毅力如何幫助 Fitlosophy 賣出超過 50 萬本書
已發表: 2016-06-28安吉拉·馬德 (Angela Mader) 是 Fitlosophy 的創始人,這是一個為期 12 週的健身和營養系列期刊,它避免了快速修復的噱頭,而是專注於對目標設定的正念和感恩。
在今天的播客中,您將了解她為何認為堅持比熱情更重要,以及堅持如何幫助她賣出超過 50 萬本書。
- 什麼是“分析癱瘓”以及如何對抗它。
- 如何推廣您創建的內容。
- 為什麼在獲得 PR 時應該展示您的客戶而不是您的產品。
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- 商店: Fitlosophy
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- 推薦:參考、Pressify、Quickbooks、Trello、Insightly、Shopify 的產品評論
Felix :今天我加入了來自 Fitlosophy 的 Angela Mader,它位於 getfitbook.com,它是 GETFITBOOK.com。 Angela 是 Fitbook 健身和營養雜誌 12 週系列的創建者,該系列避免了快速修復的噱頭,而是專注於正念和對目標設定的感激之情。 成立於 2008 年,總部位於加利福尼亞州紐波特海灘,歡迎安吉拉。
菲利克斯:是的,很高興有你參加。 告訴我們更多關於您的故事以及其中一些最重要的故事…… Fitbook 是主要產品,是特色產品,但這裡列出了許多不同的產品。 告訴我們更多關於您銷售的產品的信息。
它確實一直圍繞著 Fitbook,因為它確實是我們工作的核心。 我們所做的一切都圍繞著這個想法......從字面上看,我們的口頭禪是過上適合生活的生活。 這是一種生活方式,不是快速解決方案,因此 Fitbook 仍然是我們所做一切的核心,我們剛剛圍繞它創建了一條線來支持人們的旅程。
Felix : 非常酷,所以多談談 Fitbook,裡面有什麼以及人們如何使用它?
安吉拉:是的。 就像我說的,Fitbook 是我在 2008 年創建的,它是一本健身和營養雜誌,所以它是 12 週,這是最初的產品。 我這麼說是因為從那時起我們對這本書進行了多次迭代。 最初的 Fitbook 是 12 週,你基本上每週設定目標,你設定獎勵,它提醒你每週做不同的事情。 然後,您實際上每天都會跟踪您的進度。 從您的鍛煉和健身到您的食物和營養以及您的份量控制,應有盡有。 它鼓勵睡覺,鼓勵喝水,所以它實際上更像是一種反思和一種真正個人的工具來跟踪你的進步。 我們總是說,很多追踪器都是你做了什麼,Fitbook 更多的是你要做什麼。
俗話說,“計劃失敗,計劃失敗”,Fitbook 就是關於計劃,所以我們的一句話是,“寫下來,讓它發生。” 為什麼寫下來有效,背後有很多研究,我可以讓你厭煩幾天,但真正寫下來才是有效的。 我們採用的概念在當時非常類似於……我的第一個貿易展是我身邊的一個應用程序,我周圍的每個展位都是一個應用程序。 然而,Fitbook,直到今天,我們有超過 50 萬台在分發中,而且還在不斷壯大。
菲利克斯:太棒了。 我要問的是,在一個人人都有應用程序、每個人都使用應用程序的世界裡,我為任何我想要取得進展的事情尋找應用程序而感到內疚。 為什麼創建實體產品對您來說很重要?
安吉拉:嗯,我知道有人像我一樣,非常想擁有有形的東西的人,我只是一個紙上談兵。 我知道是否有像我這樣的人在那裡有市場,所有研究都表明,不管你信不信,那篇論文是有效的。 我經常參考的一項研究是 Pew Research 的研究,他們發現雖然大多數人確實使用某種方法來跟踪他們的健康和健康狀況,但他們發現紙張實際上是最有效的工具,而技術確實沒有發揮作用。 他們發現健康和健身應用的平均壽命為 3 到 4 週。 看到結果的時間很短,所以所有的研究都指向了論文有效的事實。 是的,人們問我的第一個問題就是,“你有應用嗎?”
我說,“好吧,紙是行得通的,但是是的,我們確實有一個應用程序。” 我們確實有一個應用程序,它是一個目標設定應用程序,它確實會帶您完成設定目標的過程。 如果有人和我坐下來喝咖啡,我會以一種非常有愛的方式向他們介紹他們的目標是什麼以及他們為什麼要實現這些目標。 然後他們使用 Fitbook 來跟踪他們的進度。
菲利克斯:非常酷。 是的,我也是筆和紙的忠實粉絲,就像我之前說的那樣,我使用了很多應用程序,但我沒有那麼投入,或者我想我並沒有沉浸在這個過程中用於計劃或者我正在寫一些東西,只是通過將筆放在紙上的手本身感覺就像它讓你更多地參與並真正專注於任務。 當我有一個應用程序時,我幾乎在尋找離開它並去做其他事情的最快方法。
安吉拉:是的,有很多干擾,實際上是 [聽不清 00:06:13] 研究,我在 entrepreneur.com 上發現的這篇非常酷的文章鞏固了我們曾經認為的一切,這超出了您的健康和健身範圍。 無論您想要實現什麼目標,無論是財務、職業還是健康和健身,他們確實發現,如果人們真正將目標寫在紙上,實現目標的可能性會高出 76%,這裡是下劃線和粗體,也告訴別人。
它確實帶來了這種責任感。 在 Fitlosophy,我們不僅努力創造產品,而且努力創造責任感和我們稱之為 Fitbookers 的團隊,但我親切地將他們稱為我的客戶,他們都在其中。
菲利克斯:太棒了,是的。 我想談談您多次提到的 Fitbookers 和 [音頻不清晰 00:06:57]。 在我們到達那里之前,這一切的開始......也許在那之前,你在做什麼,你在 2008 年進入這個行業之前的背景是什麼?
安吉拉:天哪,實際上,我本身沒有健康或健身學位。 實際上,我的本科生在計算機科學方面的事情和商業方面做得更多,並進入了那個領域。 我一直都知道我要成為一名企業家,我來自一個很長的企業家行列,我從 12 歲起就一直在閱讀企業家雜誌,我必須在這個世界上做點什麼。 有一次我參加了一個會議,他說……實際上是傑克·坎菲爾德,他說:“你在忘記時間的時候花時間做什麼?” 對我來說,它正在閱讀企業家雜誌,它正在閱讀任何健身雜誌,所以通過這個過程,我決定我想要一個在這個領域的產品。 我想出了 Fitbook,因為它是我已經為自己創造的東西。
我實際上是在 2005 年進入我的 MBA 課程的,我已經有了 Fitbook 的想法,然後通過學校的許多課程和項目,我使用 Fitbook 作為設計項目的來源,作為商業計劃設計項目的來源,也是其中的一部分一個……我還做了什麼? 創業課程。 我在所有這些項目中都使用了 Fitbook 的這個想法,所以當我 2007 年畢業時,我實際上已經創辦了一家營銷公司,但我創辦營銷公司的唯一原因是我可以靈活地在晚上啟動 Fitlosophy。 我是在晚上開始做的,然後我在 2008 年開始全職做這個,並正式推出了這個產品。 現在,直到今天,我確實擁有個人訓練、健身營養方面的認證,而且我們實際上聘請了真正知識淵博的人來幫助開發我們的許多項目。
真的,我認為如果你是一名企業家並且你只是有一個想法,那麼你不一定有很多次的信譽甚至教育。 我告訴人們我非常感激我獲得了 MBA,但你根本不需要一個來創業。 這是你必須做的事情,這就是我對 Fitlosophy 的感受。
菲利克斯:我不確定這是否真的對你來說是一個問題,只是根據我從你那裡聽到的信息,但當你談到整個可信度時,我認為這是一個重要的觀點,因為我與很多企業家交談過,很多想成為企業家的人都在考慮第一次創業。 有一種感覺,他們需要得到別人的許可才能開始,基本上除了他們之外的每個人。 聽到您談論,也許您從未經歷過這個問題,但也許談論您如何解決這個問題,或者我想在您需要許可或需要可信度的地方與這種感覺抗爭,在您開始之前需要其他人的驗證。
安吉拉:是的。 我認為這是因為人們認為它比實際更大。 當我一開始就告訴人們,這不像我想的那樣,我當然對 Fitlosophy 和 Fitbook 有遠大的夢想,但事實並非如此……如果我真的想,“好吧,我要創辦這家公司,我將在所有這些大型零售商中銷售,我將有數十萬人購買這種產品,如果我這麼想,那將是令人生畏的。 事實是,你只需要邁出第一步,如果你不邁出第一步,你永遠都不會知道。 我記得我在 2008 年參加了我的第一次貿易展,從字面上看,這很有趣,因為這是我和我的媽媽和我的設計師。 從字面上看,我們沒有團隊,只有我們自己。 我出現了,至少有 5 位私人教練走過來對我說:“我有這個想法。” 我的回答,我的意思是最友好的方式是,“嗯,它在哪裡?”
我和那個說他們有這個想法的人之間的唯一區別是我做到了。 我一直在鼓勵人們,如果你不走出去嘗試一下,你永遠都不會知道。 我個人解決這個問題的方式是,我想驅動我的不是對失敗的恐懼,而是對從不嘗試的恐懼。 我真的在這個“去,去,去,做,做,做”的空間里工作。 我可能會失敗得很慘,但我不害怕,我害怕什麼都不做。
安吉拉:嗯,我稱之為分析癱瘓,你可以分析一些東西,直到你臉色發青,從某個地方開始。 對我來說,我開始在谷歌上搜索,這實際上是……我如何製作一本書,我如何製作一本帶裝訂的書,誰來製作……? 我發現很少有人這樣做,我開始打電話給人們。 我沒有製定完整的大膽、明智的商業計劃,我只是開始了一些事情。
菲利克斯:是的,你所說的美妙之處在於,你不是隨便開始學習一堆你可能需要或可能不需要的東西,你有一些你已經在研究的東西,你正在採取行動在上面。 通過採取行動,你需要學習的東西就會浮出水面,然後你可以將你的教育重點放在“我如何創作一本書,我如何分發一本書?” 當您開始採取行動時,它會將您的所有行動統一起來,所以我認為這是您給出的很好的建議。 你之前說的一件事我肯定想回到過去,你說傑克坎菲爾德對你說過或對人群說:“你做了什麼讓你忘記了時間?” 你能說更多嗎?
安吉拉:是的。 我認為它會隨著生活的不同階段而變化。 對當時的我來說,我的世界是如果它殺了我,我將成為一名企業家,這實際上是我生活的動機。 這就是我花時間思考和夢想的事情,對我來說最令人沮喪的是,“好吧,太好了。 我想成為一名企業家,這到底是什麼意思,因為如果我沒有東西可賣,我該怎麼辦?” 當他這麼說的時候,我就像,“哦,天哪,我對晚安的想法是 Barnes,Noble 喝咖啡,坐在健身區,坐在雜誌區,買所有我不買的商業書籍甚至知道我要創建的業務是什麼。
如果你能以某種方式將你的熱情與你認為可以賺錢的事情結合起來,這讓我很震驚。 我認為這也是很大的不同,僅僅因為你有一個愛好並不意味著你可以賺錢。 這是我認為有趣的另一件事,它曾經是我的愛好和激情,當它成為你的事業時,它確實會從愛好中帶走一些樂趣,因為你每天都在做。 直到今天,我可以很嚴肅地告訴你,如果沒有工作,我現在無法閱讀健身雜誌。 這不一定是壞事,但即使是在健身房,我也會想,“好吧,我應該像這樣給產品拍照還是應該拍這個?” 有時你最初的激情是什麼,小心你明白,最終,為了賺錢,它確實變成了工作。
菲利克斯:不,我喜歡這個,你說只是因為它是一種愛好或激情並不意味著你可以從中賺錢。 當你開始從中賺錢時,它確實會改變關係,我猜是愛好或激情,因為就像你說的,你必須每天都出現,這不是你只是做的事情,因為現在你覺得今天花在做特定的事情上事情和明天你不想這樣做,但你仍然必須這樣做。 我認為它沒有...... 我不會說你從那裡開始失去激情,但你只是改變了與它的關係。 對我來說也是一樣,因為我花了很多時間開始播客和創建內容,我有一個,不是說很難,但在消費內容方面,我不喜歡消費以前的內容,因為你不不想花 24 小時做任何特定的事情。
安吉拉:是的,你筋疲力盡,對吧? 我一直在這樣做……我說我已經這樣做了將近 8 年,但事實是我對 Fitbook 的想法遠不止於此。 假設我已經這樣做了 10 年,當然我每天都能找到讓我充滿活力和興奮的事情,但我可以誠實地告訴你,創業方面和商業方面現在和健身方面一樣讓我興奮它。 老實說,在某些方面,我更熱衷於讓人們成為最好的自己,我並不一定認為減肥總是其中的一部分。 這就是我們的產品真正進化的方式,以及我作為一個人的進化方式。 當我第一次開始 Fitlosophy 時,我只有 6 包,我正在參加健身比賽,我對健身房很著迷。
隨著事情的發展,我仍然喜歡鍛煉,我喜歡活躍,但這並不是我的全部,它並沒有定義我。 你可以在我的最新產品 Fitspirational Journal 中看到這一點,它專注於更多的人生概念,比如感恩和欣賞事物,以健康的方式將健康和健身融入你的生活,但不讓它成為你的生活。
費利克斯:有道理。 你有這個想法很長一段時間了,而且絕對 [音頻不清晰 00:16:19] 一直貫徹到底。 我一直聽到人們想做事情,對事情有想法,然後一旦遇到困難,他們就會跳到下一件事,這是一個非常普遍的問題。 您有這個想法已經有很長時間了,所以 [音頻不清晰 00:16:30] 對此。 您提到的另一件有趣的事情是,您基本上是創辦了一家企業,這樣您就可以從事您真正的業務或您真正想要蓬勃發展的業務。 告訴我們,一旦你決定開始這個,你 [開始 00:16:43] 營銷諮詢?
安吉拉:是的。 我從高科技行業起步,從事營銷和諮詢工作。 我是為其他人做的,我意識到我可以對自己的客戶做同樣的事情,並創辦自己的諮詢公司,我在獲得 MBA 的同一年就做了。 從字面上看,這就是它如此迷人的原因,我在紙上寫下了我需要在營銷公司賺多少錢才能取代我的全職收入。 我剛剛在一家廣告公司找到了第一份 6 位數的工作,我媽媽想掐死我,因為我說我要辭掉工作,但這是一場激烈的競賽。 我不喜歡時間,我不喜歡我讓別人變得超級富有,而我正在做所有的工作。 我真的在紙上寫下了,“好吧,我要賺這麼多,我要創辦自己的公司,如果我在第一年沒有做到這一點,我會堅持下去。”
現在,我要說的是我對營銷和品牌建設充滿熱情,如果你花時間看 Fitlosophy,你會發現,有時,甚至你的才能和你擅長的事情也可以通過你的業務看到。 對我來說,Fitlosophy 也是一個出口,當我擁有營銷公司時,我將 Fitlosophy 視為我的客戶之一。 我的所有高科技公司首先是我的客戶,然後到了晚上,猜猜我做了什麼,我在 Fitlosophy 工作。 我有標誌,我有網站,這就是高科技背景的來源,因為我可以在晚上自己做所有高科技的傻事,並在旁邊創建這個業務。 說到時間的流逝,我會一直工作到凌晨 2 點和 3 點,現在我看,我什至不知道我是怎麼做到的,老實說,我累了。 那時,不知何故,我對它有著如此瘋狂的熱情和驚人的堅持,我猜想顯然能走到這一步。
菲利克斯:當然。 給我們一個時間表的想法,你剛得到一份 6 位數的工作,不久之後,你辭職創辦了自己的公司,這也是 2008 年左右還是在那之前?
安吉拉:不,2007 年。我 2007 年畢業,我在 2006 年底找到了那份工作,我在那里呆了大約 3 個月。 2007 年,我畢業了,辭掉了工作,晚上開始了 Fitlosophy。 即使在我有工作的時候,我也一直在研究 Fitlosophy,但當我意識到這份工作是第一名時,我很痛苦。 我經常跟別人這麼說,尤其是我在大學裡說話的時候,我會說,“請不要辭職,你媽媽會來找我的。” 事情是這樣的,我知道……如果你有一份讓你感到滿足的工作,並且晚上回家時你很開心,那麼你就有精力在晚上從事這項工作。 當我回到家時,我筋疲力盡,我脾氣暴躁,我很累,我沒有精力去從事我的激情項目。 我知道,“好吧,我可以坐在那裡抱怨它,或者我可以做點什麼。”
老實說,我更合乎邏輯、更年長的部分就像,“哇,這太大膽了。” 我在業務中做出的決定也繼續大膽,其中一部分是因為自滿對我來說是不可接受的。 我不能呆在同一個地方,你之前談到很多人有很多想法,但他們不堅持。 哦,天哪,我有一個文件夾,裡面裝滿了我創辦的企業、我擁有的想法或我完全 [聽不清 00:20:09] 的事情。 可以這麼說,我真正堅持使用 Fitlosophy 和 Fitbook 的唯一原因是因為我看到了興趣並且它賣掉了。 每當有人走過來對你說:“你從哪裡得到的,我可以買一個嗎?” 你決定,也許你正在做某事。
Felix :不,絕對有道理。 我愛你……我從未見過如此 [聽不清 00:20:30] 的人,我猜在這個播客上至少談論過你所說的中間立場,大多數人只是說,“是的,辭掉你的工作並繼續全職工作。” 或者有人說,“不要辭掉工作,堅持到底。” 你是說如果你的工作是充實的,而且它實際上讓你覺得你在一天中精力充沛,那麼堅持這份工作,因為你仍然可以在工作之餘和工作之餘有精力和意志力從事你的業務,我認為這是非常重要的一點。
安吉拉:[Crostalk 00:20:55] 取代了你的收入。 我也在不同的地方,有些人……我有很多朋友……實際上,我現在正在和一位朋友談論她討厭自己的工作,她想辭職,她想做自己的事情的想法,我是怎麼做到的? 她有一個孩子,她還有一個在路上。 她在生活中處於一個非常不同的位置,我不確定她會做出什麼決定,但我沒有那個元素。 我想如果我完全失敗了,我可以找到另一份工作,我一直這麼認為,還有很多人……你必須記住,我在 2008 年創辦了這家公司,我們都知道這是整個經濟的徹底衰退。 人們正在左右失去工作。 當我從本科畢業時,人們正在獲得簽約獎金,我什至不知道他們是否已經這樣做了,但我在 .com 繁榮時期處於高科技領域,金錢就像......公司聚會幾乎是瘋狂和病態。
2008 年的情況大不相同,人們正在失去工作。 對我來說,這不是我會失去控制的選擇,而是我覺得我會得到更多的控制。 歸根結底,如果我丟了工作,我該怎麼辦? 如果我要創辦自己的公司,我知道如果要責備任何人,那就是我。
菲利克斯:對,有道理。 你創造了這個產品……至少 Fitbook 最初是你為自己創造的,你覺得你需要它所以你自己創造了它,你是否必須以任何方式驗證它以確保還有其他的……聽起來就像你堅持這個的原因是因為它會盈利,感覺它會盈利,感覺它有市場,你是如何早期驗證得出這個結論的?
安吉拉:嗯,我創造它的故事是因為在創造產品之前的 7 年裡,我雖然在大學和高中的 7 年裡,經歷過多次飲食失調和身體形象問題的鬥爭,所有這些讓我非常不健康的事情。 這是通過寫日記的過程,實際上是通過一個程序,我通過寫日記真的幫助我識別我的想法和感受,真正撥通事物並控制控制我生活的東西。 我知道,“好吧,如果這對我有用,它可能對其他人有用。”
老實說,我剛剛成功,實際上有一天我在 24 Hour Fitness,這個人走到我面前說,“嘿,你從哪裡得到的?” 我說:“我賣掉它們。” 請注意,我此時沒有賣掉它們,他說,“好吧,我在哪裡可以買到?” 我想,“你想要多少?” 他就像,“嗯,他們要多少錢?” 我說:“20塊錢。” 他就像,“好吧。” 那個週末我回家了,我在 [Kinkos 00:23:30] 打印了幾份,我把它們裝訂了,我買了一些小別針,我把它們貼在那裡,我想,“好吧,我能做到。” 直到今天,我的辦公室裡還有那兩張 20 美元的鈔票,我為此感到非常自豪。 對我來說,這就像,“好吧,我正在做某事。” 老實說,我要非常清楚,我沒有創造火箭科學,這不是……這是一本書,它賣的原因是這個,我認為數字是我們不賣任何炒作或類似的東西,但我們做銷售這種希望的概念。
使用 Fitbook 的人希望他們能夠實現他們設定的目標。 我們不是市場上唯一的期刊,也不是市場上唯一的期刊。 實際上有數百個競爭對手。 唯一的區別是我們實際上是唯一一家將健身和營養期刊作為我們核心產品的公司,我們圍繞它創造了一種生活方式。
菲利克斯:太棒了,是的,絕對想談談這個不僅僅是賣書的想法。 這也很有趣,在我們到達那里之前,很有趣的是你說你第一次在健身房裡驗證了這一點。 這不是我第一次從人們那裡聽說過這個,其他公司在健身空間裡穿著襯衫或在健身房使用健身裝備,有人走過來問他們,“在哪裡我可以買?” 那是他們第一次發現的時候。 這很有趣,因為我從來沒有看過健身房,想知道下一個大產品是什麼,我不看健身房裡的任何人。 每當我聽到這個消息時,我都會想,“哇,這一定是一個很好的驗證,因為我從不在健身房四處張望與任何人談論他們的產品。
你說你沒有創造火箭科學,我認為這是一個非常重要的話題,因為,特別是對於那些坐在那裡思考他們想要創造的產品並開始思考前所未有的瘋狂想法的新企業家看到這個那個。 聽起來你沒有使用這個東西,你沒有將它用於這個項目或這個產品,你是否曾經......如果你要重新開始,你會採取與你沒有相同的方法嗎?不要重新發明輪子,還是有一個地方讓你進來說,“讓我創造一些前所未有的全新事物?”
安吉拉:嗯,你這麼說很有趣,因為即使我說那裡有很多期刊,我真的......因為我不想這麼說,因為這聽起來真的超級自信,但我正在和我的目標會面買家和目標買家實際上從一家競爭公司購買了 4 種期刊,它們是我們所在領域的一家大公司,我在 Target 工作了一年,我擁有那個島。 突然間,這家公司進來了,比我有更多的錢,讓我告訴你,他們在我的下面有 4 種期刊。 我記得看到它,我想哭,我真的……不,我確實哭了。 我坐在塔吉特的架子上,開始大喊大叫,我想,“這就是我的結局。”
在這一點上,我知道我們稍後會得到這些數字,但此時 Target 大約是我收入的一半。 你可以想像當一個競爭對手進來時,你會說,“天哪,我出去了,我完了。” 這是令人著迷的部分,他們沒有賣,他們的沒有賣。 他們實際上最終把所有的日記本都拿出來了,而 Fitbook 仍然存在。 這就是原因,因為我不只是創造了諸如“嘿,這對我有用”之類的東西,只是把它放在架子上並希望它有效。 當我談到我的 Fitbook [音頻不清晰 00:26:49] 時,您不知道我的客戶在創建這個產品時的參與程度。 一切都歸結為,“我們想要一條額外尺寸的額外生產線。” “好,我們再多加一行。” 我們認為這很難理解,您對此有何看法?” 從第一天起我就讓我的客戶參與進來,Fitbook 背後的整體理念和理念一直保持一致。
我會告訴你,讓我的客戶參與這個過程已經產生了一個從設計角度來看非常獨特和有創意的產品,它引導人們完成不僅設定目標而且跟踪目標然後在整個過程中反思的過程,它從字面上握著你的手。 我們也不會太認真,如果您仔細閱讀它,它是一個有趣的產品。 我想我的長期觀點是競爭對手確實進入了這個領域,但根據我在 Target 與我的健身採購員的談話,她說,“你真的創造了這個空間安吉拉。 在遇到你之前,我們甚至在我們的小島上都沒有健身日記。” 它起飛了,其中一家大公司進來了,因為他們看到了他們錯過的機會。 有了這個,我覺得我真的為這樣一個事實感到自豪,嘿,我們帶回了在健身領域寫東西的老派概念,從那時起大量的健身期刊問世了。
我不喜歡擊敗任何競爭對手,因為老實說,我希望人們使用對他們有用的東西。 我非常興奮的是,我們正在做的是讓人們看到應用程序並不是唯一的方法,減肥藥也不是唯一的方法。 這已經被證明是有效的,試一試。
菲利克斯:太棒了。 你說的一件事是儘早讓你的客戶參與進來,我認為這也是一個很好的觀點。 您如何從客戶那裡獲得反饋,您在做什麼? 那麼,第二點是你怎麼知道什麼反饋可以接受,什麼不可以接受?
安吉拉:嗯,這總是很有趣,因為我認為我們擁有的規模越大,並且像電子郵件這樣有趣的反饋,我們真的......我最有趣的客戶服務電子郵件是很久以前在我們的網站上,它說,“這是 [聽不清00:28:54] 尺寸,易於攜帶,可放入健身包或錢包中。” 我收到一封來自客戶的電子郵件,因為您不是……她說:“我想退回我的 Fitbook,它不適合我的錢包。” 我當時的助理是我的表妹,她在上大學,我需要幫助,她在幫助我。 她就像,“我想告訴她買一個新錢包。” 我想,“是的。” 說真的,一開始很容易,因為我們有我們的電子郵件列表,它實際上是從我的朋友和家人以及與我一起上學的人開始的,以及類似的東西,顯然它隨著時間的推移而增長。
我做了很多調查,我做了很多用戶組,所以我們會做谷歌環聊並徵求人們的意見。 我還將在現場小組中引入 Fitbookers,並向他們詢問有關產品和可用性之類的問題。 我們有很多不同的方式來詢問人們的事情,但我所學到的只是到目前為止,如果我要改變 Fitbook 的任何戲劇性內容,我可能會讓更多的人發瘋,而不是讓人們真正開心。 有了這個,我們已經開始開發 Fitbook 的新迭代,例如,Fitbook 是非常 12 週,設置和代表形像以及知道他們在健身房做什麼的人。 我們繼續開發了一款名為 Fitbook lite 的產品,該產品耗時 6 週,它採用了更入門級的方法來實現目標。
不是每個人都知道健身房的組數和次數或體重,所以這是 4 次更健康的調整,可以在 6 週內減掉 5 磅。 它使減肥更容易實現。 然後在光譜的另一端,我們剛剛推出了一款名為 Fitbook PREP 的產品,它與 Nicole Wilkins 合作,實際上是為鐵桿人物競爭對手,真正進入健身領域的人。 我們開始在利基市場開發這些產品,這樣我們就不會讓我們的原始客戶感到不安,因為老實說,我有些人已經使用 Fitbook 8 年了,仍然擁有關於 Fitbook 的一切,他們發布圖片其中。 我對他們更忠誠,而不是像“嘿,你需要這樣做”的新客戶。 我想,“不,這些人已經和我在一起很長時間了。”
Felix : I love this that you're saying that rather than changing the existing product because there so many I guess like legacy, not legacy but there are so many users or so many customers that are already used to the way that it's been done before, you created a new product. How do you know when it's time to … You're saying as well that you have iterated the Fitbook over time. How do you know when that line is crossed where you're saying, “You know what, let's not change the existing product, let's create a brand new one for this other type of customer base?”
Angela : Well, a perfect example is we have Fitbook and then I name them all, I don't know why, it's probably the tech background in me so we have Fitbook 2.0. Fitbook 2.0 which people don't know this is their internal names. We had to change it because we had the food pyramid and the Fitbook. Well, everything from food pyramid went away so we were outdated, people were upset so we went more into this, we actually created a concept similar to My Play but we call it our food Fitlosophy. We had to make a change on that and so we asked customers at that time, “What do you want?” We realized that there were … People were like, “Well you have space for cardio but you don't have space for classes.” We were like, “That's a really good point.” so we added that. Anything that made sense and where we felt like these customers have really go input and adding extra space of exercises while keeping the integrity of the product or people wanted to originally add space to track calories and I was adamant against that.
Counting calories was like the death of me when I was battling my issues with eating disorders and so I wouldn't put anything about calories in there so I would say no. There were some standards that we just said, “No, this is what Fitbook is.” Fast forward, our Fitbook PREP that we just came out with, it does encourage counting your macros because frankly, somebody that's competing at a high end athletic competitive part of the sport, they have to be tracking those things. We really try to separate them so that we encourage the user regardless of their goal.
菲利克斯:我喜歡這樣。 It sounds like you've based on what is the goal of the customer and if it can't achieved with that same product without changing it too much, you create a new one, I think that's a great approach. One thing you were saying earlier was that you don't sell a book, you sell hope and this is another thing that I think you said to us in the pre-interview portion which is that, people don't want to be marketed to, they want to be inspired. I think these 2 are very closely … Too close that you say that are very closely aligned. Tell us a little bit more about this, what do you mean by not selling a book or not selling a product but instead selling this kind of feeling of hope?
Angela : Yeah. I think … I'm in a very special market called health and fitness and while I love that because I have an opportunity to have a different voice, I'm not proud of the industry and the message that we send people. Happiness is having a 6 pack, happiness is feeling good in a bikini and looking like this. Whatever this definition is of what healthy is and so we really try to change the conversation from basing your happiness and your health on what the world thinks and instead being the best version of you that you were created to be. We really try to step outside of the product sale, almost to a fault, sometimes I'll be talking to my marketing girl and I'm like, “We haven't posted a picture of a product in a while.” We love to inspire people because I think that if you can inspire people and tap into what they really want to be and who they want to be, there is this one saying, “Aim to be a value, not a success.”
I want to add value for my users and so you have to couple that and marry that in a smart way to sales. Obviously at the end of the day, we're not running a non-profit here but what drives this business in my opinion is the fact that the products work. If all I need to do is inspire people and convince them that, “You know what, there is another way and you don't have to be what the world thinks to be happy.” I believe that they will want more of where that came from. We try to do that through, whether it's just inspirational images we post a lot on social media to blog posts. One of our recent blog posts was reasons why you should toss your scale because there are so many other reasons to lose weight but health is number one, not looking a certain way. Changing this conversation has really been I think a key differentiator in creating a different conversation within this industry.
菲利克斯:我喜歡那個。 In terms of marketing the business, what has been the most successful for you guys, has it been the social media or what other I guess mediums have you used to market the business?
Angela : Yeah, I would say early on because things have drastically changed. When we started this business, we … When I started the business, there was no social media, believe or not, I know that makes me sound really old but we didn't have social media and so we started out with email marketing. Other ways that we've decided to market the business obviously is through social media, email marketing is a huge part of how we actually retain people and actually nurture our relationships with people. It's through content so blogs are huge for us. We do SEO, we've seen a lot of success with that because frankly if people can't find you, they're not going to buy you. One of our most successful ways early on was PR. When I say PR, it was literally Angela packing up a red box and finding the name of editors and sending it to them and hoping that they would feature it.
We got some early winds pretty early on with some magazines, got some placements so that really helped spread the word. Fast forward to today, we really do lean heavily on email marketing, content marketing and a lot of SEO.
Felix : Cool so email marketing, content marketing, SEOs. Let's start with email marketing, you mentioned that you used email marketing a lot to retain customers so tell us a little bit more about how do you use email to do that?
Angela : Yeah so here's the cool thing about our product, if somebody buys a product and then they're like, “Okay, what next?” We have this opportunity to help them. We use auto emails so that let's say somebody receives a Fitbook, maybe a week after they receive it we're like, “What's your goal? If you need help setting a goal, try out our app, it's free.” We nurture that and then say, “Hey, get you goal.” Then a couple of weeks in we say, “Great job, keep going, how's it going, connect with us on social media so you can be part of the Fitbook family.” Then 6 weeks in, halfway there, we really do nurture them through the process of using our product. Let's say they buy one of our products, lets say our food scale or our snack stocker, anything like that, we will send them recipes or we'll send them information that not only just gives them the product but actually gives them useful information for how to use the product. In that way you're nurturing them through the process.
Felix : That's an awesome point because I think when a lot of us think about email marketing or [inaudible 00:38:10] email campaign or auto respond or you're talking about, we think about hitting the recipient with as many things as possible, as much content as possible, as many other things to buy as possible. I think what you're getting in and I've heard of this as well is to help the customer get the most value out of the product that they just bought from you. Getting them to realize the value of it and get the most out of it, that's how you win the customer, not by bombarding them with more things but help them get the most out of what they've already bought from you. It's sounds like that's what you've been doing which is based on what they're buying, helping them get the most value out of that particular product, I think that's a great move.
Angela : Yeah and I think one thing too is it obviously makes sense because we love our customers but from a complete business and logistical perspective, it costs way more money to acquire a new customer. Think of your cost acquisition for a new customer, it's a lot more expensive to acquire a new customer than to keep an existing customer. The challenge and the opportunity is thinking about yes, getting new customers is great, you want to spread the word but how do you nurture that existing customer? Not only do they continue buying from you but they actually spread the word about you as well.
Felix : Yeah, that's an awesome point. How do you actually get these people onto your mailing list to begin with, what are some strategies that have worked well for you?
Angela : Yeah so we do a lot with Shopify, I love Shopify. Our blog is a huge source of traffic from a mailing list perspective. We'll offer content, we'll post a really yummy looking recipe on social media or in an email blast and we'll post it on the blog and then they'll get all the recipes on our blog. When they get there obviously they're encouraged to sign up. We also do special free things, a lot of free things on our website. For example, every month I release a new calendar, it's just a printable calendar where you go to getfitbook.com/calendars and you can download a monthly go getter calendar. Obviously we want your email address when you get there. We have different landing pages for why people come to the site. I'd be honest, the best and most effective way we have actually uped our subscription rate is when people first go to getfitbook.com and they land on our homepage, we're trying every month, actually we've been doing this for about 4 to 5 months now, is testing a different offer to see what drives subscription.
We've done everything from testing 10% off your first order to free shipping on orders of $48 dollars or more or get a free recipe book if you sign up for our … What we're really doing is identifying what is converting and not only that but what is converting those newsletter subscribers then into customers.
Felix : I love that, I think the A/B testing, the way you're doing is key because you can always have a new winner and then find new ways to beat that winner over and over again over time, you're just going to increase your conversion rate for emails and of course for sales as well.
Angela : Yeah. Just by the way, free shipping trumps all almost all the time. It's just a little heads up for maybe your listeners. People want free shipping and in the world of Amazon, it's almost the only way to compete. Now, what we've found is to make it profitable, underlying keyword bold, is to make sure that it's on a certain dollar [inaudible 00:41:31], sorry to interrupt you.
Felix : No, thank you and keep on doing that, I think those are great gems dropping there. Cool so when it comes to content marketing, you guys you do post pretty consistently on the blog, it looks like at least once a week. How do you know what kind of content to create for the blog especially if you're turning out so much content?
Angela : You're making it sound like we're so strategic, thank you. It's called … I will be reading a magazine and have an [crosstalk 00:42:00], I'll have an idea or I'll be on the set on the gym and be like, “Oh my Gosh, we have to do this.” I do have … Early on I was the only blogger and I love to blog and I have more time, I wasn't managing there as much. I would blog literally I think every day, it was amazing. Honestly, I think it was a huge reason that we got a lot of traffic because blogs really do drive traffic. Now, as time has gone by, I've hired somebody to oversee our marketing, we have a blog editor now and so they really work on putting together a content calendar a month in advance. We look at things like today is national back to work day for example, we have a blog on biking to work. “Even if you don't have a bike, here's how you can participate and how to be healthy at work.”
We'll look at events coming up, it also will revolve around any kind of things that are going on in the industry but we really try to do consistent things. We feature one fab Fitbooker every month so we know consistently we're going to do that. We try to post one kind of recipe article or post a week. They really do a great job of creating that calendar but I'm still very highly involved in it because I want to be able to curate good information that is very relevant to our followers but I'll be honest, they've done a phenomenal job and I just oversee it now. It's been really great.
Felix : Yeah, that's great that you now have a team working to help you create this content. Are people just discovering the blog through the SEO and just through Google searches, how are they coming across these articles that you're putting out?
Angela : Well we obviously promote them to all of our email lists and every time a blog is posted, it's auto sent to our email list. Then we'll do another follow up a couple of days later like, “Hey, if you didn't see this.” We also use social media as a really key driver because on social media, people … I don't feel like people want to be sold to on social media. They want to engage and they want to create a relationship. We will do things like, number one we inspire people daily, we literally post motivational quotes or something like that every single day. However, what we'll do is we'll post an image of the recipe or the workout like I think today's post was a picture of me and my bike. We'll say, “You want our 4 tips to stay fit at work, go to getfitbook.com/blog. What we do on social media is we give them something and we try to give them some content and say, “If you want more, go to our blog.”
We really use our social media to send people to the blog. We also do giveaways on the blog. We try to do that so that we engage people on the blog in a very more intimate way than we do say on social media.
菲利克斯:是的,這是有道理的。 I think that that's the key step that sometimes people miss, they spend so much time creating the content but the promotion is the key because people are not going to come across unless you're actually pushing it out there so that's great advice, putting it out. Especially like you're saying, people don't want to be sold to on social media so that's a great opportunity to post content because content is not directly selling it but still there's a tie back to your business itself.
Angela : Well and one of the things that I've seen be super [inaudible 00:45:07] in here and I noticed this on certain pages that I follow on Facebook and social media is there's this curiosity factor. We've started things like … One of our most popular blogs is like the one food hack you're not doing in the kitchen. If you read that you're like, “What am I not doing? I have to read this.” Then we send them to a blog and we give them all these ways, [tons 00:45:30] of food scale that you didn't think about. It's not necessarily, “Hey, buy our food scale.” It's like, “Hey, did you know you could do this, this and this?” We really try to add value more than just sell.
Felix : Yeah, I love that title that you're talking about, playing on the curiosity thing. I'm a big fan of that too, I love having those kinds of headlines because it really does pull a lot of psychological leverage that get people to take action. Sometimes when people are doing things like that, you hear a lot of people complaining about, “It's a click bate title.” For me, I always say it's not … I don't ever consider anything click bait if it actually provides a value at the end of the day. You're clicking through and you're learning something and getting something out of it, please, click bait me into clicking on your article if I'm getting something out of it.
Angela : It works, I'm such a sucker for it on Facebook.
Felix : Me too.
Angela : What am I not doing?
Felix : Yeah so one other thing that I think you mentioned was about PR. You I think told us this before the podcast, before today was that rather than focus on promoting the product itself or the business itself, you focus on promoting your customers, your fab Fitbookers. Tell us a little bit more about I guess this different approach to PR?
Angela : Well and I'd be lying if I didn't say I don't love the product placement too and that's been our strategy from day one is like, “Put the book in your holiday guide.” That's been done and we love every placement that we get, don't me wrong but what has been really fabulous is seeing our fab Fitbookers get this opportunity to share their weight loss story in a really big way. We had one fab Fitbooker, Megan, she is young, super inspiring, she's lost over 60 pounds … No, actually 80, I correct myself. She was featured in the New York post and she was also featured in Women's Health Magazine. It was huge, the hits were crazy, I remember seeing our followers on Instagram blowing up but I couldn't figure out why and it was because New York Post picked it up.
Aside from the fact that she used Fitbook, she got to be the star of the story of her life losing this amazing amount of weight and she was 23 when she was a college athlete and she literally had a heart disease and went through a procedure and she knew she had to lose weight. Fast forward, she ended up losing 80 pounds. She's super inspiring and I love that her story is told. Actually just this month, one of our fab Fitbookers, Trisha, she was featured in Good Housekeeping Magazine and she's lost 140 pounds using the book. She literally has … Her life is completely different, she runs marathons, half marathons, she ran one ultramarathon, all these triathlons. Their lives are going to be the story that inspire other people.
When I talk about PR, it's not necessarily “profiting off of their success” but it is putting them at the corner point of the story where they should be. The truth is, Fitbook is just a tool to help them get there, they're the ones that do the work. I love this because that's what it's all about. Just because you see a book and it's 22.95 at getfitbook.com, that's not inspiring, that does not change lives. Seeing Trisha who lost 140 pounds, seeing Wayne who was an alcoholic who overcame his disorder, his alcoholism and lost 70 pounds, seeing Megan who lost 80 pounds, that is what inspires people. That really has been our approach is to really put them where they belong and not [some of the 00:49:02] spotlight.
Felix : Yeah, I love it that you're on a first name basis with a lot of your customers. It's so true that those kinds of stories are way more interesting than just talking about the product itself. You may have an amazing product, I think the personal stories are always going to be much more interesting and much more relatable and it's going to be very hard to be a better salesperson than your happiest customers. They're the ones that are going out there, have way less of a bias view, they love your product of course so there's bias there but hearing from someone that's just like them that's been in the same situation as them, as your other customers and hearing about their success because it they've used your product I think you can't get a better … I don't want to turn it just a sales message but they're going to be doing the selling for you way better that you could yourself.
After all these kind of marketing strategies that you've used successfully, just give us an idea how successful is the business today, it think you mentioned earlier that there's 500,000 Fitbooks I guess that have been purchased since the beginning?
Angela : Over half a million, I don't have an exact number because literally we're in production at least every month. I know we hit the half million mark actually towards the beginning of this year. We are in Walgreens, Target, Amazon, Vitamin Shoppe and obviously we sell in our website as well as select other small gyms and clubs and stuff like that. Successful is such big term but the way I look at the company as that we continue to grow year over year. A big part of that has been our website and so I see that as a huge success.
Felix : Angela I know you have a feature coming in on Entrepreneur Magazine, can you tell us a little bit more about it?
Angela : Yeah, absolutely. In the June issue actually, they're doing a feature on our switch to Shopify. They have this column called the fix and it's essentially an entrepreneur that had a problem and how they solved it and then the results of it so they're actually writing the article about our switch to Shopify in June of 2015. Just to give you an idea, we actually saw 119% growth from Q1 in 2015 to Q1 in 2016, 119% growth year over year in sales. It's just been a huge part of our success as we move to more of the [inaudible 00:51:26] online growth strategy. Yeah, they're doing a whole article about it, I got to do a photo shoot, everything, it was so much fun.
Felix : That's awesome so in June issue, I guess it will be out by the time this podcast is out. Speaking of Shopify, what kind of other tools and apps are there on Shopify or off Shopify that you use to help your run the business?
Angela : Yeah, absolutely. Shopify, we do a lot of integrations, that is partly why we chose it. Mailchimp is a huge part of our email marketing strategy obviously and Mailchimp is obviously a leader in this space. We use email marketing with Mailchimp, I'm a huge fun, it's actually really funny to use too if you've ever used it. Other apps that we use on Shopify specifically is we have product review features, we added that because product reviews is a huge part of why I buy things for example like on Amazon or … I'll always look at reviews. We have that, we also have Refersion, REFERSION is our affiliate system so we can get our users who love us talking about us. We have an app called Presefy which actually creates clickable, buyable links from our press placement.
For example the press placement I was talking about with Trisha, I was talking about Fitbook, we'll show the press placement and then over on the right, Presefy actually pulls in a link to actually buy that product that was featured in the article which is really cool. Other integrations that I could not live without Quickbooks online, that was a huge reason why we actually made the switch to Shopify as well was the integration with Quickbooks online was huge. Anybody that's using the desktop version of Quickbooks, please switch for the love of God, Quickbooks online is the coolest thing ever. From an app perspective, one app that I literally don't think I could live without, we used it internally for our team and it's free is called Trello, TRELLO. Everybody talks about Slack and frankly, I'm not smart enough I don't think to use Slack yet, I tried, I really tried,
Trello is so easy for us as a team so we manage all our projects, we all manage our marketing calendar, our team calendar, we manage our own personal to do list, everything through Trello, it's amazing. We also use Google Docs, we use Insightly, I'm not sure if you've heard of it but Insightly is a CRM for a small business. They're a sales force and all those but they're super expensive. Insightly is extremely affordable, it integrates with your email platform, it makes CRM possible I think for the small business. Then well obviously Dropbox and we use One Drive which is actually a Microsoft platform. We actually all run Macs internally but we do use One Drive as our internal sharing system for remote basically file management.
Felix : Very cool, yeah. One other thing I want to talk about here which was again discussed before the interview was that you said perseverance trumps passion. You went as far to say passion is overrated, tell us a little more about that, what's your I guess perspective on this whole perseverance versus passion?
Angela : I guess I say that because I have a ton of passion. Passion is not what pays the bills, passion is something that can grow thin and it can wear out over time whenever you're not seeing the success that you wanted to see. The ability to have perseverance is the only thing that gets you through. So many people are like, “I'm passionate about this.” That's great but does that have longevity? I always say passion is super important it's what gets you started but perseverance is what gets you through.
菲利克斯:酷。 Let's say there's a listener out there that says, “Okay, I know I need perseverance and Angela's saying I need perseverance so how do I get more perseverance?” What can you do I guess to work on being more persistent and be persistent when times are rough?
Angela : I was asking my team about this because I wanted to prepare for this and have something wise to say and one of my team members said, “I know what your super power is.” I'm like, “I did not know I had a super power, what is it?” She's like, “Never take no for an answer.” That is so true, whether it's in a meeting with a buyer, whether it's a conversation with anyone, whether it's a vendor, a customer, a client, an employee, when I say don't take no for an answer, it's not that I would get my way, it's that there is always a better way to figure it out. I don't think you can teach perseverance but I'm also in the school of thought that you can't teach entrepreneurship either. I think there are key philosophies and key strengths and key … There are a ton of things I'm not good at Felix and we could spend all day telling you all the things I'm really not that great at.
I can tell you that you can't tell me to stop, you can't make me quit. If I choose to, I may decide to go a different direction with the business, I might decide to create something different or new but you can't tell me I can't do something because that's just not the way I think. I don't think that's something that you can be taught but I guess my advice for anybody would be just as adamant as you are about wanting something in your life, you have to able to put that equal amount of work into it because it does not happen overnight. I think so many people see the logos and the places that we're [sold 00:57:07] and I'm so proud of those and I'm so honored. They don't see all the hard work and the nights that I literally cried myself to sleep or that I couldn't pay bills or that … I would go into a meeting with a buyer and be told no and then told yes and it's this roller coaster.
You either have perseverance to handle it or you don't. My advice is if you want to do this, buckle up because it's a crazy ride.
Felix : Yeah, I agree. I think though if you do want to ever work on a skill or the skill that you want to build, I think it just comes down to doing it as if you already have it and then it's like a muscle. The more you work it, the more you can get better at working it, I think it's the same thing with perseverance. I think when it comes for you is just never take no for an answer, start doing that, when someone says no to you, don't just be, “Okay, I guess I'll try something else.” Don't do that, try to find ways to make it work and then as you do that more and more frequently I think that's how you build up the skill of perseverance. Definitely some people were born with more perseverance, it sounds like you definitely were but if anyone out there that doesn't have, I think you can work on doing as much, keep just doing it essentially.
Cool so thanks so much Angela. What's in store for the remainder of this year, what kind of goals do you have, I know you probably have this all written down somewhere so what do you want to do this year?
Angela : Yeah, absolutely. I think one huge thing for us has been what gets the most attention is our placement in our mass retailers. I think I mentioned before that at one time Target was 50% of my business. That's not a good thing, just for anybody listening, that's not a good thing. If Target pulls your product or Target is struggling in the market place which they actually are right now, that has way too much of an influence on sales. The way that we're approaching 2016 and into 2017 is actually diversifying our channels pretty dramatically. Part of that was actually our switch to Shopify last year. Historically, our direct online sales has been about 10% of our revenue, last year it was 15% of our revenue and this year, our goal is to forecast it to be 20 to 25% of sales. It's actually the largest growing segment of our business is our online sales.
Here's why it's important, I guess for anybody listening, as you know, our margin and our profitability on any of our online sales is dramatically higher than anything that we're going to do through Walgreens and Target, Vitamin Shoppe, Amazon. We're really diversifying the business in a new way and the other thing is I love this because with this new model, we actually have a lot closer connection to our customer. Somebody that buys the Fitbook at say Target or buys the Fitspiration Journal at Vitamin Shoppe, they don't necessarily know who Fitlosophy is and we don't have the opportunity to market to them.
We now have this opportunity as online sales is becoming a bigger and bigger part of our revenue to actually nurture the customers in a more intimate way.
Felix : Awesome so getfitbook.com is the site, that's GETFITBOOK.com. Anywhere else you recommend our listeners to go and check out if they want to follow on what you're up to and what you're up to with the business?
Angela : Yeah, you can find Fitbook, FITBOOK on Instagram and on Twitter and on Snapchat. We also are Fitbook by Fitlosophy on Facebook. I really recommend just connecting on our website, if you go to getfitbook.com/tryit, we actually have this free downloads so you can see what the products are. I don't try to sell people on anything that doesn't work for them so I love giving people a glimpse inside our products and say, “Hey, try it out.”
Felix : I love it, I'm just taking a look at this now, I think anyone out there should look at this because I think it's a great way to get someone involved or get a customer get a better understanding of the value of your business without [actually if they 01:00:57] buy a product. I think it's a great example for anyone to check out. It's just getfitbook.com, try it on the top. Thanks again so much Angela, thanks for coming on.
Angela : Thank you so much.
Felix : Thanks for listening to Shopify Masters, the eCommerce marketing podcast for ambitious entrepreneurs. To start your store today, visit shopify.com/masters to claim your extended 30 day free trial.
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