傑出的商業媽媽如何使用 Pinterest 為他們的業務提供動力
已發表: 2016-05-24在這個播客中,您將聽到 Beth Anne Schwamberger 的講話,她是一位企業家,他使用 Pinterest 推動 Brilliant Business Moms 的大部分銷售,這是一個為媽媽們提供資源、指南和課程的社區。
- 如何平衡建立受眾和創造和銷售產品。
- 她如何創建一個病毒式贈品,從而產生了 7,000 個新的電子郵件地址。
- 什麼是 Pinterest 小組委員會以及如何與他們合作以增加流量。
聽下面的 Shopify Masters…
- 商店: Brilliant Business Moms
- 社交資料: Facebook | Instagram | 推特
Felix :今天,來自 BrilliantBusinessMoms.com 的 Beth Anne schwamberger 加入了我的行列。 Brilliant Business Moms 為創業者創建資源,如計劃者、指南、日曆以及最近的課程。 那是在 2014 年,總部位於加利福尼亞州聖地亞哥。 歡迎,貝絲安妮。
貝絲:非常感謝你邀請我,菲利克斯。 我很高興來到這裡。
菲利克斯:太棒了! 告訴我們更多關於您的商店的信息。 您銷售的最受歡迎的產品有哪些?
貝絲:當然,我們的 Shopify 商店,迄今為止最受歡迎的產品一直是我們出色的商業策劃師。 我和姐姐創建了一個真正面向在線業務女性的規劃器。 在過去的策劃者季節,2015-16 年 12 月/1 月,它賣得非常好。 那麼我想我也應該說我們最新最受歡迎的產品現在是我創建的關於如何使用 Pinterest 進行銷售的課程。
Felix :太棒了,我絕對想深入研究 Pinterest。 我認為那裡有很多企業家正在努力獲取有關 Pinterest 的更多信息,所以我很高興馬上就能做到這一點。
讓我們談談你的出身,你是如何開始的以及一切。 我什至不知道有計劃賽季這樣的事情,但人們正在為明年和年底做準備是很有意義的。 你是怎麼參與進來的,我猜,我不會稱之為行業? 你是如何參與這件事的,這個計劃我們的社區?
從那以後,我和姐姐對所有這些不同的時間管理策略進行了研究和測試,我們寫了一本名為《時間管理媽媽》的書,這本書也在我們的 Shopify 商店和亞馬遜上。 也由此產生了創建我們自己的規劃師的想法,因為我們使用的時間管理方法和我們使用的目標設定策略,我們找不到一個能夠將所有這些結合起來的規劃師,所以我們只是說, “讓我們試一試。 讓我們創建一個我們認為非常適合我們的觀眾的規劃器。”
我們實際上在 2015 年 5 月推出了第一輪規劃器。老實說,正如你之前談到的規劃器季節,這絕對是一件事,因為我們嘗試了一種 6 個月的規劃器,它將在 2015 年 7 月到 2015 年 12 月,那些銷售不是很好,因為它不是策劃季節。 沒有人真正在想,“是的,是時候設定我的目標了。 是時候去解決一個新事物了,”所以這些銷售並不好。
我們堅持了下來。 我們認識確實購買了規劃器的女士們。 他們真的很喜歡它,所以推出了我們的 2016 版本。 然後,在 2015 年 11 月,我們說,“讓我們開始使用 Shopify。 讓我們擁有自己的商店,而不是僅僅被 Etsy 束縛,真正專注於銷售這些規劃師,”事情真的從那裡起飛。
菲利克斯:很酷,是的,絕對想深入研究你提到的所有這些小片段。 讓我們從播客開始。 我猜,你是通過播客建立觀眾群,開始了你的這段旅程。 您是否打算最終通過播客獲利。 或者不是播客,而是觀眾本身。 當你和你姐姐坐下來說“讓我們開始播客吧”時,最初的目標是什麼?
貝絲:當然,所以我認為我們確實天真地認為我們可以建立一個巨大的播客聽眾,也許只是通過我們的播客贊助商賺取收入。 那沒有發生。 我認為我們最近的統計數據或者可能是每月 17,000 次下載,類似於我們每月發布一段時間的四個播客。 所以我們有一個不錯的核心忠實觀眾,但還不足以僅僅通過播客賺取全職收入。
開始播客的另一個動機是我們有自己的小 Etsy 商店,在那個商店裡,我們出售這些小蝴蝶飼養箱和戶外工藝品之類的東西。 然後我們還嘗試創建一個媽媽博客,並很快意識到這太難了。 為那個媽媽博客建立流量非常困難,要弄清楚如何將其貨幣化,所以我們聚在一起說,“你知道,如果我們能挑選其他成功的媽媽企業家的大腦,看看他們在做什麼。 他們如何管理自己的日子? 他們使用什麼策略?” 我們說:“好吧,讓我們這樣做吧! 如果我們遇到了這個問題,並且我們想要挑選媽媽企業家的大腦,我敢打賭那裡還有很多其他女性願意傾聽並做同樣的事情。”
菲利克斯:是的,我喜歡這樣。 顯然,我是播客的忠實粉絲。 我認為這真的取決於你喜歡哪種交流方式,因為有些人喜歡寫作。 他們可以把所有這些時間都花在寫作上,以及他們如何……坐下來寫作對他們來說幾乎是一種治療。
對我來說寫作很棒。 我認為寫作......我也是寫作的忠實粉絲,但更自然的是坐下來與某人交談。 如果這是你能感受到的那種風格,我認為播客是一種很好的媒介,這會引發我的下一個問題,即你認為從大多數品牌開始播客是否有意義? 播客對什麼樣的品牌、公司或企業有意義?
貝絲:哦,這是一個很好的問題! 我認為播客非常適合擁有可以圍繞它建立的真正緊密社區的任何品牌。 例如,我在想……我已經看到這種情況發生在……有一個 Instagram 帳戶。 我認為它被稱為@skatemotivation 之類的。 他們建立了這個真正的鐵桿社區,我猜你可以說是圍繞著滑手,他們以滑手為特色。 它真的很整潔。 實際上,我確實認為這個人最終會圍繞這個開始播客。
我認為任何時候人們只要有一個共同的使命,共同的目標,也許是一個共同的愛好,那麼,是的,我認為你絕對可以圍繞它建立一個播客。 我肯定會說,正如您所知,Felix,開始播客是一項繁重的工作。 肯定有一些預先考慮的費用。 有些事情您必須弄清楚,例如自己編輯聲音或聘請聲音編輯器,獲得一些精美的設備,但是是的。 我的意思是播客確實是建立社區、與客戶建立更密切關係的有效方式。 這對我來說真的很棒。
Felix :這是一件好事,我什至沒有考慮過,開始播客比開始寫博客面臨更多的技術挑戰,因為博客已經存在了很長時間,以至於播客是一條陳舊的道路一種新的空間。 不一定是新媒體,它實際上是廣播,但自己入門肯定是其中涉及的一些挑戰。 我認為的好處是……我認為你談到了很多,那就是你有一個你正在創建的社區。
你可以把它想像成一個流行的電視節目,比如行屍走肉之類的。 這就像一件事,社區中的每個人都被它吸引。 他們都變成了這樣,所以他們都有一些共同點,現在他們可以在那個社區談論。 如果你有一個適合你的計劃者社區,或者你舉的例子有一個滑冰社區,他們現在都有我這個中心……一個電視節目、廣播節目,他們都在看或聽,這真的把他們聯繫得更緊密了。 我認為你提出的一個很好的標準是你需要有某種共同的愛好或共同的生活方式。 也許甚至不是生活方式。 生活方式可能過於寬泛,但您可以為此告訴大家一個共同的愛好。
我想說的第二件事是播客非常適合接觸有影響力的人。 你不能總是讓人們花時間和你交談一個小時,或者你甚至可能無法讓他們和你交談一分鐘。 如果你有播客,你有觀眾,這會變得容易得多。 我認為如果你是一個品牌,並且你想通過訪問和影響者來推銷你的品牌,我認為播客是一個很好的媒介,因為它可以讓你接觸到這些人,你可以與之交談一個小時或多長時間你想要你的播客。 這可能會為聯合品牌或聯合營銷打開大門,誰知道呢。 它只是從那裡訪問和構建您的網絡。 我認為,這是另一種播客帶來的看不見的好處,至少在我開始之前我沒有看到正面。
貝絲:是的,是的。 完全同意那裡。
Felix :很好,所以我想談談,也許不是專門針對播客,但你建立了一個觀眾。 我想也許那裡的一些聽眾也建立了聽眾。 也許他們有一個受歡迎的博客或一個受歡迎的 YouTube 頻道,或者一個 Instagram 帳戶,但他們還沒有商店。 他們還沒有東西可以賣。 你說你最初認為你可以通過廣告從這些受眾中獲利,你已經學到了……我當然也學到了這一點,你需要很大的規模,比如龐大的受眾,然後才能真正靠收入謀生只是創建您免費贈送的內容。
如果那裡有人免費提供內容,而他們只是將其提供給觀眾,那麼銷售產品的過渡是什麼樣的? 也許我想問的第一個問題是您發送的調查。 你能多談談嗎? 你如何發現你的觀眾想要你可以創造出你可以賣給他們的東西?
貝絲:當然,所以調查,我們很久以前就做過了。 我試圖回想我們提出的問題,但真正的重點是弄清楚我們的觀眾遇到的常見問題和困難是什麼,然後提到我們覺得我們有什麼技能提供解決方案。 顯然有些問題......就像他們遇到的另一個常見問題是流量,他們的商店或博客獲得了足夠的流量。 那時,我們覺得,“我們仍在為此苦苦掙扎,所以我認為我們現在不會想出解決這個特定問題的方法。”
當時間管理的事情一遍又一遍地出現時,我和姐姐都是全職媽媽。 我們正在處理我們的孩子和各種事情與我們的業務,所以我們想,“哦,我想我們對這件事的了解比我們最初想像的要多。 我們可以深入挖掘,真正為問題提供這個總體解決方案。
是的,這就是我想說的開始,只是解決一個問題。 解決您的觀眾遇到的問題,是的,從那裡開始變得更容易,是的,進入市場。
菲利克斯:不,這絕對是真的。 我認為除此之外,假設您……讓我們從流量開始,因為當有人說“我的商店需要更多流量”時,這是一個非常廣泛的問題。 當我說廣泛時,我的意思是有很多可能的解決方案,而且可能因人而異。
貝絲:對,沒錯,我什至有人向我們建議,“你為什麼要做規劃師? 你為什麼不創建時間管理應用程序? 老實說,這來自於與我們的觀眾聯繫,這是我們在我們的私人 Facebook 小組中進行的一項非常快速的小調查。 在任何私人 Facebook 群組中,您都可以做……這就像進行投票或創建一個小投票,因此我們進行了一系列類似的小投票,以確定是否有更多人想要一個應用程序來幫助他們管理他們的任務、目標和時間還是有更多的人想要一些有形的東西,可以用筆來寫,..
很明顯,我們的觀眾想要筆和紙。 他們對屏幕和技術感到不知所措,在某些方面,這只是讓他們分心,所以他們想要紙筆。
你是對的,我的意思是,我想我們可以創造很多不同的東西。 我不知道。 它只是一種自然流動。 這本書肯定是第一位的,所以寫時間管理媽媽。 然後,從那裡,我們有點意識到,雖然這不是完整的解決方案,但我們仍在努力將自己所有的時間管理技巧付諸實踐,那時我們意識到,哦,好吧,我想我們需要的不僅僅是只是一個小筆記本來跟踪我們所有的目標和事情,”那個計劃者真的很棒。
Felix :太棒了,所以我有點想在這裡列出時間線。 你在 2014 年開始播客,在那之後不久寫了《時間管理媽媽》一書,然後在 2015 年 5 月創建了一個計劃器。在這整個時間裡,你有一家 Etsy 商店還是這本書是 Etsy 商店的第一款產品?
貝絲:我們確實有我們的第一家 Etsy 商店,叫做業餘博物學家,完全不相關……
貝絲:......對於我們的播客觀眾,是的,還有 Brilliant Business Moms。 這只是我們幾年前開始的這個小愛好。 那家店還在營業。 我姐姐還在那個商店賣東西,但是,是的,所以我們只是在這方面做得很好,我們已經建立了這個新社區。
Felix :太棒了,所以當你有這些觀眾時,你還記得它有多大嗎? 我知道它分佈在播客、群組、電子郵件列表以及訪問您博客的流量之間。 它的規模有多大或多少給了我們一個大概,這樣聽眾就可以感覺到什麼時候對他們有意義,如果他們有聽眾,還沒有產品。 什麼時候停止專注於增加受眾,而更多地關注如何實際貨幣化或為這些受眾創造產品?
貝絲:當然,所以我認為當我們在 2015 年 5 月的第一輪啟動計劃器時,我們的電子郵件列表中只有不到 3000 人,所以我們並不龐大。 我認為那時我們的播客下載量可能是每月 12,000 次。 每月的博客頁面瀏覽量低於 15,000 次,因此網站流量根本不算大。 我的意思是非常小。
讓我們看看,我們有我們的私人 Facebook 群組,所以我們在私人 Facebook 群組中有數百名女性,從我們的角度來看,感覺就像我們有數百人被我們視為我們的核心受眾一樣。 這些女性每週都在調整。 他們定期通過 Facebook 群組或電子郵件或類似方式與我們聯繫。
真的只是我覺得如果你有數百名忠誠的觀眾,他們真的很喜歡你所做的事情並與你聯繫,我認為絕對會開始考慮如何解決他們的問題。 然後,當您想出一個可以解決他們問題的出色產品時,有趣的是,當您推銷該產品時,您的受眾將繼續增長更多。
菲利克斯:我喜歡這樣。 是的,因為當你第一次說 15,000 次瀏覽量和 12,000 次下載時,我認為這是其中之一……我敢打賭,很多聽眾都會說,“哇,我希望我能擁有它,我希望我也能到達那裡。 ” 我認為你在那裡賣空了自己。 我認為這是一個很大的進步,尤其是您的業務只有一年左右的時間。
我認為你所說的這個想法是……有點暗指早些時候關於平衡建立觀眾和創造產品的想法。 你有沒有嘗試同時做這兩件事,或者在某個時候你說,“好吧,停止駕駛交通或停止關注交通並更多地專注於創造這些產品? 你經歷了哪些不同的階段,或者你只是試圖同時做這兩個階段?
貝絲:當然,這是一個很好的問題。 我想說的是,我們在營銷我們的規劃師和書籍的同時繼續專注於建立我們的受眾。 這是 2015 年夏天的全部內容,但當我們推出 2016 年規劃師時……這是 2015 年 11 月。我們已經準備好 2016 年規劃師,準備好開始運作並努力推銷。 那時我們才真正不再專注於建立受眾,而是專注於如何獲得銷售。
我們嘗試了各種各樣的事情,比如贈品的博客功能、支付一些 Instagram 影響者、建立一個英寸的 Instagram 帳戶。 然後 Pinterest 顯然開始發揮作用,是的,那時我們真的沒有關注流量。 我們只是專注於如何將想要購買此規劃器的合適客戶帶到門口。
費利克斯:有道理。 你之前提到過,如果你有一個核心團隊,有幾百個忠誠的,如果你不賣任何東西,可能還不是客戶,而是忠誠的聽眾、粉絲或郵件列表中的人,那就是它開始的時候向他們出售產品是有意義的。 如果您有一個核心群體,並且您的 [聽不清 0:19:59] 觀眾中存在這種感覺……那麼您所談論的所有這些不同的渠道。 Instagram、Pinterest、Facebook 群組、您的郵件列表、您的博客和您的播客。 在所有這些媒介中,如果你想真正培養與那個核心群體的關係,你認為哪一種是最好的關注點?
貝絲:哦,這是個好問題。 我認為電子郵件列表,你必須建立你的電子郵件列表。 我認為這對任何企業來說都是如此核心,而且我確實認為很多店主忽略他們的電子郵件列表的時間比他們應該的要長一點。 該電子郵件列表的本質是算法證明。 Facebook 改變、Instagram 改變、Pinterest 是否改變都沒關係……Pinterest 算法也會改變。 電子郵件列表是您的,因此您可以隨時聯繫這些客戶。 無論您真正想專注於哪種形式的社交媒體來建立您的受眾,請確保您將它們添加到您的電子郵件列表中。
我會說這是第一,而這個數字真的很棘手。 我現在顯然提倡 Pinterest,因為它對我來說很棒,而且我真的可以自動設置它,但我們的私人 Facebook 小組在社區建設和建立關係方面非常棒。 這可能取決於特定的業務以及他們的總體目標是什麼。
Felix :我喜歡電子郵件是算法證明的說法,我完全同意。 我敢打賭,過去 20 / 25 年電子郵件算法的唯一變化可能是 Gmail 的優先收件箱,他們開始將人們分開。 我猜你對整個算法證明的理解是,如果你可以訪問某人的電子郵件列表並向他們發送一些東西,他們就會得到它。 在顯然 Gmail 的最新功能之前,它不會被過濾或以不同的方式優先考慮,但有一些關於如何處理的最佳實踐。 正如您所說,對於電子郵件收件箱的更改不會改變。 同樣,您可以訪問某人的電子郵件並向他們發送一些東西,他們會收到它,所以我喜歡這句話。
很酷,所以讓我們開始討論您的情況何時發生變化。 你說的是停播,希望你也可以談論這個,或者我會讓你說出來。 比方說在2015年5月計劃或推出後,做得不太好,你們當時的銷售情況如何?
貝絲:哦,伙計,我是說,讓我們看看。 我知道我們在 2015 年 5 月的發布中售出了不到一百個規劃器,所以那是一個多月左右的時間。 老實說,我想我們可能只賣了 60 年 65 年,所以我猜感覺不太好。
菲利克斯:你為什麼在那個時候放棄了? 大多數人......他們說如果你想測試一個產品或測試你的產品是否有市場,你可以做一些簡單的事情,比如把他們帶到一個登陸頁面並收集他們的電子郵件地址,我猜這有點像實際的代理對您的產品的需求。 或者,如果你真的真的很想知道有人是否想要你的產品,那麼在非常激進的結尾,看看他們是否會購買。 如果你的銷售額只有 60 左右,那是不是很洩氣? 那是什麼感覺? 顯然你已經繼續了,因為劇透警報,你現在還在這樣做。 那時你怎麼知道不放棄?
貝絲·安妮:我認為購買這款規劃器的女性真的很喜歡它。 我認為那部分令人鼓舞。 當他們通過郵件到達那裡時,他們正在與我們分享照片並在 Instagram 上發布關於它的信息,我們非常興奮,並認為它非常有幫助。 我們覺得,“好吧,這些銷售,我們可以在此基礎上再接再厲。 當他們開始告訴他們的朋友以及我們更多地建立我們的觀眾時,我們可以繼續發展這一點。
二,這我得給我姐姐的功勞。 她一直在說:“貝絲安妮,這不是計劃高峰期。 現在不是人們真正考慮購買規劃器的正確時機,因此我們需要再試一次。 這就是我們的 Beta 測試。” 我很高興能聽她的話。 這令人沮喪,但是,是的,我們沒有放棄,下一個策劃者賽季進展得更好。
Felix :對於像你這樣的季節性產品......假設它在五月推出,然後是夏天,在那段時間以及下一個季節性提升和年底,你在那種中間時期做了什麼?
貝絲安妮:在那個中期,我們首先對規劃器進行了改造,改變了一些設計。 我們對購買了規劃器的每個人進行了調查,以獲取他們的反饋,看看最喜歡規劃器的什麼。 他們希望我們添加哪些頁面? 缺少什麼? 我們確實在那段時間改進了規劃器,添加了一些新的規劃頁面,一些新的佈局。 添加了一些人們可以添加到側面的貼紙標籤。 那是一個。 我們正在使我們的產品變得更好。
然後,第二,我們真正專注於建立我們的電子郵件列表。 我做了一個病毒式策劃者贈品。 直到 1 月份才發生,但我一直在計劃整個秋天,這樣我們就有了成千上萬的新電子郵件訂閱者。
貝絲:我們開始計劃了。 我們真的只是想出了我們想要在哪些博客上添加功能的營銷計劃。 我開始製作一些以規劃師為特色的 YouTube 視頻,並且我還對其他人的規劃師進行了規劃師評論,只是為了讓人們進門,讓我的 YouTube 頻道被視為一個可以觀看規劃師評論的地方。
我們都是 Pinterest 帳戶 Kama,所以我們專注於時間管理 Pinterest 板,然後是規劃師 Pinterest 板和所有這些東西。 它專注於建立 Instagram 追隨者,所以我們的追隨者翻了一番,讓我們看看,從 750 到 1,500 追隨者,然後再翻倍,所以現在我們的追隨者超過 3,000。 是的,只是真正的營銷計劃和建立電子郵件列表和關注。
菲利克斯:太棒了,所以這就是打破這一切。 我當然也想去 Pinterest,因為我認為這對你來說是一個重大的遊戲規則改變者。 從這個病毒式贈品開始,你贈送了什麼,你是如何從中製造出這種病毒式的? 您是如何獲得成千上萬的電子郵件訂閱者的?
Felix :我認為這對任何企業來說都是一個巨大的勝利,如果你能獲得成千上萬的電子郵件訂閱者。 這真的可以改變你的業務。
貝絲:是的,所以我做了什麼,我稱之為偉大的大型規劃師贈品,因為在 2015 年秋天,我決定,“讓我去看看所有這些不同的規劃師,”因為,一,這是一次很棒的市場調查對我或偉大的產品研究來說,找出其他受歡迎的計劃者是什麼。 他們有什麼特點? 是什麼讓他們偉大? 是什麼讓人們允許他們,他們缺少什麼? 我怎樣才能填補這些其他玩家基本上正在解決的市場漏洞?
我訂購了一堆最受歡迎的規劃師。 然後我在我的 YouTube 頻道上對他們進行了策劃者的評論。 顯然,我非常公平和友善,而且我這樣做的方式。 這不像我認為所有這些計劃者只是為了我可以拆除它們而不是......我基本上說我知道我的計劃者不適合每個人所以在我的頻道上我將對每個人的計劃者進行非常誠實的評論所以如果有人偶然發現我的頻道,他們可以做出適合他們的決定。
我這樣做了,所以現在我認為是八個計劃者。 我有一個很棒的計劃者,比如溢價計劃者。 我的意思是像 Emily Ley 的 Simplified Planner。 惠特尼英語日設計師。 這些計劃者的成本超過 50 美元,因此這是許多女性想要獲得的獎品。 我做了偉大的大規劃師贈品,我把所有八位規劃師都送給了一位獲勝者。
顯然,我的 Brilliant Business Planner 或者是價格中的規劃師之一,但我真的很驚訝這麼多女性對這個獎項感到興奮,因為有......就像你說的那樣,這整個計劃都是為了我們的社區。 有些女士對規劃師很著迷,她們不只是每年買一個,而且每年五歲,她們……
貝絲:……全部使用。 是的,這太瘋狂了。 他們以不同的方式使用它們,有時他們幾乎就像日記或剪貼簿一樣使用它們。 這是整個瘋狂的世界規劃女士們,所以人們對這個贈品感到非常興奮。
我所做的,我使用的是 King Sumo Giveaways 應用程序。 我能做的是隨時說……它讓每個輸入自己的推薦鏈接的人都可以將朋友推薦給贈品。 每當我的朋友通過他們的鏈接進入時,該人將獲得 10 個額外的贈品條目。 它鼓勵人們分享贈品,因為如果他們真的想贏得獎品,那麼他們分享的越多,他們獲勝的機會就越大。 我看到的是,第一批進入贈品的 1,000 人都在與他們的朋友分享,所以我認為最終有 9,000 人進入贈品。 大約 7,000 人對我來說是全新的......
貝絲:……如此全新的訂閱者。 我也會說我確實做了一些 Facebook 廣告。 我創建了一個視頻,如果您訪問我的 Brilliant Business Moms Facebook 頁面,您可以在我旁邊的視頻部分看到它。 我製作了一段我跑上舞台的愚蠢視頻,好像在說“我要把所有這些策劃者都趕走”。
我想我可能總共只花了幾百美元在我的 Facebook 廣告上,但它確實確實有助於孵化放棄並獲得更多條目。 然後顯然那些人為我做了艱苦的工作並傳播了這個詞。
Felix : 你不一定非得有……有人在外面聽我可能想建立一個電子郵件列表,但他們可能沒有我猜一個基地的基礎。 這是啟動此活動的最重要部分,因為您希望您當前的觀眾隨後將其廣播給他們所有的朋友,以提高他們贏得此贈品的機會。 我不確定你是否提到了這一點,但每次你推薦某人時,它都會提高你贏得自己的機會。
您需要已經有觀眾才能開始這項工作,但您是說您也可以只投放 Facebook 廣告以將他們推向贈品,然後這也可能......你知道多少......這可能很難說確切地說,但是您知道您現有的受眾與您能夠從 Facebook 廣告中獲得的受眾之間的細分有多少影響了條目數量嗎?
貝絲:是的,哦,這是一個很好的問題。 好吧,我實際上在我的博客上對這個贈品做了一個完整的分解。 讓我回到那個。 如果我能訪問那個博客文章頁面,我可以告訴你。 我會這麼說,當我推出這個贈品時,我們的名單上有大約 3,000 人。 然後很明顯,贈品在短短一兩週內就為我們帶來了近 1,0000 名訂閱者。
貝絲:是的,這太瘋狂了,然後,伙計……這就是為什麼建立你的名單是如此偉大,因為現在它看起來就像滾雪球一樣。 一月份做了這個贈品。 我們的訂閱者從 3,000 增加到近 10,000,現在,讓我們看看,到 4 月底,我的名單上有超過 18,000 的訂閱者。 我顯然也做了其他事情來獲得這些,但是,是的,這份清單非常有價值。
菲利克斯:是的,這太棒了。 您是否發現我猜潛在客戶的質量與可能遇到您的博客文章、您的播客的人一樣好? 你會知道嗎?
貝絲:這是一個很好的問題。 我會說這是我會給你的警告。 我不認為訂閱者的質量那麼好。 這是讓您自己曝光、建立您的名單、為您的業務和品牌樹立信心的好方法。 在接下來的幾個月裡,我確實注意到所有進入我的計劃者的人,這些人往往是退訂率高於我的核心受眾的人。
我犯的一個錯誤是我真的應該在 11 月做這個贈品,這樣我就有了一個很長的賽季規劃師來向他們推銷我的規劃師,而不是在我們賽季結束時出現在我的名單上等等我很少談論計劃、目標設定、時間管理,而更多地談論商業技巧。 我認為這讓一些人失望了,所以有些人離開了。 我會說,在我獲得的那 7,000 個訂閱者中,我會說可能有 1000 個已經取消訂閱。 這仍然給我留下了 6,000 名訂閱者,這些都是女性,我可以開始朝著明年的計劃攀登我們的賽季。
實際上,計劃者的下一次迭代將是一個適合每個女性的版本。 我意識到人們最喜歡我們的計劃者的是每週的佈局,目標設定頁面。 我有很多女人走近我說,“嘿,你的策劃師很漂亮,但我沒有生意。 你有什麼東西只給我嗎?” 再一次,所以只要傾聽那些聽眾的聲音,就可以幫助我弄清楚如何改進我的產品。
菲利克斯:絕對有道理。 很酷,所以好吧,讓我們進入這個話題,我想每個人都想了解更多關於 Pinterest 的內容。 我猜你是什麼時候開始專注於 Pinterest 的,它是專門為 Brilliant Business Moms 設計的,還是你將它用於你的 Etsy 業務? 你用 Pinterest 做什麼?
貝絲:當然,所以我真的在 2015 年 11 月深入研究了 Pinterest。自從 2014 年播客開始播客以來,我幾乎在那裡有一個出色的商業媽媽的帳戶,但實際上並沒有很好地使用它。 只是到處找東西。 沒有非常明確的規劃策略。 我確實有一個單獨的 Pinterest 帳戶,用於業餘博物學家 Etsy 商店。 過去,我確實在 Etsy 商店中使用過 Pinterest,並且確實看到了一些結果,但我有點沒有時間深入研究並看到我想看到的那種銷售。 直到 2015 年 11 月,我才在我全新的 Shopify 商店中挖掘並意識到,天哪,我認為我可以讓這個 Pinterest 的東西發揮作用。
Felix :太棒了,看看你的 Brilliant Business Moms Pinterest 帳戶中的統計數據,你有 125 個板、19,000 個圖釘、12500 個追隨者,並且你正在關注大約 4000 人。 只是想知道你在哪裡。 你的策略是什麼? 我認為當有人考慮開始使用 Pinterest 時,他們的目標應該是什麼? 應該是增加他們的追隨者,還是我猜,當你開始一個新的 Pinterest 頁面時,最初的策略是什麼?
Beth : Sure so my overall goal was that I wanted to make sales. I felt like I'm not going to use any form of social media and less it's bringing in sales for my stores.
Felix : Love it.
Beth : Yeah so that should be your big picture goal but of course yes you do … You get more traffic and you get more sales as you build your following but I actually have a two pronged approach to Pinterest. I use it organically and I also use promoted pins.
When I first got on Pinterest and dug in in November, I started with promoted pins because I felt like you know what I don't have time to organically build my following. I want to make sales now. I took some of my planner photos. I turned them into some beautiful collages, so the types of pins that would do really well on Pinterest and then I created another that kind of … It had a headline at the top and said announcing the Brilliant Business Planner.Your life and business simplified,” and then had a great lifestyle shot of the planner.
I promoted those pins and those pins went directly to my planner listing in my Shopify store and kind of figured out the game with promoted pins and I'll definitely be happy to share kind of some of those tips. Really just started getting this continuous stream of traffic and sales from those pins.
Felix : Yeah let's talk about that. What is the strategy? What are some tips for running a successful promoted pinning campaign?
Beth : Sure, so what I found is, one, you need to use a lot of keywords. The way it works is you'll go in and then Pinterest'll say, “Okay, what keywords do you want to target with this pin?” Obviously I can say something like planner, 2016 planner, all those general words. What happens is, when someone searches on Pinterest for those terms, Pinterest might choose to show your promoted pin in those search results and so get you exposure.
Then you're only paying for the clicks so I'm only paying when someone clicks on my pin and comes over to my shop. My tips there is Pinterest does not do a really great of suggesting a ton of keyword ideas to you so I suggest that people go over to the Google Keyword Planner to come up with tons, tons more keywords. I really think you need to have 50 to 100 keyword phrases that you're targeting with any promoted pin, which might sound like a lot to a beginner but you're really going to need to give Pinterest a lot to work with because you're competing against some really big brands who have a lot of money to spend and so you've got to give them tons of keywords.
Felix : Is it the more the better or should you be selective at all? I think back in the very early days of, let's say, SEO for example, the whole keyword stuffing thing was really popular where we would just put everything and anything on your site because there was no kind of penalty for it. Is there any kind of penalty? Maybe not directly from Pinterest but is there a downside to having too many keywords?
Beth : Oh that's a great question. Okay so there's a little confusion there. What I mean is I don't want you to put a hundred keyword phrases in each of your pin description. What I mean is that you want to target a hundred different keyword phrases that people are searching for on Pinterest. It's a little hard to explain unless you're inside the promoted pins app but as soon as you go in and you say, “Hey, Pinterest, I want to promote this pin,” They're going to say, “Okay great. What keywords do you want to target? When should we show your pin to other people?,” essentially.
You're exactly right though. You do need to be specific. For example, I did not target a keyword phrase like free printable planner because that would be silly. I want people to buy my planners so I'm not looking for a freebie seekers. I actually didn't target any printable planner phrases because generally someone looking for a principal planner Kama they have a smaller budget and they're looking for something more affordable.
Another thing I did is I would target let's see some big related planner brands. Emily Ley for example Whitney English, I can target those words that people might search for on Pinterest because they're looking for those planners but then all of a sudden my beautiful plan our pops up and so it's a way that they're kind of discovering my product. That is works really well. Yeah, so that's what I mean by hundred keyboard phrases. Definitely don't stuff your pin description with all those phrases. Just use one or two keyword phrases in your pin description but over inside the promoted pins application you do want to pick tons of phrases, in your niche, very targeted for sure but come up with 50 to 100 phrases there.
Then the other thing I did want to recommend is when I first started using promoted pins, I was paying way too much for clicks. Now I start out bidding just 10a cents click because I figured out based on my website visitors and conversion rate that's a number that works for me that then leads to profitable sales. Pinterest will try to tell you, Hey, other marketers are spending $1.00 per click so your bid is way too low.” Just my recommendation to new shop owners is don't listen to Pinterest. Keep your bit slow and see what happens with that first.
Felix : Cool, so in the pin description itself, any tips there? What should you be writing about? How do you write in a way that gets people to actually click and check out your products?
Beth : Sure, so i defintely like to write in a conversational tone, put some keywords in there but make it obviously natural. I might say sometimes like, “Finally, a planner that organizes my life and biz all in one place.” I also kind of write in the first person because, when women pin on Pinterest ... Let's say I find something I really like. What I'm going to put in the pin description is, “Oh, my goodness. I love this living room. These colors are so beautiful!!,” and so that's how I want to write my pin descriptions too so it looks like a friend would just be pinning it and sharing it with a friend.
I would say something like, “I love the goal setting pages in this planner and the florals are so beautiful.” Then I might end it though with a very targeted keyword phrase like, “Great planner for 2016.”
Felix : Yeah, I like that approach of making it seem like it's actually part of the content. It kind of is but, if you maybe do it right, the kind of ad correctly. You don't want to make it stand out and people recognize that it's an ad because of the way you're speaking to the reader or viewer in the pin description or maybe even the photos. You want to make it seem natural and I think that's what you're getting at. You want to make it seem as if you were just posting this as a regular pin. 這就是你的意思嗎?
Beth : Exactly, exactly. Just make it as natural as you can. Kind of get inside the head of how you would talk about a pin if you were just pinning for yourself personally. Yeah, do it that way. Definitely don't write things like, “Buy now!,” and “Click here!,” and “Get my planner!.” Yeah, don't do that. Make it feel natural and conversational.
菲利克斯:酷。 Have you also ... Is this the same ... I know nothing about Pinterest so I'm just kind of going off the top here but do you have experience with the buyable pins too? Is that related to the promoted pins? 兩者有什麼區別?
Beth : Sure, great question. I do have buyable pins in my Shopify store and I do recommend that anyone who has Shopify get yourself buyable pins. It's really easy, or at least it was for me. You literally just go inside your Shopify store and you'll see where it says Channels. Mine has online store and then Pinterest, Facebook, Buy Button, Twitter. You can literally just activate those channels.
You click over to Pinterest. They had some requirements to approve me for buyable pins and I think really all that it was was, “Do you have your policies written on your sites?” I'm going there now just to see. I had to obviously have a Pinterest business account and connect that to my Shopify. The one thing is they will not let you do a digital good as a buyable pin but you can do a digital good as a promoted pin.
Let me talk quickly about the difference between those two. A buyable pin is where if someone runs across that pin on Pinterest ... I think right now it's just on iOS that the buyable pins work. On someone's iPad or their iPhone, they're scanning Pinterest. Let's say they search for a 2016 planner. If they run across my planner, it'll have a little button where they can buy now. They can just buy that product right on Pinterest without ever having to go to my website.
Now, the one thing I will say, I do not get very many sales through my buyable pins. It's a very small percentage. I get way more sales through promoted pins. Promoted pins is obviously ... That's Pinterest's ad platform. Promoted pins is available right now to US businesses but I do believe they're expanding to Canada very soon. That's what I talked about where you pick your target keyword phrases and you pick your bid per click. Then so I get people to my shop by paying to show my product to them or show my pins to them essentially.
Here's the other difference. Pinterest will not let you promote a buyable pin. I can only use my buyable pins organically on Pinterest. I can spread them out to my different boards. I can put a buyable pin on a group board if I want but I cannot then turn it into a promoted pin and also have it be buyable right on Pinterest. Kind of a bummer. It'd be ... Honestly, I wonder if they don't let you do it because it just would be so easy. I mean, I feel like I can make sales incredibly easily if I could combine the two but they won't let you.
Felix : Yeah, I was going to ask that question next, because that definitely cuts down on the steps involved because if you're promoting a pin ... It sounds like the reason why promoted pins are working better or giving you more sales is because it's available in more places. I think you said buyable pins only works now if someone's browsing the Pinterest iOS device.
Yeah, if you could promote a buyable pin, I could definitely see how it could drive up your sales because people don't have to leave the site, don't have to leave Pinterest and go through any checkout process. 這就說得通了。
Cool, so let's talk about your organic pinning strategy. How do you, I guess, decide what you should be posting, the frequency, and just give us an idea of what's your strategy.
Beth : Sure so my organic Pinterest strategy boils down to this. I want to draw in my ideal customer by creating the most gorgeous well curated boards that kind of that's what they're looking for, that solves their problems, that kind of displays that ideal lifestyle they aspire to. In my case, because my brand is I'm starving moms and businesses essentially so I have boards like Pinterest marketing for Instagram marketing or blogging tips. Then I also have obviously the time management piece so I've got a time management board and then I have one board that's planners, time management, and organization for moms. That board I really love because I can curate beautiful office spaces along with great time management blog posts along with great planner pins.
That's the kind of board where my ideal customer, if they stumble across any of those pins, they stumble across the board, they're going to say, “Wow, this is gorgeous. This is filled with great high-quality content so I'm going to go ahead and follow this board and I may even go ahead and follow this entire account because this lady is doing a great job of curating awesome content.” That is the one thing I would say a lot of shop owners get this wrong. They feel like they just want to use Pinterest to put their own products out there. If you do that your account is going to be really boring and really … I mean it's just like it's going to be one dimensional if you're just putting your own products and so you really need to use Pinterest for what it's intended for we just suggest to rate the best from around the web.
菲利克斯:我喜歡這樣。 I was going to say to before you said that last piece was that you were talking about all these kind of ... all this content that you're putting out there. I don't think ... You maybe only mentioned it once about your own products, but the rest of the things you're posting about have nothing to do exactly with your product but it has to do with things that your target customers that would by your product, the things that they're interested in.
It might not even be about planning. It could be about that lifestyle, like you're saying, they might want to live. That's something you would have to, I guess, tap into to really understand your customer and what else they like outside of just your own products. You could imagine if you were running a blog for your store. You don't want to just post about your products because no one wants to read a blog about products. They want to read a blog about things that solve their problems or interesting entertaining things about a lifestyle that they want. I think that you really nailed it with your kind of ... the way that you approach it with Pinterest.
Cool, so do you ... You have ... Let's see. Let me look at this real quick. You have a bunch of different boards. How do you recommend people kind of organize their entire set of 125 boards for you, which is a ton I think. How do you decide how to split things up and how do you decide when to add new boards?
Beth : Sure, great question. Start with the best of your own stuff board. For a Shopify owner, your best blog post, your best products. You can definitely create one board and make that your first one to kind of be like, “Hey!” That's kind of your little billboard, your little advertisement for what you have to offer. I think that's totally fine.
Then, after that, I definitely recommend if your Pinterest account is brand new, just trying to get it built up. Start with 10 boards. Start with 10 boards that are going to draw in that ideal customer. I'll take one of my Pinterest students as an example. Kim, her shop is Lucy Jane Totes. She makes adorable ... these great tote bags and then little pouches and so what Kim has done is ... One of her target customers is brides who want to buy bridesmaids gifts, because she has these custom monogram little pouches in all these different colors and patterns. It makes such a great bridesmaids gift.
Kim has boards where it's like pink wedding inspiration. Of course, she's got gorgeous wedding pins from all over Pinterest and then she sprinkles in her beautiful customized totes and just the ones that are also pink. She does the same thing for an orange wedding or black and white wedding, things of that nature. Then she could also do ... Her other kind of target customer would be a mom who needs a big tote to organize everything. She could have a organization tips for moms type of board and draw in her ideal customer that way.
Yeah, I just recommend start with 10 boards. Just figure out what's topics your customer would be searching for on Pinterest. Certainly start with the types of boards where you can sprinkle your own products throughout those boards.
費利克斯:有道理。 In the world of Instagram one popular thing that people do is basically I guess work with each other and work with influencers to trade kind of promotions where you work with a popular influencer and maybe if you're not big yet maybe you pay them to post your products. Maybe if you are big enough you can work with other brands to each share each other's kind of content. Does that happened in the world of Pinterest too? Do Pinterest users do that as well?
Beth : It's a little bit different on Pinterest. I would say the equivalent is Pinterest group boards. That's another thing that I'm … I'm part of tons of group boards. That's why you see I'm part of 125 boards. Some of those are obviously my own boards but some of them were just group boards that I'm a member of. Another group board community, it's filled with a lot of women bloggers but I think that product based businesses are getting more and more Savvy with this and creating their own group boards.
The way a group board works is for example if I go to create a group for today … Let's say I create Creative Baby Gifts and that's my group board and I just want to have great baby gift pins on my board. All of my Pinterest followers, the ones that follow my entire account comma automatically become followers of that brand new board I created. Then what I can do is I can invite contributors to that board. I can invite whoever else I want from Pinterest to come and pin onto my board. What day do I put it onto my board if they get their pins in front of all of my followers.
That's how group boards work. There are some huge bloggers who have group boards with hundreds of thousands of followers. If you can find those really killer big popular group boards that are in your niche, then definitely do that. Definitely get in touch with those group board owners and ask them if you can join and be a part of them.
Felix : Awesome, so how often do you pin? Can you be pinning too much? What's the frequency that you recommend for someone that's maybe starting out?
Beth : Sure, I think with even just 10 pins a day, if you can use a pin scheduler, that's a great place to start. I currently pin about 125 pins a day.
Beth : Again, that's ... Yeah, I know. It sounds a little crazy. I might cut it down a little bit. I don't think you have to pin that many to do well but, because I'm part of so many group boards, I can take my best blog posts and essentially circulate them out to all my group boards on a regular basis. Then I also have all of my core boards that I own. I do what's called looping and I use Board Booster to help me loop my pins. Every single day, two of my older pins from the bottom of my board get repined to the top of my board. What it does is kind of just refresh that board and make it look active and potentially get those pins back out into the Pinterest feed.
That's why I'm pinning so many a day but, if you're brand new to Pinterest, you can start with 10 pins a day. Just try to keep your acct active. Pinterest does reward you if your pinning every day on the site. That can feel overwhelming as a busy shop owner so I do enjoy using a pin scheduler. It keeps that going on autopilot for me.
Felix : Yeah, I like this idea of I think you called it looping, which I think we shouldn't be afraid to re-share content, especially the ones that are working well. People that are actually enjoying. Not everybody's going to see it the first time, especially people that are joining your audience later. They're going to miss out on all the great things that you were sharing before. As long as it's content and not like super promotional, don't be afraid to put it out there again. Even if they've seen it before, they might've forgotten about it or might want to see it again. Definitely there going to be people out there that never saw it at all the first time, and now you're kind of giving them value again without having to create new content each and every time.
You mentioned 125 pins a day. That doesn't sound scalable unless you're using some tools and apps, right? Can you talk a little bit about the app that you use for managing Pinterest?
Beth : Sure, so I currently use Board Booster. That's my favorite pin scheduler. I've tried Viral Tag and Tailwind in the past and those are okay but Board Booster just really has more features on it. Board Booster, the nice thing too about it, is you can start out at just ... I'm looking up the plans right now actually. You can start out, I think, at just $5 a month, if you're only pinning a few things a day. Then I think I'm on the $50 a month plan, simply because I'm pinning so often.
Felix : Yeah, cool. With the success that you had on Pinterest and how much you're working on there. Can you give us an idea of how successful the business has become because almost not even a year ago, you sold 60 products of your planner? What is it looking like today for you?
Beth : Sure Pinterest definitely allowed the business to go from just making $1,000 or $2,000 a month to scale it up to $5 to $10,000 a month in sales. I combine Shopify shop and then two Etsy shops got us to five to ten grand a month in sales. Then, as I figured out how easy it was, honestly, to use promoted pins and kind of make those sales on autopilot, I developed a course on Pinterest marketing because my audience wanted that. They were seeing me talk all about Pinterest inside the private Facebook group and how I was using it and how great it was and so they wanted to learn more.
I created a course for them and that has been amazing. Now I'm surpassing 10 grand a month in sales and just had my first month of over $15,000 in sales, so crazy.
Felix : That's amazing kind of turnaround in just a year. I'm really excited to see where you go. I know a year from now, wherein you have scale that's up even more. That's super exciting to hear about that. Cool, so thanks for coming on Beth Anne.
BrilliantBusinessMoms.com is the website. It's where you can check out the planners, the course that you are selling, the book as well is on there. Anywhere else you recommend that listeners go and checkout if they want to learn more about you or how you do things?
Beth : Sure, so my Shopify store, if you go to BrilliantBusinessMoms.com/shop, then it'll take you to my Shopify storefront so you can kind of see what I have there. Then, obviously on Pinterest, I'm on Pinterest.com/brilliantmoms is my URL there. You can kind of check out what I'm doing on Pinterest to get more sales.
Felix : I know that ... Obviously everyone listening to this listens to podcasts. I know you mentioned that you have one out now and you're looking to revamp it and do more of these podcast episodes. Can you give us an idea of where the listeners can go and find out more about your podcast?
Beth : Oh, sure, so if you go to BrilliantBusinessMoms.com, you'll see some info about the podcast at the top and then, of course, we're in iTunes. If you just search Brilliant Business Moms in iTunes, you can check out all of our old podcasts episodes. We were doing interviews up through February and then we'll have some new episodes coming out pretty soon.
菲利克斯:太棒了。 Thanks so much, Beth Anne.
Beth : Thank you!
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