拉伸活动帐篷如何通过每 3 个月轮换员工来保持创新
已发表: 2016-12-13想法可以来自任何地方,作为企业主,没有任何来源能像您的员工提供的新鲜眼睛一样。
这就是为什么改变你的想法有时可能意味着改变你的员工,这正是 Stretch Event Tents 的创始人——大型引人注目的定制户外结构的供应商——每 3 个月所做的事情。
在本期 Shopify Masters 中,您将了解 Stretch Event Tents 的创始人 Stuart Johnson 如何通过定期轮换员工担任新角色来为其公司注入新的活力。
- 通过电话为客户创建购物车的好处。
- 您可以为您的销售团队做出的最重要的贡献是什么?
- 为什么你应该更多地关注你自己以外的行业。
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Felix:今天,来自 Stretch Structures 的 Stuart Johnstone 加入了我的行列,该公司位于stretcheventtents.com。 Stretch Structures 提供引人注目的大型户外定制结构,于 2005 年开始,总部位于澳大利亚悉尼。 欢迎斯图尔特。
斯图尔特:我们为活动行业制造帐篷的时间已经超过 2005 年,我们在 2002 年左右开始在澳大利亚开展租赁业务,并为当地客户设计和制造帐篷,最终发展成为 [音频不清晰 00:01:47 ] 租赁业务,并在过去几年将我们的注意力集中在制造和设计上,并从澳大利亚发展到现在出口到世界各地。 我们在英国和美国都有业务,然后在亚洲和欧洲的其他各个国家都有合作伙伴,我认为这是我们的设计和专门为澳大利亚的一些非常重要的客户制作独特的结构,这使我们成为可能将这些产品发展到世界各地更广泛的客户群。 然后我们对一些现成的结构进行了标准化,我们仍然做了大量的定制结构。 您注意到增加关键结构的制造似乎很受广大客户的欢迎,这使我们能够像我们一样进行扩展。
Felix:很酷,所以这似乎是一个非常注重本地化的业务,听起来你就是这样开始的。 是什么让你们决定在网上进行更强大的推动?
斯图尔特:一开始我们感觉非常专注于本地,现在我认为因为我们制作了如此引人注目和独特的令人难忘的结构,我们最终有很多海外客户来找我们,发现我们自己制造并从澳大利亚运送到世界各地的客户世界。 在这种增长中没有太多的营销和策略,更多的是他们从活动中看到了很棒的图片并跟踪我们。 正因为如此,它变得越来越在线,以至于我们现在发现我们的许多客户都离我们很远。 我们根本不是本地人,事实上,澳大利亚在我们市场中所占的份额比以往任何时候都小,显然美国和英国的市场要大得多。 增长已经实现,为了服务这些客户,我们对我们的在线营销和提供产品信息的能力有了更多的了解,并允许客户通过我们所做的工作以及我们如何在线帮助他们。 这确实促使我们比以前更像是一家在线业务,尤其是在我们刚开始的时候。
Felix:对于这样一个价格相当高的产品,我现在正在浏览目录,最高可达 900 美元,我看到这个页面对于这样的产品来说几乎是 2,000 美元,在这种情况下是美元。 您是否直接从访问该网站并添加到他们的购物车并结帐的人那里获得了很多销售,或者对于这样的事情是否有更长的销售流程?
斯图尔特:一般来说,销售过程要长得多,可能不是直接通过网站和订购。 我将它更多地归类为在线目录,人们可以在其中轻松访问价格和产品信息,并将信息传递给他们也会有所帮助。 当然,仍然直接通过的订单,大多数时候我们可能会发现它来自对产品非常了解的客户,并且正在重新订购或对他们得到的东西感到满意,但仍然有相当数量,他们的销售与我们的销售联系每个国家/地区的团队早在在线网站上就为我们提供了一种方法,使人们在确定了他们想要的东西后更容易编辑、更改和操作您的订单,而无需直接与销售人员打交道。
Felix:它本质上就像一个信息商店。 他们来做一些购物,一些定制,类似于当有人可能想买一辆车时,他们定制它,他们看看有什么选择,但很可能他们想和一个真实的人交谈。 与我们讨论此过程以及其他可能拥有高价产品或仅需要更多定制而不仅仅是购买现成产品的产品的店主。 过程是怎样的? 他们来到您的网站,发现他们对您的产品感兴趣,他们看到了可以选择的尺寸、配件和颜色。 他们接下来要做什么,或者您希望他们接下来做什么?
斯图尔特:一般他们都在联系我们以及它的工作方式,使用社交俱乐部平台网站使我们可以更轻松地获得在线聊天服务。 他们可以给我们发电子邮件并使用直接电话等。 它为他们提供了一种很好的方式来确定他们希望如何随时与我们联系。 您的参考语言环境可能非常接近,这是人们不想跳入这些购买的那种事情,他们确实想教育自己并确保他们花费的金额是正确的选择。 我们在网上、网站或在商店停留之前发现,他们的客户会回到我们这里,并经常要求我们已经多次发送给他们的相同信息,这就是这种情况,有趣的是他们希望在不同的时间或在工作或在家中浏览。 我们试图让他们尽可能轻松地获取该信息并在他们想要的时候返回它。 然后真的只需要与销售人员联系,一旦他们对他们感兴趣的东西有点清楚,我们就可以更容易地引导他们找到解决方案或他们希望如何根据他们的特定要求定制它。
这有助于我们获得更广泛的客户群,但也只是确保我们的销售人员能够将更多时间用于客户。 我们可能对他们所追求的有更好的感觉。 它确保,而不是非常新鲜地开始销售过程,并且对他们有机会看到的所有可用选择没有清楚的了解。 我们可能会发现他们实际上仍然多次联系销售团队,但他们有能力返回然后检查价格并确定符合他们特定要求和预算的内容。 当他们实际与我们的一个销售团队交谈时,这些选项就摆在他们面前。
Felix:客户的流程是他们会来到网站,来到商店,看看有什么可能,尝试一些定制,但通常会想与销售人员交谈,以确保所有他们正在寻找的特定事件或他们想要的特定结构的细微差别将成为可能。 这几乎就像销售人员只是在那里帮助他们克服一些教育差距或一些反对意见,但他们通常会关闭。 销售人员通常是在电话上关闭它们,还是他们通常,客户通常会返回网站,然后在与销售人员交谈后以这种方式完成订单?
斯图尔特:一般是后者,我一般不会和销售人员一起弄清楚他们需要什么,有时我们会为他们填写削减,或者为他们填写草稿订单并将其发送给他们检查和支付。 我们发现,我的意思是这些都是相当大的高票项目,但在活动行业中,大多数人总是很匆忙,他们有一个截止日期,一个结构或我们必须为他们做的任何事情。 我们发现很多订单都是通过信用卡支付的。 在进行在线展示之前,我们会发现越来越多的销售额是以这种方式支付的。 想要快速收到订单,拿到艺术品,签收,这样我们就可以满足他们需要的交货日期。 我们现在发现,因为他们可以在线支付,所以这一切都变得非常容易。 您可以通过商店网站将订单发送给他们,他们可以检查,如果需要,或者如果他们忘记了特定的配件或想要的更改,他们可以添加东西,然后他们下订单并确保我们很快就将其投入制造并走出了大门。
我们有一些产品的周转时间通常在 24 小时以内,制造和运输取决于客户的需求。 它有助于真正加快这一过程并确保这一点。 在过去,支付转移是人们支付的主要方式,同样,这种订购和制造速度意味着越来越多的人直接通过那家商店或通过网站。
斯图尔特:是的。 [音频不清晰 00:11:09] 的草稿订单功能使我们能够做到这一点。 基本上,他们可以进行任何他们认为或在下订单之前可能没有与销售人员讨论过的更改。 我们发现这是一种更简单、更快捷的方式,让人们能够获得所需的信息并快速做出这些决定。 这可能是我们产品系列的最大敌人之一,大多数客户都在为特定的活动或特定的户外活动订购它们。 他们通常需要很短的时间框架来制造和运输这些产品。
菲利克斯:是的,我喜欢为他们制作这些卡片的方法,我认为它可以很好地工作,即使在没有如此高价商品的行业甚至商店中,你也可以打电话或直播这些卡片聊天并与客户交谈,并实际为他们创建购物车。 很多时候,每当我购物时,我都会通过实时聊天与某人互动,只是你知道回答我的问题的解释,但他们实际上并没有为我将商品添加到我的购物车中,我认为这会带来客户更深入漏斗的方式使他们更接近转化点,因为他们在购物车中谈论的所有东西都已经准备好供他们购买,或者在他们收到定制的商品后可能会有向上销售你的购物车也一样。 我认为这是一种很好的方法,尤其是对于高价商品而言,而且我认为它适用于许多甚至可能没有您销售的产品那么昂贵的行业。 您提到,因为它是高价商品,因为您的产品的定制或定制能力,客户希望确保他们做出正确的选择。 在确保他们做出正确选择的过程中,您认为什么有助于帮助他们。
斯图尔特:同样是关于将尽可能多的产品信息放到商店中,以便客户可以看到他们如何处理视频、图像、说明,有时甚至是包装尺寸指南。 也许去路演。 对于一些客户来说,这是一个特殊的问题,他们可能会在全国各地为各种节目找到产品,拥有这一切意味着当某人经历了相当复杂的销售时,他们正在寻找来自不同人的多个供应商和多种产品至少可以回去检查并确保他们没有误解,可以做出决定。 为客户填写购物车是一件非常重要的事情,有时我们可能会向他们发送 2 或 3 个选项,以便他们再次查看它们,将价格显示在他们面前并能够点击从购物车回到产品只是为了确保他们了解他们正在订购的是什么,并且手头有该产品的具体细节,甚至可能在稍后阶段。
我们发现有时我们有客户订购的邮政订单,它可能会送到一系列商店,或者如果它是从我们办公室购买然后被送到分销商的汽车场,有时已经订购的客户自己可能甚至没有看到产品本身,因此能够回过头来检查并掌握这些信息,然后将其传递给接收产品的人真的很有帮助。 它在一定程度上加快了我们的响应速度,因为我们发现客户在订购产品后不会再向我们询问这些问题,而是发现他们可以轻松地自己获取这些信息。 这也意味着他们可能会回去查看他们可能正在考虑的其他产品,并为他们拥有的另一组活动或另一组系列的任何激活购买这些产品。
这对我们来说是一种很好的方式来帮助为客户构建特定或不同的场景,将其发送给他们,让他们手头,无论他们是立即做出决定还是在稍后阶段回到我们这里,这一切都给了他们以一种他们可以点击并重新检查或重新访问特定产品的方式。 在我们的网站上提供如此广泛的产品,这对我们有用,确实有助于确保他们从与我们的合作中获得最大收益,并且可以看到实际上有哪些广泛的选择可以在这些户外或贸易展览活动中宣传他们的品牌.
Felix:我喜欢你的做法,不仅仅是使用产品页面,产品描述,只是为了销售产品,而且这也是他们购买后收到产品后的资源,然后他们可以回来查看规格,看看如何安装它,大量的细节,就像你说的那样,它不仅为该客户提供价值,而且他们可以将它发送给其他可能进行户外安装的人,或者实际上是最终客户,现在你已经由于价值和产品描述中提供的信息,再次吸引了另一个眼球,另一个潜在客户回来查看您的网站,这不仅是销售重点产品描述,而且还有信息后效。 我认为这是一个重要的部分,也许很多商店,很多不同的产品,可以添加到他们的产品描述中,这样他们就可以从产品描述中获得更多的使用,并从产品页面中获得更多的使用。 我想回到你提到的最早期的时候,你们最初是从租赁业务开始的,那是什么感觉? 与你们今天在做的事情相比,经营租赁业务是什么感觉?
斯图尔特:这是一个完全不同的行业。 我们租用产品,然后从其他公司购买,显然然后为客户制造和设计。 我们有相当大的客户群,它显然比我们现在拥有的要小。 它是相当本地化的,它是一种不同的行业。 我认为客户服务方面的事情非常相似,因为我们确实在处理相同类型的客户群,我们了解他们正在寻找的内容存在挑战以及做出这些购买决定时面临的压力。 当我们为自己设计和制造这些产品时,我们真的是我们自己的客户。 我们非常了解这个行业,来自那个背景。 这是一个不同类型的行业,它现在的适应方式确实不同,其中一些甚至是技术。 现在,这些人更乐意使用互联网查找有关此类产品的信息并从我们这里购买。 我们发现我们现在有客户,过去我们经常与他们见面,面对面,或者销售人员实际上是在见客户。 如今,这仍然有一个元素,但是人们通过电子邮件发送的很多地方,你知道使用互联网、聊天和网站本身来教育自己了解产品。
我们发现我们运送到的国家和客户在我们刚开始时从未想象过的国家和客户,这是这一切中令人兴奋的部分。 它带来了许多新的挑战,但它肯定与租赁业务完全不同。 归根结底,为了让产品真正有效并让它们对客户有用,我们必须使它们尽可能坚固、耐磨、易于使用和安装,这是因为最终用户从一开始就开始。 我们了解事情的那一面,这意味着我们可以专注于产品的开发并确保我们让它变得简单,所以他们下令他们知道他们将获得一个他们没有任何问题的结构。 任何没有活动行业背景或使用此类产品的人都可以轻松安装和使用。 如果他们有任何问题,再次在线获取该信息意味着他们可以在一天中的任何时间从世界任何地方获得它,而不必依赖电话末端或通过销售代表的一些技术专业知识。
费利克斯:听起来你作为租赁企业的经验非常宝贵,但在你开始制造业务之前,因为就像你说的那样,你们最终是客户,你是你自己的人' d 最终出售给制造商。 您什么时候知道是时候开始进行该流程以成为制造商并在不仅仅是租赁业务之外进一步向链条上游移动?
斯图尔特:嗯,几乎是马上,然后他们就从我们做的开始。 适合我们的产品。 你仍然知道我们看过它们,它们并不是真正关于球的演员的那种结构,所以我们从一个我们真正制造和销售的新阶段开始制造它们。 而且只有一半的城镇在我们租房并且有人想从我们这里购买时,我们意识到所有的制造都是我们同时做的事情的重要组成部分,我想你知道我们的背景不是在营销和销售方面,我们重新进入街道并销售产品,您知道我们已经走出困境,当我们实际安装它们或设置它们时,这对我们的制造非常有同情心。 在这方面显然可以看到它们看起来多么美妙,它们是多么容易。 以及对已经使用的品牌有多少关注。 所以是的,它不存在。 突然间,你知道我们进入了制造业,我们几乎支持这种模式。 我猜这个事实是,制造已经证明它对所有租赁都是错误的,它是一家本地公司,它让世界各地的客户都想从我们这里下雨。
拥有安装专业知识,因此在世界各地飞行做这些事情并不是很实际。 有一个关于让我们退休的元素,我们发现自己做了一点。 你知道到处都是,而且一切都在直接安装结构之外是现实是我们再次制造它们,因此它们应该由任何专业人士安装,所以它们有点像一个团体这样说做过。 对此没有需求,我们可能已经看到很多时间与我打交道,我是这些客户想要的。 但显然,安装人员从澳大利亚飞往北美或欧洲的成本。 简单地安装一些结构只是真的并没有使这一切对过去的他们来说都是可行的。 因此,任何已知的人都不会从我们这里购买,我们相信为服务提供最少的背景专业知识,以确保他们在结构和混乱中遇到麻烦,这又是我们意识到所有人的骄傲我的这些信息使客户更容易和更容易地使用产品并支持它们,并且您知道他们必须拥有的早期阶段是他们的客户,一旦其他世界其他世界安装某种东西就不会存在。
现在我们能做的基本上可能意味着我们的结构和大量的大型铸件和结构,从现在开始,我们已经在旧金山的超级模范城市进行了各种抨击。 Debian 对小型俱乐部或小型新闻的关注,你知道他们只有几千美元,这是一个特殊的结构,因为他们需要它的原因。 因此,有些业务是一起成长起来的,我猜租赁业务在某种程度上被遗忘了,它成为业务的一小部分并被出售。 到了其他的主人等中,仍然罢工的一天。 这是岛上的客户之一。 我们所拥有的制造和制造这些东西的专业知识仍然认为它仍然在说,在众多大品牌和小客户中,它是由什么制成的,因为我们的管理团队和我们真正建立的大部分专业知识,我们真的很接近是他们大部分时间都在专注于业务的那一面。 所以它做出了一个明确的决定,最终分开。
菲利克斯:现在你没有这些球队飞出去调星了。 这些不再是结构了。 今天的分配如何运作以及您如何管理所有这些,因为并让我们了解这些结构可以有多大它们可以重多少
斯图尔特:你知道有一些大型结构是严肃的男中音清晰的脚在市场上,他们可以想象你知道一些设计,例如三千多人,所以我猜其中一些老实说,您所知道的团队附近的较小结构是具有团队思想的团队,甚至是类似的专业,它一直是销售,尤其是那些低头并进入小型职业的产品。 所以你知道 for 的结构范围很广。 那些你清楚地知道你知道容器的大小到它只是一个小时期的感性我们在这里制造的产品之一工厂和澳大利亚和中国的各个国家很幸运所以我们制造并且那些地方一直在订购不是你所知道的,这里的时间限制是在五月所以大盾一直在开车,虽然看起来是对的,你当然知道一些最大的结构将是秘密的或客户所在的公路货运,你知道这真的取决于他们所追求的。
他们做了很多事情,转换套件等等都是 Ranger 公司。 那已经有许多库存卡车或库存结构。 这可以帮助他们通过转换获得最大面积的结构,而那些令人惊奇的结构在我们对他们的影响更大的地方,其中大部分都在挑选的转换套件中,如果在全国范围内进行评级,这些东西可能很容易。 所以我们在一个世界物流总是一个挑战是我们很上瘾。 正如我们在澳大利亚所做的那样,我们离英国人还有很长的路要走,我们已经习惯了擅长它,而且由于距离很远,你知道现在是否提供优质服务意味着我们可以看到世界各地的事物并在那里宣传它们,而且只有一出。 我们可以支持班级,就好像我们在同一个城市或相同的邮政编码。 无论您是否知道,我们都在那里为您打造当天的产品
菲利克斯:对你来说,你正在运送这些可能非常大的大件物品,我是他们定制的非常重的物品,现在。 所以有一定的场景成本。 需要快速他们有一个特定的截止日期来满足半小时,他会提出你如何管理他们,这样才不会破坏整个业务流程。
斯图尔特:是的,他们真的可以收购我想这是我们真正知道的业务的一部分,无论结构的大小或其中一个客户你知道他们的方式是一样的。 你真的知道它们通常都是时间紧迫的。 你知道一些任务指导员可能给我们带来了相当复杂的实验室结构,我们可能需要几个月的时间来建立这个名称并试图迫使交易意识到它会发生在他们身上。 好吧,或者哦,朋友们要得到那个结构,我们甚至会烧掉一些如果经过评级可能会成为的结构。 周围。 你知道这些通常会被送到我们没有认真对待物流的垃圾箱,因为它们再次挑战他们需要证明结构。 也许从真正进入美国东海岸进入你知道我们在西部打球的地方。
因此,我们设计了一个 ML,他是以一种你知道会接受的方式运输的果胶。 所以它非常非常注意包的大小,以确保东西是模块化和灵活的,所以尽管结构很大。 你知道他们说三千人仍然会很忙没有箱子或运输。 对于大多数好奇的人来说,它们都很容易结束的小屋。 这比搜索次数最多的一些经典的脱衣舞要好,我猜他们还设计了它。 被挑选到一些盒子里,一些小屋都符合课程标准,可以在一个地方空运使用。
菲利克斯:上帝让你有五月的经历。 确保所有东西的尺寸或模块化程度足以在运输时不会成为问题,但我认为这也很重要,因为对于第一次创业的人来说,最常见的建议之一是当它遇到当地人时,只是忽略了很多运输,而最简单的入门方法之一是出售可以用一只手拿起的东西,显然您的产品并非如此,显然需要大量经验您达到了运送如此大而重的物品的水平。 因此,对于你们来说,关键之一是他们制造这些工厂的位置具有战略意义,因此您可以很好地覆盖世界,但随后您还提到,是的,销售团队分布在不同的地区国家也告诉我们你是如何开始的。 您将销售团队放在哪个国家/地区。
斯图尔特:我们成长为英国 你真的在那里,这只是一种自然的增长,但实际上从英国转移到最近开始业务之前的战略最近发生了变化,所以我们在今年开始时由管理你的团队知道它们是我们从那个英国和澳大利亚为我们提供服务的版本,所以现在只有四五年我们才意识到我们意识到我们需要实地人员来帮助汽车。 所以你可能在你的小七和美国现在几乎他们对我们来说并不那么年轻,你从来没有说我是叛军改变了。 他们在早期,我们曾经有更多的时间在这方面,这对他们来说是奇怪的事情。 你知道那种事。
现在的日子甚至是因为他们在提供这些信息方面做得更好,并从信任的方式和内容中学习,并试图确保他们能够达到 27 岁。 让我他们的销售团队几乎分布在我的基地,尽管他们是所有的时区。 他们不是奇迹。 它们以这种方式散布在各处。 我认为他们可以为客户提供服务,而且他们仍然会在必要的时间内外出,但你知道,随着我们的成长和我们的前进。 我们已经能够让您了解的人越来越多地了解这些知识,而不必在特定地点找到人,这将帮助我们发展一支优秀的团队。 这样并擅长它。 确保它们是帮助客户所需的所有支持工具,但它们是他们自己的决定。
Felix:所以现在你有一个全球分销商销售团队,但不是因为你知道 Sarah 需要在这些国家/地区开展业务,而是因为你正在寻找世界各地最好的销售人员,你不必只关注那些是您在悉尼的本地人。 那么管理一个全球分布的团队有什么困难?无论是否有销售,但你如何确保在那里你能够管理你的全球分布的团队。
斯图尔特:是的,使用其中一些技术的技术存在一些挑战,但并不是没有能力通过单元进行视频会议通话。 任何在线信息。 他们都属于二十四,但我们使用了很多好的叙利亚工具和其他每个人都可以使用的东西。 看看是什么。 你知道其他人在做什么,如果我们让自己参与市场,事情不会像他们无法忍受的那样多,你知道那是疯子。 你知道了解客户正在寻找什么我们可以帮助它,所以是的,到目前为止,每个人都对每个人都相当开放,以确保他们了解这一切是如何运作的,并且更快一点是事实,尽管这个小时的团队。 似乎离它很遥远。
我的意思是它实际上是生产。 每天与他们打交道,你知道,在很多方面感觉就像我们在隔壁的房间里。 因此,您了解制作婚姻,然后真正了解所有这些内容,并且您知道他们都对在线、电话或视频会议上的旋转时间感到自在,这真是太好了。 那么你现在是什么,只有通过确保客户的过程才能工作。 不能。 或被迷惑,但在整个过程中。 它尽可能快速高效,以便我们可以满足下层的这些类型的时间部分。
Stuart: I do still if you get a one on one time with each person and that's just it to work through. You know what that what I will if you know I'm We have both a lot of tools like the sun and so forth. We project based tools we are the ones contributing to the programs and the company to prove what we're doing. That you know the the challenge I guess is is that from an early stage of making sure that people are going to fix the camp and you know that. That it's a great wind wind and we have a very clear Company dollars and a mission statement about what we do and how we do in there. Focus on our making you know principle and you know wonderful structures forecasts and then say you had said during the days when it was doing that we try and ensure that you know that I understand that part of it saying that they feel an ownership of the whole process that we do and you know the key really is that they did it at a bit of time each week to each post and run through those things we ensure that alongside the sales program that they have that they're involved in the product improvements in the process improvements and other bits and parts of the company so that it's not just the south roll prison.
a they may be worth not how we did document things how we look at the tank bit feedback from customers and so forth. Alongside the status rug. There are no it isn't just that the violence that is legal or drive and sells through it is from the get go. When it passes contact him of being out to understand what the client wants and how it is to help him and to do that. You know the more they know about the whole way the business Woakes. And what we do it to me to meet these demands from customers. The bigger they are you know find solutions that suit in fit particular class so it is. It's almost like and ensuring everyone's seen that the in a lot of the. Smaller sort of factions and scenes that work together across countries so that you know that everyone really does spend time i guess that they see each other in some way shape or form. Whether it's just pick sides.
Or packaging or any of these things they want to have a bit of an end. And every three months we do a new program we sort of shift focus groups and on to under the mix of the challenge for the next three months and it gives us a chance to return to the try and get involved in another business in some way shape or form. So you know this is there were I guess a minute a little bit. There's a lot drives. You know some of that stuff is quite remote drives a team and they can see that there is a big. Machinery but to support them. How in customs.
Felix: You're almost seem like the the connector of all the knowledge within the company right because your goal when you sit down with these people these are salespeople these team members that are remote one on one you are making sure that they are not necessary course correcting but you're making sure that they understand or are have a top of mind or culture or the mission of the company but the same time you get information from them a very valuable information for the market back into the company and making sure that all of that stays connected to everyone is communicating sometimes through you and you mentioned there every three months one way to two where you run this company is by shifting the focus every three miles by moving people from a program to a program so you say more about this. What do you what do you mean by a program
Stuart: where we think for five years key areas that we want to see improve the next three months and we focus people. Now it takes you know role will. It's just even managing it something that wrong may not be that they have an active involvement and it appears in the south in the north america may be put in charge of helping improve their logistics process or you know they in the process we have all it's have been made and tracked through to Gaston it's now they may not be the ones actually physically doing in this thing but if they are given the responsibility of of working out what challenges Bay Area. What we can do to improve it then those who are committed to that business obviously have to we're out of the business to try and prove it. So you know we have a bit of the brain still only every three months and then sit some targets and goals on around us programs and allocate them around that. So that everyone sort of has some involvement in it and I guess what I keep parts of the business.

You know not tell you some time to clean or three months and family man up and prove the way I wanted to or at least one of the challenges but that gives us a chance to reset and decide how if I was that Jim if I missed this that or missed it works well it was a focus for a brief period of time that we can actually see some real change and real improvements often you know there's a case of we can if you if you stay there longer Tim garlands which we still do that they can get lost in the day to day with their people have displayed a very short time frame to try and actually see some real improvement or try to scrape and crew and out of the business. So today it worked well and I mean you know we won. Buyers and in a great way they take on board that responsibility but it's given to them. To then try to improve and Allison was understand some of the challenges that the business may head. So it's very easy when you're it perhaps dealing with the sounds focused goes in it that you know that they don't sometimes understand what. Challenges there may be to get things through very tight time frame of manufacture.
And we know you've been involved and it means that they you know they can they can appreciate that and they can bring their appreciation to dealing with clients to ensure that they work out the best solution for them and their own to understand how to sort of man for what. 否则你知道的。 May it may cause problems at the best in the promising or don't or presenting things that we know may have some untoward challenges when it is holidays. You know just trying to manufacture all here or whatever it is that is that's likely to cause a particular solution to take a little longer and didn't enjoy as of the health generally various kind of range of options that clients heads when it within our product range so it means that they understand it at the front end and so business able to service customers and guidance the ones that are going to sort out or solve their problem in the best possible way
Felix: that i like they're there. You put these put them on these are projects it is now Mickey their main focus are the rights are something that they can work on on top of or I guess alongside their their I guess their main job.
Stuart: That's right yes. So that we actually dedicate some time to it. So you know they have some time blocked out the calendar that they're being spend time on that means that they will perhaps they inherit more communication with there's this that. They wouldn't have otherwise they may know it's there may be dealing with that not not for that little so if it ensures it doesn't show that they get a bit of a well rounded understanding they don't have to become a needs that in this part of the business. Produce and have spent time trying to resolve problems. Cruden Miria it or understand it and I don't think in brain areas of business. Where it's a manufacturing just excited. It's been so focused on the role that sometimes a suspect and crew quite seen it was still just a different perspective.
Felix: But then also I think one one a great benefit from this is to is just the empathy that it builds to because you know like you're saying a salesperson gets a chance to work closer with the manufacturer distribution side and gets a better understanding of what it's like in the limitations of why you know things might not be as fast as they like and I think that just because a lot more camaraderie with them within a company that's a great idea. So I want to go to something day I think you have you or someone from your team and mention in the shop of a suster I was covered of you guys were mentions that one of the key exercises there was that what they used to just do early on is to get to know what your competitors are doing there. We did you go through this exercise was your experience like when you wore try to understand better about what their competition was going.
Stuart: Yeah you know it's probably a little bit of a program we continuously You know it's very easy to get sort of the focus of focus on your customers and what you're doing and then to sort of look at and around and see improvements and trauma it's not just computers but other industry related industries and sometimes even under like street doing things in a way. You know we take a look at them realize that we really improve the way we. So so here. It's a case of from a third from looking at computers we reserve the task of getting people with going out and in contacting and builders and go through this the sales process for them to see how they handle it and whether these things and do that we could improve from. It is a very to the industry although we do see quite unique structures.
You know there are no end of the other companies that don't offer past my structures or you know structures that functionally can compete with what we do so we are going out there and understand how they price what they do is manage the whole program and process just ensures that we ensure with we delivering as high quality sort of services as we possibly care there that that as it is not just a let's build a Sundance it's a case of putting another industry with there or it could be something like the power of the street we know there are so many other industries that sell i ticket items. And we can learn how they handle the whole sales process their classmate occasion and so forth so that we didn't we can now you know just use their expertise or things that we think we're well for them and try and work out how best to live and implement something similar in our business there. We're still a very small company can be to some of these say so all the parents agree that you know there's clearly things that they do that if we did we can learn from and and.
Data to our industry will hoot well so it is something in an afternoon that will be part of that three month program will pick something that we really need to look at whether it's a product range that we need to get better at the industry and just ensure we're with a living. You know the right product right price. You know the least product sometimes we know about the space. Maybe if we do it will bring a hot quality product in the markets willing to pay for it and you know maybe some of the cases just didn't understand it. In general we obviously when it goes to make sure can't be getting the best value in and so so there'll be part of it. That's three month program. 所以我们可以。 What what it is that we want to try and solve or try and learn about someone team going out and working out. What they are what. Well what to do from there. What we should have learnt from it and. And yeah it's not. I think trying to continuously improve the business that you're you don't find it so to you to focus on your own business and your own classes to not sort of get out there and learn from from my experience in other industries.
Felix: I like that you do go to other industries too I think that's so important because a lot of it's almost an echo chamber a lot of times when you are just focusing your own industry where one is just learning and sometimes copy from each other when you can look outside to see what effect that in other industries and you might not take exactly what they're doing but it might give inspiration to see how you can apply for your specific business for your specific industry and if you have an example of a change that you made maybe recently or based on research or competitors or other industries there has had a big impact on the business.
Stuart: This is kind of you know if you come to marketing or customer feedback and then that's the one that we count working on we cannot have other companies approach that and we go out and shipping cost and structures that to clients and we get some great images sometimes. But you are trying to get more of a whole picture means that someone's you know the Sea of a man not captured and they would have a lot of time I guess in this in this regard to families things. So I mean looking at how other industries sort of sort of solve it that feel that process that was at the state really important to us that I'm sure that we can improve what we do that you know we get an understanding of you know things that we may not have seen we would customize to what will come up with something completely new that we get great feedback from clients that we know what we need to do to make it easier or better or whether it's instructions of LEOs and these sorts of things and you know if it's a little bit of a challenge that you know they move on to their next to the intern although a lot of the products often enough in a candidate to come back to us so that the suggestions are net.
There are times when they're just too flat out that the next they're being. And they mean to you know it can in get to the point where it's it has come a while before we get information back so. So you know we've been busy the moment looking to see how other countries handle it. What they can do to try and get good data feed bet. And more timely for their product while their particular program was still sort of active
Felix: and hunches yet on on how you might be or do that.
Stuart: Well we've we've tried a few different things. You know looking at power to make it entices for customers and you know it's not a case of previous of the discounts it's just trying to again feel maybe I'm feeling like the process of their program and some value to what they need. It's called very early days in the law and that is looking at this is this come out with a few ideas we've probably got the brain still a bit and. So the testing to see if there were there. She's done. After all this the other industries and look at Hell they do the. I guess market sales research and and we're trying to you know it's a small program there are lots of other ones starting right you have to think of a good example. That's not the complicated by product range.
Felix: You know we so so when it comes to actually marketing now because you get a high price point. I don't like or say it's highly competitive. It's that their customer base is in on them in a right because he's a people they're putting on events. What's been the most successful sales show market channel for you guys wanted in this kind of scenario where you have a large price point that you know requires more touch points from different sales people and discuss position of all the what works well for this kind of start up.
Stuart: Yeah I guess it's a continuous improvement that what worked well you know two years ago. It's quite different. Now we got a period of the news that subscription base and they did a lot of topical articles and you know try and show we can provide a lot of useful information. So that still works but it was cloned it's probably I guess everyone's find themselves inundated with Leno and time to read. It's probably not as. Well you know only look at some of the steps of open rates and really I mean and it has gone down a bit. We doing a lot more social media obviously than we used to do you know trying to find things that are topical there are interesting how the clients with the other parts of the business not just things that pressure of interest to them. Outside of well so yeah it's a it's a constant challenge we're lucky enough with the programs that we do that every being it is a great show. 它的。 Great product and that seems to market. You know and it the more clients see of us the the big that that moves it's all quite quite quickly. We had until it was a copywriter and you know she's busy. Constantly we internally ever so if they get too resource clear when a client's Christians are being.
如此惊慌和有限我们将倾听那些必须将信息放在欧洲实验室的猎人那里我们的法律并试图与网站本身作斗争的人,我认为这可能是我们现在的情况。 我们更好的营销工具之一,我们对改进的投入越多,我们就越能找到最自然的客户,因为他们正在寻找那些问题已经存在的答案,这意味着您知道我们就是我们提供一种资源,他们可以就苹果结构或确实结构不健康或人们帮助解决的一些挑战向我们提出此类解释。 所以也许这肯定是我们想要更多关注的领域,到目前为止,这肯定是我认为痛苦产生的一种方式,你知道现在是时候了。 时间 这样就负债了。 我认为这是值得的时间,因为我们要告诉一位客户有问题。
通常,您认识成千上万有相同问题或需要相同信息的其他人。 因此,这可能是主要的事情,这几乎是那里新闻的增长。 我们过去包括新闻,它现在正在研究它有多大才能从 Internet 中脱离出来。 很明显,他们实际上只是在他们需要的答案中自然地寻找下一行。
Felix:我认为教育是一种很好的营销方式,你不必像你说的那样只对他们进行特定产品的教育,帮助他们在产品的其他方面获得价值,你知道你在说你可能与我的 Vance 交谈必须专门讨论如何设置您的结构或如何知道如何选择您的流行产品,这可能是您了解 Jason 的主题。 所以你知道在这些市场经营了十多年你的重点是什么,他对那天的生意有多成功有一个想法。
斯图尔特:是的,我的意思是我们从英国和美国的许多行业中获得了图表,这是欧洲和亚洲分销商的唯一要素。 是的,看看我们不认为它在那里,你知道我们的职业生涯只有五六岁,而我们只是三到四年前的规模。 我们预计美国市场的同样增长对我们来说仍然很新,而且显然它比已经建立的小市场要大得多。 建立良好,现在我们可能停滞不前,没有说这里的增长正在放缓,因为我们有一个非常成熟的客户群,他们知道这已经使用了我们 70 年,所以是的,所以我们的重点是。 它在那些地方成长并且也知道这一点,这就是我的很多重点是在这一年,而版权之上的东西是基于他们所有的奇迹。 你知道我们以适合的方式关注事情。 多年来,我们在美国人之间吹嘘了一些差异,事情是多么令人毛骨悚然,因为立场也只是存在人们在不同国家直面生活的挑战,所以你知道你知道负责人的经历与一个国家打交道可以很好地转化为 Celebrity Get Me 你知道挑战和向客户展示。
我们有解决方案,但客户却出乎意料或大肆宣传,看到我们在未来几年以类似(如果不是更快)的方式发展,这是我们确实没有与 EG 合作的巨大行业,如果看看现在已经有一段时间了,但我们你知道它相当很明显,英国的阶段和澳大利亚的一年对于我们特定的行业来说会显着放缓,这早已不复存在,而我们又回到了我们所处的时代。 你知道对这种产品有很多需求,我想客户。 这些产品赋予了他们真正的与众不同之处和令人难忘的客户体验。 有使用它们的关键产品,然后如果。 好起来,即使是在文章等行业或附近,要让一些公司脱颖而出也变得越来越忙,越来越难。 是的,大多数大型企业和营销企业都意识到这非常重要。 但与此同时,他们显然需要克服对城市的投资,而做这些事情的历史意味着我们可以清楚地帮助他们了解他们的孩子是什么,并确保他们获得最大的价值或基础知识
Felix:而且成本很高,所以看起来或听起来像是你下一步想去的地方。 它只是对这些的更多扩展。 不同的地理位置让您知道再次感谢您的时间。 斯图尔特的延伸活动 .com 是一个网站,看起来像一些你知道的好机会,对于那些希望在当地举办活动的人来说,那里正在开办他们的弹出式商店或其他东西,或者在你想要放置你的不同活动的地方出售的产品。 我认为这可能非常适合那里的许多听众,您也建议他们检查一下,他们想了解更多关于你们所做的事情
斯图尔特:再次感谢。 费利克斯。
Felix:感谢收听 Shopify Masters 电子商务营销播客,让雄心勃勃的企业家今天开始您的商店业务 Shopify dot com 斜线大师要求您延长 30 天的免费试用期。