在 YouTube 上获得 280 万订阅者的 Luxy Hair 的四部分配方
已发表: 2016-06-23在本期 Shopify Masters 中,您将向 Luxy Hair 的联合创始人 Alex Ikonn 了解他们如何将 YouTube 频道发展到近 300 万订阅者。
Luxy Hair 以无与伦比的价格出售高品质、奢华、100% 人头马接发。
了解更多:了解如何在 YouTube 上赚钱。
- 个体经营和企业主的区别。
- 为什么自由很难管理。
- 不卖怎么卖。
听下面的 Shopify Masters…
- 商店:豪华头发
- 社会概况: 脸书| Instagram | 推特
- 推荐:每周四小时工作,Seth Godin,Linchpin,Alex Ikonn,Mimi Ikonn
Felix :今天我加入了来自 LuxyHair.com 的 Alex Ikonn。 那是 LUXYHAIR.com。 Luxy Hair 用于夹式接发。 商店以无与伦比的价格提供奢华品质、100% 就绪的人发夹式扩展,于 2010 年开始,总部位于多伦多。 欢迎,亚历克斯。
亚历克斯:很高兴来到这里。 谢谢你有我。
菲利克斯:当然。 告诉我们更多关于您的商店的信息,以及您销售的一些最受欢迎的产品是什么?
亚历克斯:我们的故事开始了,我认为我们在 Shopify 上是第 4000 号商店或类似的商店。 我们很早就在那里,但当我们第一次建立我们的商店时,它甚至不在 Shopify 上。 它只是在WordPress上。 这只是一个非常简单的模板。 我自己把它放在一起。 这一切都始于我想成为一名企业家的想法,我也认为这个定义是在我的生活和做什么方面拥有自由,而不是拥有老板之类的东西。 我实际上是因为在银行工作而被解雇的。 在那之前,我以为我会一辈子都在公司里。 我真的以为我会晋升。 实际上,在我上大学之前,我想,“我会尝试在银行找到一份工作,这样到我大学毕业时,我已经有四年的经验了。我会遥遥领先”之类的东西。
实际上,当我在大学时,我在银行全职工作,我在全职上学,我被解雇了。 我因为有一点副业而被解雇了。 当你为公司工作时,实际上当你为任何人工作时,你必须把你的时间完全奉献给他们。 他们发现我有一点副业,他们说,“对不起,你违反了利益冲突,虽然你做得很棒,这意味着你达到了所有目标,但这违反了你签署的合同。” 就在那时,我了解到企业和公正的业务,很多时候它是非黑即白的。 这不是你是否是一个了不起的人。 这只是政策,对吧?
我真的很想成为一名企业家,这样我就可以制定自己的政策、自己的事业和自己的生活。 我真的认为这才是真正的创业精神。 创业是一种创造自己生活方式的方式。 “四小时工作周”当然给了我巨大的灵感,我的妻子,她也是我的联合创始人和商业伙伴。 生意真的刚开始真的很谦虚。 我们只是想每个月赚一千五百美元,所以一起赚三千美元。 我们就像,“我们会谦虚地生活。一切都会好起来的。” 业务确实快速而有机地增长,因为我们是最早的公司之一,而且在某种程度上,我们仍然是一家与 YouTube 一起成长并利用视频来发展我们网站的商店。
菲利克斯:太棒了。 是的,里面有很多很棒的东西。 我想稍微分解一下。 我想非常有趣,开始你的职业生涯,你的创业生涯,因为我认为其他听众可能处于同样的情况,公司已经开始实施这个叫做......没有开始实施,但我已经开始看到更多经常被称为兼职政策,他们不允许你兼职,这有点疯狂,对吧? 你典型地工作,你有三分之一的时间基本上是在一家企业,另一家公司,然后......在我看来,你应该能够做任何你想做的事情,但显然有很多政策涉及。 如果您要向从事公司工作或朝九晚五并想创业的人提供建议,有没有办法避免这种情况? 有没有办法和你的雇主谈谈,这样你就不会遇到问题? 这样您就不会在您仍在尝试开展副业时被解雇?
我最大的建议是,对于任何刚起步的人,你都可以。 只是做它非常隐蔽,但最重要的是我会说......我觉得这是另一个建议,只是回头看,我仍然建议......这是一个陷阱二十二。 我现在处于一个很好的位置,但你可以为一家企业工作,无论是公司还是小型企业,全力以赴,这样才能真正取得成功,但这是完全不同的对话。 我真的很感激被解雇。 这是我一生中发生的最伟大的事情之一。 希望它发生在我身上,我认为这是发生在我身上最糟糕的事情,因为我想,“天哪,我的生命结束了。我以为我会成为一名投资银行家。现在我的简历搞砸了, “和很多东西,但那是我决定这辈子只对自己的生活负责的时候。 做到这一点的唯一方法是成为企业主。
菲利克斯:是的,这绝对是一种令人大开眼界的精神,因为无论你是被解雇,你被解雇,或者你基本上只是失去了你最初认为爬上这个阶梯的那种安全感,或者你一辈子都在公司里。 你有这个梦想或这个目标或这个计划,听起来像是在企业界呆了很长时间,所以当你被解雇时......我想多谈谈这种感觉,因为我认为其他人有经历了他们被解雇或解雇的经历。 为什么不直接回到企业界? 为什么不只是想办法回来? 为什么你决定去做一些至少看起来风险更大的事情?
亚历克斯:我想同时这是一个很好的探索机会,因为我还有两年的学业。 就像我说的,即使我在学校全职工作,我也在全职工作。 我只是这样的一个小铁杆。 我想,“你知道吗,而不是跳过另一份工作,我可以做......”我本来可以在另一家银行工作。 我仍然是一个好员工。 我仍然达到了所有目标,我仍然很棒。 我认为这更像是一种认识,为什么不尝试尝试一下呢? “这是另一种可能性。我一直……” 特别是如果你因为有副业而被解雇,也许这是你应该做生意的暗示。 那是我的经历。
菲利克斯:是的,当然。 你有这个副业,不是 Luxy Hair 对吧? 告诉我们更多关于您以前的创业追求的信息。
亚历克斯:哦,伙计,我有这么多。 从字面上看,当我十岁的时候,我在街上卖花并试图赚钱,因为我是来自俄罗斯的移民,我们真的没有钱。 当我来到加拿大时,我会看到孩子们有午餐钱之类的东西,我会说,“妈妈,我需要钱,”她说,“我们没有,所以去想办法吧”我想,“好吧。” 我姐姐说,“有这个人。去买些花。去购物中心,他会给你一个桶,你卖掉这些花,到一天结束时,你会分摊佣金。”
那是我第一次忙碌的经历之一,我真的很感激。 回想起来,这可能就像,“哦,我的上帝,我妈妈可能会请儿童服务中心来找她,”类似的话,但再一次,我非常感谢那次经历。 我认为太多的孩子没有得到那些让他们更加独立的原始、真实的经历。 我妈妈总是跟我说,“这太疯狂了,你十一岁的时候总是很独立,因为你总是一边赚钱。”
当然,还有其他几场演出,然后我在 16 岁时得到了零售工作,比如,“好吧,让我们找份真正的工作吧。” 我被解雇的原因实际上是我和我的朋友,他和我一起上大学,他有这个东西......他来自俄罗斯,他认识俄罗斯想要汽车的人,当时有在这种货币情况下,他们从美国获得汽车,购买,出口,组装起来是非常公平的。 我们将是这些中间人经纪人,他们促成一笔交易,为他们买车并为他们发货,你会得到佣金。 它仍然是一项服务业务。
我认为电子商务和产品的世界曾经对我开放……在我被解雇后,我不会马上开始创业,对吧? 我想很多人都忽略了这一点。 即使在我们的故事中,他们也认为,“哦,他刚开始 Luxy Hair,然后就成功了。他很幸运,”但在 Luxy Hair 出现之前,有两年的时间在 Luxy Hair 之前,因为我在刚被解雇的地方被解雇了弄清楚。 我正在尝试不同的事情,这意味着我正在尝试做一个网站设计服务机构。
亚历克斯:是的,当然。 我想学校,尤其是大学对我来说,我从来没有认真对待过。 我并没有真正完全接受那种经历。 我会跳过大多数讲座,只做考试并通过考试,然后做得很好。 只要我完成了,我就会变得很酷,并且获得了学位,这一切都很好。 反正对我来说还是有点没用。 发生的事情是我尝试了这些小型服务业务。 我有这个网站设计机构,然后社交媒体刚刚爆发,Facebook、YouTube、Twitter 和所有这些工具。 我想,“哇,这真的会改变很多正在发生的事情。” 我试图成为一名社交媒体顾问一年。 我是一个失败的社交媒体顾问,意思是……特别是在那个时候,你的服务很难推销,因为当时甚至现在,“哦,你是一个蛇油推销员。他们没有任何经验他们正试图通过这些服务向人们推销。”
发生的事情是我的一个朋友,他开了这家初创公司,一切进展顺利,他知道我在做社交媒体的事情,他就像,“嘿,我想雇佣你全职做这件事我们。” 我想,“嘿,反正我做得不太好。我一个人想成为一名企业主,或者真的……”这并不是真正的企业家。 你是个体户,对吧? 我认为很多人在提供服务时有一个很大的误解,那就是你是个体经营者。 你不是企业家。 企业家是那些在做其他事情或睡觉时为他们工作的企业的人。 这是一台机器。 这是一种不同的东西。 即使过了这么多年,我仍然会去那个地方。 这也是另一回事。 我想,为了完成这一点,我接受了那份工作,因为我真的需要钱,我想,“酷,我会做的。”
我真的是一号员工。 那是我真正了解电子商务和产品的地方,因为他实际上正在这样做,这意味着他实际上是在国际上销售该产品。 这就是我学习履行和海运以及如何进口货物,如何从中国采购货物,如何做到这一点的地方。 从字面上看,在两个月内,我能够了解有关该业务的所有信息。 我当时想,“哇,这太棒了。” 与此同时,我在阅读《每周工作四小时》,而《每周工作四小时》是一本很棒的心态书。 我仍然非常感谢那本书,因为它把你的心态转移到了不同现实的可能性上。 我在为朋友工作时尝试做其中一些事情,但它没有成功,这意味着我无法远程工作。 我试图这样做,但他说,“不,你这样做太多了。你必须退后一步。”
我又一次来到了一个非常天真和年轻的地步。 我想,“嘿,我将通过我的社交媒体策略彻底改变你的业务。我是业务的股权,”马上开始。 他就像,“不。我不会给你股权,”我想,“好吧,好吧。我要离开了。” 我离开了。 我想那是一个真实的,也是我自己的另一个转折点……再一次,我真的很感谢我的朋友,他带我进去,给我指路。 我们现在还是朋友。 他现在实际上也为我们做一些咨询,所以这就是世界如何变化的方式。 再一次,那种经历是……我在为这家小型初创企业工作的两个月里学到了,我对商业的了解比我在大学四年里学到的更多。
这就是为什么我现在建议这么多人出去为较小的公司、组织工作,在那里你可以直接与创始人一起工作,因为你的学习曲线会比为大公司或大公司工作要高得多公司在那里你刚刚被排挤,你有一个专长,这就是你所做的。 所以这对你们中的许多人来说是另一个非常棒的提示。 我知道现在有很多人试图从我们这里购买作品,因为我给出了这个建议。 现在我认为我们正试图真正抓住人们,这样他们就不会试图为我们工作只是为了学习,而且还有更多的长期存在。
菲利克斯:太棒了。 你一开始尝试了很多不同的东西,对吧? 你主要还专注于服务,然后你几乎承担了你进来的这个学徒角色,直接与创始人一起工作。 这种订婚持续了多久? 你是如何让自己处于从这段关系中获得所有需要学习的东西的位置的?
亚历克斯:这是一个很好的问题。 就像我说的,我确实在那里只呆了两三个月。 我认为最重要的是你必须好奇,你必须问很多问题。 你这样做不仅是为了自己,也是为了更好地完成工作,在公司中真正出类拔萃。 任何时候,即使是为我们工作的人不问问题,我实际上也会想,“你为什么不问问题?” 很多人,他们不想看起来很愚蠢,对吧?
亚历克斯:同时我认为这很重要,我认为不要认为自己无所不知是一种很好的品质,如果你真的有问题,你应该有问题,尤其是当你开始为某人工作时,它是问尽可能多的问题。 如果创始人是您与我们一起工作的人,那么您的管理层是......他们很可能会开放,因为他们希望您了解并表现出色,而且很多时候他们甚至没有对您进行适当的培训。 这真的取决于你。 就像我说的,无论你是想在工作中表现出色,还是想更多地了解业务,你都必须真正把它放在自己身上,保持好奇,提出问题。
这就是我所做的。 我会问诸如“好吧,你怎么……?”之类的问题。 即使我的角色是社交媒体……你正在为一家初创公司工作,这意味着你必须担任多个角色。 我必须做客户服务,我必须做一些销售,我必须做一些其他的事情。 我也会问他问题。 我会想,“好吧,我需要知道业务是如何运作的,这样我才能更好地履行我的职责。你是如何开始这项业务的?你是如何采购产品的?你是如何做到的?你是如何做到的?交税?” 只是问问题。 就像我说的,那是我上过的最好的学校。
菲利克斯:你刚才说了一些我认为多谈一点真的很重要的事情。 您谈到了自雇与企业主之间的区别。 你能多谈谈这个吗? 成为企业主与个体经营者最大的区别或好处是什么?
亚历克斯:是的。 我想这是我自己必须经历的最大的学习之一。 我想很多时候人们相信如果你有生意,这意味着如果你提供服务,那就是生意。 你是企业主,你是企业家。 他们可以。 每个人的定义都不一样。 但是,我从经验中了解到,个体经营并不适合所有人。 这真的很难。 我认为很多时候,即使人们刚开始拥有自己的企业,他们也没有真正意识到自己正在从事什么工作,因为随之而来的是很多工作。 我们都被这个梦想所吸引,尤其是现在,企业家的生活方式和它是什么。 我是其中的一部分。 查看我的 Instagram 或观看我的 YouTube 视频的人总是认为我一直在旅行。
亚历克斯:是的,迷人的企业家,但事实并非如此。 我认为特别重要的是,当你是个体经营者时,也就是说,当你提供某种服务时,比如说你……开一家咖啡馆或餐馆也是我的梦想,现在也是。 这很浪漫。 我喜欢它。 同时,如果您开设任何实体业务,您就会受到约束。 你不会逃避……当然,你可以成长到一个水平,让管理到位,做所有类似的事情,培训人员,建立一个适当的流程,所有这些。 这就是您进入下一个级别的地方,但很可能在开始时您将不得不大量参与。
和我一样,我现在仍然处于我们正在成长的水平,我们正在安置人员,我们正在招聘,我们正在创建结构和流程,即使是现在,就像我说的......我住在伦敦。 我的团队在多伦多。 它与我完全分开,这意味着我们有一个管理团队的人,他管理着团队。 我们的其他业务也一样,即 IntelligentChange.com。 同样,我的合伙人 UJ 在那里经营公司。 这是下一个层次,它不仅仅是关于你。 这是关于建立一个团队并让人们能够做他们比你做得更好的事情并且你必须放开控制权。 我认为成为企业主或成为企业家的最大衡量标准是你是否真的自由,对吗? 我认为这是最大的衡量标准,就是自由。
费利克斯:有道理。 您之前提到过自雇并不适合所有人。 您是否认为对于那些可能在企业界或朝九晚五工作然后过渡到自营职业并受到一些他们可能没有预料到的现实打击的人存在一些常见的误解? 你能想到任何吗?
亚历克斯:我认为对很多人来说最重要的是意识到,就像我说的,我很幸运,当我刚开始的时候,我的目标很低。 当我们刚开始时,我们的目标很小,就是要赚多少钱,要更换。 我们的收入对我们来说是宜居的收入。 在我习惯于靠……生活之前,我是一名学生,靠兼职工作或小演出,甚至是银行的全职工作为生,这并没有给我那么多钱。 在银行零售层面,您每年获得 3 千美元的报酬。 税后你可能赚了两个盛大或类似的东西。 我把它放低了。 我想,“我们真正需要的是什么?” 我想,“如果我能赚到一千五百美元,那我很好。这就是我真正需要的。” 特别是如果咪咪做到了,我们结合我们的收入,我们谦虚地住在公寓里,我们应该很好。 对我们来说最重要的是自由。
为什么我要谈论这个是为了很多人,特别是如果你要跳出接近五位数或六位数的高薪工作,你必须明白你必须取代那份收入。 为了让你取代那笔收入,这意味着你必须产生更多的收入,因为当你经营一家企业时,经营一家企业会产生很多成本。 即使我们的业务有实际的实物商品,我们实际上也必须购买库存,我们必须移动库存,我们必须为履行支付费用,我们必须做所有这些事情加上税收。 很多人忘记了税收。 你会惊讶于有多少创业者从不考虑税收。 你就像,“嘿,这也是等式的一部分。” 您必须支付营业税,个人税,这些不同的税。 就像,你还剩下什么? 这对你来说是值得的,你离开你的工作可能会得到更少的报酬并做更多的事情,对吗?
我认为最重要的是你要意识到,对于一些人来说,他们会更快乐地做三十而不是六十,而且工作得更多,但他们有自己的自由,对吧? 这意味着他们是决策者,他们是老板,这就是他们的生活方式。 例如,在这一点上,我不能为任何人工作。 我称像我这样的人失业。 甚至最近有人在找工作,他们在找工作为我工作,这样他们就可以学习,我可以看到这一点和他们的面试,我直截了当地告诉他们,“你失业了,”意思是,“我看得出你想成为老板。这没有问题,但你必须认识到这一点,然后去做,”意思是,“是的,你必须牺牲你目前可能拥有的舒适或轻松公司的事情,但最终你可能会过得更好,”意思是,“你会更满足,而不用回答别人,”对吗?
然而,有不同的人群,对吧? 我要说的是有不同的人群。 我认为大多数人都忘记了你是企业家、企业主或个体经营者,无论你是什么身份,但当你为自己工作时,这意味着你必须做主,你必须做出所有决定,我是告诉你对大多数人来说,为别人工作比为自己工作容易得多。 我不知道为什么。 作为人类,当有人......
问题是,当您拥有自己的企业时,您需要成为自己的领导者。 即使你没有员工,这意味着你必须领导自己,你必须管理自己,你必须管理你的时间,当你进来时,当你这样做时,因为自由实际上是很难管理的。 即使是我们为另一家公司 Intelligent Change 提供的产品之一,同样的事情是生产力规划器。 我创建了生产力规划器,人们就像,“你为什么要创建这个生产力规划器?” 我为自己创建了它,这意味着多年来我需要为自己创建结构,以让我更有效地工作。 否则效率不高。
菲利克斯:是的,你所说的一切都说明了企业家、自雇人士、企业主的生活方式似乎很迷人,很多人都被它所吸引,但这并不适合所有人。 在你从朝九晚五或公司工作等更安全的工作跃升之前,你有什么方法可以判断你是否准备好了,或者你自然倾向于更好地成为个体经营者?
亚历克斯:这是一个棘手的问题。 我认为这是一个非常私人的。 只有个人自己才能真正知道。 你真的不会知道,直到你跳进去。我想对我来说,我很幸运再次被解雇,因为我有一些选择,但我想,“嘿,这是一个尝试的机会。” 老实说,如果我没有被解雇,我很可能没有生意,对吧? 我不知道我是否有勇气真正做到这一点,对吧? 例如,我的妻子咪咪,她可能有胆量。 我会诚实的,对吧? 我们一起在银行认识的。 我们就是这样认识的,是在我被解雇的银行。 她没有被解雇。 后来她退出了,因为她说,“我也要这样做,我要这样做,”她做出了这个决定。 对我来说,这个决定是为我自己做出的。
我认为对很多人来说,这是一件非常私人的事情。 我认为你能说出的最大方式就是你为别人工作的感觉,对吧? 如果你有某种怨恨或感觉,“嘿,这不公平”或“他们得到了所有的好处”,如果你有任何这些,那就为自己工作吧。 至少尝试一下。 即使没有成功,您也会对经营企业的人产生极大的感激之情,他们甚至会为您提供薪水。 你会说,“天哪,我不知道有这么多,”因为我认为现在很多人低估了通常需要多少工作。 就像我说的,我告诉很多人的是,即使是现在,这是一个热门话题,但我认为最重要的是人们只是......再一次,他们不能把自己放在那些鞋子里,直到他们'确实在那里。 这就是为什么我说你必须这样做,特别是如果你还年轻的话。
这就是为什么我对我的经历如此感激,因为我没有家属。 我和妈妈住在一起。 我能理解当你有孩子,当你有抵押贷款,当你拥有所有这些东西时,其他人做出这个决定会变得更加困难,但特别是如果你没有积聚的生活负担时间和你有这个机会,你一定要为自己尝试一下。 再一次,如果你有那种感觉,“嘿,世界不公平,我没有得到我应得的份额……”当我向我的朋友要求公平时,发生了这种情况。 我会感激 2%,但实际上我不值得。
现在回想起来,我想,“真是个自大的家伙。” 如果我现在对自己这样做,如果有人为我工作,甚至在他们为我的企业生产任何东西之前向我索要股权,我可能会卖给他们同样的东西,或者我会告诉他,“嘿,你知道吗? ,让我们制定一个计划,如果你确实生产了一些东西,那么就有可能生产一些东西。” 在你做任何事情之前,甚至要求任何事情都是没有意义的,“嘿,我想要我的那块锅。” 如果你想要,去创造你自己的锅。
菲利克斯:对,我喜欢。 我认为这是一个很好的晴雨表。 你觉得你应该得到更多吗? 当你为别人工作时,你是否觉得自己没有得到公平的待遇? 就像你说的那样,你不能真正确定,因为涉及的事情太多,涉及的工作太多,你必须擅长或喜欢的事情太多,当你开始自己的事业时,你直到你真正试一试才知道。 这听起来像是你的目标,我认为很多听众,他们的目标,是随着时间的推移越来越自由。 那是你从朝九晚五的工作过渡到为别人工作,为自己工作,然后理想地成为企业主的时候。 是否可以设置自己,以便您直接成为企业主,或者您是否总是必须开始自雇并首先创建自己的工作,然后过渡出来?
亚历克斯:我们在现实生活中都有这样的例子……他们从来没有工作过,对吧? 他们只是直接跳入创业或尝试拥有自己的事业,其中许多人仍然成功。 这有很多活生生的证据。 我真的不认为你需要这样做。 如果你对成为一名学生没问题,就像我和我的朋友一样,只是当学徒,你就可以遥遥领先。 我想很多人,包括我自己,都错过了这一点。 即使现在回想起来,例如,如果我自己现在辞职并为我目前拥有的更大的电子商务公司工作,我可能会更快地扩展我的业务,你知道我的意思吗?
菲利克斯:是的,这很有趣。 你的愿望既是礼物也是诅咒,对吧? 你想拥有自己的东西,你想在自己的东西上工作,但它也会阻碍你,因为你错过了为其他人工作的所有这些机会,而这些人也可以教给你很多东西。 有趣的是,这几乎就像是一种平衡行为,你必须通过它来找出追求自己的东西与可能成为学徒或为他人工作之间的正确平衡。
亚历克斯:没错。 这就是我们今天很多人忘记的,用自己的钱向别人学习的价值。
亚历克斯:是的,得到报酬来学习。 我的意思是你可以做更长的时间。 例如,现在为我们工作的人。 他们将成为公司的一部分,能够花一定数量的钱,达到一定的水平,并且能够做一些你没有钱并且开始时无法做的事情例如,对吧? 你只是无法尝试这样的预算,或者你无法接触到这样的人,例如,我们可以通过我们的 YouTube 或我们的 Instagram 频道或类似的东西。 这样你就可以了解他们是如何达到那个水平的,他们是做什么的? 尤其是当你真正投入其中时,你会学到很多东西。
我有一个非常好的朋友,他在多伦多拥有一家非常成功的公司。 他雇佣了近百人。 他们很大。 他们正在赚钱,七位数的业务加上。 现在他在 Facebook 工作。 人们会说,“他在 Facebook 工作的怎么样?他为什么要这么做?” 我认识他,我也想,“伙计,你为什么要这样做?你不必为某人工作,”你知道我的意思吗? 他说:“你知道吗,我想我正在变老,但我意识到这其中有很多价值,可以在这台机器里向一些最伟大的人学习。” 他就像是,“我实际上对与我一起工作的人的聪明程度感到谦卑。” 有时我认为让自己走出舒适区并做一些激进的事情很重要。
我不是说你必须这样做,但我想说的是,对于我们中的许多人来说,我们只是急于成功,靠自己取得成功,但我真的相信有如此巨大的价值你可以拥有... 不止一种方法。 不只是成为自己,自己成为企业家。 就像我说的,你可以为一个较小的企业工作,在那里你可以和创始人一起工作,或者你可以尝试为一个更大的组织工作,并在那里工作并在那里学习,但最重要的是不要把这些机会视为理所当然,因为这么多人,他们只是工作,他们只是按照他们被告知的事情去做,仅此而已。
为了真正从那种经验中获益,你不能把它看作是一份工作。 您必须进入并为任何人工作,并将自己视为所有者。 意思是,“如果这是我的业务,我怎样才能最大限度地发挥我实际发展这项业务的能力?” 当你这样做时,当你认为你也是这家企业的所有者时,这就像你自己成为一名企业家一样,但你能够学得更快,因为你能够拥有独处时可能没有的工具供您使用。 例如,当您与 Shopify 合作时,我一直在他们的办公室工作,您只是没有这些资源自己工作,您知道我在说什么吗?
然后,当你这样做时,第一,你的职业生涯会上升得更快,因为没有足够的人是那些正在领导和负责他们的职位和他们正在做的事情的所有者。 他们好奇,他们是学生,他们正在学习,他们正在适应。 无论如何,你会得到提升,你会在一个组织中成长。 即使没有,您也会为自己学习某些东西,然后当您开始自己的业务时,您可以从这些过程中学习。 假设当您为 Shopify 工作时,Shopify 具有某些流程或它们如何……您从他们自己的成功中学习,或者您为不同的电子商务企业工作,并且您了解他们的东西是什么。
就像我说的,如果那两个月我没有为我的朋友工作,我会花更长的时间来通过反复试验,通过尝试不同的事情来学习所有这些东西,但是我在这里进入并被投入进入一个有效的、成功的、已经产生金钱和利润的系统,我可以看到一个企业是如何运作的。 就像我说的,最大的不同只是我说,“天哪,我非常感谢这次经历。” 感谢我的朋友,感谢你只是我在那里,并且能够在我在那里的时候好好利用我的时间。
菲利克斯:太棒了。 是的,我认为我听到的这句话,我认为它适用于这里,如果你是房间里最聪明的人,你就走错了房间,这意味着你只能学到尽可能多的东西你身边的人。 如果你让自己陷入一种境遇、一份工作、一份学徒期,而你却超出了你的舒适区,那么你就不再是最聪明的人了,那就是你可以学习的时候了。 那是你真正获得最大价值的时候,因为他们在那里教你一些你不知道的东西。 我现在想谈谈业务。 这是一段伟大的历史,讲述了你是如何走到今天这个位置的。 你们开始了,你说你的目标是三千美元。 你每人要一千五百美元。 我绝对想谈谈 YouTube。 这是在 YouTube 成功之前还是之后?
亚历克斯:没有。很多人问......我前几天刚刚在这个活动上发言,其中一个问题也是,“YouTube 频道是先来的还是电子商务?是产品吗? "
亚历克斯:这是产品,是业务。 当您访问我们的网站并阅读我们的故事时,这就是真实的故事,这意味着 Mimi 正在为婚礼寻找接发,那时我正在阅读“四小时工作周”,我想,“我需要我的缪斯女神。我的想法是什么? 我认为对很多人来说,这很好,很好,你有这种感觉,你想成为一名企业家,或者你想拥有自己的事业,但你的想法是什么? 我认为这是你真正理解或知道的最重要的事情之一。 咪咪真的来了……她在向姐姐莱拉抱怨找不到好的接发。 我不知道接发是什么,我只是再次好奇。 “什么是接发?你要这个做什么?有什么问题?”
她会回答,然后砰,砰,砰,我们看着它,我说,“好吧,哇。在美国市场上真的没有人在做她想要的那种产品。” 我想,“嘿,制作这个要花多少钱?” 因为我有采购和阿里巴巴的经验以及如何做到这一点,所以我想,“好吧。” 我赶紧查看了一下。 我当时想,“让我们看看产品的成本是多少。” 我想,“好吧,酷。这是利润率。我们可以卖这么多。我们就这样做。酷。” 然后我们就像是,“让我们这样做。”
由于我的社交媒体背景,我知道我相信什么会起作用。 Like I said, I had no experience. Nobody was hiring me because I didn't have a track record. I had a feeling that this is the future. This is how business will build themselves. I said, "We're just going to make videos that are going to provide value to people through hair tutorials and you and Laila," Laila is her sister, "Will create those tutorials if you guys want to be a business." Because we were all employed at that point because I quit at that point, we were all unemployed and everyone said, "Yeah, cool. Let's do this." That's how it all started. It was just from those humble beginnings.
菲利克斯:太棒了。 Did you see other people, other businesses do it? How did you know that YouTube was the platform that you would build first? Today there's just so many other platforms you can use. How were you able to identify that YouTube was the right one for your business?
Alex : The reason we chose to go with this strategy was really, I'll say my two virtual mentors that really inspired me were Seth Godin and Gary Vaynerchuk. Seth Godin always talks about providing value and creating your art. The book "Linchpin," it's probably my all time favorite book. Gary Vaynerchuk at that time, he was just starting out. I think what he did with Wine Library and creating that content was the predecessor to what is possible and with creating, once again, unconditional content for people and then having a product on the back end. I'm like, "We're just going to do exactly that. We'll create hair tutorials every week and we sell hair extensions." 完毕。
Felix : Obviously this content marketing approach of business is definitely proving to work and is defensible. Once you have a lot of content it's hard to replicate that same thing, but today people are really focused on PPC or just driving ads and focusing on that side of things. It's sounds like obviously it's a longer road to get to actual sales because you had to build up all the content, build up the following. What were the early days like? I'm assuming you weren't getting tons of sales at the very beginning when you started a YouTube channel with zero subscribers like everyone else starts.
Alex : Of course. I think this is the most important thing to know is that we all start with zero dollars, zero subscribers. I think for us the most important thing was taking this more longer term approach and for us is that because we really didn't like selling. What I mean by this, in business you have to sell. You have to sell your product. You have to pitch it, you have to whatever. We felt there was this new era coming in where you can provide value and by providing value you expose people and you get people to know you and then they'll become interested in your own product. Our gig from the beginning was how can we provide content that people are looking for that we can then redirect to our own website and our product? Mimi and Laila started making videos right away, meaning we talked about, next week we already started making them.
You can watch those first videos. They were made on laptop webcams. In those videos they just went, "Okay, what are people looking for?" Mimi was like, "Okay, a lot of people are looking for examples for reviews of products." Our first video ever was a review of a hairstyling tool. That video got some things and some views and it's what people are looking for. They would just create content that people would look for. Especially back then how to and beauty content, a lot of people were looking for that, so how to style your hair, how to do makeup. We chose to do just hair because we had a product that was hair-related. We had to control a certain niche. That's really how we became one of the biggest hair channels on YouTube was just focusing on doing that one thing that is relatable to our product.
I had this little formula. I'll kind of quickly go through it because years after I'm like, "Okay, what is it that made us successful in business, on YouTube, through our content strategy? What was it in our content strategy that allows you to grow? It comes down to these four things. I call this formula QVCA. The first one is quality. When I talk about quality, the quality doesn't have to be super high. Like I said, we started with laptops. A lot of times people right now, you can start with a pocket camera, your iPhone 6, the latest smart phone. It can be pretty good because on YouTube the content that really connects with people is not super professional content. It's not the content that's going to have two, three camera angles. People go to YouTube for that personality. How do you consume Youtube, even yourself? Do you watch it mostly on your cell phone, on your laptop, do you watch with a group of friends?
Felix : I usually watch it on your cell phone.
Alex : Yeah. On your cell phone by yourself, right?
Alex : Exactly. It's important to understand that most people, that's how they consume YouTube content, meaning the content has to be very personal. That's why you don't have to get super fancy on the content in a way of multiple camera angles. 保持简单。 Of course when it comes to talking about quality of content, you have to be providing, which is the second word, V, value. The first one was quality. You don't have to have super high end. Also it can't be too low. You still have to be able to hear, see, and all that stuff.
The second one is value. Most importantly is when you create content, you have to provide a lot of value. Most importantly provide it unconditionally because so many people ... This is the problem once again with so many people is that the biggest thing I could tell you right now about business and the biggest mind shifts that I had personally is the moment ... Before when you were unemployed or you don't have money, because this was my situation before, I would think, "How do I make money?" I need this. This is a missing element in life. How do I make it?"
The thing is no one cares. No one cares that you don't have money. No one's going to come to you and be like, "Hey poor Alex, here's money." You have to provide value into other people's lives. That's what business is. 什么是商业? When somebody's buying something from you, that means you're going to deliver them some sort of value and they're willing to exchange their money for what you're going to give them in terms of value. We kind of flipped everything on a switch and we just provide value unconditionally, meaning when we're creating our content we never think, "What's the ROI of this content?" We honestly don't think like that to this day. We just think, "Hey, how can we provide tons of value to people?"
Same things for our website, same thing through our product, anything else. We just redesigned our whole website. We had a pretty kick-ass website. We didn't have to do that but we redesigned our website because we want to provide more value to the people who are on our website to be able to provide a better experience. That's why we do that stuff. Same thing with our content, we just create all this free content unconditionally. Whether you need hair extensions or you don't need hair extensions, you're watching our content because we might be helpful to you. Even if a person who never wants to buy hair extensions watches our videos and they get something out of it, they learn how to make a braid, and then their best friend's getting married and is like, "Hey, I'm looking for hair extensions," guess what happens? Who is she going to remember? Is she going to remember some no name shop that has never done anything good for them or provided them some value or Mimi who she watched her video and she learned how to create a braid through her tutorial?
Our business story has really just been built on us delivering unconditional value. However, the most important thing to keep in mind ... These are the last two letters of the formula. It's quality, have decent quality, don't go too fancy. Value, provide tons of value to people. Third, consistency. This is where a lot of people miss out on it as well, right? Felix, the reason you have a successful podcast is because you're consistent, right?
Alex : You put out a podcast how often?
Felix : Twice a week.
Alex : Twice a week. 你这样做多久了?
Felix : We've been putting out podcasts for two years straight.
Alex : Two years straight. Think about it, us at Luxy Hair, we've been putting out a video pretty much every week for the last six years.
Alex : When you look at it, it's not luck. We're not just successful because we're lucky, right? We're successful because we're consistent and we're consistent at driving value to people and same with you, right? You're consistently delivering people information, value. That's why people will find you. They look for you. That's why you now work with Shopify directly because you created tons of value and you have consistency. Consistency is also talking about consistent content meaning if you're going to especially connect something with a business, you have to have some sort of a niche. For you for example, you created a niche around yourself by being with Shopify Masters, right? You have a niche on Shopify and e-commerce stores, that's your niche. We had a niche that was just Luxy Hair. It's all about hair. We were then able to carve out a niche for ourselves and become known for the hair people, right? We're known by hair and we sell hair products, sweet. That consistency plays an important role.
The last important piece that has made our content really successful, and I believe it's the same reason why your content is successful or any other people who have been successful. We have quality, we have value, we have consistency. The last piece, authenticity. What I mean by that is that when we create content, Mimi genuinely still cares about the content that she makes. Her whole strategy is, "Hey, I'm learning something and I'm going to teach you while I learn this as well." That's authentic to her. Mimi doesn't pretend that she's the greatest hairstylist or she's certified and she's worked in a salon. Mimi has no hair experience, but she's authentic in just saying, "Hey, I'm a regular person like you. I'm learning and I'm just going to teach you this hairstyle that I've learned recently." Boom, right? That by itself, that genuine interaction and authenticity, most people come watch our videos not even for hairstyles. They just come to watch and interact with Mimi for that authentic relationship that we have built over the years.
菲利克斯:我喜欢那个。 You talk about how people go to YouTube for relationships and not just for content or to learn things. They go there and, like you're saying, sometimes they'll go and not even ... Not necessarily not care, but they might not even be going to learn the tutorial. They just go to hear Mimi talk or just to have that weekly check-in with her because you have that relationship. I love that you point that out because a lot of times when people think about creating content they think about, "How do I create value?" Value is definitely the key as one of yours in the QVCA formula, but then you have to build that relationship, you have to build that connection with your audience or your fans essentially.
Alex : Exactly. I think for us, I've also talked to a lot of people who watch our stuff and I'm always curious, "How do you watch our content? Where are you?" They'll be like, a lot of times, "Just at breakfast. I'm alone so I just wanted company." I'm like, "Wow, cool."
Felix : Yeah, that's cool.
Alex : It's surprisingly but I think this is what so many people especially in business miss, right? You try to be all professional and corporate and all that stuff. You can do that, it's cool, but I believe a thing that people can do, especially people who are starting out, is be authentic and genuine with your story and how you're starting out because people are a lot more likely to help you out if you're honest and you're like, "Hey, I'm just starting out building this business. I'm just figuring it out." It's surprising to me as well, trust me. It's still surprising. When you look at our first website, you're like, "Who the hell would ever order from this website?" I'm honest, right? Now that you look at us, we're all fancy and stuff, right? We just spent tons of money on our website. 它的价格昂贵。
So many people, especially when they're starting out, you always have to look at the beginning of anybody. I'm sure even Shopify's first website sucked, right? They probably look back and cringe on their website. They're like, "Ugh, I don't know. Our website's way better now." Yeah, obviously. You have five hundred plus staff and crazy little people running around doing all this amazing stuff. At the beginning the thing that you have is your authentic story. Like I say, even Shopify, "We had our own store. We weren't happy with the platform providers over there, so we created our own platform." That's a powerful story. I think another powerful thing that so many e-commerce owners that don't do, they don't put their story on their product page on their website. I'm telling you, you can go Google right now. Just type Luxy Hair, LUXY dash hair. Google populates the popular pages on our website. You will see our story is one of the most popular pages on the website.
Felix : Yeah, right next to your shop.
Alex : Yeah, exactly. I would say that page is what helps us convert so much. That's why we expanded on it now with our new redesign, but even the story that you see there is the same story we had as when we started. 它是真实的。 That's the story. I think one of the, once again, biggest things you can take away if you're a e-commerce or you're starting out e-commerce is share your story, especially if it's authentic. Yeah, you're story's like, "Hey, I just want to make money," maybe that's not the best story. Really think as to why you're bringing this product into life. A little segue as well, so many people who don't know what kind of business they should even do, create a business out of a problem you have in your own life. Hair extensions is not a problem I had in my life, it's not my problem, but it was a problem that Mimi had. Through creating this business we solved that problem. Most likely if you're solving your own problem, you're going to solve a lot of poeple's problems in the world.
Felix : Yeah, it definitely becomes a lot easier when you are your own customer because you don't have to spend so much time figuring them out because they are you or they are, in this case, Mimi. You don't have to spend so much time in the early days learning more about them because you already have them inside your company. Just kind of close out on this and give the listeners an idea of how much success there's been, the Luxy Hair channel itself has closing in on three million subscribers. You guys also have your own channels. Alex, you have one over a hundred thousand. Mimi has another one over five hundred thousand subscribers. This QVCA model, I love it. I love that you broke it down like that. 我认为这很有意义。 For people out there that are thinking about putting their story out there, thinking about finding ways to connect more with their ... Find people with connect with, specifically with YouTube. Here's a lot. Is it still possible to get started today when it's "so saturated" in that market? If so, how do you get yourself to stand out in the crowd?
Alex : That's a great question. I think when we started people were saying it was too saturated. I think no matter what it will always be like that, even in business. If you're starting a business, it's too saturated. There's too many businesses, you know what I mean? I think the way you stand out whether it be in business or on YouTube or on Instagram or any of these social platforms, it goes back to that last piece of the QVCA formula, is authenticity. I'm telling you the best way to win in business or on YouTube and you grow is to be authentic and just be your authentic self. Authenticity is actually lacking in our world right now meaning people are going to a lot more likely ... The reason people watch us is because they still feel that we're genuine. They feel that we're for real. When I'm talking here, I really don't ... This is me. I don't really have anything to hide. When you watch my channel, I'm the same guy. When you meet me, I'm the same guy. I'm going to give it to you straight.
I think with that, and it's the sole reason, same thing, Gary Vaynerchuk, he's really successful right now. He's really on point and trending because he's being himself. He's not perfect, right? He doesn't try to be perfect. I think the important thing is, same thing, when you create content, don't try to be Gary, don't try to be me, don't try to be Mimi, just be you. So many of us are afraid to be ourselves. Hey, I'll tell you that, six years later, I'm still working on myself. That's one of the most important things to figure out is it's not like you're going to find your authentic voice right away, but as long as you're putting yourself out there and you're willing to put it on the line and be a little risky and don't try to always be perfect, make mistakes and that's okay, be public about it and say ...
One thing we did with our videos at one point, we started making them polished and edited and it was like nothing. Then we actually saw we lost some engagement. Then we're like, "What's going on?" Then we figured out that people actually like the bloopers. People actually like when your English is not perfect and you make a mistake. 没关系。 Of course it has to be clean to a certain point, but still leaving in that touch, that quirk that you have is very important.
菲利克斯:太棒了。 Thanks so much, Alex. LuxyHair.com, LUXYHAIR.com is the website. Where else should folks go check out if they want to follow what you're up to, what Luxy Hair is up to, what Mimi's up to?
Alex : Yeah, I produce blogs at least one or three times a week as well as my channel, so you can find me on YouTube at Alex Ikonn. It's ALEX IKONN. Same thing for Mimi, it's called Mimi Ikonn. If you want to watch some hair tutorials, Luxy Hair. You can also find me on Instagram. I'm Snapchatting these days as well sometimes. 我有空。 You can really follow our journey so it's pretty exciting.
Felix : Yeah, we'll link all that in the show notes. Again, thanks for much for your time, Alex.
Alex : Thank you.
Felix : Thanks for listening to Shopify Masters, the e-commerce marketing podcast for ambitious entrepreneurs. To start your store today, visit Shopify.com/masters to claim your extend thirty day free trial.
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