已发表: 2019-08-27在一场高尔夫比赛中,Jeremiah Curvers 受伤并得了双椎间盘突出症。 卧床三个月,Jeremiah 不得不考虑很多关于床垫以及他想在理想床垫中看到的东西。
在他的研究的推动下,Jeremiah 推出了 Polysleep 以创建一个直接面向消费者的睡眠品牌,该品牌在提供更好的休息的同时对社会和环境产生影响。
在本期 Shopify Masters 中,您将听到 Polysleep 的Jeremiah Curvers讲述如何与供应商和实体店合作。
我不会从第一天就说,全力以赴。小心。 测试你的东西,如果你能做兼职,做兼职并为你和你的家人保持一定程度的稳定性。
- 如何与实体店合作展示您的产品
- 他们棘手的黑色星期五前电子邮件已售罄所有黑色星期五产品
- 如何与您的附属公司一起创建高转化率的内容



- 商店: Polysleep
- 社交资料: Facebook、Twitter、Instagram
- 建议:ShipStation(Shopify 应用)
Felix:今天我们有来自 Polysleep 的 Jeremiah Curvers。 Polysleep 创造了完美的睡眠表面,具有适当的舒适度、支撑性和坚固性,由高品质的产品制成,价格公道。 并于 2016 年开始,总部设在蒙特利尔。 并在短短两年内就实现了100万美元的收入。 欢迎,耶利米。
菲利克斯:太棒了。 所以,我认为很多听众心中的问题是,这是一个竞争激烈的行业,在当今直接消费者电子商务领域非常明显。 我想很多时候,甚至可能考虑进入该领域或正在研究该领域的产品的人,第一个问题是,您与该领域的其他类型的大玩家有何不同,例如 Casper 等等? 那么,你通常如何回答这个问题呢?
Jeremiah:这是一个很好的问题,而且通常是一个复杂的问题。 第一件事也是最重要的一点是,从产品的角度来看,什么会让你在竞争对手中脱颖而出? Polysleep 的创建真的是为了改善每个人和每个人的睡眠体验。 因此,我们必须创造一种新产品,或者至少,一种创造该产品的新方法。 所以,这是我们在第一个,我想说,六个月的投资。 我们如何从竞争对手和市场中获取成功的东西? 我们该如何改进呢? 正如您所说,我们对聚氨酯床垫非常感兴趣,它可以在盒子里滚动,因此提供了非常有趣的运输方式。 但是,与此同时,这些问题也随之而来,而我们的大多数竞争对手还没有解决这些问题。
耶利米:所以,我想说的是主要区别。 我们绝对可以进一步详细讨论该产品。 但是,这是最重要的部分。 什么会让你从竞争对手中脱颖而出? 一旦你明白了,现在就是你要如何交谈或叙述,带来与你的消费者不同的叙述,这将与他们交谈并引起他们的共鸣。
Felix:是的,我认为这是我绝对想谈的事情。 所以,第一件事是,你提到你做了一些研究来找出这个领域已经在起作用的东西,所以你显然也可以提供它。 但是,更重要的是,市场上的产品对哪些产品不起作用,而这些都是你进入的机会。所以,谈谈你是如何进行他的研究的,你是如何理解的景观并了解您可能适合您的产品和公司的位置?
耶利米:当然。 床垫行业显然是一个饱和的行业,这不是什么大新闻。 一百多年来,我们一直睡在床上。 所以,这些新的运输方式,通常被称为箱中床,对我来说只是一种新的运输方式。 现在,您必须在产品方面做出妥协,因为某些类型的材料根本无法放入盒子中,然后又恢复到原始形式。 第二个挑战是我所说的 RVC 独角兽。 所以,仅仅在几年内就有如此多的投资和如此强大的营销能力的品牌,很难与他们竞争,因为我们......很多人不明白,在某个领域,电子商务仍然是一个成长的东西。 在床垫行业,大约 20% 的人愿意在网上独家购买床垫,这意味着 80% 的人在购买之前仍希望与产品进行身体接触。
Jeremiah:虽然他们不喜欢店里的销售体验,但他们还是想去感受和触摸产品。 所以,这是我们首先意识到的。 我们意识到泡沫床垫的第二件事,因为这是我们发现最有趣的东西,在欧洲非常受欢迎。 这就是泡沫技术最先进的地方,所以,我们决定走这条路。 还有一些障碍。 第一个是过敏,越来越多的人对乳胶过敏,越来越多的人想要健康的材料。 问题是,任何类型的床垫,无论是否有机,都需要化学反应才能产生泡沫。 所以,这是我们必须找到的第二步,我们创造了许多不同类型的泡沫,以提出我们自己的食谱。
Jeremiah:在那之后,最后一个挑战是,将新产品推向市场的正确营销堆栈是什么? 就产品本身而言,我忘记提及的另一件非常重要的事情是,是什么让我们的产品与其他产品不同? 我们意识到,形式床垫通常在边缘提供非常差的支撑。 所以,要创造一个舒适、不太硬或不太软、能够支撑你的床垫真的很困难,尤其是当你和伴侣睡觉的时候。 这就是为什么我们创造了我们称之为边缘支撑的东西,它是围绕床垫的专有集成泡沫支撑。 如果您访问过网站政策 dot-ca,您实际上可以看到它的运行情况,我们有一个 3D 动画来解释它是如何工作的。 你知道有趣的是,竞争对手的研究必须告诉,“是的,Polysleep 提供了更好的边缘支撑,尽管他们的睡眠表面和我们的一样柔软舒适。”
Jeremiah:所以,我想说,这是我们真正喜欢的东西,因为任何品牌都可以谈论他们比其他品牌做得更好。 但是当它来自竞争对手或其他来源时,第三方来源说,“是的,这些家伙确实做了一些不同的事情”,这通常是一个好兆头,表明你可以进入市场并且你将能够相当大地成长快速地。
菲利克斯:太神奇了。 因此,产品开发听起来像是您首先在那里投资,因为您想将产品与现有产品区分开来。 那么,这个过程是怎样的呢? 你们是如何完成研究和开发带有边缘支撑的床垫的过程的?
Jeremiah:我的建议是,我们的听众,真的,无需投入大量资金,您仍然可以在特定行业进行非常彻底的研究。 就我而言,这很简单,去所有可能的床垫商店,尽可能多地测试床垫,并向销售主管提出尽可能多的问题。 为什么我们有这么多选择? 为什么人们通常不喜欢来商店? 这些人通常会,你甚至不必说,“我想创建自己的品牌”,但他们会倾向于回答并给你一个诚实的答案。 所以,这将是基线。 第二件事是,你怎么能让第三方在你的研发中帮助你? 有时这是可能的,有时则不是。
耶利米:就我们而言,这是可能的。 我们所做的是将自己与泡沫制造商联系起来,而不是床垫制造商,泡沫制造商,他们已经为床垫制造商提供了许多不同的材料。 所以,通常在行业中发生的情况是,你要从别人那里购买泡沫,你要从别人那里购买罩子,或者织物并自己制作,还有那些有弹簧床垫的人,嗯,你要去别的地方买。 只需组装它,将其运送到仓库并尝试通过市场或您自己的网站来处理您的销售点,而不是实体或在线,这通常是它的工作方式。 我的目标实际上是削减所有不会为最终用户带来任何价值的中间人。
Jeremiah:作为用户,我在问自己,在购买床垫之前,我是否关心床垫在三个不同的仓库中? 绝对不。 我是否关心有四个不同的供应商提供了在我购买之前制作的材料? 绝对不。 所以,基本上,我做了一个清单,我可以削减哪些没有任何价值的东西? 而且,我可以将大部分工作集中在一个特定的地方吗? 所以,我所做的就是去看泡沫制造商,他们中的一些人认为我疯了。 我和他们坐下来,我直截了当地告诉他们,“我知道你们确实提供泡沫,如果我把被子带到你们那里怎么办?因为,我知道你们最近刚买了那台机器,把床垫卷起来装在一个盒子,我给自己带来塑料,我带来品牌的盒子,我带来一切,你成为我制作床垫的官方合作伙伴。
菲利克斯:现在,你是怎么有洞察力来做这件事的? 因为,你怎么知道那个特定的合作伙伴,我猜,这样的合作伙伴关系成熟了?
Jeremiah:泡沫床垫,很明显,主要成分是泡沫,业内没有很多发泡剂。 当你做一些研究时,加拿大可能有四五个足够大。 如果你想做研发,然后同时进行生产,你必须看到有足够大的空间和生产能力的人。 老实说,这是一个疯狂的赌注,而且成功了。 因此,如果我要进行任何其他冒险,我可能会尽可能采用相同的方法。 如果你想创造一个产品,你可以花很多钱,做研发。所以,在这种情况下,这个发泡剂生产床垫的时间,我想,超过 60 或 70 年。 所以,我在问这个问题,我应该这样做吗? 我应该这样做吗?
Jeremiah:给你一个想法,我们创建的支撑框架是唯一的,它经过了 23 次不同的试验。 我们认为我们有正确的泡沫,然后它没有弹回原位。 或者,当我们滚动它时,支撑框架坏了。 所以,出现了很多问题。 但是,一旦我们实现了它,那就是一个重要的里程碑。 因为,现在我们是唯一一个这样做的人,我会很惊讶有人能够在短期内复制它,尤其是与它相关的成本。 另一方面,当你看到一个制造商并告诉他,“我想给你带来生意,因为你在加拿大,或者你在美国,或者你在当地市场,”通常,他们会尽力帮助你。
Felix:所以,你找到了合适的合作伙伴,让你能够利用这些机会。 我认为这太棒了。 所以,当你联系这些泡沫制造商并要求他们与你合作时,你提到他们认为你疯了。 那么,你是如何说服他们放弃这种信念的呢? 因为,一个疯狂的人,你可能不想与之做生意。 但是,一个理智的人,与你做生意可能会更舒服。 那么,你是如何让他们对你与他们做生意的相对激进的方法感到满意的呢?
耶利米:是的。 真正帮助我的一件事是 Ghost 品牌,我想说,它确实在美国市场上大放异彩。 我们的主要竞争对手显然是加拿大的 Casper。 还有其他几个,但作为终极风险投资家独角兽的卡斯帕确实帮助我说服了他,他说:“看,想象一下它是否有效。想象一下,如果我们能以可承受的价格创造出更好的产品,并且市场回暖。” 这就是谈话的真实内容。 或者,我可以像其他人一样去看看已经生产的托运人,但我不会有任何不同,那么我将无法为市场带来新的东西。
耶利米:他对谈话持开放态度。 我可能有...而且我很幸运。 正如我所说,我可能不得不去找四五个、六个不同的人,为了做到这一点,我们的部分仍然有一点投资。 但是,一旦我们有了合适的产品,这让我们能够真正将营销预算集中在营销上,而不是把所有东西都投入到研发中。
菲利克斯:明白了。 你还记得多长时间......我猜,从你们决定一起工作到你觉得产品已经准备好投放市场的地步,研发花了多长时间?
Jeremiah:这实际上是一个有趣的故事,因为,我最终与我的一个朋友一起从事这个项目的原因很遗憾,他并没有出于个人原因去追求,但他有这个想法,看看其他品牌,比如 Casper rolling一个盒子里的床垫,他实际上把我介绍给了那个泡沫制造商。 我很感兴趣,但我之前没有从事数字营销,我为国家品牌和代理商工作,帮助他们通过网站获利,制定本地 SEO 策略,非常复杂的事情。 我当时想,你知道吗? 试一试吧。 直到在一场高尔夫比赛中,我并没有那么专注,我受伤了,我有一个双突出的椎间盘。 我被困在床上大约三个月,这真的让我意识到你的睡眠表面是多么重要。
Jeremiah:每天真正激励我的是,尽管人们现在关注有机食品和食物,但我认为睡眠和休息是下一件大事。 所以,这确实是那里的目标。 是的。
菲利克斯:去吧。 好的,那么,一旦你们有了准备上市的产品,下一步是什么?
Jeremiah:所以,正如我所说,我们花了大约六个月的时间来完成所有的研发研究。 然后,很明显,下一步是,什么是正确的营销堆栈? 而且我们没有很多资源,我们是两个人,我还是兼职,因为我有一份全职工作。 就像现在可能正在倾听的任何人一样,谁会考虑开始做某事,我不会从第一天开始就说,全力以赴。小心。 测试你的东西,如果你能做兼职,做兼职并为你和你的家人保持一定程度的稳定性。 因为,通过全力以赴,经常,你不能批判性地思考,你可能会犯错误,因为你很恐慌,因为你非常希望它起作用。
Jeremiah:首先,什么是正确的营销堆栈? 而且我们没有很多预算,这就是我们选择 Shopify 的原因。 我知道在加拿大很重要的关键要素之一是我们的数据隐私,以及与支付处理相关的一切安全。 Shopify 是迄今为止满足我们需求的最佳解决方案。 第二件事是,好吧,我们需要一些合作伙伴,因为我不想立即在内部招聘人员来完成我们的创意资产以及需要为网站创建的所有内容。 我不是网络开发人员。 所以,用不到两三千美元,我们就在几周内建立并运行了一个网站。 它远非完美,但它正在完成工作。 我们选择了 Shopify,我们在其中添加了几个应用程序,并且我们上线了。
菲利克斯:太棒了。 好的,所以,你们现在已经上线了,获得第一批客户的第一步是什么?
耶利米:第一步肯定是口口相传。 人们现在倾向于给它起一个不同的名字,比如影响者或大使。 口口相传总是来自您的家人、您的朋友、任何可能支持您的人,他们是第一批购买我们产品的人。 这就是真正让我了解我们当今业务的核心,即附属关系的原因。 我们稍后会讨论这个问题。 第二件事是,我们需要增加我们的观众。 现在,我认为,社交网络是一个基准,如果你想建立品牌,你需要达到一定的门槛才能获得可信度。 如果你有一百个追随者,即使他们非常投入,你的可信度也没有五个、一万多。
Jeremiah:所以,我们创建了很多小型媒体竞赛,我们在其中做赠品,这为我们的网站带来了大量流量。 一旦我们开始研究购买我们床垫的角色,我们就开始在 Facebook、Google 上进行基于 CPC 的购买,以及在 Reddit 上进行内容营销。
菲利克斯:好的。 所以,那里有很多好东西,让我们深入研究其中的每一个。 所以,口口相传首先是从你的朋友和家人那里开始的,你还记得你开始从不认识的人那里购买商品的第一天吗? 它是如何开始扩展到您的个人网络之外的?
Jeremiah:太有趣了,因为,我记得我们的第一次销售,现在,我们使用 ShipStation。 但是,我们有销售,我们有制造床垫的制造商,我们没有很多库存。 我们就像,“好吧,我们现在怎么做?” 所以,我们不得不手动联系UPS设置一个帐户,他们来工厂取货。 那是一次非常紧张的经历。 但是,我想说,在第一周,我们进行了几次销售,这很棒,因为我们在想,“天哪,如果它不起作用怎么办?” 因为这些都是昂贵的物品,所以在 600 到接近 1,000 美元之间。 而且效果非常好。
Jeremiah:就像我说的那样,口耳相传非常非常重要,因为如果你提供良好的客户体验,我记得,第一批购买床垫的人是家人,但后来还有朋友。 而我们所做的是提供礼节性拜访,只是感谢他们鼓励当地经济支持当地品牌,因为这真的很接近我们业务的核心。
耶利米:当然,每个人都在为自己的钱而努力工作。 相反,它是一件 10 美元、100 美元或 1,000 美元的物品,每个人都投入时间和金钱来购买东西。 您至少可以为他们提供最好的体验。 人们必须记住的另一件事是,苹果、亚马逊等公司确实疏远了我们的购物方式。 我们的期望如此之高,即使您是一个小品牌,即使您是一家初创公司,您也必须尊重这一点。 通常,不需要付出太多努力就能超越,打电话给客户说声谢谢,这是亚马逊永远不会做的事情,他们可能也做不到。 作为一家初创公司,这是您可以超越这些公司的优势类型。
菲利克斯:是的,这是有道理的。 所以,一开始,你就像按需创造这些产品一样。 他们还不存在。 有人下订单,然后你会制造它吗? 在您建立库存之前需要多长时间?
耶利米:好的。 我们与供应商合作的方式是,我们使用一种在内部称为缓冲区的技术。 现在,已经三年了,所以,我们有一点历史,我们知道,例如,魁北克的搬家日很受欢迎,回到学校,或者,例如,黑色星期五时期很受欢迎。 因此,我们尝试做的是,比方说,库存有 50 到 200 张床垫,因为我们知道,在大约两周内,这就是我们能够推动的数量,也就是我们能够推动的数量。 这太棒了,因为这让我们没有配送中心,因为我们没有很多库存,而且我们有足够的时间在人们购买商品时进行生产。
菲利克斯:对,正如你刚才所说。 因此,您需要花费一些时间才能获得数据来做出决定,即持有多少。 好吧,这是有道理的。
Jeremiah:所以,我们有 5 个、10 个库存,然后我们就像,有时我们会用完,然后我们保留 15 个,但这种情况并不经常发生。 所以,另一件事是我们没有足够的钱来库存两、三、四、五百张床垫,因为我们的成本相当高,我们不是一个利润率很高的产品。 这很有趣,因为床垫行业到目前为止,众所周知,每个人和每个人都以 50% 或 80% 的价格销售,这些人仍然赚钱。 因为我们提供了一百晚的试用期,并且我们知道退货率可能会真正损害我们的业务,所以我们确实在产品上投入了更多,以确保我们的退货率尽可能低,并且得到了回报。
菲利克斯:是的,这是有道理的。 所以,我喜欢这种方法,您可以在供应链中寻找不会为最终客户增加价值的中间商和流程,这是否只是基于直觉,即什么会增加价值,什么不会增加价值,或者什么不会对最终消费者有价值吗? 或者,您是否有某种数据或研究来支持您应该专注于从流程中删除的内容?
Jeremiah:这背后的想法,我们应用在所有事情上,是,如果我可以砍掉中间商,有两种选择,我要么赚更多的利润,要么我可以以相同的价格出售更好的商品,消费者会赢. 所以,无论我们做什么,我们的主要问题是,这项举措是否为消费者带来了更好的价值? 我将给你举一个例子,那是去年的事,那是一个很大的失败,我们很幸运能够尝试。 我的一个朋友可以访问蒙特利尔市中心的一个非常黄金地段的房地产快闪店。 那个租金大约是每月 25,000 美元,非常昂贵。
Jeremiah:因为它周围有装修,我们能够与管理该地点的公司进行谈判,如果我们可以给出一个百分比,它不是激进的,而是我们销售额的百分比,以便支付那个特定的空间为期六个月。 它实际上结束了一年,我们很幸运。 但是,这基本上允许我们测试物理位置,一个品牌商店。 所以,一切都打上了Polysleep的烙印,到处都是紫色。 我们有六张不同的床,我们有三名全职员工。 我的目标真的是只看到一件事,这会给消费者带来价值吗? 这是否有利可图? 或者,这只是纯粹的营销? 我必须告诉你,我很高兴我们不必为此付费,因为我们可能每月损失 15,000 美元。 也许更多,考虑到我们必须支付我们的员工、全职员工来回答问题等等。
Jeremiah:另一件事是,我们对从商店购买的人和在网上购买的人进行了访谈,我们发现去商店、我们品牌商店的人与购买的人之间的客户满意度相关性较差在线的。 所以,我们终止了这个项目,我们采用了不同的方法。
Jeremiah:两件事,主要是床垫店销售人员的看法。 没有人喜欢去商店,有人跟着你告诉你,“哦,这是你应该得到的支持水平,这是你应该买的床垫类型,试试这个,试试这个。我们是好吗?完美。把你的信用卡给我,我会通过,你下周就会收到。” 人们对此感到害怕。 我的意思是,您可能会想到去商店并远离销售人员。
耶利米:所以,即使我们告诉我们的员工,“这真的不是我们想要的,我们希望你们和客户一起度过愉快的时光。给他们讲笑话,给他们信息,积极主动,但不要试图什么都卖。” 我们意识到他们玩得很开心,消费者,但并不比在线购买的人好。 这样做的成本,最棒的一件事是,我们能够利用 80%。 记得之前我说过,截至今天只有 20% 的人愿意在网上独家购买床垫,80% 的人仍然希望看到它。 所以,我们网站上的很多人都在问,“哦,我可以去看看床垫吗?我可以测试一下吗?” 即使我们告诉他们,“哦,你可以在家里试用一百个晚上,而且你甚至没有 30 天的最短时间来测试它。在任何时候你不喜欢它,我们派人去取,你不用带什么的。”
Jeremiah:这还不够,他们还在问,“我能在某个地方看到它吗?” 而这将花费我们 25,000 美元,这将是一个大问题。 现在,这是一个例子,这是否为消费者增加了价值? 我们和我的团队坐下来,因为当时我们已经有三名员工,我们决定采取一些不同的方式。 这就是我会邀请很多拥有创新产品并希望进入市场的人,在物理位置市场,是与已经存在于连接区域的商店合作,我会说,区域。 在我们的案例中,不卖床垫的家具店很合适。 因为,他们经常有床架,他们去宜家,买一个小床垫只是为了在它周围放一些装饰。
Jeremiah:所以,我们所做的是,我们关闭了快闪店,并聘请了一个全职的人,基本上都在路上,去看看这些当地的商店并告诉他们,“看,Polysleep 怎么样?从我们的网站吸引人们,我们每个月有大约 30 到 50,000 人访问我们的网站,其中很多人都在问,“我可以试试床垫吗?” 我们将把这些人带到你的商店,他们可以在那里试用床垫。现在,好东西,你不需要付钱。我们给你床垫,我们给你枕头,我们给你给你一些营销材料,我们给你一个推荐代码,你可以把它放在你的电子邮件列表中。我们甚至给你按钮,如果你想把它们放在你的网站上,你知道可以集成的 Shopify Buy 按钮。 他们喜欢它。
Jeremiah:所以,我们现在基本上有 20 多个物理位置,而且我们不需要支付员工工资,也不需要支付租金。 每当有人使用优惠券或有人使用他们的链接时,我们都会根据我们拥有的每个合作伙伴支付佣金。 所以,这太棒了,因为我们有拥有家具店的大使,他们真的很高兴,因为他们不必增加投资来销售额外的产品。 我们将人们带到他们的商店,在那里他们为自己的销售额增加了额外的偏差。
菲利克斯:是的。 所以,我认为我从你的行动中看到的一项非常明显的创业技能是这种创造力到你试图解决的问题,从制造商与他们合作进行研发目的的整个方法到支付物理费用零售空间使用您销售额的百分比,现在与零售商、家具店合作,将您的床垫放在商店中以创建这些展示柜,您显然有一个非常有创意的方法,您不只是考虑您可能会考虑的传统方式想要解决问题,或者您可能想与某人合作。 您如何处理这些创造性解决方案提出的问题? 你发现自己问什么样的问题来开始探索新的,我猜,解决问题的替代方案?
Jeremiah:我学过平面设计,我是一个有创造力的人。 但是,创造力可以用来解决问题。 再一次,我会回到我原来的陈述,想想消费者可能会问什么,或者会问什么并验证它。 去谷歌趋势,问业内专家,听播客,有很多可用的信息。 不同之处在于你如何处理它,以及你如何想出一个有点不同的解决方案。 然后你总是可以更进一步。 我们从一开始就没有想到的一件事是,从一开始,当我们与我们的附属伙伴合作时,电子商务就有可能与这些合作伙伴合作,在没有我们自己的实际位置的情况下在本地排名。
Jeremiah:现在我们有一个完整的本地搜索引擎优化策略,如果你按照我们的网站政策,dot-ca,你去商店,你将能够拥有,从你所在的城市,而不是只有关于我们合作伙伴商店的信息,比如 80% 的人会做什么,但最重要的是,我们在我们的网站上创建了他们自己的自定义页面。 因此,举个例子,有一家名为 Space Espace Meuble 的商店。 它在拉瓦尔,靠近蒙特利尔,那是我们拥有的第一批商店之一。 我问自己,就像任何人一样,我怎样才能让那么多人,那么多眼睛盯着我的名字? 搜索引擎优化是一个如此强大的工具。
Jeremiah:但是,通常,对于电子商务,当人们寻找本地化研究时,由于谷歌地图和本地广告,排名非常复杂。 然后,最重要的是,通常会有很多大品牌排名。 如果您在寻找 Laval 最好的床垫,或者如果您寻找 Polysleep Laval,我们能够排名,我们现在排名第一。 我们这样做的方式是,每家商店,我们都创建了自己的自定义页面。 他们还经常在自己的 Google 列表中进行宣传,并且他们也有指向我们页面的链接。 我们创建这些小的本地 SEO 文章来推广他们的商店。 这是一个双赢的局面。 他们的排名更高,我们为他们的网站带来了更多的人,我们的名字在当地的知名度越来越高。
耶利米:所以,再一次,这真的是,你如何看待问题? 你如何运用一定程度的创造力来观察,为了超越我的竞争对手,我可以做些什么不同的事情?
Felix: So, let's talk about this approach with working with furniture stores or when anyone out there is listening, or as I've been listening is, looking at retailers, physical retailers to partner with, to create these showrooms, what was the initial response from these stores? What was the pitch that got them to agree to place? Because, I mean, you're placing an actual mattress, which is not a small piece of product in their store, right? So, how did you guys get them to agree to do it?
Jeremiah: That was again, a bet that we did because you can't come up with a contract. You're asking someone to put, to give you space. Where this guy is basically, he have employees to pay, he has his rent to pay, and every square feet is important to him. So, our approach was really to say, we are a brand that is growing year over year tremendously, more than 300%, and you know how ecommerce... Ecommerce for any retailer is something that scares them, and it's something that is very sexy at the same time. They're like, well, ecommerce is the future, they just don't know how to approach that. So, if you are an ecommerce expert, or if you have your own ecommerce business starting, often, these people will be, at least, open to a conversation. So, that was the first step.
Jeremiah: I was calling a furniture store, "Hi, may I speak with the manager? May I speak with the owner? We are an ecommerce brand, we sell sleep product and mattresses. And I know you might not be interested in anything of that, but would you be, at least, available if I come to see you and just to have a coffee and a conversation?" And often, the answer is yes. And the second step, I was going there with a small PowerPoint, four or five pages, and I was saying, "This is our product, it's made in Montreal, we encourage local economy, we want local economy to strive again like it was back in the days." And that resonates with them. And we were saying, "Now, would you help us to send people to a local store to have something as beautiful as you have in your store, where people can try our product, and at the same time, you have the opportunity to sell something else."
Felix: And are these furniture stores already selling mattresses?
Jeremiah: Often, we were targeting ones that were not selling mattresses.
Jeremiah: That was helping a lot. Some of them, surprisingly, are mattress stores. And we don't give them, by far, they don't make as much profit as with other brands, but they still like the idea that they have a link and a coupon code and anybody on our website can use that to get a rebate, because of anybody-

Felix: And this is pretty much their first link into ecommerce for most of these businesses?
Jeremiah: Absolutely, yeah. And that's what they got in. And often, we tell them, "Look, here is our email newsletter, and we created a copy of it that is customized with your coupon codes, you just need to send it to your whole database, and that's going to help your sales." And often, they do it. So, some of our stores, partner stores, have more than 20,000 people in their emails' database. So, multiply that by 20, the scale it gave us with a brand that is already communicating on a weekly basis with these people is humongous. To which, we're able to expand and extend without having necessarily our own data internally, is amazing. So, it's really a win-win partnership. The question you have to ask yourself as an entrepreneur is, and I don't know, let's say if you're selling healthcare products.
Jeremiah: And, let's say, you have, I'll take something completely different, shampoo bars, and it's organic. And right now, it's being, it's very trendy, and you don't see them in pharmacy. Well, you know what? 试一试。 Talk to the pharmacist who owns the place and asks him, "Would you mind if I put that for a week or two and try it out?" And often, they might say yes. And if it sells, well, he might talk to a friend, and this friend might be open to give the same thing. And that just creates this opportunity, where, you can without investing any money, have a physical presence, even though you're an ecommerce company. And that's very powerful, people tend to try to squeeze every dollar out of Facebook and Google and their marketing strategies. And how to build a good funnel and all that.
Jeremiah: While in reality, even though that works really well, the physicality and the interaction you can have with the products, especially in our case, I mean, I'm not saying every industry, it's very powerful. Now, absolutely, like you said, you have to be creative in your way to approach it, because it's easy to lose a lot of money there.
Felix: Yeah, I think the edge that you get as an entrepreneur is often about doing the work that others don't want to do, or maybe haven't thought of doing, this is where the creativity comes in. And like you're saying, there's so much focus on trying to squeeze out every penny out of your Facebook Ads or your conversion rates when there are bigger wins that can be had, if you do have the guts, to some degree, to go out and start asking people to partner with them with these kinds of unique ways to benefit both sides. So, when you did roll out this approach, how quickly or how big of a difference did it make to your sales?
Jeremiah: The first thing it did is add credibility to the brand, and that allowed us to tap into major mattress review websites. The way our industry work and that took me a good year to understand, is that life events is what often motivates people to change their mattresses. So, babies coming, oh, we need a new mattress for the baby, we might change ours as well. We move, oh, that's the type of item we're going to change. So, when we opened the stores, that created opportunity and that brought traffic to our website. And at that specific moment, that's when we realized, we should have invested a bit more on our website, and that's what we did this year. The first six months of 2019 was really focused around creating our own custom templates. And really, offer a better experience online for our consumer.
Jeremiah: So, this store opened the door to additional credibility, brought more traffic to our websites, and vice versa. And that opened the door for specified reviews websites, such as Sleepopolis and Sleep Sherpa. So, how it works is that these guys often take affiliate commission as well. You send your product and they do a thorough review of it, and they compare it to other brands. And that's when it really kick-started everything. That's combined with a good email strategy, and obviously, a little bit of Facebook Ads and Google Ads is what really fuels the engine as of today.
Felix: Now, what's the approach that you've built out, the system that you've built out to scale this up to... because I'm assuming you want again to, as many stores as you can. How are you guys approaching scaling this system up of having showcases inside physical retailers?
Jeremiah: Since the core of our business is ecommerce, you cannot buy the mattress in that store. As I was saying, it's just a showcase partner. So, what we did is that we took the highest density cities across Canada. So, Vancouver, Toronto, Montreal, and these were our first three targets. We need to have at least one store in one of these major cities. And then, we're going to go with Edmonton, and then, we're going to go with what we call B market. So, our A market where the top 10 cities in Canada, then we hit our B market, which is a little bit smaller. And eventually, we're going to hit our C market.
Jeremiah: One thing we do though, is that we open probably one or two boutiques a month, because, as I said, there's still investment on our end, we've got to send a mattress for free, now we sell pillow, so, we send them the pillow as well. We have marketing material we give them. So, we can't afford to have 10, 20 new boutiques every month, even though, it might be something we'll do in the future. But, we really pick our battle based on, okay, where most of our traffic is coming from our website. So, let's say, you're based in New York, and most of your traffic comes from New York and LA Well, these are the first two cities where you potentially would like to have a physical location, where you can send people going on your website there if they haven't converted.
Jeremiah: At the end of the day, the way I see it is, someone sees my brand, good. Now, someone who saw my brand is looking for a mattress, I've got a couple of chances to make sure he understand I've got a better product than what my competitor has. And this is where it becomes a bit tricky. Some people like to go on the website, don't talk to anybody. Some people are very analytical. They'll go on Reddit, they'll go on three different website, and they're going to spend 30 minutes chatting about the foam density. 这很好。 The question you have to ask yourself is, what is the most critical element you want to invest your energy in, in order to be able to solve these issues? Because that takes time, that takes effort. And obviously, that takes resources. So, you can't do everything at the same time, and every business is a bit different.
Jeremiah: In our case, our website is where we want to offer a very clean experience for the user. And most of the information is actually on the third party website. And this is something I learned from Bell, which was a company I worked back in the days on the strategy. And as we were seeing, some of the executive there were asking, "How can we increase our capacity to convince people we have a better network than our main competitors?" And the solution was actually Netflix. Because, as your own ambassador, I can say I have the best mattress all day. But if a third party say, "These guys have the best mattress." And that third party have credibility, just in the case of Netflix, "Oh, yeah, Bell has the best network in Canada, if you want to stream 4K TV." That adds a lot of weight. So, that's what we're trying to do right now.
Jeremiah: Instead of just, of course, we do invest a lot of time to create content on our own website. But, we want to have, let's say, guest bloggers, or third party writing stuff about us. Right now we even have healthcare specialists. So, we have physiotherapist, chiropractor, who interact with our product and give advice on how to use them, why they're better, and things like that.
Felix: This is the idea of having these affiliations with all of the third parties that can generate conversations around your brand?
Jeremiah: Can you repeat the question, Felix?
Felix: So, I was asking, this is the approach that you've taken to partner up with these affiliates essentially, to create meaningful conversations around your brand?
Jeremiah: Yes, absolutely. And we did test, I would say, regular influencers, that have a couple of hundreds of thousands of followers on Instagram. And we realized that we better off, we see better traction when we target a niche and create valuable content where we gravitate around. So, for example, one of our affiliates is a physiotherapist, and he's very active on Facebook and on YouTube. And what we said when we originally approached him is, "We don't want you only to take a picture on the bed and take, say, you have a coupon code and never hear from you again. What can we do for you user, that would matter?" And right away, he said, "Oh my God, we should definitely do a series of videos on stretching in your bed or what is the exercise you could do to avoid back pain when you wake up, or to sleep better." And that came from him.
Jeremiah: So, our approach with anybody who does business with, is, how can we leverage that person as an ambassador? And if he doesn't want to, that's fine. But we don't necessarily want to put more energy working with him, because that means, he doesn't see a fit with our company or with our products. 没关系。 And often, that's a mistake, I think, people do thinking about, especially Instagram, where, the number of followers or just even the amount of likes or comments, is not, I would say, a KPI that should be that highly considered when you build your brand. At the end of the day, think of a niche and think of really product-market fit. So, that specific niche, do you have experts you can leverage to showcase your products? And then combine it with maybe a promotion or an offer, and that's often what's going to work.
菲利克斯:明白了。 So, you're not just looking for people that might be reviewing mattresses all the time, you're specifically looking for the niches that might be able to use your product. So, you've gone to like a physical therapist, or you go to like people that are into stretching and basically present content that they are specialists in, in conjunction with your product. So, you're not looking to produce a commercial, essentially, you're looking to have content that's actually valuable, and then include your mattress in the content.
Jeremiah: Yeah, we're trying to solve sleep issue every day. And that is the core of all our activities. 我们可以做什么? If you have back problems, probably you don't sleep well. If you have insomnia, obviously, you don't sleep well. Can I do anything to help you out? Because I'm trying to sell a sleeping surface that theoretically should help you sleep better. So, that has to be connected with my core value. And actually, that's why we created four additional product this year, that's what we did from January to right now. And actually, the last one is coming in June, it's our baby mattress. Because, as I said earlier, life events are often what motivates people, everybody needs a mattress. So, it's really hard to say my persona are women between 30 and 45, that are doing yoga and that is active.
Jeremiah: Because you know what? The 350-pound gamer who has a Twitch channel also has a mattress. And how can I speak with these two people? It's very complex, and that will need a lot of different strategies. So, in order to scale with a certain level of volume, what we did instead is, okay, what are a common element that will motivate the purchase, or, at least, the interest of buying a new mattress? And life events were the key. That's why, now, what our approach will be, instead of offering five or 10 different levels of comfort for our product, what we really focused on instead is, okay, what does your body needs to sleep better? And this is where, there's very three simple things, good temperature control, good body alignment, and something that will avoid, at any cost, pressure points.
Jeremiah: If your sleeping surface does that, you're going to sleep like a baby. Now, based on what you're doing on your day-to-day or based on where you're at in your life, you might have different needs. I can create the best baby mattress, a 60-year-old will not buy the baby mattress to sleep on, because he's not there anymore. But that's what we did. So, now we have a baby mattress, we have the Origin Mattress, which is more aimed toward people who would buy their first mattress themselves, or often, who would go to IKEA, people who have, or secondary residents, Shelley. And then, we have our Polysleep Mattress, which is our most popular mattress that, I would say, fit any couple, any person who starts in life, who want a good sleeping surface.
Jeremiah:然后我们有 Zephyr。 Zephyr是最好的。 我们甚至在其中加入了纳米技术,这更针对可能受伤的人,他们真的想要最好的睡眠表面,他们是运动员。 这使我们能够根据这些不同的角色,针对他们的生活事件真正定制我们的体验。
菲利克斯:明白了。 非常感谢 Jeremiah、polysleep.com 或 polysleep.ca。 我想通过你告诉我们一个关于泄露的内部电子邮件的故事来结束这次采访,以帮助你在黑色星期五之前取得成功。 告诉我们那是什么,并告诉我们当你们发起这个,本质上,这个非常有趣的营销活动时发生的事情。
Jeremiah:是的,这个策略非常有效,我很惊讶看到这一点。 所以,我们所做的是,我们黑色星期五的概念是说,好吧,前 500 张床垫,我不记得确切的数字,但我们将获得非常非常积极的回扣,但这会持续下去只有12小时。 我们将在我们的网站上放置一个大计时器。 然后我们将在另一个折扣中获得 X 数量的床垫。 然后,在黑色星期五和网络星期一的剩余时间里,我们将继续享受 20% 的折扣。 然后我们进行头脑风暴,我们就像,我们的电子邮件订阅者,我们的数据库,我们在做什么呢? 我们决定从不同的地址创建一个虚假的内部电子邮件,所以,有一个完整的对话。
Jeremiah:我们的客服在哪里向营销部门提问,询问这个黑色星期五最激进的优惠,比如 400 美元的优惠券什么时候上线? 我们什么时候把它放在网站上,它可以工作多长时间? 市场部说:“哦,优惠券已经创建了,但我们还没有推送到任何地方。所以,它会在午夜上线,它只会在 12 小时内可用,而且只会在用于前 500 张床垫。” 然后客服回复说:“哦,谢谢。所以,我们必须确保它没有写在任何地方,否则如果有人跟我说话,我就不会传达它。” 因此,该对话实际上是通过我们的整个数据库泄露的。
耶利米:我想三分钟后,我所有买床垫的朋友都给我发了一条短信。 比如,“哦,我认识一个会失业的人。” 或者,“哦,有人遇到麻烦了。我实际上是给我妈妈买的。对不起,杰。” 我快要笑死了,因为他们实际上,是的,他们相信了。 因此,即使在黑色星期五之前,我们的 500 张床垫就已售罄,我们不得不提出新的报价。
费利克斯:这很有趣。 我想很多人会在即将到来的黑色星期五尝试这种策略,我猜。 所以,非常感谢您的宝贵时间,耶利米。 谢谢你分享那个故事。 我感谢你的到来。