在 6 周相当于 6 个月的行业中生存
已发表: 2018-02-06一些行业发展如此之快,以至于昨天创新的产品明天就会变成商品。
在本期 Shopify Masters 中,您将向两位企业家学习,他们建立了一个系统化的业务,他们可以快速适应竞争激烈的快速发展的电子烟行业。
Robert Kayvon 和 Carlos Garay 是 SOURCEvapes 的所有者:高品质的蒸发器设备和配件。
- 为什么应该在商店中添加清仓部分
- 如何利用批评性评论
- 为什么成功可能是你最大的敌人
听下面的 Shopify Masters…


- 商店: SOURCEvapes
- 社交资料: Facebook、Twitter、Instagram
- 推荐: StitchLabs、Shipstation、Zendesk、Ice Cream Screen Recorder
Felix:今天,SOURCEvapes 的 Robert 和 Carlos 加入了我的行列。 SOURCEvapes 销售高质量的汽化器设备和配件,于 2013 年成立,总部位于内华达州拉斯维加斯。 欢迎,罗伯特和卡洛斯。
卡洛斯:谢谢你让我们在这里,伙计。 真的很高兴来到这里。
菲利克斯:是的。 很高兴你们也参加。 嗯是的。 告诉我们一些您销售的最受欢迎的产品。
Carlos:我们最受欢迎的产品是我们的旗舰产品,是我们的 Source Orb 4 和 Source Orb Design。 这基本上就是将这个非常大的产品推向市场的原因。 从那时起,我们又增加了其他产品线。 那是在 2014 年。现在我们有类似 Source Nail XL 的产品,实际上我们已经将其扩展到大约 10 个核心产品,三个不同的产品线。
菲利克斯:明白了。 那么,Source Orb 4。这是你们发布的第一个产品,还是你们推出商店的第一个产品?
罗伯特:不。实际上,我们推出了它,我认为它是 Source Micro。 基本上,我们创办公司的方式是我们想要做一些开源的东西,只是为其他公司的产品提供替代品,更实惠的替代品,而他们基本上只是以超高的价格来衡量它。 所以,这就是“源”这个词的由来。 我们希望人们能够一起使用所有产品。 所以,我们刚刚提出了 Source Micro,它是针对微型蒸发器的,只是有不同的雾化器。 到 2014 年 3 月,我们发布了第一个 Source Orb V1。 然后就是我们推出自己的产品的时候,基本上开始涉足我们自己的独家产品。
菲利克斯:明白了。 是的。 所以,我对汽化器了解不多。 您能否稍微解释一下您的产品,您告诉我们一些事情,但是您能否进一步解释一下您的产品与当时竞争对手提供的产品有何不同?
Carlos:我们想做的一件事就是创造它,这样我们所有的产品都可以互换。 我们的每条雾化器产品线都与同一产品线中的各种产品交叉兼容。
罗伯特:所以,基本上,这让我们进入市场只是因为它是一种更实惠的替代品。 但从那时起,我们决定继续创新。 我们只是从未停止过。 所以,我们只是提高了我们的质量。 到那时,我们的质量比别人的要好。 因此,例如,当我们发布时,就像我们谈论 Source Orb 一样,当时它是革命性的,它是第一种具有双线圈、新气流设计的产品,从那时起,我们就想到了而不是像其他公司那样发布多个雾化器,让客户每次都必须重新购买不同的雾化器,不同的冷套件,我们可以销售不同的雾化器样式,基本上你可以称之为我猜大脑或引擎球体基于它的力量。 什么处理 [听不清 00:03:56]。 并且继续发布它的新版本。
所以我们去年用我们的四个系列产品线做到了这一点。 并且基本上将其扩展为在我们的产品中具有完全的交叉兼容性,所以如果有人说,去年买了一个orb 4,今年,当我们发布新产品,新雾化器时,他们不必进去重新购买所有东西其他人和其他人一样,他们只是进去并拥有新的雾化器。 最重要的是,商店,因为这是我们发展业务的一个重要因素,我们的独特产品的分销也是这样的商店,因为它是一个很好的追加销售项目。 让客户继续光顾和回购的选择越多,效果就越好。
菲利克斯:这是有道理的。 那么你能多说一点关于它是如何成为你正在销售的追加销售商品的吗?
罗伯特:是的,当然。 例如,事情就是这样。 我们的产品范围从 10 美元不包括我们的销售部分,我们总是有一个销售部分与我们的旧产品,但一路从 9.95,基本上 10 美元,到我们最新的产品,即 250 美元。 正确的? 四种不同的产品线基本上采用多种雾化器配置。 因此,与我们自己的市场和行业中的其他公司相比,每一个,然后可能会从雾化器更换中返回。 也许他们有两三个,很可能他们有时会喜欢一个。 然后他们可能会在明年推出另一种产品。 因此,您让该客户购买该产品,就像我说的那样,在接下来的六个月内可能会购买一两个雾化器。 所以 [听不清 00:05:47] 产品价格约为 80 美元,然后雾化器约为 20 美元,因此客户价值生命周期平均约为 100 美元,最高。 120 真的会推动你所有的客户购买,一年,一年半。
但是,我们完全不同。 我们的客户终身价值实际上翻了一番。 并获得高达 200 美元的终生价值,然后每次你获得一个客户,并希望你能从中获得一些高达 20% 的客户,你会得到更多的钱,而不是试图制造一个回购率不高的低利润大项目来自我们的客户。 我们的主要关注点始终是复购率,我们如何才能让更多的客户回头,以及我们如何才能让更多的钱进入我们的商店手中,基本上。
罗伯特:嗯,问题是,平均而言,在我们的行业中,我会说 90%、80% 的所有竞争公司,在所有应有的尊重下,基本上只是彼此的复制品。 除了我们中的一些人之外,我们的市场上几乎没有创新。 我们继续前进,基本上有一个产品理念和蓝图,我们悄悄地这样做是为了确保,我想你可以说偷偷摸摸每个人,基本上到这一切都结束的时候,追赶已经太晚了。 但是就像我说的,当你有竞争产品时,由于他们没有考虑过这种雾化器更换功能,他们做不到,他们身体上做不到,现在他们被困在这些生态系统中,除非他们真的重置他们所有的产品线并提出一个新产品,这将放弃他们所有的老客户,他们只是身体不能。
菲利克斯:明白了。 因此,从一开始,您的产品就无法接受雾化器这一组件,因此整个产品系统可以相互协作,这不是您的竞争对手的做法,您的竞争对手销售的几乎是一个封闭的系统你一次买了所有东西,它没有能力添加额外的组件,在你的情况下,这是你卖的无线圈雾化器还是五个无线圈雾化器?
罗伯特:是的,实际上,我们的新产品,我会说我们向人们解释它的方式是思考一个类似于 iPhone 甚至 iPad 的过程,所以当你拥有 iPhone 时,它会为你做所有事情,所以每当我看到以及每当我们在市场上看到另一种产品时,我们基本上都希望将其纳入同等或更好的产品。 因此,与其他所有人相比,它有点像 Apple,你可以只是一个变形虫,并用我们的四个系列 [听不清 00:09:04] 添加所有这些,然后我们制作了我们的 Excel 系列,它基本上就像一个 iPad,可以玩,可以与较小的雾化器一起使用,也可以与大型雾化器一起使用。 因此,最大的是,我们的 Source Nail,它可以与多达 30 种不同的雾化器一起使用,所以这是我们所做的主要事情,我会向任何听过的人推荐,如果你得到任何大规模生产的东西,从中国制造, 好的价格, 好的质量, 好的品牌, 这很好, 但总有一条更大的鱼, 所以开始帮助你的唯一解决方案是设计独家产品, 如果你不能, 给它们申请专利, 因为这就是我们对我们的系统和所有新的雾化器所做的。
罗伯特:你是回答问题的人之一,他们可能从中国人那里得到 1% [听不清 00:10:23] 的比率? 所以你可能会得到五到十家拥有相同东西的公司。 因此,你们全部消亡只是时间问题,因为拥有权力的人就是你的制造商,一旦他们没钱了,他们总是会削弱你。
Felix:是的,所以你是说如果你不使用自己的产品,你最终会陷入某种定价战,你们都只是在为同一块蛋糕而战。 现在,当你坐下来设计这个系统时,如果你想创建一个可以相互协作并且还可以支持未来功能的完整系统,你会如何看待产品设计?
罗伯特:老实说,我们刚刚从我们能够生存下来的很多原因开始,因为我们的市场、E6 和我们所拥有的所有市场……我记得我读过我们行业另一位企业家的一句话谁说在我们这个行业,六周相当于六个月。 它发展得如此之快,你会在六个月的时间间隔内有公司来来去去,你认为这就像两三年一样。 所以我们能够生存的主要事情,我们做的最好的事情是我们很灵活,我们可以快速行动,所以有时它会激怒我们的分销商和批发商,因为我们在三四个月后推出了产品,我们就像“你已经有一个新版本了吗?” 我们总是与我们所有的独家分销合作伙伴合作得很好,只要他们有所有的库存,我们就会收回它,我们会用新的替换它。
但主要的是它基本上是在尝试遵循……基本上,我们有一个蓝图,但你必须灵活。 如果你很死板,如果你说“我需要这样做”,你可能会崩溃,所以很多时候,我们不得不改变我们的想法或产品开发,我们的产品发布。 只是为了能够快速移动并对市场做出反应。
Felix:你能多谈谈灵活性吗? 我认为这是您提出的一个非常重要的观点,您如何为公司增加灵活性?
罗伯特:有时你知道,我是设计大部分产品的人,比如永恒星辰,有时我对某些事情很执着,比如我想为我们的 Orbix-L 制作一个高级套件,因为我喜欢它。 我记得沃尔特·迪斯尼 (Walt Disney) 说过,其中一个人,我追随的导师之一,是你不是在为自己建造东西,你是在为其他人建造它。 所以我会提出这个想法,[听不清 00:13:13] 合作伙伴会说“你知道吗? 我们更喜欢旅行套装。” 一晚上,我长大了,然后想想,想想每个人都说什么,很多企业家,我知道他们在鲨鱼坦克上说过,成功是你最大的敌人。 因为一旦你开始做对一个,两个对,你以为你什么都做对了,但每次有人说什么,即使一开始,你就像“哦!” 你只需要考虑一下。
所以有时我只是在与两个分销商的谈话中直接否定产品。 即使我们正在继续,这也不是一个好主意,有时我正在与经销商交谈,实际上这发生在我们的三个系列产品线中,这是我们的预算线。 我和我们经销商的一位顶级销售人员在一起。 突然给我发了一封电子邮件,说“嘿,我们有这个竞争产品的产品查询。 我知道你们可以做得更好,你们觉得呢?” 而且它的价格更低,预算更友好,我真的放下电话说:“你想重新购买我们的三个系列产品线吗?” 我们已经推出了四个系列。 你要不要买三系线,我可以马上给你做,在这个价位上发布,基本打败这些竞争对手。
在 48 小时内,我们已经设计并投入生产了三种不同的产品,因为这正是他们想要的。
Felix:所以这又回到了你如何快速机动的问题上。 现在,您如何建立您的公司,以便您也可以在这些机会上迅速采取行动?
罗伯特:我们保留它 [听不清 00:14:53],这是我们做的主要事情。 我们保持它很小,一小群人,非常小的开销,就像缩影一样。 最重要的是,我们与基于用户的粉丝保持积极联系。 我们还改变了我们发布产品的方式。 我们开始使用我们的 Excel 系列产品,首先是雾化器,然后是完整的套件。 这样一来,我们就可以看到哪些是最受欢迎的,而不是假设我们认为应该是最受欢迎的,然后再从中制作套件。 所以这主要是我们如何做的。 任何类似的事情,我们也有我们的清关部分,特别是如果你们中的任何人拥有多种产品,尤其是旧产品,一个很棒的想法,只是一个清关部分。 如果是旧产品,它不会损害您的零售价格和批发,但它确实会吸引预算购买者,您可以将其变成为预算而来的人,然后转变为忠诚的终身客户。
菲利克斯:对。 现在您如何决定将哪些内容发送到清关部门?
Felix:所以你永远不会同时出售 Source Orb 3 和 Source Orb 4,或者我不确定这是否是一个很好的例子,但你永远不会出售报价单的“过时”版本的产品?
罗伯特:是的,过时的版本。 例如,我们现在有 Orb 3 [音频不清晰 00:16:32] 两个套件,它是高级两个。 因此,溢价在清仓部分可享受 50% 的折扣。 所以我们有新的指甲附件,零售价为 70 美元,但使用的是旧玻璃,所以他们减半。 与灵活性一起,这实际上发生在我们的 Source Orb 4 上,当我们第一次推出它时,它是磁性的,我们对其进行了测试,我们使用了它,但我们真正......发生的一件事是当你发布产品时,您可以对其进行多次测试和使用,但大多数测试它的人都参与了它的设计或使用或以前的用户。 所以他们往往对如何使用它有更多的了解,所以当你真正向大众发布产品时,他们基本上会按照你从未想过的步伐去做。
所以磁铁会在你的口袋里掉下来。 我们认为如果您将雾化器制造两倍长,磁铁将保持原状,因此我们实际上必须更换齿轮,切换齿轮,制造这些尺寸两倍的雾化器,然后是所有现在适合其他产品的短雾化器,我们基本上把那些放在50%的折扣上。 这样一来,您就可以拥有,尤其是我们,因为我们是一个优质品牌,您拥有优质的品牌定价以及随之而来的一切和所有价值,但您还可以享受 50% 的折扣优惠. 所以你也要避开,你知道,在我们的市场上,有很多竞争,很多中国竞争对手都在争夺低质量的产品,所以你在清仓区竞争,我猜是旧的或低质量的,甚至继续生产旧的质量,就像旧产品一样,嘿,你知道还有比我们能做的更多的玻璃,那就是旧的。 继续销售它,因为你基本上会在他们到达之前击退所有价格较低的人。
菲利克斯:明白了。 这背后的想法是,您可以通过清仓部分赢得这些精打细算的客户,然后也许当他们更愿意投资购买更好的设备或更新的设备时,他们会回到您身边,因为他们已经已经是过去的客户了。
罗伯特:是的,实际上,我们这里有一个说法,不仅如此,我们清仓区的所有东西都必须比所有竞争对手的产品都要好。 因此,即使不像您在 Ebay 上找到的廉价产品,我们的清仓部分必须比我们的全价更好,引用未引用的“优质品牌”。 我们做什么。 因此,我们总是试图保留一些基本上所有其他竞争对手的东西,你可以从我们那里得到 50% 的折扣。
菲利克斯:明白了。 现在,这一切都回来了,我们刚才说过,它回到了你可以快速行动的想法,你可以快速生产新产品,所以你可以继续推进你的产品线,你可以做到这一点是因为你保持精简。 根据您在其他竞争对手甚至其他行业中看到的情况,您认为在哪些地方你们认为已经瘦身,而其他企业家可能想要认真研究以减少一些脂肪?
卡洛斯:你知道,我们做的一些事情是不做的,我们看看劳动力市场? 税收,以及增加多个团队成员。 很多公司基本上只是直接说“是的,我会成功的,让我把这个仓库租出去。” 他们也很关心他们的外表,让我支付办公室费用,让我得到这个,就像你总是可以修剪一样,我们在拉斯维加斯的主要原因之一,我们实际上是基于 Pahrump现在。 但是我们在内华达州和现在帕朗的主要原因之一是税收。 内华达州没有所得税,特别是对公司而言,我们在拉斯维加斯,但克拉克县开始征税。 所以我们真的搬到了帕朗。
我们从密歇根州的 Benzonia 发货。 因此,虽然我们的许多竞争对手转身说“我从洛杉矶分发”,这很好,但是你要支付加州税、加州最低工资,以及其他一切,你甚至没有计算所有洛杉矶税,其他一切. 所以对我们来说,最好是和某些地区的经销商,尤其是大面积的经销商,建立战略合作伙伴关系。 但这是我们关注的事情之一,基本上不是成长为……你实际需要支付的东西越少,以防销售基本上下降,这是主要的事情。 你想尽可能地瘦,这样以后,你不仅会膨胀,甚至不能开着灯。
菲利克斯:明白了。 所以你现在已经多次提到分销商了。 他们当然能够将您的产品推向市场,并就市场需求提供非常有价值的反馈。 您是如何找到与您的经销商合作的?
卡洛斯:我们做到了最好,罗伯特和我之前开始为他拥有的另一家公司销售汽化器,所以当我为这些顶级分销商为他做销售时,我们有一些联系,但我基本上,你打电话给他们,我总是笑在 Shark Tank 中,他们问人们你给 Whole Foods 打过电话吗? 你继续前进,你真的不会停下来。 我永远不会忘记,我打电话给 Vape World,这是我们在与另一个经销商独家合作之前曾与之合作的另一个经销商,但我真的在电话里,不间断,发生了什么事,我可以和谁说话? 像三四个月一样,你必须坚持下去,如果你的产品、你的服务或你自己足够好,你就会完成交易。
菲利克斯:明白了。 与经销商建立关系并一起工作后,您通常如何合作,实际在做什么? 您实际上是如何每天与这些分销商合作的?
罗伯特:嗯,比那更简单,我们刚刚与他们中的两个签署了美国和加拿大之间的排他性协议。 告诉他们“嘿,有价格点,你不能再低了,我们不会卖给其他人,你不能携带某些与我们竞争的品牌。” 我们签了一份很长的合同,您必须多次宣传我们,然后他们才转身并分发到网络上。 我认为我们的一个合作伙伴有超过 1500 家实体店,他们卖给了他们,所以他们基本上只是转身,给你发一份采购订单,买了它,然后他们就去卖了。 所以我推荐任何人,如果你有机会通过分销商,但不是有人会这样做,比如说有大笔回报或给你一个 ID 或类似的东西,这总是好的,因为你可以赚更多的钱,我们在这里已经谈到过,如果我们真的开始自己做批发,我们可以赚更多的钱,利润率,但大多数人并没有预料到这样做的成本。
为了拥有一个批发团队,您需要有专门的销售人员。 然后你基本上在增长,我们稍后会谈到,开销。 后来,3 月份批发疲软。 你有这么多批发人,你还得在那一天,在那整整一个月里付钱。 所以你得付每个人什么,90K? 那么你的利润率真的会比转身说“嘿,分销商赚了 30%,我的利润少了 30%,但是你去,处理它,你移动它,你有专门的销售人员而且你已经有商店了。” 这要容易得多,而且它专注于每个人最擅长的事情。
卡洛斯:是的,是的,而且你知道,我们主要喜欢联系,我们喜欢我们的很多工作……大多数,我们所有的团队都不是在仓库里实际工作。 客户服务团队,他们只是远程工作。 所以我们喜欢的,就像你说的那样,批发的事情就是增加人,真正的人到你的系统会带来垮台。 它有好处也有坏处,这就是我要说的,其中一个坏处是你得到了一个伟大的批发商,你得到了一个伟大的人,他正在扼杀它,但你必须为他的员工买单,你必须为某些东西买单,然后当他生病时会发生什么? 当他有孩子或者他们有更高的抱负并且他们想找到另一份工作时会发生什么? 你最终会被束缚在别人的生活中,明白我在说什么吗?
所以它更容易......我们喜欢依赖系统和计算机,所以我们做 Shopify,Shopify 连接到应用程序,如 Stitch labs,Stich labs 连接到运输站,然后运输是自动的。 我们不需要一个人,必须这样做,而是连接到 [听不清 00:26:24],[听不清 00:26:25] 然后自动连接所有全渠道,客户与我们联系的方式、推特、Facebook 等、电子邮件、电话以及您记录的所有内容,易于系统化。 因此,在一天结束时,大多数企业家试图做的就是一件事,支付账单,但二,很可能有一个退出计划。 制定退出计划并让某人进来说“你知道吗? 这是一项伟大的业务,他是几家工厂,我们会买下它,”是为了让他们基本上能够进来并取代你。
我们喜欢的公司基本上不依赖我,每当我做事,任何重要的事情,诸如此类的事情,我都会把它拍成视频,录制屏幕,然后我们记录下来。 因此,我们的经理可以继续复制它,然后她可以在所有人训练时轻松地展示给所有人。 因此,您想再次做到这一点,您想做的一件事是您想让一切系统化,以至于您可以轻松地进出,无论是假期还是类似的销售,您都想让它系统化尽可能。
菲利克斯:明白了。 所以回到拥有分销商的想法,你基本上是在向一个系统付款,所以你不是拥有一个员工,而是购买一个系统,如果有人,分销商生病或离开公司,他们有一个系统已经到位,您已经购买了它,因此它已经有人来取走它,或者他们已经有一个流程,把它全部拿走,这样您就不必担心个人,您已经购买了一个系统可以在个人来来去去或任何其他变化发生时替换他们。
现在,当您在寻找经销商时,对于其他任何人来说,这对他们来说听起来很有吸引力,当您与经销商坐下来商定合同时需要注意哪些事项? 您认为真正需要关注的关键术语有哪些?
卡洛斯:你想确保,你真正想要坚持的事情之一,我认为大多数新手企业家都会这样做,你真的想坚持能够,首先,你的条款。 违反合同之类的事情,如果他们违反合同,如果他们在那个阶段做了任何事情,你要么拿回钱,要么可以违反合同去找其他人。
因此,您想做的一件大事就是最低广告价格。 协议。 不要,不要,不要签订合同,除非你基本上告诉他们你不能展示我们的产品或基本上以低于这个价格印刷或销售我们的产品,甚至批发分销商零售,不管它是什么。 因为有多家公司,实际上在科斯塔梅萨有一个分销商,他们实际上倒闭了,因为他们当然是这样做的,但能够做到不诚实,他们从这家销售研磨机的公司购买了一堆产品。 还有质量很好的研磨机,但是他们有很多库存并且没有出售,他们希望研磨机公司能提供更低的价格,他们就像“我们不能,这是我们的价格点”,所以他们转身转身说:“好吧,我们不再载你了。” 他们就像“太酷了”,为了清算他们的股票,他们继续在他们的目录上打印了磨床的“清算定价”。 你知道当你以商店看到的更低价格批发任何东西时会发生什么吗?
商店基本上是,他们的工作是经营一家企业,所以他们希望尽可能便宜,这不像客户,客户会监督他们是否有更便宜的价格,他们已经有了产品。 商店把它转过来,基本上他们都说,“我可以用这个价格买到它。 我想要这个价格,否则我不会向你购买。” 从那以后,它被印刷了,所以现在人们基本上认为这是新价格点的一半。 例如,磨床公司倒闭了。 因为现在你的整个业务和价格点都被摧毁了,所以他们基本上把自己的产品卖光了,只因为他们不再携带产品,我认为这是最危险的事情,因为你知道,如果你说你必须购买我的产品,这是最低广告价格,他们转身,他们不卖? 你知道,如果他们卖得不多,你总是可以有一个条款,然后我们可以退出。
但那不会长期伤害你。 无论如何,您都会浪费时间,但是如果有人转过身来削弱您,尤其是您的分销商之一,您可能会完全失去您的业务。
Felix:哇,是的,听起来绝对是一个非常致命的错误,从您与经销商的关系开始就可能发生。 您之前提到您已与美国和加拿大的经销商独家合作。 与经销商独家合作有什么好处?
卡洛斯:你知道,有句话说,当每个人都很特别时,没有人特别? 所以如果你在三个不同的分销商,举个例子,我想一个更好的例子,如果你是一个产品,你去塔吉特,你去沃尔玛,所有这些人都喜欢“当然,我”会载你,”那很好,他们继续载你,他们把你放在过道上,你就像其他人一样,希望你能单独在一个品牌下销售,等等。 如果你继续前进,然后 Target 转身说“我想要你独占”,那么分销商和/或 Target,无论如何,现在认为他们很特别,因为他们只有它,所以他们把你放在前面和中心。 所以如果你能找到一个人,即使它有点小,但他们会继续为你提供 VIP 待遇,那么建立这样的独家合作伙伴关系会好得多,因为这样你不仅可以从销售中受益,但营销和他们的专业知识基本上会推动你。 因为现在他们将他们的成长与你联系在一起。 所以你基本上变成了共生体。
而且,我想你也可以说,作为一个死机开关,它给了你一种共生关系,它们现在与你的成长息息相关。 所以有一点安全,知道一个,最好是一个好的分销商,但两个,如果是,你必须……我的意思是,只要你专注于自己,那就是做好的产品,好的品牌,你会成功,因为他们会成功,而你是他们的金童。
Felix: Got it, so you work with just a select few people and they do the rest of the job of getting it out to more folks like these sub distributors. So I want to talk a little bit more of the systems that you guys have created. What would you say are, maybe is the number one aspect of your business that you've systematized that has had the biggest impact on the success of your business?
Robert: Customer service. I think both customer service and actually inventory and stock sales. Customer service things to Zendesk and then the inventory and customer service management on basically what we call our “brain,” which is Stitch labs. But basically those two just make things much, much easier. We used to just have a, anybody listening, go get a Zendesk, I think it's free, whatever or something like it. But we used to just have people email us and then you sit there and you got to respond to every single email, it takes 10 times more, you don't know what the customer said earlier, everything like that, you want things much connected as possible, but those two things have been the best things we've done so far, business-wise.
Carlos: And I would say for systematization, another thing that's really helped is doing the recording of the videos. Most of them we use ice cream screen recorder, which is just as basic desktop app, and the thing is you'll see a lot of people that are starting out companies, they end up retraining people over and over again for the same jobs, someone new comes in and you're sitting there on the computer, a lot of people are doing share screens over and over again, but there's really no reason to do that. It can all be done on a computer, record what it is, and it used to be we had to train an agent who would take a couple weeks, now an agent comes in, someone new comes in, they sit there, they watch the videos for a few days and they know most of it. And that systematization of the videos and really relying more on videos than sitting there and doing in person training, takes a lot of load of the system, takes a lot of load off the team leads and isn't just another easy systematization.
菲利克斯:喜欢它。 So another automation that I see added to your site is with the Yacht Pull reviews which I believe sends out automated email to your customer after they've purchased or at a set interval and ask them to review and you guys have over 7000 certified reviews on your site. What is, how did you I guess begin soliciting or encouraging customers to come and write reviews? Because 7000 is amazing, helps with the SEO, helps with of course the trust factor for new customers when they're vising, so how were you able to get over 7000 reviews on your site?
Carlos: You know, John Lasseter from Pixar always said “The best marketing is to make a great product.” And that's how we started and to be perfectly honest, we started putting up the reviews once we had a great product. Because your first launch of anything, even to this day our newer products, you will always have bugs. The guy from LinkedIn always says if your product is perfect and you love your product, you released too late. And so that's what happened in the beginning, we released stuff, it was great, it was okay to good, not great, due to customers complaining and things like that but there was no reviews, we always made sure.

Once you have it basically dialed in, boom, then you go ahead and add those reviews because that's where the word of mouth comes. The average customer, you could tell them anything, people nowadays, especially with the political climate, the news et cetera don't believe anything, even reviews, we still get people like “Oh, it's not … [inaudible 00:37:51] verified that.” But it gives them that extra confidence from other people, nobody wants to listen to a review, nobody trusts IGN, CNN, half the people know that it's just a paper route. So the real core early adopters, especially a lot of things that we talk about Robert and I, it's mainly I guess you can say tech based, arts, clothing, that's all different, but anything that is more tech related, more that can be compared to stats for a machine or whatever.
Robert: Specs or whatever.
Carlos: Yeah. Those things? It's just better when real customers review it.
菲利克斯:明白了。 Was this just off the back of sending these automated emails out or because I've seen other stores do things like they offer a discount code or something if someone writes a review, was there any other ways that you've been able to encourage past customers to come to the site and write a review?
Carlos: Yeah, we give a five dollar coupon code if they write a review. Five dollars off coupon code. 10 dollars off if they go ahead and share that review on social media that they wrote, and then we also have our source rewards loyalty program which is phenomenal and best one in the industry but we go ahead and give customers just a thousand points just for signing up which gives them free shipping, maybe ten dollars off I think on the first order, 20 percent off. But then they can go ahead and just amass, and they can get points just by referring friends. And then they can also go all the way to get 50 percent off or 100 dollars off of our store, so we get a lot of customers just on that, they prefer to purchase our stuff and tell other customers because then they go ahead and save money as they spend it. People like to, you basically get like a gamification by becoming …
菲利克斯:明白了。 Now, where are, how are people finding out about your products? I can understand the distributors getting it out into the retail stores, so people are seeing it as they're going shopping, but for your online only customers, how are you able to reach them?
Carlos: We do a lot of social media. A lot of email advertising, but one of the things that have been the most successful, CPC, cost per click, some advertising is good mainly because our market is so niche. There's niche advertising networks because we have to be 18 plus. So Mantis. If we were doing Google AdSense, I don't know, I couldn't tell you if that's better because it's such a board … but Mantis, all of these things that are very niche, it's easier to advertise, so if you advertise on High Times, you know the market is coming. But I think the best ROI, best return on investment we've gotten is influence. Especially YouTube influencers. YouTube influencers to go ahead and just use the product, give your honest review, and sometimes we even have to tell them “Tell me something wrong about it. Tell me what's great, but give an honest review,” because a lot of companies will basically just say “Hey, review this, and go ahead and say this and act like it's the best thing on Earth.” And then the customers will see through the lie.
Carlos: So if you just go ahead and give them an honest review and say “This product does this, it's great, it's amazing, but it's not perfect,” that's where you get the most brand loyalty and that's been the best thing we've done in finding people is YouTube influencers just give honest and real reviews.
菲利克斯:明白了。 So you almost want the influencers to be a bit critical because it makes it, or not makes it, but it shows that it's an honest review that's not biased or that's not forced onto them with a script.
Carlos: Yes, and you know how we said earlier how we're very flexible? This goes with it, because I tell them, if you tell me what's wrong, we go ahead and fix it. So we're not like those companies when they tell you “Oh, this is horrible, it overheats or something,” they go ahead and try to hide the review. Like someone says “This could be better if they did it,” next iteration, we literally fix it. We try to fix it ASAP, as soon as possible by either having something extra the customer can purchase or by the next revision, we already have that upgrade. So basically, by the next time, because here's the thing too, it doesn't just make it real, but if it's something that could be fixed by the next iteration, by the time the next one comes in and the same person reviews it, you basically already said “Hey, remember how this was great? We made it even better because we fixed that one thing they complained about.”
Felix: Got it, so do you try to go back to influencers that might have given you some constructive criticism? You've gone back and improved the product and then you try to come back to ask them to review it again?
Carlos: Always, always, and to be honest, the reviewers that just say everybody's special and perfect, those are the ones we pay less attention to. Obviously the ones, end of the day, most views, most viral, that's what matters, but the ones that realistically have rankings, have a point system that are honest and legit, those are the best value, because it does give you a point to compete with. It gives you a finish line and say “Okay, this is what's wrong, these are what my competitors are doing that I have to meet” and then that's why we have so many products because like I said, when we see something going on and something from another company is successful, I try every competitor's product, so when I try something and I like it, how can I take this and bring it to mine? Basically, again, with everything we do, we think of the iPhone. You look at the Galaxy, it has something good, next thing you know, the iPhone has it but better. So anything we do like that, we try and incorporate it.
菲利克斯:明白了。 So you look for reviewers on YouTube that are critical, that are taking reviews seriously by having some kind of point system or some actual quantitative way to assess the product, so other than looking for that type of content, are there other things that you look at to decide what kind of reviewers to look at? Are there any tools or specific data that you reference to determine if it's an influencer that you want to work with?
Carlos: No, you know, we mainly look at their views, look at the comments to make sure that they're legit. The views, the comments, we look at the interaction, because some of them just have YouTube some of them just have Instagram, like alright large following there. We always want to make sure that they also match with our brand, obviously. You don't want somebody that doesn't match the branding you're trying to give, review your product, but that's basically it. And a lot of it is just a hunch. Sometimes you see, you'll find a reviewer or an influencer who, we always try to comment, diamond in the rough, it's very easy, it's the easiest thing is to find the reviewers at the very top and obviously everyone knows the influencers and reviewers will start charging basically for their time, which is perfectly fine. A lot of people complain, saying that it's like you're buying a review, but then if you actually did it yourself and did review products, you'd figure out it takes so long. We're basically just compensating for their time.
But it's really easy to get the top ones. You really want to try to find somebody who's gonna be on the [inaudible 00:45:47], basically, kind of like an emerging artist. And we do that sometimes, we'll find someone who's got maybe a couple thousand views, but the quality of their video or whatever they do is so good that it's worth it to stick out with them, they're free or cheap, but on top of that, during their growth, you become a really good partner with them and you help them grow because you were the bigger partner, so now you have kind of relationship.
So I used to do kind of music with DJ so that's kind of what we also have in mind, when we look for influencers. It's kind of like you're trying to find a bunch of small influencers, you cast a wide net, you have a bunch of them try out and then hopefully a few of them will turn into quote unquote “influence superstars” and now you basically you are their biggest partner.
Robert: A good way to find people that want to review your type of product search competing products that are reviewed. So pretty much search competing product title, review, and you'll find on YouTube that are searching, people that are doing similar ones, then when you find the reviewers, take a look at their view count, look at the subscriber count and make sure that the view count looks fairly realistic compared to the likes and dislikes and comments and if those line up, then you know it's more likely it's real, there are some reviewers out there that just buy themselves a bunch of views and ends up not getting the type of impact you're looking for, but make sure those ratios are correct and you'll find good reviewers.
菲利克斯:明白了。 So YouTube's been known as one of the platforms that have had the most, maybe this is too friendly of a word, but most critical commentors on the videos, more than any other platforms. Do you experience this in the reviews, people that are coming in, and of course they're anonymous and dropping comments that aren't helpful in any way?
Carlos: Yeah, you know, it happens all the time. Again, not to drop a lot of rules, but the internet rule that they have is one nine ninety rule, I don't know if you guys know, which is 90 percent of the internet is just lurkers, people who just read, interact, but don't actually do anything. Nine percent of them basically comment once or twice here and there on forums, obviously social media's different, but then only one percent literally of the people that go on average into a forum, et cetera, are the ones that comment. So one of the things that ends up happening is you will end up selling a thousand products and you've got 10 people mad and out of those 10 people, three of them basically did it themselves and no matter what you do, they're not gonna be happy, guess what? Those three people in your videos that have five comments, boom, boom, boom.
所以,你可以做什么? You know, we've actually learned that the best thing to do is just make sure your customer's always happy. Even if sometimes you lose more money, you end up losing more money by having a customer irate and turn around and giving you a bad Yelp review about something, costs more money in the long run than just letting it go. It really sucks, it's a little bit like being held hostage sometimes, especially the bigger you are and the more comments or something, then it can just wade into the bottom, you can start ignoring them, but the smaller you are, they always kind of have you hostage. You get that email that says … nobody cares about calling the Better Business Bureau, but if they turn around and say “I'm gonna make a YouTube video of your product and I'm gonna say it's garbage if you don't refund my money,” ugh, you know, you're kind of stuck between a rock and a hard place. You might be in the right, according to you, but it's a pyrrhic victory at the end of the day, you end up losing out.
So sometimes you just have to give 'em whatever you want, especially if it's something, somebody you can figure out what the problem is, even if it's just giving them their money back and you lost money on that old deal, because you gave them the free product, who cares? It's gonna cost way more money to try to fix it later.
罗伯特:是的,如果你只有两个人因为一个评论而被关闭购买,那么来自这些产品的两个人已经比任何东西都花费你更多,更换 100% 或退款给那个人。
菲利克斯:明白了。 因此,您可能会在那个人身上损失金钱,但您可能能够收回可能会被它关闭的其他所有人的成本,所以当然,要投入时间和金钱来确保客户始终满意, 这很有道理。 那么,你们希望看到业务下一步走向何方? 下一步您想在哪里开展业务?
罗伯特:你知道,我们在等着看市场如何增长。 因为我们处于一个更受控制的市场,等待 FDA 的批准、立法、法规,所以我们希望政府监管不要太多,但足以保护用户和客户免受低质量品牌的影响,但除此之外,我们我真的为增长本身而感到兴奋,你知道,也许以后,我认为大多数企业家的目标可能是看到其中的一部分或有一个明确的退出,一旦你成长得足够多,我们希望以后可以与另一个战略合作伙伴合作找出来。
菲利克斯:太棒了,非常感谢卡洛斯和罗伯特。 所以 sourcevapes.com 再次成为网站,非常感谢你们的到来,伙计们。
Felix:这是下一集 Shopify Masters 的预告片。
演讲者 5:我拥有 iPhone 和三星的购买书籍,所以我得到了很多销售,所以每天有 10 到 20 份销售。
Felix:感谢收听 Shopify Masters,这是面向雄心勃勃的企业家的电子商务营销播客。 要立即开始您的商店,请访问 shopify.com/masters 申请延长 30 天免费试用期。 此外,对于本集的节目说明,请前往 shopify.com/blog。