重获新生:Pantee 如何利用 Deadstock 升级时装业
已发表: 2021-10-262019 年在伦敦的慈善商店逛街时,Amanda McCourt 震惊地看到她发现货架上挂着多少全新的 T 恤。 着眼于建立一个可持续的时尚品牌,阿曼达和妹妹凯蒂开始扩大品牌规模,将“滞销”的 T 恤变成内衣。
通过数小时的研究、客户访谈和超级成功的 Kickstarter 活动,两姐妹建立了 Pantee。 在本期 Shopify 大师集中,Katie 和 Amanda 分享了他们如何发展业务。



- 店铺:潘蒂
- 社交资料:Instagram
- 推荐:Stamped.io(Shopify 应用)、Clearpay、Klarna
Felix:对升级再造的看法非常独特。 业务背后的想法从何而来?
凯蒂:阿曼达实际上早在 2019 年夏天就提出了这个想法。这个想法源于人们对时装业产生的废物数量的日益认识以及试图减轻这种情况的愿望。 阿曼达在伦敦的一些慈善商店和旧货店里走来走去,看到大量被送出的 T 恤,上面还贴着标签,心想:“我们能用这些做什么?”
阿曼达:我看到了所有这些浪费,我读了唐娜·托马斯的时尚作品,这让我真正大开眼界,了解了时尚界的问题。 令我惊讶的一件事是制作的服装数量,但从未真正售出。 其中很多都被焚化或填埋。 看着这些 T 恤,我想,“这些是我在商店里能看到的,但那些从未到过那里的呢?” 我最后看了一段 YouTube 视频,介绍了你可以用旧 T 恤做什么,我发现女性将它们升级为内衣,我想,哇,这可能是一个非常酷的想法,你能大规模地做到这一点吗? 就像 Katie 说的,关于我们如何获得第一批样品,这是一个有趣的故事,因为我们都没有时尚行业的背景。 我们不知道你是如何制作服装的。
这不是我们自己能做的事情。 我去了大街上的一家小商店,用一台小缝纫机做了一些小改动——收起裤腿之类的东西。 我进入了其中一个,然后按照 YouTube 视频的说明,拿了一条你最舒服的裤子,这样你就可以复制那种风格。 虽然它们很干净,但它们是我的内衣。 于是我摇摇晃晃地把一件T恤和一条裤子递给我说:“哦,你能把这件T恤变成这样一条裤子吗?” 它最终没有发生,因为它不是你可以走进干洗店并完成的事情。 但这就是我们开始着手将我们的概念转化为实际产品的方式。
Felix:第一次尝试或迭代没有成功。 在第一次尝试之后,你是如何决定往哪个方向发展的?
Amanda:我最终在 People Prower 找到了专门制作内衣的人,她为我们制作了一些简短的样品,效果非常好,并且确实证明了这个概念。 它们在合身或款式方面并不完美,但看到你可以把一件 T 恤变成内衣,以及这样做需要多少材料,真是太棒了。 从那里,我们与一位具有可持续发展意识的设计师合作,创建了一些技术包,并准备好将一些东西交给工厂或采样工作室。 这两个部分都涉及大量研究。 我们花了很多时间试图了解时尚行业以及你如何做这些事情。

菲利克斯:你提到你们都没有这个世界的背景。 我想很多听众可能会面临类似的情况。 对于在没有背景的领域开展业务,您有什么建议?
阿曼达:只需与人交谈,了解您所在地区的情况或可能已经在您的网络中具有经验的人,并尽可能多地提出问题。 人们总是那么乐于助人,你可以从刚打过电话或喝过咖啡的人那里获得惊人的洞察力,这非常有价值。 它开始并加速我们到达我们需要的地方。 与人交谈是如此,如此有帮助。 然后很明显,你可以做所有的事情,比如阅读正确的书籍,每天阅读一些东西,并尽可能多地进入那种心态。
凯蒂:我想补充一点,从我们开始到现在,我们已经完全改变了。 在那段时间里,我们学习并积累了很多知识。 从开始日期到我们现在所处的位置,想想,天哪,我需要知道一切,这真是令人难以抗拒。 如果你每天都接受它并坚持下去,继续进行这些对话,吸收信息并在它们出现时学习,那么你所取得的进步是惊人的。 您似乎不是每天都在学习或成长,但是当大量时间过去并且您回头看时,看到这段旅程真是太疯狂了。
阿曼达:当你回首往事时,你几乎会庆幸自己并没有真正了解一切,因为当你没有以行业的方式行事时,你会以不同的方式处理事情。 你不会受制于“这不是我们做事的方式,也不是这个行业的运作方式”。 你回头看看,“实际上,如果我们知道以及我们现在知道的所有这些事情,我们就不会尝试以我们所做的方式去做。” 在特定行业中保持新思维可能是因祸得福。
Felix:我一次又一次地听说,来自另一个行业通常会给你带来新的创新眼光。 由于来自行业之外,您是否有任何不同的流程?
凯蒂:我会说我们的产品。 当我们提出我们的想法时,我们的想法是成为世界上第一个用回收的废旧 T 恤制成的内衣品牌。 我们有很多原因,主要是时尚产业对环境的影响。 很多人并不真正了解他们的衣服的影响,在我们开始为 Pantee 进行所有这些研究之前,我们根本没有意识到这一点。 这太疯狂了,但制作一件棉 T 恤就需要 2,700 升水,每年的产量超过 20 亿。 我什至不能做那个数学,但我们知道这是很多水。
可悲的是,由于行业生产过剩或服装问题或其他原因,这些衣服中有很多甚至在出售之前就被浪费掉了。 我们的想法是把这些死存货中的一部分升级为内衣。 我们想,“材料真的很柔软,T恤有一些弹性,看起来这是一个可以做的好主意。” 我们知道它是从最初的样品中完成的,但是当它真正开始寻找制造时,很难实现这一愿景并真正将其变为现实。 我们在时尚界很新鲜,并不真正了解这些东西是如何运作的,当时给我们的很多建议是不要做 T 恤,但我们如此坚定地做 T 恤,因为我们深信这是个好主意。 我们确实坚持这一点。
快进到我们的 Kickstarter。 我们确实设法实现了这一愿景并将产品带入生活,我们对该产品的反馈非常惊人。 这是一个坚持你的想法,缺乏理解的例子。
阿曼达:这正是我要说的。 对我们来说,T 恤概念一直是最难过关的概念之一,无论如何它仍然不是解决时尚行业问题的方法,但它是重复利用废物和保持滞销商品流通的好方法. 我们希望制造更耐用的产品,这就是我们的使命。 我们想做的还有很多,但这对我们来说是一个很好的起点。 就像凯蒂说的那样,有时你必须倾听每个人的意见,理解这些原因并保持灵活性,但要坚持你想做的事情并尝试找到一种方法让它发挥作用,即使你一直没有,那里总会有办法的。
Amanda:这是关于剪裁 T 恤所需的额外时间。 制作服装时,您取布料,剪裁,然后缝制。 当你使用面料时,你可以一次剪很多,但是对于 T 恤——尤其是它们是滞销的——我们需要检查它们是否完好,并且材料中没有不一致的地方。 就是一件一件地看那些T恤,然后剪裁。
它会减慢速度,在工厂车间,您希望更快地完成工作,因为时间就是金钱。 那是我们最大的挑战。 解决方案是找到一个了解我们正在尝试做的事情并乐于放慢速度并以这种方式与我们合作的人。 我们最终确实找到了,但花了一段时间。 这对我们来说只是一件好事,因为我们与我们的生产合作伙伴建立了良好的合作伙伴关系,我们喜欢与他们合作。 我很高兴我们没有和第一个人一起跳,而且我们花时间找到了真正了解我们正在尝试做的事情的人。

菲利克斯:你有这个愿景,尽管其他人告诉你改变它,你还是坚持了下来。 你怎么知道什么时候坚持什么,什么时候改变方向?
阿曼达:当我们经历这个过程时,我们自己对此提出了很多质疑。 我个人确实相信你必须相信你的直觉。 其中很多来自真正倾听人们所说的话。 比如他们为什么说不? 是因为字面上做不到吗? 显然,如果是这样的话,那么我们可能会以不同的方式处理事情。 否则,如果它只是一个归结为时间或费用之类的障碍,那么它们都是您可以克服的挑战。 它仍然是有道理的,并且是你可以推动的。
你不能盲目地进入这些事情并推动一些可能永远不会奏效的事情。 同样,与人交谈并真正尝试理解会有所帮助。 当我们开始与我们的生产合作伙伴交谈时,我非常有兴趣直接了解他们在工厂车间的工作方式,他们如何看待滞销商品流,他们是否觉得这是一个很好的解决方案,并让他们真正参与其中。 我们肯定是从他们那里得到的,因为我们真的从很多人那里得到了。 一些工厂不喜欢这个概念,但我敢肯定,如果你现在回到我们最初交谈过的一些人那里,他们会非常乐意重新审视这些对话,因为对于时尚来说,它确实归结为订购数量。
使用我们的 Kickstarter,您启动它的方式是您不会像我们想要的那样从制造商那里购买固定数量。 我们是根据向我们下的订单数量排序的。 这也很棘手,不是所有的 T 恤,我们这边都需要很大的灵活性。
凯蒂:从第一天起,我们就非常非常热衷于发展一个品牌的想法,而不仅仅是一个品牌,一个真正具有影响力的目标驱动品牌。 有些事情我们非常坚定,但其核心是为人类和地球做最好的事情。 我们可以拥有的任何灵活性,我们都有,但牢记这两件事是核心。 我们真的想建立一个在可持续性和道德方面做得最好的企业。 如果您的品牌核心具有这些目的支柱,那么它几乎可以为您提供一个您无法摆脱的职位。 这两件事是我们在将 Pantee 带入生活的过程中真正坚持的事情。
阿曼达:到目前为止,我不会说我们犯了任何严重的商业威胁错误。 有些时候,我们确实需要更长的时间才能做事。 如果我们有信心和经验知道我们正朝着正确的方向前进,我们可能已经坐了更长的时间,但我们一直擅长引进在这些领域具有专业知识的人我们觉得我们没有。
我们有 Karen 与我们一起进行产品开发,并在我们做出任何产品设计决策和与工厂联络时为我们提供帮助。 然后我们有劳拉帮助我们进行商品推销,所以我们要购买多少库存,因为这对我们来说是一件大事。 我们不想做出错误的猜测并拥有自己的滞销商品,这是我们不想拥有的关键问题。 当我们觉得需要时,我们还会在其他领域寻求咨询和帮助,这真的很有帮助。
阿曼达:我们每个月都对 Shopify 表示感谢,因为我们可以深入了解我们的客户喜欢什么,是什么让他们购买,是什么让他们望而却步。 我们一直在关注数据,任何我们可以掌握的数据来帮助我们做出更明智的决定。
凯蒂:在我看来,我们的商业旅程分为三个非常不同的时期。 虽然我们说我们是在 2019 年开始创业的,但我们已经一年多没有产品了。 我们已经注册了公司,但当时我们只是在研究和产品开发。 在这段时间里,任何人都会经历过将企业变为现实的经历,我们觉得我们正处于一个几乎准备好启动的地方。 然后世界进入了封锁状态,这给了我们一个很好的机会来放慢脚步,花更多的时间在我们的产品上。
所以这确实给了我们喘息的空间。 当我们于 11 月在 Kickstarter 上推出时,我们已经开展了一年多的业务。 我们仅在 2 月份推出了 Shopify 电子商务网站。 在每个不同的阶段,我们都有完全不同的学习。 到了我们拥有商店并开始有库存产品的地步,这对我们来说是一个重要的时刻,并将我们推向了一种完全不同的工作方式。 这对我们的业务来说是一个不同的阶段。 看到人们购买产品,看到人们再次购买产品,并从客户那里获得非常积极的反馈。 这让您更有信心,并促使您做出决定并拥有更大的雄心或更大的想法,因为在我们进行研究并且我们的产品只是一个想法的时候,要实现这些最初的飞跃并了解您的情况可能非常困难刚开始的时候从A到B。

阿曼达:寻找制作合作伙伴肯定需要很长时间,而且由于封锁,这非常困难。 除此之外,一旦我们有了样品,我们确实会利用我们的时间。 我们做了很多装修。 我们在 Zoom 上做这些是因为我们不能亲自做,我们将产品发送给许多不同形状和大小的不同女性。 我们尽可能多地追逐这些反馈。 我们试图让我们知道会试用它们并给我们诚实反馈的尽可能多的人提供它们,这非常有帮助。 我们今天继续这样做。 我们定期询问我们的听众他们会改进什么并做问卷调查。 这对我们真正了解女性对内衣的需求非常有帮助。
阿曼达:这几乎是偶然的,但我认为我们确实体现了这一点。 帮助我们进行产品开发的Karen,实际上是她的联系人介绍了我们,这真是太棒了。 真的,我认为这归结为她与尽可能多的人交谈——而我和凯伦在封锁之前通过网络亲自会面——并与业内不同的人进行了尽可能多的会议。 大约六个月后,从遇见凯伦开始,事情就是这样发生的。
为您的企业确定最佳 Beta 测试人员
Felix:你提到你已经找到了 beta 测试人员。 这是在找到您的生产合作伙伴之前还是之后?
阿曼达:实际上,有一些不同的事情和不同的地方。 我们在与我们现在正在合作的生产合作伙伴进行采样之前做了一个样品。 我们从第一天起就开始合作的一些女性,可能是去年五月,六月左右,已经尝试了几个不同地方的样品,我们试图确定产品的制造地点最好的。 他们也帮助我们做出了这个决定。
阿曼达:我们第一个寄送样品的第一个引人注目的人现在已经成为一个好朋友,我们通过 Instagram 认识了她。 Instagram 对我们来说太不可思议了。 这可能是我们最大的销售驱动力。 我们的社区非常活跃,她是第一批开始关注我们的人之一,因为我们大约在两年前推出了 Instagram。 当我们第一次提出 Pantee 的概念时,我们就开始了它,我实际上不记得我当时背后的原因,因为我们离产品还很远,我们并不真正知道我们的产品是什么在做。 这可能是展示业务的一种非常好的方式。 所以我们建立了 Instagram 并开始发布我们的旅程,Noel 从那时开始关注我们。 她有大约 10,000 名追随者,并谈论了很多关于可持续性和更有意识的选择。 感觉很适合我们。
Felix:您希望从这些 Beta 测试人员那里获得什么样的反馈?
阿曼达:我们想确保人们觉得这很适合他们并支持他们。 舒适对我们来说永远是最重要的。 尽管我们想要具有这种风格的东西,而且很多人都穿着我们的内衣和胸罩上衣。 我们也希望它舒适,因为我们在寻找内衣时亲自发现,您拥有真正品牌化的东西,或者您拥有不一定舒适的东西,或者您拥有超级舒适的东西,但在风格上不是那么好。 我们正在寻找所有这些方面的反馈。
凯蒂:我们一直致力于创造一种我们可以说是可持续发展的产品,而无需妥协。 我们一直想创造一种产品,让那些不喜欢可持续时尚的人无论如何都想买,他们想买是因为它看起来不错,感觉很好,让他们感觉很好,而且超级舒服。 我们试图尽早从人们那里获得尽可能多的反馈,以确保我们能够推出一款符合所有这些条件的产品。

Felix:与我交谈过的很多企业家都提到了可持续性是一个优先事项,但它不能损害产品的整体功能。 那是你的经历吗?凯蒂:当然。 同样,如果您想创建一个能够吸引回头客的品牌,人们需要真正热爱该产品并喜欢佩戴该产品。 它需要让他们感觉良好。 可持续性非常重要,它绝对是我们品牌的核心,但这并不是我们品牌的唯一核心,我们一直在努力保持这种平衡。
阿曼达:凯蒂和我经常将可持续发展视为我们的指路明灯,我们的良心。 就像我们希望我们的观众和客户对他们的内裤感到舒适一样,我们个人也希望对我们正在做出的影响人类和地球的决定感到舒适。 这样一来,内裤的功能性和寿命,我们做的内衣需要是一个好的产品,我们不能为了可持续性而牺牲它的质量。
它相互交织,充满挑战。 有很多东西要学,我们绝不是完美的。 我们每天都在学习,我们不断尝试做一些事情来提高我们的资历和我们的工作方式。 我们不断地回顾我们经常问自己的问题,并确保我们正在尽我们所能。 人们拥有一个好的产品非常重要,尤其是内衣,因为它是你贴近皮肤的东西,真的适合胸罩和其他东西,它是你想要的东西,它是功能性和支撑性的,而不是摩擦你并留下痕迹在你的皮肤上。
Felix:你们在供应链和物流方面的流程是怎样的? 我可以想象对于一个升级再造品牌来说它看起来有点不同。
Amanda:当我们考虑如何使用 T 恤时,我们很快就知道只有某些 T 恤可以使用。 例如,我们不能使用 100% 棉,因为它没有任何弹性,而对于内衣,你需要它具有那种弹性。 这也不是一件坏事,因为如果一件衣服是 100% 纯棉的,那么有更好的方法来回收它并使其保持流通。 我们寻找具有弹性蛋白并具有一定重量的 T 恤,因为我们不希望它们太重。 另一方面,我们不希望它们太薄。
然后有一种感觉,显然你不想要任何有洞或损坏的东西。 我们收到的每件 T 恤都有一个申请流程,以确保它通过,我们知道我们可以把它变成很棒的东西。
凯蒂:自从我们推出以来,我们不仅开始使用滞销 T 恤,还开始使用其他滞销面料,同样的心态适用于所有这些。 我们有进军其他面料的雄心。 那里有很多不同类型的可持续面料,并且在这个领域有很多创新。 虽然这是我们现在正在做的事情,但我们真的希望将来使用的材料多样化,以创建不同类型的可持续范围并尝试不同的东西,看看什么在功能方面最有效,同时保持可持续性在心里也是。
Amanda:我们有我们的问题和 Parvon,谁负责我们的采购。 在某些方面,她真的比我们更了解面料,了解我们正在得到我们需要的东西。 没有正式的程序。 现在肯定有技术可以读取复合面料是什么,这非常有趣,因为我们已经与回收工厂谈了很多,试图弄清楚供应链中是否还有其他点可以让我们从中取出滞销的面料和 T 恤。 时装业经历了许多不同的过程,而目前我们从一开始就采用它们。 T 恤从未去过商店或出售,它们来自工厂,但所有从未在商店出售或从未穿过的 T 恤都被扔掉了。 我们可以查看许多其他废物流,它们必须进行不同类型的分析和问答。

Felix:你提到你在拥有实体产品之前很久就开始了你的 instagram。 你是如何建立你的观众的?
阿曼达:我们讨论了几点,今天我们要在社交媒体上发布什么? 我们并没有按照我们计划一周内容的方式来做这件事。 每天我们都在想要说的话,在事情进展顺利的日子里,这对我们来说真的很容易。 在我们拒绝的日子里,或者如果我们觉得距离启动这项业务还很遥远,那感觉真的很困难。 社交媒体——尤其是 Instagram——是那些很难真正说出你正在苦苦挣扎的地方之一,因为你有一种总是表现出最好的自己的感觉。
我们一开始确实为此苦苦挣扎,有些地方我们确实有点安静,但基本上我们只是讲述了我们的故事。 我们说了我们想做的事。 一开始我们给了观众很多选择,问他们喜欢什么样的简约风格? 他们完美的胸罩会是什么? 我们做了很多社区参与。 我们不只是发布一件事,我们实际上与我们的观众互动。 我们与他们交谈,倾听他们在谈论什么,以及他们喜欢什么。 我们做了很多,它确实得到了回报。 我们有一个非常投入的社区,一些从一开始就和我们在一起的人感觉就像朋友一样。
凯蒂:就像阿曼达说的那样,有时候在你有产品之前真的很难知道该说什么,但我们能够带着人们一起踏上这段旅程,尤其是在对很多人来说非常奇怪的时期。 在家中被封锁的人们在网上花费了大量时间,并且很高兴与我们分享他们的想法并与我们互动,并与我们一起体验这种体验。 在启动我们的 Kickstarter 时,我们真的真的注意到了这一点。 其中一些人一年来一直在与我们互动,给我们他们的想法并分享他们对产品的看法,然后我们推出了我们的 Kickstarter,我们拥有了这个令人惊叹的社区,准备支持这项业务。 他们已经对我们正在做的事情感到非常投入和投入。 他们真的很高兴终于得到了他们在他们的支持和意见下帮助实现的产品。
甚至在我们对产品进行初始抽样之前,我们就进行了大量的客户研究,基本上只有来自我们 Instagram 的人。 我们设法从近 200 名女性那里获得了惊人的见解。 令人惊讶的是,有多少人准备好并等待给出他们的想法和反馈,并看到他们真正想要的产品变为现实。
阿曼达:是的。 那是在我们实际上还没有拿到样品之前。 我们在 Instagram 上有大约 350-400 名粉丝。 我们向人们发送了很多直接消息,带有很多问题的类型表格。 他们最喜欢哪种裤子款式,他们愿意花多少钱购买内衣,以及对他们来说最重要的可持续性不同点。 可持续发展对不同的人意味着不同的东西。 我们问了很多问题,得到了不到 200 条回复。
观众越多,有时您的参与率可能会下降。 每当我们提出问题时,我们确实得到了如此好的回应,无论是关于颜色、款式还是类似的事情,我们都会得到令人惊叹的人们回访并与我们交谈的回应。 我们一直与他们交谈,我们不是坐在观众的桌子对面,而是坐在他们旁边。 我们一直很在意他们说的话,因为当时对我说的时候我从来没有真正理解过这一点,但我记得大学的一位讲师说,当你写东西或画东西时你把它交给任何人,它不再是你的,而是他们的解释。
这比 Pantee 更有意义,因为这个产品,它真的不是我们的品牌,它是社区的品牌,它是他们的产品。 他们是穿着它和使用它的人,我们必须把这么多东西交给他们。 如果没有他们以他们的方式购买和支持我们,我们就不会成为现在的样子。 这总是一件大事。 我们有这三个我们一直关注的领域:社区、舒适和意识。 社区一直是我们的驱动力。
凯蒂:是的。 这是另一件事表明,一旦我们开始,我们就非常非常兴奋地告诉人们这件事,我们非常热衷于宣传。 在几个月内,也就是在我们推出 Shopify 网站前一年左右,我们开始与记者开展外展活动。 我们俩都有数字营销背景,但不是公关领域。 这对我们来说很新鲜,但我记得在我们的研究阶段花了好几个小时阅读有关可持续时尚的文章。
在此期间,我还注意到谁写了这些文章,试图在 LinkedIn 上与他们联系,并试图找到他们的电子邮件地址。 建立长长的联系人列表并向他们发送外展电子邮件,只是介绍自己并说明我们是谁,我们的旅程,我们希望将这个产品变为现实,以及我们为什么要这样做。 就像我们说的,我们没有产品。 We didn't have any images to show them, but a lot of them were quite receptive. Some people even jumped on a call with us and wanted to learn more or ask our opinions on deadstock and the benefits of using it, or just get our take on the way that sustainable fashion's going. That was another thing that helped us grow in confidence. Having to prepare for those phone calls, and cram in a lot of information beforehand really taught us a lot.

When we did launch our Kickstarter, we had some warm contacts already, or at least a bit of experience of reaching out to people and what they were receptive to. It was amazing to see when we launched our Kickstarter campaign, we had articles written about us in publications of the likes of Drapers, which is a really big fashion industry magazine. We were so excited to see that. Not only that, but when we launched our Shopify site, Amanda was interviewed on BBC radio London, which was amazing. We got included in Roundup, in Vogue. We've been included in an independent article about the top sustainable underwear brands.
Considering we only launched six months ago, we're really proud of the press that we've managed to generate and we're really happy to see that people like our story. That comes from the fact that we've always tried to put ourselves out there, have conversations with people, and be quite vocal about what we're doing and why we're doing it. When you have that story and you have that mission, people really value that and they like to talk about it.

"We've always tried to put ourselves out there, have conversations with people, and be quite vocal about what we're doing and why we're doing it. When you have that story and you have that mission, people really value that and they like to talk about it."
Felix: You had a goal of raising £10,000, and you ended up raising over £11,000 in the Kickstarter campaign. Do you attribute that to anything in particular?
Katie: We toyed between doing a Kickstarter or launching a pre-order on our own website quite a lot. The reason that we chose to do a Kickstarter is it gave us a really ambitious, realistic goal at which we needed to pass to be able to place our first order to not end up with any deadstock ourselves. We knew exactly how many people would be ordering and how many sets we would need. From that we could work out what our first order beyond that would be as well. Having that social proof–and what we were trying to get across in our Kickstarter–was that we did have this engaged community of people that were ready to buy and already trusted in our product.
Our product for underwear is quite different, it's very out there. We wanted people to really get across in their own words how comfortable they found the product and how excited they were for it. That really helped people that didn't know us get on board with the idea. It gave them that impression that not only is this going to be sustainable, but it's also going to do the job and going to be really comfortable as well.
Amanda: Personally, we felt a lot better about launching our Kickstarter when we knew that we could deliver on the product for sure and that we would be very happy with the product. That was quite important for us. When we launched, our own mindset felt most comfortable to us, in terms of making sure that we could deliver and that we knew that everybody who had invested in us and helped us get off the ground would get something that they were happy with.
Felix: Did you already have a plan for the funds raised in the campaign?
Amanda: We knew exactly what we wanted to do, which was obviously get our stock. We also were co-buying a machine with the production facility because there was one missing part that they needed. The rest was to get our shop up and running and gain a foresight to place on the next order.
How Kickstarter created brand loyalists from day 1
Felix: You mentioned you were debating between a kickstarter, and doing pre-sales on your own platform. Would you still choose the kickstarter if you were to do it all over again?
Amanda: I'd do Kickstarter again tomorrow. If we had to do the whole thing again, I feel like it was such a great way for us to launch and to tell our story with the video.
Katie: I would definitely do it again as well. 我完全同意。 The structure of Kickstarter and the fact that you have all your information there on one page. You can offer people unique bundles that you wouldn't necessarily offer on your website, and it gives this opportunity to your audience to not just buy a product, but invest into an idea. We've then managed to capture new people through that and bring them along on the journey.
"We've seen people that have bought on our Kickstarter and they've come back and bought on our website. They are truly real advocates for Pantee, and it's amazing to see that."
And there's something really special about it, knowing that you are one of the first people that bought that product. Not only did you buy the product, but you helped to launch a small business. They're really invested in watching Pantee succeed, and they feel really emotionally tied to the company. We've seen people that have bought on our Kickstarter and they've come back and bought on our website. They are truly real advocates for Pantee, and it's amazing to see that.
As well, the Kickstarter gave us a hard deadline that we were going to launch on this date. We had to do so much to prepare, but a lot of that preparation did tie into our website as well. We had all the photography done for the Kickstarter and we used a lot of that for our website. They went side by side, but the Kickstarter really helped give us a boost at the start.
Amanda: It was a lot of work. 这是一整件事。 The Kickstarter video itself was a challenge. I live and I'm based in London and Katie lives and is based in Vancouver. We haven't actually seen each other since January 2020, which makes me so sad, but we've done this whole business basically on WhatsApp or Zoom. We had to film our video–our script that we were saying separately and then merge them together. Even that was difficult because our sound was slightly off.
It was a whole journey doing the Kickstarter, but it gave us a commitment to be held accountable to. We said to everyone the date we were launching, we couldn't really budge on that. We had to get ourselves in gear and get everything ready for them.
Katie: Anybody that embarks on doing a crowdfunding campaign, if it's your first one, it's definitely a unique experience and it's maybe something that if we did again and we would know much better how to prepare regarding audience conversions and things like that. We had a really, really good first 24 hours. We were excited. We launched and within 24 hours we had passed the 50% mark, but the way that Kickstarter campaigns do tend to go is that you have a really strong first two days and then it can go a bit flatter, then you'll have a peak at the end.
That's a very natural journey. It goes on for three weeks, so you've got to really keep the momentum up and keep talking about what you're doing. Keep pushing people, keep trying to bring new people into your audience. You've got a hard start and a hard stop, and knowing that timeline, you know that during that time you have to be very active and you have to be talking about what you're doing. If we had launched our website for pre-orders, we might have done as much build up to the launch day and then we might have had a good first couple of days, but keeping that momentum and having that hard end date was really helpful for us.
Navigating paid social media's uneven imagery restrictions
Felix: Let's talk a little bit about paid advertising, and content being banned for “violating nudity policies.” What has been your experience with that?
Katie: Paid advertising has been a challenge for us. We started running our paid ads when we launched our site in the beginning of this year and the first couple of weeks were rocky. Every time we pushed an ad campaign live, the ads would get blocked. All of our products from our Shopify catalog would get blocked. This is because of the nature of our product. All our products are shot on women–it's women's underwear. We really want to show people how it looks on a female body and female bodies of all different shapes and sizes. That's something we're really passionate about, but the algorithm of the way that the ads platforms work will constantly reject them for violating nudity policies. It's something we found really difficult because our photography is quite modest and we're really, really pro-comfort and our products are very comfortable.
None of our imagery is over sexualized. I personally don't think there's anything wrong with ads for underwear brands that are pushing more in that route. It's been an interesting thing to navigate and over time we've gotten into a better cadence with things, and we've grown an understanding of what does get past and what doesn't, but sometimes we'll wake up in the morning and again, everything will have been rejected. Even though it's been running for a few days, it's very hit or miss. It has been a challenge for us. Like you say, it's really difficult to bring new people into your audience organically. I think that paid ads for the majority of people running e-commerce sites are a really big part of the puzzle. When you are having that avenue blocked, it can be really challenging.
"I think that paid ads for the majority of people running e-commerce sites are a really big part of the puzzle. When you are having that avenue blocked, it can be really challenging."
We did get our momentum with it. We had our paid ads working quite well for us after navigating these issues. Then with the iOS updates earlier this year, again things changed things for us. When you are experimenting with quite small ad budgets, it can be difficult. It's definitely been a rocky road on the ad side of things.
Amanda: It's been quite hard because we do like to hit up someone that knows how to help. We have spoken to some people that have been really helpful, but we can never seem to properly speak to someone from Facebook to air these things out. The responses and suggestions we've gotten is to maybe show our underwear not on women.
We hate this response because it makes us feel like it's a product for women. It's complete, it's underwear. We shouldn't be having to shoot it on a brick wall or as a flat lay to show people. It has been a bit of a tricky one for us to get our heads around sometimes as well, and it's definitely caused a lot of conversations for us internally. We've not taken that advice, we still have underwear on women on the website and we'll continue to try to get those ads through, but due to those things, we've been heavily reliant on organic strategies.

How Pantee used bundles to raise average order values
Felix: Now, you mentioned one interesting strategy for raising your average order value. Can you tell us a little bit about your bundles?
Amanda: We can't believe we didn't do it sooner because when people buy underwear, typically you want to buy it in multi packs, especially the type of underwear we are. We're not necessarily special occasion underwear. We are everyday, comfortable, basic underwear. You want to buy multi packs. We said there was different stages to our journey, but even since launching six months ago, what we've been focused on month to month has changed. One month we're focused on setting up all our email marketing, and then we are looking at PR and influencers.
Amanda: We had a month where we really focused on our website and all the e-commerce growth strategies. It was something that was suggested to us so we tried it and it worked. It was so effective straight away. Now we're seeing people will come to our site instead of buying one bra they will buy two because there's an incentive to do so. Definitely a great app to plug in and we're still looking for ways that we can better our packs and make them packages that people want.
Felix: What other apps or software do you use on the backend of your website to help you run the business?
Amanda: One of my favorites is definitely return center. I set that up about six weeks ago. Now people can use their order number to request a return or an exchange or anything like that. I have to admit, we don't have a lot of those, but when we do, it's great to have a way to track each stage because otherwise you're relying on an Excel spreadsheet and it can be difficult to make sure that we've done each stage of that quickly and timely. That's been a good one. I'm trying to think because there's been quite a few plugins that we've put in lately. We've just put in Stamped.io, which is a referral app where people can sign up to what we call “the comfort zone” and then they can refer a friend and then they both get a discount. That's another one that we've just integrated.
Katie: We've also integrated Klarna and Clearpay so people can buy now and pay later or pay in installments, which has been really, really helpful. More than anything, we just want to give people spending options to do things easily, pay in the way they want, to get help that they need when they need it. We've just added an app that's a chat bot that we're still trying to set up with automated responses to frequently ask questions around sizing and things like that.
Felix: What do you think will be the biggest struggle or biggest obstacle that you are both focused on overcoming in the near future?
Amanda: Keeping the momentum. That's definitely always something that we've learned even in the last six months and also through our Kickstarter. As a small business you've got to be doing new, exciting things all the time. Obviously as a sustainable business, we don't want to be introducing new styles and new products all the time. It's like trying to evolve and trying to give people new conversations or new products, innovating and keeping that momentum going and never really taking your finger off the pulse.
Although we are very much a comfort business, we're always aware that we can't get too comfortable with where we're at and we've got to be looking months in advance with fashion because of the time it takes for production.
凯蒂:我完全同意。 我们对 Pantee 抱有远大的抱负,我们有时会忙于日常工作,但这总是就像一只眼睛盯着你现在的位置,另一只眼睛盯着你想成为的样子。 你必须弥合现在和我们想要达到的那个点之间的差距。 动量,一切都与动量有关。