什么? 是不是你可以想象你喜欢的人? 是你认为没有得到服务的人吗? 但最重要的问题是什么,我想你可以用你的头像来反驳。 你如何决定? 你知道我认为你说的很有道理,对吧? 你不想迎合所有人。 但是你必须选择一种你关注的化身。 你怎么知道该选哪一个?
阿德里安:我认为为了让你长期保持积极性,你真的必须找到你的梦想客户。 所以你必须弄清楚你喜欢和谁一起工作,你喜欢为谁服务。 所以对于来自独立音乐背景的我来说,真的是那个独立音乐制作人。 所以不一定是大厂牌艺术家和制作人,而是刚刚起步的人,他可能在卧室里的笔记本电脑上怀揣着远大的梦想。 所以这就是激励我的情景,因为那是我来自的地方,我意识到目标市场服务不足。 所以很多网站本质上要么迎合预算大的专业制作人,要么向业余制作人提供大量低质量的产品。 所以我真的很想加强它,为业余人群提供同样高质量的工具。
菲利克斯:所以你提到社交媒体推广一直到今天也很大程度上归功于你的成长,但特别是你说你在社交媒体上的社区建设活动中推广了内容和社区建设。 哪种渠道最适合您的行业?
Adrian:是的,所以我们,就像我们说的,我们做了很多赠品和比赛,我们也主要通过 Facebook 做一些广告。 我们推广了一些赠品。 例如一些免费的架子鼓,一些免费的声音工具。 这肯定有助于最初增加我们的受众,一旦我们有了这些受众,我们就通过电子邮件营销和最近的 Facebook Messenger 营销真正与他们互动。 顺便说一句,如果您不使用 Facebook Messenger,这是一个了不起的工具,我强烈建议您检查一下。 我们从 10-15% 的打开率和 2-5% 的点击率变成了 80-90% 的打开率和 10-20% 的点击率。 所以这是一个巨大的差异。 显然,与电子邮件相比,受众更愿意阅读 Facebook Messenger 通知,也更有可能阅读。 因此,最近这无疑帮助我们增加了收入并更有效地与我们的观众互动。
菲利克斯:明白了。 所以为我分解这种漏斗。 所以,有人,你可能会在 Facebook 上做广告。 您将广告投放到免费的架子鼓之类的东西上。 然后他们来了,他们选择加入一个电子邮件列表。 您获得了架子鼓,然后您就可以通过电子邮件向他们推销以尝试销售您网站上的产品?
Adrian:是的,所以基本上我们最近调整了该策略,将更多精力放在 Facebook Messenger 上,因为我们发现这对我们来说太棒了。 所以基本上发生的事情是有人点击一个免费的架子鼓的链接。 系统会提示他们订阅我们的 Facebook Messenger 服务,然后点击按钮。 它会将他们发送回 Facebook Messenger,然后会出现一条自动消息,要求他们也提交他们的电子邮件,我们将在其中发送免费产品。 所以这有点像二合一的情况,我们得到......
Adrian: Facebook Messenger 订阅和他们的电子邮件,这样以后我们可以通过两个不同的渠道向他们推广。
菲利克斯:对。 是的,我认为电子邮件显然对人们很有意义。 这就是他们习惯于注册以与企业联系的方式。 您是否发现今天的客户也有订阅 Facebook Messenger 之类的列表或机器人的想法,或者您是否发现客户对它的运作方式感到困惑?
阿德里安:肯定有一些客户仍然感到困惑。 我猜机器人营销还处于起步阶段。 但我们越来越多地注意到,即使我们正在通过 Facebook Messenger 进行培训并与观众互动,他们也在接受这个概念。 我认为最初我们显然有些怀疑。 有些人对整件事感到困惑,但老实说,只要你以一种有意义的方式与他们互动,而不只是向他们发送促销信息,我认为它可以成为一个非常强大的工具。
Felix:是的,让我们谈谈你是如何与他们互动的? 他们的 Facebook Messenger 营销方法是否类似于电子邮件? 比如你能不能把你已经发出的电子邮件放到 Facebook Messenger 中,或者你是否需要创建一个新频道的原生内容?
Adrian:我建议绝对创建一些原生的东西,只是因为某些东西不能很好地翻译,而且 Facebook Messenger 营销需要保持更短。 你真的不能用这样的东西发送一整封长篇故事的电子邮件。 话虽如此,您显然需要将您要说的内容归结为本质,我发现通过 Facebook 营销,显然,人们对图像、表情符号和类似的东西产生了更多的共鸣。 不一定能通过电子邮件翻译的东西。 所以我认为只要保持语气尽可能自然和对话,并在你的信息中保持简洁。 不会用信息压倒人们。
阿德里安:是的,我们有。 我们通常会问观众问题。 我们提供信息和价值,我们的想法是开始对话,因为我认为这确实有助于整个社区建设活动。 如果你只是一个不露面的公司,只是发送信息,那么人们最终会退出。 而如果他们觉得自己被倾听,并且他们觉得他们与你所发布的内容和所创造的内容息息相关,我认为这会更有价值。
菲利克斯:对。 您是否有任何消息示例或消息类型,您认为这些示例对开始与客户进行对话最有效?
Adrian:是的,所以最初我们倾向于让人们通过一个自动化系统来运行,我们会询问他们最喜欢哪种产品的问题? 他们在寻找什么? 这确实有助于提供社区共同创建内容的感觉,而不是我们只是创建内容,将其推到那里,然后希望人们喜欢它。 因此,例如,我会发送一条初始消息,询问他们您最常使用哪些产品类型,例如架子鼓、声音工具、循环包等。 然后根据他们选择的内容,它会询问他们关于什么样的循环包的具体问题,例如,他们最喜欢什么,或者他们希望看到更多的东西。 最后,我将以一个开放式问题结束,然后我们手动回答。 因此,例如,您作为音乐制作人的个人目标是什么或类似的东西?
菲利克斯:知道了,有点像选择题,或者一开始可能有两个选项回答问题。 低级的承诺。 很容易回答,然后一旦他们开始回答你的流程,然后你问开放式问题,你可以继续与团队中的某个人进行实际对话吗?
阿德里安:绝对是的。 因此,这确实有助于我们确定客户的需求和需求,尤其是最后的开放式问题,让我们可以为特定客户量身定制答案。 因此,例如,如果一位客户说,他们在混音和母带制作方面确实需要帮助,那么我们可以将他们引导至我们的混音和母带制作博客文章。 或者我们可以告诉他们我们的订阅计划,该计划教授混音和母带制作。 所以显然这是一个很好的方法。 在某种程度上,这是一个双赢的局面,因为客户得到的正是他们想要的。 对我们来说,这很棒,因为我们可以真正深入研究为正确的客户提供正确的产品。
菲利克斯:嗯。 有什么你知道不知道或者你还没有弄清楚如何让它与 Messenger 一起工作的东西,而你只是继续使用电子邮件?
阿德里安:嗯,我们还在试验。 有一些警告。 例如,在细分您的列表时,现在我们有一个相当大的 Facebook Messenger 列表,但很难深入研究。 例如,人们已经购买了某种产品。 而对于电子邮件营销,例如通过 Mailchimp,与 Shopify 和类似的东西集成,分割列表要容易得多。
Felix:知道了,所以再看一遍统计数据,你说发送到订阅者列表的电子邮件可能会获得 10-15% 的打开率和 2-5% 的点击率,这绝对符合行业标准,但是使用 Facebook Messenger,您在 80-90% 的打开率和 10-20% 的点击率方面获得了更多收益。 这也等同于销售,就像您通过 Facebook Messenger 比通过电子邮件更有可能转化客户一样?
Adrian:是的,实际上我们发现通过 Facebook Messenger 的转化效果也好很多,所以我们非常喜欢使用这种工具。
菲利克斯:明白了,有道理。 所以我想讲一下你们遇到的这种订阅模式,所以你们提到今天很大一部分业务收入来自订阅,也就是白金圈。 这使其格式更具可扩展性,并且您提到希望您早点这样做。 那么是什么让你决定走订阅模式路线呢?
Adrian:所以我认为任何企业最重要的财务支柱之一是经常性收入,如果你 100% 依赖于日常电子商务销售,那么规划未来真的很困难。 因此,我想我也特别从我的音乐制作业务中注意到,引入订阅模式不仅在财务上真正有益于我们,而且使我们更容易预测销售并获得更可靠的财务支持。 所以我真的只是把那个模型翻译给现代制片人,然后开始了白金圈,这是我们的订阅计划,按月支付固定费用,基本上客户可以获得我们每个月发布的前 20 个套件,结果证明这是一个胜利-赢得局面,因为客户节省了很多钱,反之亦然,该计划吸引了很多关注,这意味着很多订阅者。 作为一家公司,我们也获得了丰厚的利润。
菲利克斯:对。 获得最初的销售是否更难? 找人注册这个订阅,而不是他们进来这里和那里买东西的点菜?
Adrian:是的,这确实很棘手,但实际上,我不知道你是否认识他,但我关注的是 Russell Brunson。
阿德里安:所以我几乎只是按照他的教导,老实说,这让我们的业务变得更好,我们刚刚推出了一个非常引人注目的堆栈,所以除了产品之外,我们还提供了一个私人成员组,用于与我们的客户互动并帮助他们解决问题。个人目标。 还有混音和母带教程。 访问展示位置。 获得击败销售机会之类的东西。 所以基本上一个新兴的独立制作人需要的所有东西都捆绑在一个包中,是的,这对我们来说做得非常好,所以,我唯一的遗憾是我希望我早点启动整个系统。
Felix:对,是的,只是为了更详细地介绍堆栈。 你基本上是在尝试通过提供如此多的有价值的东西来创造 Russell Brunson 所说的不可抗拒的提议,以至于它变得如此重要,以至于你真的无法拒绝。 所以当有人想为他们的客户创造一个不可抗拒的报价时,你如何决定该报价应该包含什么?
Adrian:这只是倾听我们的听众并了解我们刚开始时自己需要什么的问题。 因此,作为一名音乐制作人,除了拥有合适的声音之外,还有更多的事情要做,那就是能够接触到合适的人际网络。 有机会将您的产品展示给其他人。 For example, getting access to the big labels and the big artists and me personally obviously I have a lot of those connections. So it was simple for me to make those available to our subscribers. And actually one of the big perks of being a subscriber is that you're able to submit beats to the big labels and to big artists and also to TV and film opportunities. And we also have a private member's group where if producers have any specific issues or they need feedback, or they want to share information, they can do that through there. So it's almost like an entire support network, outside of just a product.
菲利克斯:明白了。 Do you follow the kind of idea, like the value ladder where you are trying to get them, or at least you're offering higher and higher levels of service to your customers at obviously higher price points?
Adrian: That's definitely the direction that we want to go in eventually to provide a more "done for you" approach at a higher price point, but at the moment our business is just focused on the day-to-day training and then every once in a while we'll have one of our product launches where we often sell a big package of bundled products for sort of a low cost.
Felix: Uh-huh.
Adrian: And then obviously the subscription system. But definitely what we want to be in the future is to provide more comprehensive one-on-one training where we literally you know take producers to the top of the industry by providing them all the training, all the networking and things like that that they need.
菲利克斯:明白了。 So I think this is an approach that a lot of people take which is to sell a la carte, one product at a time and then move into a subscription model. Talk to us about the launch for this. How did you introduce it to your customers?
Adrian: Yeah, so initially what we did was we did a product launch almost for the subscription system. So we started off with a 30-day pre-launch where we did daily videos and content and just started building authority. Not just as a provider of products but also as a provider of services and information to the music production community. So we would almost overwhelm our audience with free information and providing really valuable content and giving them tips and tricks and things like that. And that really cemented our place as sort of leaders in terms of guiding producers, not just giving them tools, but also giving them access to everything else they need. And then eventually when we did launch the product, our entire audience was already hyped. We'd already established ourselves as knowing what we were talking about and everyone kind of jumped on the opportunity when they saw how much of a great deal it was.

Felix: Do you remember how big the list or the audience that you were promoting too was at that. Basically how much, what can you expect in terms of how people might want to convert into a subscription service?
Adrian: Yeah, I think at that time we had somewhere like 15,000 to 20,000 subscribers to our e-mail list. Back then we weren't using Facebook Messenger Marketing or anything like that. It was fairly streamlined and simple what we were then. And out of those 20,000 people I think we had something initially like 500 people subscribe to a $29.99 program. Which to us was already amazing at the time because we felt like this was all revenue we were leaving on the table previously and obviously the $29.99 initially it translates eventually into $29.99 almost over the lifetime of the customer.
Adrian: We understand very few people who drop out, so that's definitely been super valuable.
Felix: Yeah, how do you keep that churn rate low? What do you find has been the most effective in getting them to stick around?
Adrian: Honestly the most effective thing is just creating a constant high value and a lot of product. So I mentioned the, obviously, the Member's Group, the Private Member's Group, the only way to join is through the subscription and essentially usually once the producers join the group, they realize that they love all of the content that's on offer there. We have a lot of bonus content. We have a lot of interaction. We have contests and giveaways specifically for our subscribers. And they just start to get a sense of community within this private group where they feel like they're a part of the movement. They're interacting with the other producers. They're doing collaborations and stuff like that. So while initially, I think what attracts people into the program might be the idea of saving a lot of money on products. I think really what retains them is becoming a part of the community and not wanting to give that up.
Felix: All right, that makes sense. So you said that to do this launch you were giving basically 30 days of tons of information to build the authority with your audience. How did you create this 30 days worth of content, which is a ton. So how did you set this up and build it in a way where you weren't going crazy with all this content creation?
Adrian: For sure. I mean obviously planning and organizing helps a ton. So I think maybe two or three months before the launch I started thinking about things and creating content. But then also when I say daily content, I don't mean you need to post a full-length blog article every day or something like that. It can literally just be a tip of the day or a short two-minute video just giving people some actionable advice. I think what's really important is to keep it actionable. So don't be super vague, but actually, give people something to do right now. For example, here's a trick to improving your e-mail open rate. Here's some great headlines that work for us or something like that. That people can go away. They can use it instantly. They can see it's working, so that they understand that what you're telling them is not just grab from thin air.
Felix: So these are like music business related or are they like music like production? What kind of content were you producing?
Adrian: A little bit of both. So our audience, our music producers which essentially means that they create music and they try to sell that music to other artists, or they try to get licensing deals or something like that. So we give them tips on both the creation of their content, but also tips on how to actually sell their content and get in touch with customers. Make more sales and things like that. So it's essentially like a two-pronged approach. The one side of it is becoming better at their craft. The other side is becoming better business owners and entrepreneurs in their own right.
菲利克斯:是的,这是有道理的。 So when you are getting them in as membership, it sounds like the kind of kit saying, the product is what might hook them at first, but they end up sticking around because of the community and of the value that they're getting by being part of the network?
Adrian: Absolutely, yeah. And actually today a lot of our subscribers come from word of mouth, which is literally people in our community wanting to bring their friends into. So at that point, it becomes equally as important to promote the community as it does the products.
菲利克斯:明白了。 What is your kind of, your scheduling like when it comes to curation or product development when you have to constantly put out new products to your subscription service?
Adrian: Yeah, so as I mentioned we have over 70 vendors now. Which means we actually have a lot of content that is just created by those vendors for us and by the way, barely any of the content that we sell is exclusive. So we work with vendors who create content and then send them out to us, but also send them out to other websites. We just pride ourselves on obviously marketing their stuff better, so we make the more sense. But I think working exclusively with content that's just created for you is difficult because as you mentioned obviously a lot of organization and planning goes into it. Whereas if you just have vendors who are creating content independently anyway and just sharing it with you, the whole process becomes a lot simpler.
Felix: Okay, so when you're working with vendors and you're just selling on the site, you're basically taking a cut of the sale. But basically, you're not like buying the rights or anything from these vendors and selling it and kind of taking the risk of selling it in that scenario. But when it comes to the subscription service how would that work? Like do you, how do you decide how much the vendors get paid essentially? You don't have to go into exact detail, but if someone had a same situation as you, how does that even work?
Adrian: Yeah, so first of all the content is obviously the same, so it's the top 20 products that we release per month, also get added to the monthly download photo for our members. Now the way that the revenues get shared out is that it's an equal share according to how many products a specific vendor has in a monthly package. So say that one of our vendors has, for example, five products out of 20, that means he would get a 25% share and then we obviously take a 50% cut as the distributor. So that's the same agreement that we have just selling the vendor's content on our website.
Felix: And vendors are pretty receptive to this or do they have to, or is there some negotiation involved to get them to agree to be a part of the membership service?
Adrian: Actually so far it's been 100% positive. No one so far has said they don't want their content in the subscription service. And we've actually found that we're making a lot more money for our vendors than even just the standard sales through our websites. Obviously, it's a much more concentrated amount, because say for example they have like I mentioned 25% of the marketing package and say we have 500 subscribers. That could be several thousands of dollars that they're getting also of recurring revenue every month.
菲利克斯:是的,有道理。 So when you are getting a new customer from someone who is coming to the site and buying a drum kit or something. At what point do you introduce them to the subscription service?
Adrian: So we actually do a monthly enrollment period for the subscription service right now. Though what we're essentially trying to move towards is almost like an e-mail automation sequence and a Facebook Messenger automation sequence where initially there's some degree of just establishing ourselves. Talking about myself and our company. And then eventually transitioning to selling them on the subscription system. So this is something that we want to roll out for every new subscriber because we've realized that actually what's most valuable to us is to get people onto the subscription system instead of just buying a one-off product and then possibly disappearing for months or years, you know?
Adrian: So that's our strategy going forward. At the moment it's just once a month we basically open the registration for four days to create a sense of urgency and we send out a couple of e-mails to our existing e-mail list and also obviously promote on our social channels and then the producers that want to get in, get in in those four days. And if they miss the margin they obviously have to wait until the next open enrollment period.
Felix: And you do that monthly?
Adrian: At the moment yeah, we do that once a month.
菲利克斯:明白了。 I'm glad you brought that up because it's not like an open subscription service that anyone can join at any time.
Adrian: It's not currently no and when we do roll out the e-mail sequence, what we're planning to do is basically to create some urgency through, I don't know if you know Deadline Funnel?
Felix: Uh-huh.
Adrian: To basically set up an independent timer for every new customer, where they have let's say for example five days to decide if they want to join or not.
Felix: I got it, so it's ongoing rather than having to do like a cohort or a batch of people at one time.
Adrian: Exactly.
费利克斯:有道理。 So you mentioned that you are still the head of the independent music production company and I believe you referred to Modern Producers as a passive income stream, but it sounds like you're very actively involved in lots of things going on. What have you put into place to make it a little bit more passive? To make it, the business a little bit more automated?
Adrian: I mean fortunately with Shopify, everything is pretty streamlined and simple. There's a ton of amazing apps and tools that you can use straight out of the gait. And obviously for us, selling digital products that makes things a lot easier, because you can just have those automatically delivered to your customers. So there's no order fulfillment. There's no shipping or anything that complicates a lot of businesses. So being a digital download E-commerce platform, essentially everything runs itself. The customer goes to the site. They but a product. It gets sent to them instantly and automatically they download it.
Adrian: And then the only thing we have happening after that is some degree of customer support, so if a customer can't download the product correctly or he doesn't know how to install it. So that's the only real work on a day-to-day basis. That and obviously creating the new products that we put out. But again since we are not creating any of the content in-house it's just a matter of creating a new product page. Which is you know a five to ten-minute job at best.
Felix: Uh-huh, so what, what ...
Adrian: The other side of it is obviously growing the business and that's the, oh no go ahead.
Felix: Oh no, I was just going to ask you, so what apps do you use to, that you rely on whether they're on Shopify or off Shopify that help with this, with running the business?
Adrian: Yeah, so outside of Shopify the main things we use is Mailchimp for e-mail delivery and we use Minichimp for Facebook Messenger and obviously ClickFunnels, just because I love Russel Brunson. He really helps us with the subscription programs and doing the one-off product launches. But when it comes to Shopify specifically there are a ton of apps that we use. Some of my favorite ones are SendOwl for digital download deliveries. We also use Boost Sales for creating up sales and cross-sales just to sort of increase the average order value on our site, which is very helpful especially if you have a lot of content on the site. I also use Countdown Timer Bar, because I'm a big fan of creating a sense of urgency, so whenever we have a special bundle of products or maybe the enrollment period for our subscription program is coming up, then I use a sort of push down Countdown Timer Bar that's on.
Adrian: And we also use Refersion for our affiliate program which has been pretty well in growing nicely for us. And then most recently we actually wrote our first-ever loyalty program through Smile, so that's something I'm kind of experimenting with to see how that does for us.
菲利克斯:太棒了。 所以我会留给你最后一个问题,你认为今年需要发生什么,在 2019 年让你认为这一年是成功的?
Adrian:所以我的个人目标是创造更多的白手起家的企业家。 我想我一开始就提到了这一点。 所以如果在年底我可以回顾一下,我可以看到一群制作人取得了伟大的成就。 他们和他们梦想中的艺术家一起工作,就像我过去所做的那样。 他们创造了惊人的内容,他们很高兴。 然后我感到高兴和满足,老实说,对我来说,这一切都是为了服务这个我们已经建立为目标受众的独立音乐社区。
菲利克斯:太棒了。 所以modernproducers.com 是网站。 非常感谢您的宝贵时间,阿德里安。
阿德里安:我的荣幸。 谢谢你,菲利克斯。