如何使用Ramit Sethi构建卓越的产品
已发表: 2020-11-25本周在The Copyblogger Podcast上,Tim Stoddart有机会与企业家, 《纽约时报》畅销书作者,iwillteachyoutoberich.com的创始人Ramit Sethi进行了交谈。
在本周的对话中,蒂姆和拉米特(Tim and Ramit)挖掘了出色的广告文案的技巧,争取“大获胜”,以在生活和业务中取得成功,并开发可更好地为受众服务的产品。
- Ramit如何定义“丰富的生活”和“大赢家”概念的由来
- $ 3个问题,$ 30,000个问题
- 关注范围缩小的神话和长版复制品的价值
- 为什么您需要挑战自己关于最佳业务渠道的假设
- 关于入门的建议
- 以及更多!
- Copyblogger.com
- iwillteachyoutoberich.com
- 如何编写使用Ramit Sethi打开的电子邮件
- 公文包技术
- 可赚– iwt.com/earn
- 推特上
- 在Instagram上突袭
- 达雷尔在推特上
- 蒂姆在推特上
蒂姆·斯托达特(Tim Stoddart):
嘿,大家好吗? 我叫Tim Stoddart,欢迎来到Copyblogger播客,非常感谢您的加入。 今天我的客人是一位绅士,真的不需要介绍。 今天在播客中,除了Ramit Sethi之外,我们都没有其他人,Ramit是iwillteachyoutoberich.com的创始人。 他是一个对我的生活有很多个人影响的男人,多年来我一直在阅读他的作品,他是一个真正的专业人士。 您将从这次对话中受益匪浅。 我们讨论了有效的文案写作,谈到了在大赢家之后努力工作并意味着花费时间进行决策并从事确实,确实会在您的生活和业务中发挥作用的项目。 我们已经讨论过如何写话语,以便您可以进行对话性写作,从而使您的听众可以与您建立一种非常非常好的关系。
最后,我们讨论了很多产品开发问题,我们知道Copyblogger的受众总是对如何制作更好的产品感到好奇,以便我们可以更好地为受众服务,而Ramit是真正的大师。 因此,您将从本播客中受益匪浅。 我真的很荣幸与他坐下来与他进行对话,不用多说,请帮助我欢迎Ramit Sethi。
蒂姆·斯托达特(Tim Stoddart):
嗨,拉米特,非常感谢您加入Copyblogger播客。 非常感谢您的宝贵时间。
拉米特·塞西(Ramit Sethi):
蒂姆·斯托达特(Tim Stoddart):
是的,所以您确实是一个不需要太多介绍的人。 在过去的十年中,您已经成长为真正具有可持续性的受众,并且为包括我在内的人们提供了很多价值。 但是在开始录音之前,我只是在谈论您的工作对我的生活有多大影响,我敢肯定我可以对许多其他人说同样的话。 但是对于那些不熟悉您的作品和不熟悉作品的人,我会教您致富,我想请您开放一下,给您一些时间介绍自己并谈论一些这些年来,您带来并传递给我们的消息。
拉米特·塞西(Ramit Sethi):
当然。 我叫Ramit Sethi,我是《我会教你致富》的首席执行官。 而且我知道这个网站听起来像是一个骗局,不是。 自2004年我在斯坦福大学读书以来,我就一直在写这个网站,我相信大多数人都希望过上富裕的生活,而且我相信我们大多数人都已经得到了建议,但这并不完全适合我们今天要过上这种富裕的生活。 而且,我们在金钱方面所听到的大多数建议都是减少拿铁咖啡。 事实是,减少3美元的拿铁咖啡并不会以任何可持续的方式改变您的生活。 大部分的金钱建议基本上都是由一个比我们大30至40岁的人提出的,他看起来并不像我们,并向我们摇了摇手指,告诉了我们用钱做不到的所有事情。 我不想那样生活。 我想花钱,我想为朋友们买些饮料。
我想用心理学使我的钱自动化,然后我想继续生活。 我不想每天坐在那里并运行Excel模拟,所以我开始写有关金钱的文章。 但是,丰富的生活实际上不只是您的罗斯IRA。 从那时起,我们开始涉足业务,因此我们帮助了成千上万的人创业。 我们已经扩展到职业。 我可以向您展示如何获得10美元或25,000美元的加薪,而且我们也已经扩展到心理学领域。 所有这些都在iwt.com上。
蒂姆·斯托达特(Tim Stoddart):
我喜欢您从购买所有想要的拿铁咖啡的想法入手,因为我去咖啡店时经常对自己重复一遍,而我只是坐下来做一些工作,放松身心,享受自己的生活,然后您查看您的银行帐户,并看到所有这些微小的交易,如果您将其加起来,那么在宏大的计划中并不意味着很多。 但是,我一直很好奇,很高兴向您询问这个起源的故事,因为整个生活的概念充满了丰富的生活,正如您所说,关注大赢家,是您刚刚整理的东西当您开始撰写该书时,它会随着时间的流逝而发展吗?或者是否有人影响您真正提出了该方法论?
拉米特·塞西(Ramit Sethi):
大赢的概念是,如果您一生中获得五到十次大赢,您就不必担心$ 3拿铁或$ 7的开胃菜,人生中就有五到十次真正的大赢。 其中一些是财务方面的,对不对? 您想尽快进行自动投资。 您想拥有一份出色的工作,并确保您得到自己应得的报酬。 或者,您可以去创业,但是他们也是其他非金融业的公司。 如果您结婚了,您想嫁给合适的人,这是您一生中可以做出的最重要的决定之一。 如果您做对了,那么您是否要粉刷干墙的决定,我不知道,我对装修一无所知。 但是正确地做出决定非常重要,任何已婚人士(当然,有孩子的人)都知道这一点。
我发现世界上大多数建议的早期都是针对细节。 它的工作重点是在晚上11:00之后我应该有20克蛋白质,但是请确保每磅只有1克蛋白质。 实际上,大多数人需要做的是更加仔细地跟踪食物并定期锻炼。 健身同在,生意同在。 您所看到的大多数建议都是,这是您需要做的,每页2500个字符,并且副标题永远不要说这个词。 实际上,您需要像说话一样写作,并且写作需要比写作多十倍。 这就是您成为一名出色的撰稿人的方式。 好的? 这样做的根源是,我不想醒来看看一袋沙拉的价格,如果我去杂货店买沙拉的话,那会让我发疯。
我知道这一点是因为当我的父母都是移民,我们家里有四个孩子的时候。 所以我妈妈待在家里,她会带我们去杂货店,我们从不下订单,也永远不会买一袋预先切好的蔬菜。 没办法,真是浪费钱。 当然,我们要自己砍。 因此,我学会了节俭的感觉,但是随着时间的流逝,我意识到我不想担心这里或那里的2美元。 我想专注于更大,更重要的事情。 如果我没弄错的话,那么细节,细节,3美元的拿铁咖啡就可以解决了。 坦率地说,这是一种更加有趣的生活方式,它可以让您以更少的工作完成更多的工作,因为一旦您把这些事情做好,其余的工作就会自动进行。
蒂姆·斯托达特(Tim Stoddart):
我认为也是,我将稍微过渡到您的实际品牌,因为正如我们之前所讨论的那样,Copyblogger的受众对写作和内容营销非常感兴趣。 但是,只要多谈一点,我想每个人都可以从整个构想中获得很多价值,因为我本人也知道,当您考虑更大的图景时,您不会过分强调小东西,这就是让我的生活不再那么焦虑,就像担心这些小小的决定。 最重要的是,它带走了我一生的很多决定,对我有很大帮助。 就像我不记得上一次查看汽油价格一样。 这是我最近购买汽油的地方,好极了。 我要去加满油箱,继续前进,不用担心,所以我喜欢它。 这个概念对我有很大的帮助,一次又一次,我认为很多人将从中获得价值。
Ramit Sethi:
谢谢。 我只想指出一件事,我想你刚才说的很重要。 气体的例子,在我们的生活中,我们都有一个这样的例子,虽然这个数字很小,但对我们的感觉却产生了不成比例的影响。 我们感到内,紧张或哑巴,为什么? 为什么我为此花钱了? 事实是,有太多人真正在问$ 30,000的问题时只关注$ 3的问题。 3美元的问题是关于咖啡或煤气的。 30,000美元的问题是,我是否可以自动设置投资? 我的生意很好吗,我正在专注于为出色的客户创造出色的产品,我的KPI下降了,对吗? 这些是30,000美元的问题。 我的关系牢固吗? 您甚至无法量化,但如果我们专注于这些30,000美元的问题,它比陷入杂草,陷入这些3美元问题的细节要强大得多。
蒂姆·斯托达特(Tim Stoddart):
绝对。 我喜欢它。 因此,转到网站的更多部分以及您长期以来所做的工作,Copyblogger涉足内容营销领域,并且您以出色的书写长格式电子邮件的承诺而闻名。 我听说您形容您的电子邮件很花哨,我认为这是描述它们的一个好词。 您的着陆页,我已经看过您在Twitter上进行的一些辩论,但实际上很短,着陆页更有利于转换,您的心态就像,不,让我们一目了然。 让我们拥有超长的详细登陆页面。 所以我的问题是,长格式文案写作一直是您个人策略的一部分吗? 再或者,这是您随着时间的推移开发此技术的东西吗?
拉米特·塞西(Ramit Sethi):
好吧,谢谢你这么说,我也很喜欢写,所以我想如果你喜欢写,是的,那么你正在听这个播客,你正在阅读,我会教你变得富有,你正在阅读Copyblogger,您正在阅读长格式副本。 现在,这并不意味着所有副本都必须是长格式。 如果我要给妻子发短信,我不会在结尾给她发送30个标题,副标题和CTA,这就像是,如果您想与我见面共进晚餐,请单击此按钮。 我不会那样做,好吗? 那太疯狂了。 实际上,考虑一下之后,也许我会尝试一下,看看转换率是否更高。 我会说,我的整个品牌建立在使我的免费资料比其他任何人的付费资料更好的基础上。 而且我认为,这是一种思考品牌每个部分必须有多出色的有效方法。
因此,我免费提供了我98%的资料,并且我希望免费资料比其他人的高级课程更好,因为如果我们做到这一点,那么人们就像,哦,我的上帝,他们免费提供了这些资料。 我想知道他们的高级计划中有什么。 我不得不说,我们的高级计划并不便宜,我们的旗舰计划是2000美元。 我们的计划从几百美元到10或15,000美元不等。 您不会有人绊倒并刷卡以10,000美元的价格刷卡。 这永远不会发生。 这就是内容营销策略的症结所在,如果您要为高级客户创建高级材料,那么您需要了解您的客户确实很聪明。 他们并不愚蠢,他们不会旅行,摔倒并收取信用卡费用,也不会因这些疯狂的要求而眼花azz乱。
我将举一个例子。 几年前,我们开发了一个名为Earn 1K的程序。 我们向人们展示了如何进行自由职业,如何开始一边赚钱。 现在,在测试中,我们发现我们可以帮助人们赚取10,000美元甚至数万美元。 因为一旦您弄清楚如何自由职业,如果您每小时收费一百美元或每小时收费250美元,那么这个数字就会迅速增加。 但是当我们写那份副本的时候,一面赚了10,000美元,成千上万,人们停止了相信它。 这还很早。 那是在2010年左右。因此,我们实际上必须兑现这一诺言和诺言。 这就是为什么我们将这个计划称为“赚取1K”计划的原因,因为对于当时主要从事9至5个工作的潜在客户来说,他们发现自己可以赚到20,000美元,这令人难以置信。
所以我们所做的就是说,很好,赚1K,我们拨了我们的副本,这是我们的承诺。 但是一旦他们进入,他们就开始产生数十,20、30,000美元。 然后,当我们获得这些推荐书和这些故事时,便用它们来继续推动市场营销。 关键在于人不愚蠢,即使您承诺不足,也需要向他们做出公平合理的承诺,这比说我们明天能为您赚一百万美元要好。 唯一要加入的人是寻找快速解决方案或银弹的人,他们将是第一个退款的人。 同样,如果您要为高级客户建立高级业务,则必须知道您的客户很聪明,您的潜在客户很聪明,并且必须在复制时尊重他们。
蒂姆·斯托达特(Tim Stoddart):
我喜欢您这么说,并且您提到过几次,所以我可以说这是您考虑的内容,但是您说的客户并不傻。 我有时会担心在互联网上,尤其是在没有社交媒体的社交媒体内容中,因此我与社交媒体的联系不那么紧密,但是我担心当我们销售产品或发布信息时,我们会尝试使其尽可能地像叮咬一样,因为这种心态使得注意力跨度确实很短,而您只
拉米特·塞西(Ramit Sethi):
蒂姆·斯托达特(Tim Stoddart):
拉米特·塞西(Ramit Sethi):
蒂姆·斯托达特(Tim Stoddart):
而且,我从来没有从花一天,两天,三天,有时是几个星期的时间花些钱去写我觉得非常非常好的东西而获得价值。 因此,如果您只想详细介绍一下,我想人们会非常感激。
拉米特·塞西(Ramit Sethi):
我爱,爱这个是因为人很聪明。 每个人都需要停止重复这些陈旧的栗子,没有注意力跨度。 有一个关于长版销售页面的著名故事,直接响应行业之外的人看着它说:“谁会读50页销售副本?” 撰稿人笑着说:“只有买家。” 这真的很重要,因为我们每个人的生活中都会读到50、60或坦率地说不受限制的页面,这可能是您的秃头,可能是您有六个月大的孩子才赢了”不要停止哭泣或入睡。 可能是您正在装修房子,而您发现自己忘了考虑这个事情,现在您要在浴室上多花80,000美元。
我们需要了解的是,有问题的人正在寻找出色的解决方案,并且他们也在寻找坦率地理解它的人。 这个重要的东西是从另一个角度看待世界的镜头,这一点非常重要。 我有一个朋友,而不是一个朋友,一个相识,在一秒钟内变得很重要。 他给我发了电子邮件,说:“嘿,我创建了这门课程,没有人购买。” 是一门2,000美元的课程。 我了解了一下,如果您是一位经验丰富的文案撰写人,则可以轻松地看到某人知道他们在说什么,而只是在玩一份拷贝。 我回信给他说:“您上次购买$ 2,000的程序是什么时候?” 他立即回信说,“从不。” 期望其他人从他那里购买一个2,000美元的程序,但他从未经历过自己亲自购买它的情感之旅。 他从未滚动到页面的末尾。 他从未说过,这是可行的还是只是热空气?
他从未说过,难道他们会试图骗我退款吗? 不,他只是想了一下,我有东西。 我将其放在销售页面上,我将复制与其他人相同的写作风格,然后他们从我这里购买。 有多少人在这里深深地听着,就像,哦,是的,我做到了。 可能很多,因为如果您从未经历过购买过程,那么您将不知道它是什么样的,这就是我尊重您的潜在客户的意思。 人们,如果他们自己从来没有做过,他们想以2,000美元的价格卖出东西,为什么其他人应该付钱呢? 这是优质客户群和优质产品的关键所在。 因此,我在书籍中购买了许多不同的程序。 我买书的人收入要比我少。 我参加各种课程,从迪士尼学院到聘请私人教练,应有尽有。
蒂姆·斯托达特(Tim Stoddart):
我真的很高兴您在那条线上结束了,因为我想再讲一点。 您提到您的朋友,他经历了编写副本的过程。 而且,我认为可以肯定地说,如果您学习足够认真,文案写作可能会有点公式化,对吧? 有首字母缩略词,还有我们都可以遵循的顺序和内容,我们可以考虑复制科学。 我知道这只是语义上的一种,但我们称之为科学。 但是还有另一面,当我阅读您的内容时,当我从Copyblogger和我所关注的人那里阅读Brian Clark的内容时,我个人觉得是他们在为我写信,他们告诉我故事,我可以与他们建立联系。
而且我认为您和其他人也做得很好,但也许对于刚起步的人来说,这是一个很好的课程,这确实源于您如何遵循良好的复制公式的经验同时添加自己的个人故事和情感。 听起来您是在告诉我最好的方法是让自己沉浸其中,并置身于潜在客户的鞋子中,但是您如何导航呢? 您如何确定自己有多少人可以分享,其中有多少是公式化的?
拉米特·塞西(Ramit Sethi):
嗯,这是一个很大的问题,因为确实有一门艺术和一门科学可以抄写。 您可以看到这一点,我认为理发就是一个很好的例子。 因此,如果您去Supercuts或15美元的发型,然后走进去,那一天是谁在那儿,他们坐下来,他们问的第一个问题是什么? 他们问你什么?
蒂姆·斯托达特(Tim Stoddart):
你想要什么? 你在找什么?
拉米特·塞西(Ramit Sethi):
蒂姆·斯托达特(Tim Stoddart):
Ramit Sethi:
答对了。 你想要什么? 所以你不得不说,尤其是大多数人,他们不知道该死的是什么-
蒂姆·斯托达特(Tim Stoddart):
拉米特·塞西(Ramit Sethi):
是的,短一点。 多短? 我不知道。 就像一点,不要走得太近。 对? 因此,您每次都会启动该过程。 相比之下,您去那里的高端沙龙或造型师,他们说的第一句话是什么?
蒂姆·斯托达特(Tim Stoddart):
我完全明白你的意思。 他们看着你,告诉你他们认为你需要什么。
Ramit Sethi:
没错那是完全正确的,那是深远的区别。 因此,要花15美元剪一个发型,要花100美元剪一个发型,或者你要去那里剪多少钱,这样他们就会告诉你该怎么做,最好的部分是你真的爱他们。 您之所以专门去那里,是因为您希望他们分享他们的专业知识和建议。 那是复制的艺术部分。 现在,当然,您需要接受培训,无论您是15美元还是10倍,都需要接受一些基础培训。 也许在更高端,您需要接受更多培训。 但是您发现的是,某个价格点,无论是复印,理发,饭店,每个人都可以煮鸡蛋。 每个人都可以剪一缕头发,但真正成为与众不同的是复制声音的艺术。
因此,我将为您提供一些示例。 从我自己的副本中,人们在阅读有关个人理财的内容,这是您读过的最无聊的副本。 大家好,确定预算并确保您早日进行投资非常重要,因为复利...就像,天哪,我要跳开窗户,只听这句话。 那是我自己的声音。 但是,如果您实际上对金钱有不同的看法怎么办? 我这样做是因为我还很小,那时我正在上大学,当时我就像,我不想坐下来数我正在吃的米粒,这样从现在起600年后,我可以在银行里存10块钱了。 不,我不想那样生活。 那就是我与朋友交谈的方式,而这正是我在页面上所写的内容。
现在人们在听,您可能没有像我这样的声音。 您不想尝试复制别人的声音。 但是,您可以做的最好的事情之一就是考虑自己的声音处于最自然的状态。 我对很多人的猜测是,当您与朋友外出时,无论是在酒吧还是家庭聚会中,有人在说像是的话,这会让我发疯,然后您进入a之以鼻或对可能是什么,也让我发疯,因为空白,空白,空白,或者可能,好吧,你知道吗? 我可以理解您为什么这么认为,但还有其他需要考虑的方面,那就是更富有同情心的观点。 无论您的声音是什么,请尝试将其录音,然后尝试将其复制。
如果您确实想看我的话,人们可以观看此节目的一种方式是,我录制了此YouTube视频。 这就是所谓的“如何编写与Ramit Sethi一起打开的电子邮件”,我向人们展示了现场直播,写了一封电子邮件,向数十万人散播,向人们展示了如何编织故事以及如何使故事真正被捕捉人们的心灵。 如果可以做到,那么您就已经成为您,您已经掌握了复制的艺术和科学,那时复制就变得非常强大。
蒂姆·斯托达特(Tim Stoddart):
理发是一个了不起的例子,它非常容易可视化,但是我想我的下一个问题是你是如何达到目的的? 您是如何建立自己的权威形象的,他们会成为您的专家,他们将您视为专家? 您是否通过赠送免费内容来做到这一点?
拉米特·塞西(Ramit Sethi):
免费内容很重要。 是的,我完全是在早期完成的。 但是,如果您永远免费提供免费内容,则不一定会使您成为权威。 关键是您的内容实际上需要改变人们的行为并改变他们的生活。 因此,我将以您自己的企业为例,多年来,这可能为我们带来了数百万美元的收入。 当我上大学时,我有一小群朋友,我们将练习与其他公司面试,好吗? 我们是大三和大四,面试后,大约每个星期左右,我们会聚在一起,比较音符。 我们被问了什么? 最佳答案是什么?
哦,这真的让我感到难过,我知道这听起来让人有些心烦,就像谁在拥有一个面试俱乐部? 但这就是我们的乐趣。 好的? 我是个傻瓜,所以我在面试方面非常出色,您可以采用相同的原则,并将其应用于顾问或自由职业者的推销或任何形式的销售。 因此,几年后,我们创建了一个与我提到的Earn 1K程序相同的程序,并且率先提出了称为公文包技术的概念。 您现在可以使用Google公文包技术,然后实际看到它。 我们所做的是,我们向人们展示了,当您进入老板的办公室协商加薪时,这是您所说的获得$ 10,000或$ 20,000加薪的确切字眼。 确切的词,确切的语气。
现在,我将其放入高级程序中,但最终我们会觉得,这东西实际上太好了,我们将使用它并免费提供它。 回到过去,我说过关于我们免费材料的知识比任何其他人的有偿知识都要好。 因此,我们摘录了该视频,并将其放入YouTube视频中,并撰写了有关该视频的帖子,这件事变得很疯狂。 它无处不在,Lifehacker等。 关键在于我们已经知道这是可行的,因为我们有证明,证明,证明,证明,故事,实际数字。
现在,这种免费的材料传播了起来,许多人在YouTube,Lifehacker等上使用了它,当他们想,哦,天哪,我得到了6,000美元的加薪时,这个人还能教我些什么? 他们来找我们,他们已经准备好了。 这很关键。 如果您要编写免费的材料,最好写些能改变人们生活的东西,而不是花时间写X,Y,Z的十大方法。因此,我认为,绝对重要的是,做免费的材料非常重要那,但是质量也是一个很大的组成部分。
蒂姆·斯托达特(Tim Stoddart):
因此,您提到了几次测试,提到了以“赢得1K”标题和课程标题进行测试。 即使是在那个故事中,您也提出了一些不同的建议,例如小型案例研究。 在谈论杰伊·亚伯拉罕之前,我已经看过一段关于您的视频,而且我知道您已经读过《从所得到的一切中获取一切》这本书,而杰伊·亚伯拉罕在这本书中有一章专门讲述测试。 他说测试一切。 我听说您谈论的太多了,这是您的营销行事之一,因为您对它的审慎度高,所以我对此非常着迷。 因此,我认为人们最想知道的问题是,但请随时对此进行详细说明,就像要测试的重要事物是什么? 大声明。 我当时想,嘿,但这是头条新闻吗? 是用户参与度吗? 是开价吗? 像我们如何缩小尺寸并从某个地方开始? 我们应该测试什么?
拉米特·塞西(Ramit Sethi):
好吧,这3美元的拿铁咖啡和人们进行的许多测试之间有很多相似之处。 因此,例如标题测试,好的,如果您在电子邮件主题上测试标题,则可能会获得额外的5%或10%的空缺率。 但是,在大计划中,这真的很重要吗? 如果您要发送数以千万计的电子邮件,那么,如果您是J. crew或Banana Republic,那确实很重要。 但是,如果您使用漏斗创建程序,而却又不像每天那样频繁地销售程序,那可能不是最好的时间利用方式。 仅举一个例子,很久很久以前,我们就停止了对电子邮件主题行的测试。 它不会为我们动针。 如果实际上,如果您的关键绩效指标是利润,那么您的未平仓利率将获得多少收益,而实际上您会流回利润。 实际上,我认为对于许多企业而言,不是全部,而是许多企业,答案基本上是零。 因此,我们不再这样做了。 我知道这对人们来说是一个很大的惊喜,因为那是-
蒂姆·斯托达特(Tim Stoddart):
拉米特·塞西(Ramit Sethi):
这是每个人谈论的第一件事。 我说的细节是一样的。 他们想谈论这些微小的变化是因为它们很容易,但是您必须缩小范围然后说,这真的重要吗? 您可以真正有效地进行测试,但是有效吗? 人们经常测试的另一件事是头条新闻。 我认为销售页面上的标题可以进行测试,但实际上取决于您要购买的人数。 因此,举例来说,如果我们销售的产品价格是10美元,而我们没有这样做,但是如果是这样,我们大概会有很多潜在客户,很多人都在看,这可能是值得的测试。 但是,如果您销售的是价值2,000美元的产品,而您得到的购买者数量却相对较少。 可能要花数月才能测试。 那真的是您想消磨时光的地方吗? 我不确定。
有时我认为您需要测试。 诸如...像我们对产品进行测试,对可用性进行测试一样,我们还有一个咨询委员会,可以将我们的概念付诸实践。 我们花了数月的时间在目录上苦苦挣扎,但这不一定是AB测试。 它是迭代的,它是可用性,它确保这是好的。 我们还将它超越了真实的人群。 因此,我们有了一个新的Earnable程序,这是我们正在向人们展示的程序,我在这里非常详细地讨论了很多概念。 您想创业,想学习如何做文案,我们向您展示。 实际上,我们实际上向您展示了我与学生在那儿现场写副本的过程,并且我将继续游览,并且将帮助人们现场写副本。 因此,如果人们有兴趣,可以访问iwt.com/earn。
现在,通过该程序,我们构建了目录,并对其进行了很多测试。 然后我们实际上带了一些人,我们邀请他们去纽约,他们付了钱,我们与一群摄影机一起在纽约的学生那里进行了直播。 我们甚至在其中一些方面有所改进。 然后,只有到那时,才可以将其投入到Earnable的完整产品中。 那是我认为值得的水平,我认为这些标题测试以及您可以做的事情,但是您总是要问自己,我能获得的最大好处是什么? 如果答案是少数,如在这里和那里几美分,那也许不值得花时间在上面。
蒂姆·斯托达特(Tim Stoddart):
哇。 因此,我们在这里谈论的并不是AB测试概念,而是一种完全不同的事物思考方式。 您建议的是,我们正在测试我们产品的不同方式,不同概念,用户反馈和质量。 因为如果我们超越自我并提供如此巨大的价值来改变人们的生活,那么标题并不重要,人们只是知道这是您可以做的最好的事情。
拉米特·塞西(Ramit Sethi):
究竟。 因此,我们为Earnable编写了一个销售页面,我不知道它最终将如何发展……我认为这可能长达70到80页,对吧? 我们写了这些,这里的标题没有经过AB测试,太棒了。 我们怎么知道呢? 因为我们已经撰写副本15年了,所以我们知道有什么好处。 人们不仅会来找您进行AB最低公分母测试,而且还会来找您。 他们之所以来找您,是因为他们想知道您要说些什么。 因此,如果您将声音委派给AB测试计划,那么他们会期望什么? 您最终将听起来像其他人一样。 人们来,我要教你变得富有,因为他们想要声音。 他们想要一个观点,无论是在增加肌肉,减轻体重,通过Earnable开展生意还是个人理财,这就是他们的目标。
我将再举一个例子。 与AB测试相比,我的方法还会随着时间的推移以更大的方式发生变化。 因此,几年前,我曾经不是企业社交媒体的忠实拥护者。 It's just a lot of people were wasting time going on Twitter and Instagram, in my opinion and we still just saw massive results on email, okay? Eventually I started an Instagram account and my Instagram photos were horrible. Like I didn't know what to do, I didn't post on the feed for four months at a time. Like it was just awful. But then I went to Japan and I started getting really into Instagram stories because I was just in this amazing place and I was really loving the storytelling, so my Instagram stories started to take off.
One day, like eight, nine months later I posted a link to one of our programs just, I didn't even know, but I just randomly posted it and we sold over $10,000 in one today. And I was like, wait, what? People actually buy stuff on Instagram? So this kind of blew my mind, I had no idea. But if you think about just trying new things and sniffing around to see what's working, well I sniffed and I leaned in really fast. I was like, this is interesting. So we turned Instagram into an entire channel for us and it is totally different than my view used to be. I consider that more valuable than a tiny AB test because it's now and in fact, in Earnable we put how we generated $23,000 in one day and we show the actual campaign that we used in Instagram. That's the kind of thing that you can only find in one of our programs, but to get there we had to be able and willing to step back and say, man, I got to test my assumptions about social media itself. That to me is a test that's worth doing.
蒂姆·斯托达特(Tim Stoddart):
是的Even just listening to this and listen to the examples, it's expanding my mind more as well. The idea just to repeat once again, don't focus on the minutiae, what are the big wins? Yeah, you had a big win with Instagram and so you thought to yourself, let's see what kind of results that are the $30,000 questions-
Ramit Sethi:

蒂姆·斯托达特(Tim Stoddart):
Is what you said before, I love that. Okay, I want to transition again slightly because you mentioned Earnable, you mentioned people looking to change different aspects of their life, whether it be fitness or negotiating for a raise. And I think it's safe to say that you've built a brand around finance and money, but you've also had products around networking and copywriting and mental mastery and of course this new one, Earnable. So I've always been so curious with your ability to expand into different industries of development, was that something that you just decided to do or was that something that happened over time?
Ramit Sethi:
Definitely over time. And now we have over 20 different programs.
蒂姆·斯托达特(Tim Stoddart):
Yeah, it's amazing.
Ramit Sethi:
So yeah, but that was just, it's not overnight. I started off, my first program I ever created was an ebook, which I sold for $4.95 and I was petrified to sell it because I thought people would call me a sell out. And in fact they did. They were like, oh, I will teach Ramit to be rich, but what I didn't anticipate was that there would be a quiet group of people who bought it, loved it. And that your buyers will almost always be your highest quality audience members, just because the people who buy are willing to put the time and money into self-development. So I will say that this was a slow, gradual process and you have to also remember that going to different price points and different modalities' means you have to learn new skills along the way. For example, an ebook is going to sell differently than $100 ebook plus video and that is going to be really different than $1,000 product or a $2,000 product or certainly a $5,000 coaching or event program.
Super different. Each one of those requires a different sales strategy. I will say that truthfully I think very few people can scale to multiple areas and I actually think that's a good thing. I don't think you should necessarily always be trying to grow to a different domain. In fact, we outgrew in some ways and it was a mistake. I'll give you an example, at one point we created a food program and a fitness program. Now, what the hell does that have to do with creating a business? Now to us at the time we were like, yes, it's all part of a rich life. So a rich life is broad enough that we can talk about a lot of things, that keeps me excited, but from a customer perspective, if you're coming to learn about copywriting or starting a business via Earnable and suddenly we're talking about how to make eggs, it can be very confusing.
So we actually pulled those programs off. We realized when we were humbled, we realized those require selling in such different ways that we're not equipped to do it, and so we pulled those programs off. I think most people should focus, stay in the domain where you're winning and slowly incrementally expand. It could be adding a higher end program, some personalization, could be adding just like a fun meetup once a month, whatever. But I think if it's working, you should really try to understand why it's working and go deeper there. The reason that I expanded was I don't get off, it doesn't excite me to only talk about money every day. I just, I don't want to live my life only talking about that. I said what I wanted to say in my book, I Will Teach You To Be Rich, I released it in '09, I rewrote it and re-released it in 2019. If you have a question about money, get the book, your questions will be answered.
But I think there's so much more to a rich life than money. There's starting a business, growing a business. There's finding a dream job and then mental mastery. So I love that stuff, but I would just caution people, don't try to do it too quickly. We made that mistake and was crippling, so focus on the things that are working and try to do a little bit more of those.
蒂姆·斯托达特(Tim Stoddart):
I really appreciate you sharing that insight. I think one of the things that I struggled with when I first started my online business and from talking to people, I get a couple of inquiries a day with people just asking questions as I'm sure you do as well. But it's so difficult to know where to start because of what you said, people have interests in a lot of different things. And I think people feel like they can provide value in a lot of different areas, but one of the things that we have, one of the concepts that we've really dialed down on is this minimum viable audience. In a lot of ways it makes sense to try to speak to less people who are a lot more in line with what it is that you are actually trying to promote or provide to them.
So yeah, what a learning experience to try to develop some of those other products that are in the broad range of living a rich life, but at the same time maybe out of scope of what people thought that you were known for or what you could best provide to them.
Ramit Sethi:
究竟。 It's tricky to know how wide and deep to go, that's really that artistic part of your business. A few examples from my business. So if you buy, I Will Teach You To Be Rich, odds are, you probably have a pretty good job. You probably have a little bit in your checking account or savings account, you're probably not in $80,000 of credit card debt. The people who are in that much credit card debt, they have very different needs and they tend to go to different authors on money, because there frankly are better people out there to talk about severe credit card debt than me, but if you want to know how to manage your money and how to blend money and psychology, if you want to know how to automate, if you want to know how to invest your money so you spend less than an hour a month, there's no better book than I Will Teach You To Be Rich and that's why it was reviewed in the New York Times, et cetera, et cetera.
So you got to know who you're going after, that's an example of how deep you want to go on your market. Now, wide, how wide do you want to go? That's a whole different story. If you want to know about business and money, yes you should come to iwillteachyoutoberich.com/earn. If you want to know about business and like inspiration or business and sitting around a campfire singing kumbaya, don't come to I Will Teach You To Be Rich, you're not going to get it. You can hear it in my voice, you're not going to get that. There are other people out there who are way better at affirmations and inspiration, but if you want to know how to run an actual sales call and listen in, or you want to know how to grow the business to 100,000, 500,000, a million and beyond, then it makes perfect sense to go to...
蒂姆·斯托达特(Tim Stoddart):
So I've read your book, I've read it twice. Anybody listening to this, it completely changed the way I think about money. It relieves a lot of the anxieties I had about money because just to summarize, one of the ideas is if you automate everything, you know how much money you have every month or every week, and then I can just live my life and spend my money without feeling guilty. So you mentioned the book a couple of times and I guess just to give you a little bit of promotion, absolutely, if that is something that you want to learn about buy that book. However, we mentioned a couple times in this podcast and I'm curious to learn more because I've never seen it on your website, but we mentioned Earnable, we mentioned this new course. Is this something that is already live for people to see and sign up for? Is this a new product for you?
Ramit Sethi:
This is a brand new product, it's a brand new flagship program we're creating. And I'll tell you something we learned along the way. So we created several business programs, I think we have maybe five to eight different business programs, maybe more. We have one on copywriting called Call to Action.
蒂姆·斯托达特(Tim Stoddart):
Ramit Sethi:
Oh, you did?
蒂姆·斯托达特(Tim Stoddart):
Yeah, it was great.
Ramit Sethi:
太棒了Oh, thank you for saying that, I appreciate that.
蒂姆·斯托达特(Tim Stoddart):
Ramit Sethi:
And in fact I love copies so much that we created two other ones where we actually followed along as I wrote sales page copy and as I wrote copy for sales emails, it's very voyeuristic, like you can watch through someone's, I guess over their shoulder and I was going to say through their window, but that's weird. You can watch over my shoulder as I actually write the copy that generated hundreds of thousands of dollars. So we had a lot of fun with that. But we learned that it's a little lonely sitting behind your computer and watching videos and we learned that people want new information, not just what they recorded in the video seven years ago, but what's new, what's current. Like the Instagram stuff that we're doing now, how are we doing it.
So we kind of re-conceptualize the idea of a program from the ground up and that was yes, we're going to from the ground up record new ways of thinking about finding a profitable idea, testing it, doing it rapidly. We used to show people how it would take months and months of testing, we now figured out ways to compress that down very, very short to get your first paying client, sometimes in a matter of days. And then we wanted to be comprehensive. We wanted to show people, hey, if you want to learn about sales, we'll show you our actual sales email funnels. We'll show you our sales call recordings, we'll show you what I DM people on Instagram and they go and buy a $2,000 program.
And the final thing we want to do was to connect people. So I'm going on tour across the country and it's crazy, why did I only go on book tour for my $10 book when people don't want to learn about starting a business from behind their computer, a lot of times they want to get in the room and be around other people. And maybe have copy written right on the fly live. So all of this is included with Earnable, that's why we rebuilt it from the ground up.
蒂姆·斯托达特(Tim Stoddart):
I love hearing about that. We've been talking internally a lot in Copyblogger about how we're trying to transition and I never thought of it that way where you say people are lonely behind the screen and I think that's a good way to put it because I don't think it's a secret that with courses there's not always a very high completion rate. And so we've been talking a lot about making them interactive where it's an experience, it's not necessarily a course. We're not going to be presenting people with a criteria, we're going to enjoy this experience together. And listening to you talk about this new program, it sounds like the experience is just as much a part of the material.
Ramit Sethi:
是的I think you absolutely nailed it. And I think we all know what it's like to be in a room where there's magic. I had magic when I went ... That feeling. You can't get that feeling in other places, but all of us know what it's like to be in that room. I remember being on book tour, I was in DC and I have a concept called money dials. What would you love to spend your money on? And most people have never thought of this, they are constantly feeling guilty about coffee, but they've never actually been asked, what do you love to spend your money on and what if you could quadruple the amount you spent on it? This is a question that most have never been asked. So there I am in DC and I asked this question and this young guy raised his hand, he says, "I love to eat out." I said, "Awesome. What would you do if you could quadruple your spending?"
And his answer was, "I would eat out four times a week." And I said, "Hey, I get that, but you're thinking so linearly. Is there any other way you might think of about what you could do if you doubled, quadrupled, 10X your spending." And the whole room gets quiet and he goes, "I actually have a list of every Michelin starred restaurant in DC, I would love to go and work my way down that list." And I said to him, "Who would you take with you?" And he looks up and he goes, "My family, because they've never been able to afford to eat at places like that." And that is the moment where the room was pin drop silence and you realized there's magic in this room. You could never get that from watching a video alone in your apartment or house, kids screaming, sirens blaring, no.
If you want to start a business, it makes perfect sense that you would say, you know what? I'm giving myself this gift, the gift of a new program like Earnable and the gift to go for an evening and be surrounded with other people who are ambitious like me. That's what we're going after with Earnable, that's why I'm excited to meet everybody listening to this across the country after you sign up at iwt.com/bird.
蒂姆·斯托达特(Tim Stoddart):
哇。 Even just hearing you present that and talk about that moment, I could feel like I was there. That was great, thank you so much for sharing that. Well Ramit, it's been a real pleasure talking to you. Thank you so much for sharing some of your experience and some of your lessons with the Copyblogger audience, although we did mention it a couple of times, if anybody wants to learn more about you where can they find you and what's the best place to interact with you personally?
Ramit Sethi:
You can sign up at iwt.com/earn, love to share some of the dates and events that we are releasing with this new Earnable program. I'm also on Twitter and Instagram @ramit and if you ever watch me on video, read my copy and you'll see, it sounds the same. It's something for everyone listening here to think about is the highest praise you can get for your copy is that it sounds like you. So try to study the people you admire and you'll know when your copy is really in.
蒂姆·斯托达特(Tim Stoddart):
我喜欢它,伙计。 非常感谢您的参与。 我真的非常感谢。 对于所有收听的人,如果您喜欢这个播客,请给我们评分。 请在iTunes上关注我们,这是支持演出的最佳选择。 再说一次,多谢,非常感谢您所做的一切,并感谢您与我们分享这一小时,非常感谢。
拉米特·塞西(Ramit Sethi):